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Where have all the TBs gone long time passing


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I am going to an ever increasing number of caches that list a TB as being in the cache but nothing is there and when I review the logs for that cache no one has logged that the grabbed the TB. I have seen one cache that listed 6 TBs in it but had none when I opened it. Has anyone got an idea as to what is happening?


I can understand this as a problem in areas where muggles or kids could be watching cachers and then hit the cache afterwards. I can not understand what is happening to caches that are well off the beaten path that are hard to find in their own right.


I visited a cache today, well hidden in the woods, that had only had 2 visits from the time the TB was dropped until another cacher noted it was gone. Both those cachers had TB experience as noted in their history so I am confused as to what is happening. Any ideas?


That reminds me... time to go through my list of TBs and mark a bunch of them missing again... :unsure:

I like how marking a TB as missing sometimes causes it to come out of hibernation.


That reminds me... time to go through my list of TBs and mark a bunch of them missing again... :unsure:

I like how marking a TB as missing sometimes causes it to come out of hibernation.


How often does that happen?


That reminds me... time to go through my list of TBs and mark a bunch of them missing again... :unsure:

I like how marking a TB as missing sometimes causes it to come out of hibernation.


How often does that happen?


I've had this happen to maybe four or five of mine. You also have to consider that I've had more than a couple of TB out there for over 10 years now. I don't know how many of those would have happened without my setting them as missing but I like to think was a factor.


That reminds me... time to go through my list of TBs and mark a bunch of them missing again... :unsure:

I like how marking a TB as missing sometimes causes it to come out of hibernation.


How often does that happen?


I've had this happen to maybe four or five of mine. You also have to consider that I've had more than a couple of TB out there for over 10 years now. I don't know how many of those would have happened without my setting them as missing but I like to think was a factor.


Marking as missing is a final measure. Considering the holder doesn't get an email when it is pulled away I have to wonder what prompted them to respond.


I have to admit I've been away for a while. Does the current holder now get notification when a TB is marked as missing?


i don't know for sure but i'm betting....NO


i have another question but i think it deserves a thread of it's own.


I have to admit I've been away for a while. Does the current holder now get notification when a TB is marked as missing?


i don't know for sure but i'm betting....NO


I just tried it. Looks like you're right.

Posted (edited)

I have to admit I've been away for a while. Does the current holder now get notification when a TB is marked as missing?


How can the current holder get an e mail when there is NO RECORD as to who the current holder is.


My question is why are so many TB going missing? Who is removing them? Are they cachers that are not aware that they should log them or have others found the cache and just removed them as souvenirs

Edited by acachebox

I have to admit I've been away for a while. Does the current holder now get notification when a TB is marked as missing?


How can the current holder get an e mail when there is NO RECORD as to who the current holder is.


My question is why are so many TB going missing? Who is removing them? Are they cachers that are not aware that they should log them or have others found the cache and just removed them as souvenirs


Yes, sorry. That was a side conversation


I have to admit I've been away for a while. Does the current holder now get notification when a TB is marked as missing?


How can the current holder get an e mail when there is NO RECORD as to who the current holder is.


My question is why are so many TB going missing? Who is removing them? Are they cachers that are not aware that they should log them or have others found the cache and just removed them as souvenirs


and it's a GREAT question.


it seems impossible that it's just them....

- getting misplaced or lost in the field

- or kept by someone as a souvenir

- or kept by a new cacher that stops playing before they put it in another cache.


it seems like there's a bermuda triangle out there


I have to admit I've been away for a while. Does the current holder now get notification when a TB is marked as missing?


How can the current holder get an e mail when there is NO RECORD as to who the current holder is.


My question is why are so many TB going missing? Who is removing them? Are they cachers that are not aware that they should log them or have others found the cache and just removed them as souvenirs


and it's a GREAT question.


it seems impossible that it's just them....

- getting misplaced or lost in the field

- or kept by someone as a souvenir

- or kept by a new cacher that stops playing before they put it in another cache.


it seems like there's a bermuda triangle out there


I was assuming the current holder was who is listed as holding it and therefore received notification. Back up a page and explain how marking it as missing gets it back in circulation.


It would be nice if each cache had TB loss statistics somehow view able. Then before I make a TB drop I know if I'm dropping it in a SAFE cache, or one that has participated in the loss of dozens of TBs. Just an idea.


