+Team_Zenboom Posted July 24, 2011 Posted July 24, 2011 Bruce, a question regarding racer maintainance: If a racer is lost, would it be feasible to enter a replacement, and if so, where & when could it be placed? Quote
+BruceTP Posted July 24, 2011 Author Posted July 24, 2011 Bruce, a question regarding racer maintainance: If a racer is lost, would it be feasible to enter a replacement, and if so, where & when could it be placed? As far as I can recall, in previous TB races, if the TB was lost, a replacement equivalent could be created using the duplicate TB tag as supplied. It would have to restarted from the last known position. If that then went missing, the TB just went onto the MIA list. As for coins, there is no replacement / duplicate so I would imagine you would have to use that number on a replacement tag. I think Geoswag will issue a TB with a trackable number you supply. I think the rule would also apply that you would have to restart it at the last known position and only one restart chance. I trust that this clarifies your question. I am open to other suggestions, though. Quote
+BruceTP Posted July 24, 2011 Author Posted July 24, 2011 So, the Tribe has spoken.... Again the winning photo goes to "2011 Great SA TB Race ~ Baja 4x4 Racer" at Astronomical Heritage: La Caille" taken by eagleise. It is not easy to capture a small object as well as show the context especially if it is in a busy location. (I see the security guard in the background. "I am a rock" was a very good photograph too, capturing the colours of the bird, good composition and good depth of field. But there can only be one winner... Baja : Congratulations to Baja! Quote
+Team_Zenboom Posted July 24, 2011 Posted July 24, 2011 If a racer is lost, would it be feasible to enter a replacement, and if so, where & when could it be placed? As far as I can recall, in previous TB races, if the TB was lost, a replacement equivalent could be created using the duplicate TB tag as supplied. It would have to restarted from the last known position. If that then went missing, the TB just went onto the MIA list. As for coins, there is no replacement / duplicate so I would imagine you would have to use that number on a replacement tag. I think Geoswag will issue a TB with a trackable number you supply. I think the rule would also apply that you would have to restart it at the last known position and only one restart chance. I trust that this clarifies your question. I am open to other suggestions, though. Thanks - Good to know there's an opportunity for that. Our racer appears to have been taken out by zombie cachers. Quote
MnCo Posted July 25, 2011 Posted July 25, 2011 So, the Tribe has spoken.... Again the winning photo goes to "2011 Great SA TB Race ~ Baja 4x4 Racer" at Astronomical Heritage: La Caille" taken by eagleise. Thank you Quote
+Team Ginger Posted July 25, 2011 Posted July 25, 2011 As far as I can recall, in previous TB races, if the TB was lost, a replacement equivalent could be created using the duplicate TB tag as supplied. It would have to restarted from the last known position. If that then went missing, the TB just went onto the MIA list. As for coins, there is no replacement / duplicate so I would imagine you would have to use that number on a replacement tag. I think Geoswag will issue a TB with a trackable number you supply. I think the rule would also apply that you would have to restart it at the last known position and only one restart chance. I trust that this clarifies your question. I am open to other suggestions, though. I didn't even know one could do this either... ...I could never find an 'equivalent' replacement for Undercover Ginger anyway... ;-) Quote
+BruceTP Posted August 15, 2011 Author Posted August 15, 2011 The scores as at 10 August are posted on the race website Scores. I find it incredible that the TBs have corporately visited nearly 17000 caches and covered a distance of nearly 1,53 million kilometers. Although they have accumulated over 4000 photos, to be considered for the photo of the month, the TB should be reflected somewhere in the photograph to be seen in context. There are some great scenic shots which is great for the cache owner to see where the TB has been but they were not considered for the competition. You may still nominate other photos taken in July but which may only have been posted recently and vote for the photo of the month. I shall keep the selection process open until 31 August. View July's photo selection here. Quote
+MadSons Posted September 4, 2011 Posted September 4, 2011 Hi Bruce, my vote for the July photo of the month goes to Baja 4x4 Racer at "Houtbruggie" Quote
+MadSons Posted September 4, 2011 Posted September 4, 2011 Hi Bruce, I want to submit Sylvestor's visit to Rhodes Park on 15 August 2011 for photo of the month. Many thanks Quote
+MadSons Posted September 4, 2011 Posted September 4, 2011 Hi Bruce, may I submit a second photo of the same racer in one month? If so, Sylvestor and MadWife visited Smelly Hill on the 7th of August. Quote
