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Cointest - A Random Act Of Kindness 2


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I don’t know why but yesterday the roak cointest by drneal came to my mind which was for sure one of the best cointests ever. I searched for the thread and found out that it was exactly 1 year ago that drneal started this cointest. Well, I took this for a sign and want to start a new one this year so I asked drneal for permission and after getting it (thanks drneal) – here it is:


Cointest - A Random Act Of Kindness 2


To explain the rules I just want to quote the inventor:




the rules:


perform a random act of kindness for your community, a stranger, a neighbor, whomever. I'm not expecting gradiose gestures, just a random act of kindness, from the heart.


1 entry per day (although you are certainly welcome to perform more than 1 kindness in a day.)


report that you have performed a random act of kindness (although you are not to report what kindness you performed, or for whom...this way there will be no judging...my only request is that it be an act that you don't normally perform during your day.)


cointest to end midnight dec. 31 2011..winner picked at random.




think of the good this group can achieve over the next 4 months.




The new cointest ends of course in dec. 31 2012, so that's the only thing I want to change. The price will be a Circle of Four geocoin (blue on rhodium) or if you want to and if they are here at that time a Team Yanagi XLE twotone.


PLEASE participate as much as you did last year!!!!!! Let's do some good!!!

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:) WOW... It was a very nice cointest like that in the past... and I really enjoyed participating! :)


I did one yesterday and one today... hahahaha but to be honest.. these are things I usually do, as I love helping others if I can... the feeling is amazing! No matter if the help and the good is big or not...


so.. I hope these will count...too!


anyway....if it is ok.. count me for today! :)

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I don't think so much about random acts of kindness, because to me it's something I try to have that as a basic attitude. But I was thinking of last week and I remember one for friday. I think I won't be posting with every act of kindness, but I like the idea and will try to do at least one every day.

Thank you for helping to think in a kind way.

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I don't think so much about random acts of kindness, because to me it's something I try to have that as a basic attitude. But I was thinking of last week and I remember one for friday. I think I won't be posting with every act of kindness, but I like the idea and will try to do at least one every day.

Thank you for helping to think in a kind way.

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