It would be nice if each cache had TB loss statistics somehow view able. Then before I make a TB drop I know if I'm dropping it in a SAFE cache, or one that has participated in the loss of dozens of TBs. Just an idea.




if i were a cache owner and trackables were always disappearing fromit, i would archive it.


i wouldn't want to be responsible for tons of trackables being muggled or STOLEN


It would be nice if each cache had TB loss statistics somehow view able. Then before I make a TB drop I know if I'm dropping it in a SAFE cache, or one that has participated in the loss of dozens of TBs. Just an idea.


An excellent idea. The cache that prompted this question had had only 2 geocacher member cachers visit the cache from the time a TB was dropped till the time the TB was noted as gone by a third cacher. I found it hard to believe that the 2 cachers failed to record a grab if either of them had grabbed the TB.


This cache is located in a Public Preserve that may in fact have a Jr. caching program run by the Preserve. I can't get the answer to that question today as the Preserve is closed on Mondays. If that is the case none member cachers may also be frequenting the area and not aware of the protocols relating to TBs.


I originally took note of this problem when I crossed a cache that had 6 TBs listed as being in the cache. None were in it when I opened the cache clearly indicating that someone other than a member cacher had frequented the cache.


How do we partition Groundspeak to allow a TB owner to add your notation to a given cache


I ran a PQ of TB within my area. It returned at the time 67. I went through the caches as mentioned and read logs. Close to sixty (60) were noted as missing, not in cache, or a log prior to 2010. That is terrible that CO and owners have not marked as missing. Blueduece doesn't want to hear about it, he said not to bug Eartha with it. But it really crimps the game.


One really weird one had the owner "moved to his collection" but it still showed in cache???


Another one has an archived cache where the owner dumps TB after TB into it?


I ran a PQ of TB within my area. It returned at the time 67. I went through the caches as mentioned and read logs. Close to sixty (60) were noted as missing, not in cache, or a log prior to 2010. That is terrible that CO and owners have not marked as missing. Blueduece doesn't want to hear about it, he said not to bug Eartha with it. But it really crimps the game.


One really weird one had the owner "moved to his collection" but it still showed in cache???


Another one has an archived cache where the owner dumps TB after TB into it?


Interesting thing is businesses that refuse to acknowledge the problems of their business don't seam to remain in business long.


This problem could be so easily solved with a few lines of code. In the absence of that why would I ever consider buying a TB? They are fun but and I will continue to grab those that I come across but as a new cacher I will never place one as long as this problem exists.


I have to admit I've been away for a while. Does the current holder now get notification when a TB is marked as missing?


How can the current holder get an e mail when there is NO RECORD as to who the current holder is.


My question is why are so many TB going missing? Who is removing them? Are they cachers that are not aware that they should log them or have others found the cache and just removed them as souvenirs


and it's a GREAT question.


it seems impossible that it's just them....

- getting misplaced or lost in the field

- or kept by someone as a souvenir

- or kept by a new cacher that stops playing before they put it in another cache.


it seems like there's a bermuda triangle out there


Also i think a reason may be in some cases that the person who picked up the TB just hasn't logged it yet. I've heard of people whilst reading the threads who have quite a lot of back logged geocaches to yet log on the website, maybe this is also true of teh TB's they are picking up.


I had the first TB i ever released go missing at the first person who picked it up!!! :(

Posted (edited)

Well I have got to say I have been caching for over a year and even after several questions on the forum I am not comfortable with administering a TB. Given that I looked at one of the TB I currently have in inventory to see what instruction a novice would see if they discovered a TB.


The instruction say go to Geocaching .com come and inter the code number. Clear instruction, yes, but once on Geocaching.com there is no apparent place to enter that number. Now yes those of us that have been dealing with this for some time would fathom through it but if asked could I give someone clear instructions as to what to do. NO. How them would someone not dedicated to caching even bother to go any further?


If you tell someone to go somewhere you should have instruction for them when the get there. I learned many years ago that you never have someone who understands a system write the instructions for that system. They leave out the need to know items because they already know them as instinctive. Thus leaving the novice at a dead end.


Try it. Hand someone, a none cacher, a TB and ask them to log it.

