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crap.... nice time for an update


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figures, I was trying to get to 85 to catch up to my friend, and today the app that i was using on my droid which im not to mention, no longer works something tells me Groundspeak knocked out my best on the fly app for caching, because it wasnt official, and it was free, and basicly giving me a premium membership without paying for one, the problem is having been spoiled, and having to use my phone as my gps, i now no longer know how to geocache, so im going to have to learn all over, im giving geohunter, and find geocache a whirl, they have a map like the above not to mention app, and you can SLOWLY feild hunt, but the icons on the map do not smiley like they do on the website or the old app that no longer works, so im not real sure which ones ive found and which i havent, what a pain.


Edited by Keystone
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Wow, that makes me reminisce about the good old days of Geocaching.. geez was it so long ago..?


We'd actually ~gasp!~ look up geocaches @ home and,, (OMG!) "hand enter the coordinates! into our horrendously obsolete GPSr's then go out & find them... wow! Hey I think we had a theme song back then,, how did it go??


"Flintstones Flintstones, meet the Flintstones .. yada yada"



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oh boy heres the dreaded stealing argument again.


I was using a tool to see the caches ive found and not found on the fly, that just so happened to be free, since the game is free and open to the public, it was the simplest, fastest, and most convenient way to play the game. Besides eating a tiny bit more bandwith, the only thing i was stealing from Groundspeak was the ability to play the game without their ads all over the place.

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oh boy heres the dreaded stealing argument again.


I was using a tool to see the caches ive found and not found on the fly, that just so happened to be free, since the game is free and open to the public, it was the simplest, fastest, and most convenient way to play the game. Besides eating a tiny bit more bandwith, the only thing i was stealing from Groundspeak was the ability to play the game without their ads all over the place.


At least you admit it. Do you really expect sympathy or are you just trolling again?

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the only thing i was stealing from Groundspeak was the ability to play the game without their ads all over the place.

Those ads equal revenue - guess you missed that huh??


Premium membership at just $30 per year removes the ads as well. Also lets the fine folks up at HQ know we appreciate the website and databases that make all this possible.

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even a premium membership cant get rid of people leaving their buisness cards in caches, what do you do about that advertising?

What in the World does this have to do with your whining about not being able to use an illegal piece of software?

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for those of you without smartphones,

and without a printer, how do you plan your route for the day?

as you have been told before: pocket queries. transfer the PQ to your GPS, PDA, palm, phone, or whatever you have, and off you go.


but you need a premium membership for that, which costs money, and you don't want that. you want it all for free. there's your problem.

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for those of you without smartphones,

and without a printer, how do you plan your route for the day?

Anyone who has a GPS device most likely has a printer in their home.


Just exactly what is wrong with looking up caches at home with a computer and printing them out? There are so many smartphone apps out there and everyone starts complaining when there's one little tiny part of them that doesn't work. What happened to using a computer?

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so ive figured out if i use geohunter which is an acceptable thrid party app for the droid to hunt geocaches, i can do pocket quiries without a premium membership. and hunt for caches on the fly, [content removed by moderator], but eh, its still free, and it still gets the job done, i think ill go out and find some more tonight now and see how this new toy works...


in order to use geohunter, with live feeds, (sort of) you need geo finder as well, which is a $2 application.

there is a map, which is kind of a pain, the caches are paw icons, and you have to hide your finds, but in order to hide them you have to apparently re-log-find each of them good thing ive only got 56 right now, but eh, once i re'find them in my feild notes, they are gone off the map, ide rather have smilieys but as long as i can see the ones i havent found yet im a happy camper.


[content removed by moderator]

Edited by Keystone
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This website is not just "open to the public," it's open to the public who agree to the Terms of Use. And you were violating those Terms of Use.


Pretty simple.


You sound like the kind of person who downloads pirated music. True?

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so ive figured out if i use geohunter which is an acceptable thrid party app for the droid to hunt geocaches, i can do pocket quiries without a premium membership.

no you can't. all it's doing is accessing the website, parsing the resulting pages and using that data to feed itself. that's exactly what's prohibited under the TOU and that makes using this app also a violation, just like all the other ones. i find it silly too, but that's how it is. plus, any change to the website has the potential to break the app.

Edited by dfx
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Those ads equal revenue - guess you missed that huh??


Premium membership at just $30 per year removes the ads as well. Also lets the fine folks up at HQ know we appreciate the website and databases that make all this possible.

I'm a premium member (just renewed for another year last night

as matter of fact). I still see ads under the left side menu. Some

are useful but should I be seeing them at all?

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I am closing this thread. The OP knew that discussion of the unauthorized application is not allowed in the Groundspeak Forums, and did an end run around that.


Yeah, illegal applications will break when the site is updated.

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