+BruceTP Posted September 4, 2011 Author Posted September 4, 2011 Hi Bruce, my vote for the July photo of the month goes to Baja 4x4 Racer at "Houtbruggie" Although voting closed on 31 August, you picked a winner. Yes indeed, the winner for July was again Baja 4X4. Interesting lines and composition. Well done! Now it is time for the other racers to step up to the mark and beat Mark (sorry for the pun). Be imaginative and get some award winning photos published... Winner: Quote
MnCo Posted September 5, 2011 Posted September 5, 2011 Hi Bruce, my vote for the July photo of the month goes to Baja 4x4 Racer at "Houtbruggie" Although voting closed on 31 August, you picked a winner. Yes indeed, the winner for July was again Baja 4X4. Interesting lines and composition. Well done! WooHoo!, thanks again to everyone that voted for Baja Bug Quote
+The Blorenges Posted September 19, 2011 Posted September 19, 2011 (edited) Just want to thank VirusZero, who took my Randy Racer to SE Spain, then to Dubai, where Cycad retrieved it, passed it to De Mecheliers who's taken it to Belgium, then France, then dropped it off in Spain again... Wow! Between them they've put about 12,000 miles on its clock. MrsB Edited September 19, 2011 by The Blorenges Quote
+BruceTP Posted September 19, 2011 Author Posted September 19, 2011 We are fast approaching the last 100 day of the 2011 TB race. The scores as at 12 September have been posted. They make interesting reading. I am sure the statisticians out there will have a field day with them. The photos for August have also been published too. Please go and choose the winner. This year is fast drawing to a close and I need someone to take up the cudgels for the 2012 TB race. Seeing that it is the year we are planning to have our MEGA event, the race can also serve to advertise the event as the TBs go far and wide. Maybe the racers can be the ambassadors for the MEGA. Once the Logo has been finalised, each TB can sport the logo on the information card as well as details of the SAMP. All those ideas must be taken up by the new team organisers of the 2012 race - your race, your rules, your vision. So, who is taking up the challenge to run with it? Quote
+BruceTP Posted October 17, 2011 Author Posted October 17, 2011 Apologies for the delay in getting the September scores published. I was enjoying some time out in the Kruger Park. Congratulations to DiePienaars Red Travel Racer for receiving the most votes for August. There are some good interesting photos from September, so do have a look and make a selection. There are still 75 days left in the race - Keep the TBs moving right up until the end! This 2011 race is fast drawing to a close. I have not received any takers to run with the next race? I still feel that as South Africa is planning to host the first Mega event here next year the theme could possibly be for the TBs to go to the four corners of the world to herald the Mega, making the world aware of the opportunities for geocaching which exist here. Quote
+Hesamati Posted October 19, 2011 Posted October 19, 2011 Anyone perhaps knows who "Scourne" is? Only possible picker upper of "I'm a rock" from "747 TB lounge" who hasn't answered my messages. Quote
+BruceTP Posted October 25, 2011 Author Posted October 25, 2011 The mid month scores have been posted and we have now reached equality with 51 TBs having travelled or are travelling internationally and 51 which have remained within Southern Africa. That has altered the race positions but a lot can still happen before the end of the race. If you have a race TB in your possession, get out and go caching so that you can place it somewhere to keep it moving! Well done to all the TBs which are still in the race. Quote
+BruceTP Posted November 14, 2011 Author Posted November 14, 2011 A big thanks to hein78 for rescuing my Race TB from a cache after lying dormant for just on ten months. Congratulations to Team Fly for their winning photo for Sepember : The scores have been updated - go and have a look here. We are less than 50 days to go before the race ends. Keep the TBs moving and the cameras clicking as you document their travels. Quote
+Carbon Hunter Posted November 15, 2011 Posted November 15, 2011 Stunning photo Glad to see things are in the home straight. Quote
+Porky2 Posted November 17, 2011 Posted November 17, 2011 (edited) Hopefully someone takes up the cahallenge of running the 2012 Race. Thanks Bruce for doing it this year. A suggestion is that us cachers put up prizes for different catergories, examples most countries visited most distance (local & or abroad) most diff cachers.Just small prizes a TB or such it would help to keep the challenge for those not in the running. Its just an idea and not sure if it is that easy to monitor. Regards Porky2 Edited November 17, 2011 by PORKY2 Quote
+Carbon Hunter Posted November 17, 2011 Posted November 17, 2011 Yes - agreed - Bruce you have done a great job and followed on extremely well from previous Admins. May I suggest the next race is SIMPLER with more emphasis on certain goals (e.g. a bunch of prizes for things like "first to get photo with Eifel Tower" or something similar) than miles and caches found in order to reduce Admin workload. Quote