Edited by acachebox

Well I have got to say I have been caching for over a year and even after several questions on the forum I am not comfortable with administering a TB. Given that I looked at one of the TB I currently have in inventory to see what instruction a novice would see if they discovered a TB.


The instruction say go to Geocaching .com come and inter the code number. Clear instruction, yes, but once on Geocaching.com there is no apparent place to enter that number. Now yes those of us that have been dealing with this for some time would fathom through it but if asked could I give someone clear instructions as to what to do. NO. How them would someone not dedicated to caching even bother to go any further?


If you tell someone to go somewhere you should have instruction for them when the get there. I learned many years ago that you never have someone who understands a system write the instructions for that system. They leave out the need to know items because they already know them as instinctive. Thus leaving the novice at a dead end.


Try it. Hand someone, a none cacher, a TB and ask them to log it.


I agree 1000%. I have written instructions on many trackables, and it is not easy to explain.


Geocaching.com needs a very obvious "Did you find a code? Enter it here: _____" place ON THE HOME PAGE, since all coins and TBs direct the finder to go there. A user entering a trackable code in this space could even be considered a newbie and given options to walk through the process.


I agree 1000%. I have written instructions on many trackables, and it is not easy to explain.


So have I. Would you like to offer something that builds to a solution?


We could have this discussion on infinite-um, but to shorten that period I would ask you do do as noted above.


Hand someone, a none cacher, a TB and ask them to log it.


First off anyone that does make it to the home page has to sign in as a member before they can do anything let along find any instruction on that page available to someone attempting to log a TB.


Lets get real hear. Most of us reading here can or at least could figure out how to log a TB but I does not look good for an outsider.


Having to log into the site unfortunately has to be a given to be able to log a bug. From there, what would be the improvements?


From there there can not be an improvement. If you have set a course that has a major road block, logging in as a member, in it how do you expect an outsider with the best of intentions to even consider going any further.


To retain the security of TB in general it might require changing the notification on future TB to directing a none member to contact another site set up to deal only with lost TB or a central e mail address. Directing an outsider to the current dead end may not work to the extent intended.


While this may not be the prevalent reason for so many TB going lost it is at least one that can be improved upon and hopefully improve results.

Posted (edited)

On the other hand, there are many cases where 'muggles' HAVE come to the GC site or forums, had no problem with creating an account to do their visit, ask questions, sometimes demand things like cache removal, return 'found' items and so forth.


In fact quite a few have liked what they saw and at very least tried caching a bit on their own or with someone local that picked up the action locally. It doesn't work for all, but I have the feeling that most at least had their curiosity satisfied.


Since accounts are basically free and anonymous there should be no problem for anyone finding the link to the sites to do that, and as stated many have.


As for the problem of clear instructions, that is a common problem on many topics on the web, not just Trackables here.


The big one I see is that many appear to be incapable of doing a few minutes to browse around the tab menus and the other lists.

It certainly does not take much to find the knowledge books and help center.


Or to see the trackable page. In the case of a found TB for example, the tracking number is the only one they would have, and it says to enter that. I can't remember if that requires a member registration or not, but probably it does. A note might be possible. IF a person can't be bothered to do that much after coming to the site, it is probably a moot point anyhow. In fact one wonders why they would bother to come at all. There has to be some willingness to play or it won't happen.


I get more upset by people who expose the tracking numbers in photos and logs. Which happens all the time. But can be corrected so easily by the image poster or logger. Again, not explicit enough explanations at the TB instructions, or no will to 'play' the game.


Edit: Went off to try something and look at something... here is one suggestion.


The Play tab takes you to a menu that uses the word FIND with Challenges and Trackables.

I think that would distract one from finding the process of logging or researching them intuitively.

Perhaps a better word to use there might be ABOUT Challenges and Trackables then add some links if there are not enough good ones there now.

Doug 7rxc

Edited by 7rxc

I had forgotten to mention a thought in my earlier post. The US Post Office offers a service through postage due that provides for lost items to be sent to a central postal box. If TB were imprinted with instruction to use that service it could not get much simpler. Drop in a postal box.


Yes there is a cost but a few cent increase in the original cost of thousands of TB would clearly cover that.


We are probably dealing with 3 condition here.

Muggles who have grabbed a TB. They most likely will not return it.

