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Someone using kickstarter to make bison tubes

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Well the title really tells the story, and I am not going to provide the link. They want 10 bucks just so you can get one in their reward system. The project does mention geocaching. A quick google search and you can find similar items for 5 to 6 bucks each.

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Well the title really tells the story, and I am not going to provide the link. They want 10 bucks just so you can get one in their reward system. The project does mention geocaching. A quick google search and you can find similar items for 5 to 6 bucks each.


Found it! I'm OK with it. They want to manufacture their own bison style tubes. They want material and labor cost. I'd assume they have the machine shop ready to go, they just have to put up the aluminum material, and pay the machine shop to make them.

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Looks like they're doing it in different materials as well - brass, stainless steel and copper in addition to anodized aluminum. I wish them success but I won't be participating. Looks like they're just $210 shy of their goal with 39 days to go.


If anyone does participate, please post your impression on how it compares with a genuine Bison Designs tube, once you received it (presumably in September).

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Looks like they're doing it in different materials as well - brass, stainless steel and copper in addition to anodized aluminum. I wish them success but I won't be participating. Looks like they're just $210 shy of their goal with 39 days to go.


If anyone does participate, please post your impression on how it compares with a genuine Bison Designs tube, once you received it (presumably in September).


I didn't see that. Stainless Steel and Copper ain't cheap right now. I suppose Aluminum too, but I have no reason to follow that market. Despite the nano cache name on the project, they don't really seem to know too much about Geocaching, and seem to be touting them more for traditional, non-geocaching bison tube clone uses.

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Go to kickstarter and search for "nano cache" if you're interested. If you need a smiley for the find, pick one from the bunch below :




And don't forget the DNFs :




(never realized there's a limit of # of smilies per post...)


Edit : it looks like they added some more "2 containers for $15" levels. If you're looking for the aluminum ones, this is the best price - though $7.50 per micro container is hardly a bargain. Maybe the Groundspeak shop can work with them and offer them for sale?

Edited by Chrysalides
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We have the machines and everything else required to manufacture this project right here in America, all we need is funding for material and labor.


Make them in China and get it done way cheaper. Just the way to do businesses in the world today. I do support USA but to make money, you have to find the cheapest mfg to get a good control of the nano cache market.

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I would stay away from aluminum, Brass, and copper because they will get muggle fast for the material. # 1 Copper scrap-prices is 3.27ish per lb. If it weight 1oz, I can get .20ish if I sell it to a scrap iron dealer. :blink:

Edited by SwineFlew
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Go to kickstarter and search for "nano cache" if you're interested. If you need a smiley for the find, pick one from the bunch below :




And don't forget the DNFs :




(never realized there's a limit of # of smilies per post...)


Edit : it looks like they added some more "2 containers for $15" levels. If you're looking for the aluminum ones, this is the best price - though $7.50 per micro container is hardly a bargain. Maybe the Groundspeak shop can work with them and offer them for sale?


I'm going to assume that Kickstarter is a website? I wouldn't know from the topic title and the opening post. For all I know, it could have been a manufacturing process. I was fairly certain that it wasn't the thingy on the side of a motorcycle.


The OP says "The title tells it all". The title assumes that the reader has the same knowledge that the author has, when in fact, I have never heard of Kickstarter. I'll look into it after work.

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So what is this, internet geocaching?


We're supposed to look for the bison tubes online? :rolleyes:


Great idea, let's start a new game, maybe we can call it Funzee. :anibad:


Yeah, it's like armchair caching on the interwebs. When you guys find this project on Kickstarter.com leave a comment on the bottom of the page thanking them for posting the project for you to find, and add "Greetings from ______" to the comment.

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I'm going to assume that Kickstarter is a website?

It's the main crowdfunding site. Someone has an idea to (usually) manufacture something, presents their idea, looks for people to contribute small amounts. In return for certain funding levels, they promise certain things in return.


Some ideas are on the strange side. For example, this one (expired project, no longer seeking money).


Maybe I can start one to set up a retirement fund for myself so that I can geocache full time?

Edited by Chrysalides
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I'm going to assume that Kickstarter is a website?

It's the main crowdfunding site. Someone has an idea to (usually) manufacture something, presents their idea, looks for people to contribute small amounts. In return for certain funding levels, they promise certain things in return.


Some ideas are on the strange side. For example, this one (expired project, no longer seeking money).


Maybe I can start one to set up a retirement fund for myself so that I can geocache full time?


Manufacture something? Not really. You can beg for funds for just about anything on Kickstarter.com. It's quite the interweb phenomenon these days. All the hip kids are doing it. For example, here is the Kickstarter page for 4 young 20 somethings that wanted to travel across the U.S.A., to "share their art", and play Christian music. They easily raised their $5,000. I just know about this because some Indie Music blog I read took a few jabs at them. :)A tour of sorts Kickstarter page


Major hint. If you click on that link, type nano cache into the search bar at the top of the web page, and you will be transported to the project that is the subject of this thread. :o

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