+BruceTP Posted November 17, 2011 Author Posted November 17, 2011 Thank you both for your kind words. I thought I had kept the race simple in contrast to previous ones but it certainly has had its challenges. As for the prizes - I think I am in line for the "going nowhere slowly" prize with my TB having spent the most time in any one cache! As yet, I have no one picking up the cudgels which means that the 2012 race may not even happen. Based on the number of entries in the race this year, I don't think there is the available stock of TBs for people to use either. I know for starters, I have no new TBs and would have to acquire them from overseas first which takes time. Also, with the R/$ as it is at the moment, they would work out quite expensive too! But there are still 44 days left in this race and a lot can happen in that time. The race is on! If you have race TBs lying in your draw gathering dust, get them and yourself out and go and place the TBs somewhere now. Quote
+cincol Posted November 18, 2011 Posted November 18, 2011 Great job done this year Bruce. My ideas for the next race. 1. TB can start from any point in the world on a given date as long as the mileage is ZERO. 2. The TB that travels the FURTHEST is the winner - category 1. [This could be divided into local and international] 3. The TB that visits the most caches in the year is the winner - category 2. [Also local and international] 4. All participants need to supply their TB details to the administrator beforehand. K.I.S.S. My 2c cents worth. Quote
+The Blorenges Posted November 18, 2011 Posted November 18, 2011 If you want something really simple, you could try a South Africa to South Wales (UK) race. I'd be happy for our "Welcome to Wales" cache be the Finishing Line. MrsB Quote
+BruceTP Posted November 23, 2011 Author Posted November 23, 2011 There has been a flurry of activity recently. I suppose akin to cramming for the finals. But that is great and so I have published and interim score sheet. It certainly makes interesting reading. * I wonder when the accumulated total distance travelled will exceed the 2 million km mark? * Little Miss Giggles accumulated 161 photos so far this month! * Zakumi is still ahead at 163199km - Will it reach half way to the moon? Only 29000km to go! Statistics, statistics... There are other forum posts dedicated to them. However, you still need to choose your winner for October's photo of the month. You have until the end of Sunday 27 November to cast your vote. Quote
+BruceTP Posted January 2, 2012 Author Posted January 2, 2012 The race is finally over. It has been a good year and there has been much interest in the race. November's photo of the month went to g.i.s. for the Scatterlings of Africa at bats*** insane`s TB/GC- Hotel The cut off for capturing the logs and posting photographs will be 20 January 2012 following which I shall tally up the final scores. It is difficult for me to have to go into each and every log to determine whether it visited an FTF so may I ask all the contestants to please tally up your own FTF counts for your TBs and let me know by the 20th as well. It will help me a lot. Once the scores have been determined I shall have them ready for appeal and most probably in early February release the final scorecard. After that, the prize giving at a suitable event that will be scheduled accordingly. Thank you to everybody who has participated either by entering a TB or helping the entrants along. There were a few casualties along the way but all in all they have done well and achieved what was intended: to travel the world and have a great time documenting it. The nominated photographs have also been of top quality and have portrayed the essence of what the race was about as well as where the racers have been. Thanks to the photographers. Until next time..... Have a blessed and peaceful new year filled with good geocaching memories. Quote
+cincol Posted January 3, 2012 Posted January 3, 2012 Thanks for doing the administration Bruce. A thankless job. Been there and done that. Got the t-shirt!! Quote
+Carbon Hunter Posted January 4, 2012 Posted January 4, 2012 Thanks for doing the administration Bruce. A thankless job. Been there and done that. Got the t-shirt!! Seconded Bruce - well done to you and your helpers Quote
+The Blorenges Posted January 4, 2012 Posted January 4, 2012 and thirded, from me. I reckon it takes dedication to run a year long trackable race right through to the end. I've entered two or three such races which have just petered out after a few months because the organiser lost interest, or the admin side become too complicated, or some other reason so many thanks for doing this one. My Randy Racer has travelled safely and it's now trapped in the geocaching whirlpool that is Germany, my GAGB Racer geocoin disappeared quickly in Limpopo... but, looking on the bright side, that's the first time I've ever had a trackable get to Limpopo, a place only familiar to me from a poem! MrsB Quote
