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locationless/reverse virtual caches - when it will be accepted again?


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I had a unique idea about a special locationless/reverse virtual cache and tried to report this cache, but unfortunately it wasn't accepted. So I had again a look into the guidelines for reporting geocaches. There is still written:


''There is currently a moratorium on locationless caches. No caches will be approved until functionality is available to better serve this unique category."icon_eek.gif


But my question is: When finally will this functionality be available? I can't wait anymore... icon_rolleyes.gif



(from Germany)

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Nothing's changed with locationless (reverse virtual) caches except the icon that's used to designate existing caches of this type. The moratorium on new submissions remains in place.


Stay tuned for future plans!



Keystone Approver, Geocaching.com Admin

"Eschewing Entropy and Ensuring Enthalpy in the Groundspeak Forums"

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The moratorium is indefinite. There has been no news other than confirming that the moratorium is indefinite. Without better information it’s better to move forward assuming the moratorium is a ban. The a moratorium and a ban are indistinguishable while they are in effect. One of them though gives you a ray of hope, but that ray has never tured into a light at the end of the tunnel. It's better to be pleasantly surprised one day than pin your great idea any date you can come up with.

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That is part of the puzzle, yes.


Why a puzzle? If y'all are still thinking it over fine. If y'all are leaning towards deep sixing locationless caches, that's fine too. There's no need to be mysterious about it.

Edited by Rebel
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For careful forum readers, sometimes hints are dropped in places where you wouldn't expect to find them.

Please remember: There are still some people who really loves Geocaching but it's just a hobby for them. So they have only limited time to spend for it. For me it's impossible to check all the inconclusive threads in this case regularly. :mad: I personally prefer to hide and maintain own caches and sometimes to seek some caches hidden by other guys.


My question was/is very simple: When will new locationless caches be approved again? That's what I wanna know already for more than a year. :D



(from Germany)

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Some folks just like to beat around the bush (yes that was a pun) I guess, instead of speak straight and clear. Beats me why, since it is far easier to just answer a question properly (even if there is no answer) then play silly games.


Whatever floats your boat!


I too would like to hear something of this situation.


PJ :mad:

Edited by Prairie Jeepin
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