Cachers who have grabbed a TB and are keeping them in their collection. They will not return them

Cachers who have lost interest. They might return it.


On balance it doesn't look good but any TB returned to circulation is one more than the current system provides for.


I had forgotten to mention a thought in my earlier post. The US Post Office offers a service through postage due that provides for lost items to be sent to a central postal box. If TB were imprinted with instruction to use that service it could not get much simpler. Drop in a postal box.


Yes there is a cost but a few cent increase in the original cost of thousands of TB would clearly cover that.


On further thought this will not work because Geochacing is an international system. That would require setting up a system in ever country. Not possible.


What I think could work is to add a line above the Geocaching title on the home page. This line could read. If you have found a TB and not a Geocacher please click here______. That would link to a page that asks a finder to submit their contact information and the TB number. Once submitted that TB number would forward that information to the TB owner via e mail and the owner could take what ever action he desired to, get it back, remove it from any cache it still appears in, or remove it from the system.


Hi all, new to the game. Not to beat a dead horse but I have noticed this same disappearing act. We are in NJ - USA and every one of the caches that list a travel bug that we have made it too there are no bugs to be found. Not sure if this is a local occurance or more wide spread but its aggrivating for sure.



two separate issues here.


- one....... TBs and geocoins disappear way to often

- two.......cache inventory lists are very often not accurate


RE: issue one...

i think Groundspeak should...

- recommend that we NOT place our nice coins into caches, because we'll be very disappointed with the results

- make some changes on TB tags and Trackables pages

- TBs should NOT say "KEEP ME, I'M A COPY TAG"

- Trackables pages should NOT say "I'M COLLECTABLE"


RE: issue two

i think Groundspeak should....

- implement the "GHOSTING OF MISSING TRACKABLES" suggestion that has been on their plate for WAY too long

Posted (edited)
If you have found a TB and not a Geocacher please click here______.


That's a good idea. Maybe I'll add some kind of contact info to the TB info tag itself, while I wait.


All they need is to find a Geocacher, such as an active local group member. Directing people to an upcoming Event might be good, too.

Edited by kunarion
If you have found a TB and not a Geocacher please click here______.


That's a good idea. Maybe I'll add some kind of contact info to the TB info tag itself, while I wait.


All they need is to find a Geocacher, such as an active local group member. Directing people to an upcoming Event might be good, too.


Don't confuse the issue. A FINDER is already directed to Geocaching.com. The problem is there are no instructions on the page for someone not in the system. That is the area that needs to be corrected in a way that a FINDER will use. Make it more confusing and the TB ends up in a desk drawer forever.


I agree 1000%. I have written instructions on many trackables, and it is not easy to explain.


So have I. Would you like to offer something that builds to a solution?


We could have this discussion on infinite-um, but to shorten that period I would ask you do do as noted above.


Hand someone, a none cacher, a TB and ask them to log it.


First off anyone that does make it to the home page has to sign in as a member before they can do anything let along find any instruction on that page available to someone attempting to log a TB.


Lets get real hear. Most of us reading here can or at least could figure out how to log a TB but I does not look good for an outsider.

As an outsider, I would read the instructions on the Travel Bug dog tag, which tell me to visit www.Groundspeak.com/. I would then go to that page and see the prominent blue-shaded box at the top right, prompting me to enter the tracking number. This would take me to the trackable item's page. I could also click on the link to the Trackables homepage, also viewable without opening a Geocaching.com account.


As an outsider, I would read the instructions on the Travel Bug dog tag, which tell me to visit www.Groundspeak.com/. I would then go to that page and see the prominent blue-shaded box at the top right, prompting me to enter the tracking number. This would take me to the trackable item's page. I could also click on the link to the Trackables homepage, also viewable without opening a Geocaching.com account.


To shorten this discussion I would again ask you to hand a TB to a none cacher and one see if they can or are willing to follow the current route. You clearly bring subconscious information to this task and I suggest that information is not available to an outsider and those a simpler system needs to be available if we expect results.


The above mentioned addition to the home page with the single link taking an outsider to a page asking for simple information would be a path of far less resistance. "KISS" is the system that works for others let it work here.

Posted (edited)
To shorten this discussion I would again ask you to hand a TB to a none cacher and one see if they can or are willing to follow the current route.