+BruceTP Posted January 31, 2012 Author Posted January 31, 2012 The Race is over and all the logs are in. I, with the help of B and C Inc, have compiled the first draft of the final scores. Consider the winning international TB : Little Miss Giggles : there were 1239 records to plough through. This TB went on a Power Trail and ended up in the lead in the international section, not unlike the local winner: Sylvester Sea Turtle who visited 1878 caches and just short of 1900 logs and who also benefitted from a certain local Power Series. Congratulations to PORKY2 for provisionally coming first in the International race and last in the Local! Please check your own TB scores here and tally up the various options. Some of the final distances may be out if the TB has moved subsequent to the end of the race. Also, please let me know the final FTF tallies too as they are difficult to pick up when tallying manually as you have to open up each individual log to check. If you consider your TB irretrievably lost, let me know too so that I can flag it as missing. Some of the statisticians out there may like that kind of data to determine attrition rates and the like. Please let me have any changes / corrections by 14 February 2012 after which the score card will then be cast in concrete! Also, have a look at the final selection of December photos and choose your favourite as well as your overall choice from all the other months. There may even be a prize for the best photo of the whole race. Thanks to everyone who entered a TB or just helped them move along. The race has been great fun! I hope you have enjoyed it too. Quote
+Wazat Posted February 1, 2012 Posted February 1, 2012 Thanks Bruce, you did a sterling job.... Well done to the respective winners and to Porky2 who came out of nowhere with that final power trail to beat my racer. Bruce did you get my list of FTF's I sent it through a few weeks ago? Quote
+Hesamati Posted February 1, 2012 Posted February 1, 2012 Thanks Bruce! Your time and efforts are much appreciated! Was fun keeping an eye on the racers and interesting to see how the different components contributed to their success. After some unhappy experiences with TBs recently I'm very happy to see that all 3 my travelers are now able to enjoy a more leisurely journey trough the world. Quote
+SawaSawa Posted February 1, 2012 Posted February 1, 2012 Let me also add my thanks to Bruce for all the work & effort put into making the TB Race a success! Quote
+tomtwogates Posted February 1, 2012 Posted February 1, 2012 Let me also add my thanks to Bruce for all the work & effort put into making the TB Race a success! Hear Hear! Thank you. Quote
+cincol Posted February 1, 2012 Posted February 1, 2012 (edited) Great job there Bruce. For any future race administrators - K.I.S.S. Just ask Bruce or myself!!! My one racer - TB3FPVK went missing in Germany in May. I replaced it with a copy and placed it on the French/Spanish border in August. It did not fair well at all. My other one did much better mileage wise and is still traveling around that TB "Blabk Hole" called Germany. Its code is TB3FVQY. Edited February 1, 2012 by cincol Quote
+BruceTP Posted February 1, 2012 Author Posted February 1, 2012 Thank you all for your kind words. It was fun throughout the year and I enjoyed it too. I must say I was getting totally cross-eyed last night trying to reconcile the totals. That is why I am sure there are errors and omissions. In that regard Wayne, I shall go back on my e-mails and update your FTF totals. Once finalised, I shall publish the spreadsheet in Excel format so that you can sort on different criteria and have fun with the statistics! Quote
+Porky2 Posted February 3, 2012 Posted February 3, 2012 Thank you all for your kind words. It was fun throughout the year and I enjoyed it too. I must say I was getting totally cross-eyed last night trying to reconcile the totals. That is why I am sure there are errors and omissions. In that regard Wayne, I shall go back on my e-mails and update your FTF totals. Once finalised, I shall publish the spreadsheet in Excel format so that you can sort on different criteria and have fun with the statistics! Quote
+Porky2 Posted February 3, 2012 Posted February 3, 2012 Our thanks also for all your hard work, I am sure you will remember Miss Giggles for a while. We enjoyed the race and had fun moving other racers around.All the Best Porky2 Quote
+BruceTP Posted September 9, 2012 Author Posted September 9, 2012 (edited) Just when you thought this was forgotten in the dark mists of time..... Unfortunately, with the demise of Apple's MobileMe.com along with it went my 2011 TB Race website. All is not lost, though, it will all be up an running again for you to see the winners and browse through all the winning photos once I can get space on the GOSA site to republish it... Make sure you come to the MEGA in Pretoria on the Saturday evening at 19:00 because this is where we shall be closing this race with the prize giving as well as launching the next 2013 TB race. So start getting your ideas together for your new TBs to launch at the event.... See you there... 19:00, 6 October 2012, Voortrekker Monument PS. It will be a 'smiley' event too. Watch this space... Edited September 10, 2012 by BruceTP Quote
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