There are many times where I've found a way to contact someone on a web site without signing up for an account. The vast majority of missing Trackables happened in the hands of signed-up members. Whatever your easier plan is, make it available to Cachers, too, because even they can't log Trackables. :rolleyes:


But if a non-member logs the TB and even if he follows the route perfectly, the log will be "found TB, sorry I don't want to sign up". He still needs to email Groundspeak and try to get connected to a Geocacher, or a local group. Might as well do that first, that feature's available already, anyone can figure out how to email the web site.


Make it more confusing and the TB ends up in a desk drawer forever.

If people can justify keeping/destroying/discarding an item imprinted "don't keep me", due to [really good excuse goes here], a new link ain't gonna fix it.

Edited by kunarion
Posted (edited)

The vast majority of missing Trackables happened in the hands of signed-up members. Whatever your easier plan is, make it available to Cachers, too, because even they can't log Trackables. :rolleyes:


I completely agree with your statement that even Members have trouble logging a TB. I have to rethink the system every time I log a TB. Groundspeak has succeeded in providing one of the most complicated web sites I have ever encountered. However once one has figured it out it is extremely complete in detail and depth of data but it is not user friendly. It is that issue presented to a none user that I opened this thread.

Edited by acachebox
Posted (edited)


As an outsider, I would read the instructions on the Travel Bug dog tag, which tell me to visit www.Groundspeak.com/. I would then go to that page and see the prominent blue-shaded box at the top right, prompting me to enter the tracking number. This would take me to the trackable item's page. I could also click on the link to the Trackables homepage, also viewable without opening a Geocaching.com account.


One observation is that probably the OP is dealing with TBs that DO NOT say www.Groundspeak.com but say www.Geocaching.com instead.


Most I've seen use the Geocaching version. That is the page that needs something like what is on Groundspeak.


One can find the information by browsing the Geocaching site, but it is tucked away a little bit. Just needs to be brought out in the clear for first timers.


Doug 7rxc

Edited by 7rxc


As an outsider, I would read the instructions on the Travel Bug dog tag, which tell me to visit www.Groundspeak.com/. I would then go to that page and see the prominent blue-shaded box at the top right, prompting me to enter the tracking number. This would take me to the trackable item's page. I could also click on the link to the Trackables homepage, also viewable without opening a Geocaching.com account.


One observation is that probably the OP is dealing with TBs that DO NOT say www.Groundspeak.com but say www.Geocaching.com instead.


Most I've seen use the Geocaching version. That is the page that needs something like what is on Groundspeak.


One can find the information by browsing the Geocaching site, but it is tucked away a little bit. Just needs to be brought out in the clear for first timers.


Doug 7rxc


That's one thing I've noticed. I've only been geocaching for about a month and a half now. I've been discouraged when I research 7 caches which are supposed to hold travel bugs and find only 1 of them actually contains a travel bug (and not the travel bug listed). It's like many people take them but don't log it. Even if it seems like dumbing it down by helping them log their visit, it's a lot better than the frustration of only one in seven geocaches having a travel bug.


I'm preparing to send out my first TB, just waiting for the tags to come in the mail. I was thinking of making my own "Print Info Sheet" to attach to it rather than the one that comes from this website. Rather than saying "Don't remove me unless you plan to log your visit at www.geocaching.com", I was thinking of replacing that last part with "www.geocaching.com/track/default.aspx", because of all the apathy I've seen with logging TB's.


Another thing I was thinking of including on the Info Sheet (to attach) is the phrase "PRIVATE PROPERTY" and also "DO NOT KEEP ME! I am a travel bug," so they understand it's not something to trade/keep from a geocache. I've noticed that only the traditional dog tags contain "DO NOT KEEP ME", while the other tags and geocoins don't include that.


two separate issues here.


- one....... TBs and geocoins disappear way to often

- two.......cache inventory lists are very often not accurate


RE: issue one...

i think Groundspeak should...

- recommend that we NOT place our nice coins into caches, because we'll be very disappointed with the results

- make some changes on TB tags and Trackables pages

- TBs should NOT say "KEEP ME, I'M A COPY TAG"

- Trackables pages should NOT say "I'M COLLECTABLE"


RE: issue two

i think Groundspeak should....

- implement the "GHOSTING OF MISSING TRACKABLES" suggestion that has been on their plate for WAY too long

Hind sight being 20/20. Having "The owner hasn't set their collectible preference." on the page for older trackables isn't really a good idea either. Most of them are TBs that have been moving from cache to cache for years now. The default for trackables released before the addition of the collectiblilty field should have been defaulted to "This is not collectible."


two separate issues here.


- one....... TBs and geocoins disappear way to often

- two.......cache inventory lists are very often not accurate


RE: issue one...

i think Groundspeak should...

- recommend that we NOT place our nice coins into caches, because we'll be very disappointed with the results

- make some changes on TB tags and Trackables pages

- TBs should NOT say "KEEP ME, I'M A COPY TAG"

- Trackables pages should NOT say "I'M COLLECTABLE"


RE: issue two

i think Groundspeak should....

- implement the "GHOSTING OF MISSING TRACKABLES" suggestion that has been on their plate for WAY too long

Hind sight being 20/20. Having "The owner hasn't set their collectible preference." on the page for older trackables isn't really a good idea either. Most of them are TBs that have been moving from cache to cache for years now. The default for trackables released before the addition of the collectiblilty field should have been defaulted to "This is not collectible."


+ 10,000

Posted (edited)
Having "The owner hasn't set their collectible preference." on the page for older trackables isn't really a good idea either. Most of them are TBs that have been moving from cache to cache for years now. The default for trackables released before the addition of the collectiblilty field should have been defaulted to "This is not collectible."

One likely reason to not change the default is that prior to collectible/not collectible, nobody had set a preference (there wasn't one). So setting it by default to "not collectible" would mean everyone who had one in their collection would need to change it. It's a computer programmer thing.


The preference can never give away your TB. The TB always has imprinted "Do not keep me" regardless of the web site setting. If it's in your collection, it cannot be assumed to be added to anyone else's "collection" at their whim. It's actually not all that confusing, since with a moment's thought you know TBs found in caches are for travel, never to be kept. The setting is ONLY for convenience of logging, since the log menu changes with the selection.


It's a weird term (and has been suggested to be something like "In Owner's Collection" or "Traveling"). But people who decide to keep a Trackable who don't care about the "Do not keep me" part, have a bahzillion other ways to justify the theft. It has nothing to do with a web setting.

Edited by kunarion
Having "The owner hasn't set their collectible preference." on the page for older trackables isn't really a good idea either. Most of them are TBs that have been moving from cache to cache for years now. The default for trackables released before the addition of the collectiblilty field should have been defaulted to "This is not collectible."

One likely reason to not change the default is that prior to collectible/not collectible, nobody had set a preference (there wasn't one). So setting it by default to "not collectible" would mean everyone who had one in their collection would need to change it. It's a computer programmer thing.


The preference can never give away your TB. The TB always has imprinted "Do not keep me" regardless of the web site setting. If it's in your collection, it cannot be assumed to be added to anyone else's "collection" at their whim. It's actually not all that confusing, since with a moment's thought you know TBs found in caches are for travel, never to be kept. The setting is ONLY for convenience of logging, since the log menu changes with the selection.


It's a weird term (and has been suggested to be something like "In Owner's Collection" or "Traveling"). But people who decide to keep a Trackable who don't care about the "Do not keep me" part, have a bahzillion other ways to justify the theft. It has nothing to do with a web setting.


I agree that people who intentionally keep TBs will do so with or without a collectable flag. But I also believe that some of the collecting comes from new cachers who misinterpret the meaning of the collectible flag. The "The owner hasn't set their collectible preference." flag, the default flag for those TBs activated before the collectable flag was an option, is sometimes misinterpreted as the owner doesn't care if you move this TB along or keep it forever.

Posted (edited)
The "The owner hasn't set their collectible preference." flag, the default flag for those TBs activated before the collectable flag was an option, is sometimes misinterpreted as the owner doesn't care if you move this TB along or keep it forever.

No way. Sure, that's the excuse, but I don't buy it. The tag itself clears up any "misunderstanding". Then there's the rest of the TB page, the part about wanting to travel, logs showing it's moved many times, no mention of "I'm not sure if I want someone to keep it", things like that. Don't fall for "I thought I could keep it". They know full well it's not theirs to keep.

Edited by kunarion

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