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Carbon Hunter

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EarthCache finds per country:

For the year ending 31 January 2014:

1.  Germany	   184744 finds	31.7% of the total
2.  United States  124567       21.4%	
3.  Czech Republic  48309       8.29%	
4.  Spain	    22032	3.78%	
5.  United Kingdom  21949	3.76%	
6.  Netherlands	    21370	3.67%	
7.  Canada	    19938       3.42%	
8.  Austria	    19344	3.32%	
9.  Portugal	    15501	2.66%	
10. France	    10705       1.84%	
11. Italy	     7688	1.32%	
12. Sweden	     7282	1.25%	
13. Denmark	     7040	1.21%	
14. Australia	     6412	1.10%	
15. Iceland	     5911	1.01%	
16. Belgium	     5260	0.90%
17. Slovakia	     4957	0.85%
18. Switzerland	     4916	0.84%
19. Finland	     4276	0.73%
20. New Zealand	     3961	0.68%
21. Croatia	     3903	0.67%
22. Norway	     3593	0.62%
23. Poland	     2687	0.46%
24. South Africa     1944	0.33%
25. Luxembourg	     1877	0.32%

Humbling numbers, especially if one sees which country is on our heels!


Which town (or municipality ?) has had the most events?

How does Johannesburg compare to Pretoria to perhaps Durban, Cape Town, PE, Nelspruit ?


Municipality | Number of Events


City of Tshwane ........... 119

Ethekwini ................. 106

City of Johannesburg ....... 95

City of Cape Town .......... 74

Nelson Mandela Bay ......... 31

Ekurhuleni ................. 29

Ehlanzeni .................. 18

Bojanala ................... 17

West Rand .................. 13

Amajuba ..................... 9

Buffalo City ................ 9

Mangaung .................... 9


(All event types are included)


Which town (or municipality ?) has had the most events?

How does Johannesburg compare to Pretoria to perhaps Durban, Cape Town, PE, Nelspruit ?


Municipality | Number of Events


City of Tshwane ........... 119

Ethekwini ................. 106

City of Johannesburg ....... 95

City of Cape Town .......... 74

Nelson Mandela Bay ......... 31

Ekurhuleni ................. 29

Ehlanzeni .................. 18

Bojanala ................... 17

West Rand .................. 13

Amajuba ..................... 9

Buffalo City ................ 9

Mangaung .................... 9


(All event types are included)


Is this total events - or over a selected time period?




Is this total events - or over a selected time period?




Checking my database, I get 106 events for Ethekwini since the beginning. So it seems that this is since then :)

This includes events that have not yet taken palce ...


Is this total events - or over a selected time period?




Checking my database, I get 106 events for Ethekwini since the beginning. So it seems that this is since then :)

This includes events that have not yet taken place ...

Yes, it includes all events past, present and future - from the beginning of time.

The odd event or few that had to be cancelled before it took place is also included.


Most caches placed in Africa:


1. Louwtjie&Vroutjie: 322 (282 active)
2. Fish Eagle:	      261 (140 active)
3. TechnoNut:	      224 (167 active)
4. Wazat:	      220 (189 active)
5. GEO936:	      215 (171 active)


Most finds in Africa:

For the year 15 April 2013 to 14 April 2014:

1.  iPajero:	   2748	finds
2.  GorNat:	   1456	finds
3.  JanMich:	   1412	finds
4.  The Huskies:   1210	finds
5.  Chris'nDenise: 1009	finds
6.  dolos:	   1008	finds
7.  LegoMikey:	    979	finds
8.  Mixs:	    967	finds
9.  ClodsM:	    961	finds
10. Henzz:	    954	finds


Most active cachers in Africa during their whole career:

(From their first find to their last. I only considered cachers who have cached at least 6 months.)

1.  Thedivespot:   1697 finds in 0.94 years (4.9 finds/day)
2.  MadSons:       2340 finds in 1.60 years (4.0 finds/day)
3.  iPajero:      10271 finds in 7.41 years (3.8 finds/day)
4.  JanMich:       1594 finds in 1.25 years (3.5 finds/day)
5.  heatherlisa777: 834 finds in 0.66 years (3.5 finds/day)
6.  GorNat:	   1797 finds in 1.48 years (3.3 finds/day)
7.  LegoMikey:	    984 finds in 0.97 years (2.8 finds/day)
8.  ClodsM:	    972 finds in 1.02 years (2.6 finds/day)
9.  Ken.woodworm:   935 finds in 0.99 years (2.6 finds/day)
10. Chris'nDenise: 1146 finds in 1.24 years (2.5 finds/day)


Finds per province:

All time:

Gauteng:   34.6%
WC:        28.1%
KZN:       13.8%
EC:         6.7%
Mpumalanga: 5.4%
FS:         5.4%
NW:         3.1%
Limpopo:    2.0%
NC:         0.8%

Last year:

Gauteng:   34.5%
WC:        25.4%
KZN:       15.8%
EC:        10.3%
Mpumalanga: 4.5%
FS:         4.6%
NW:         2.9%
Limpopo:    1.3%
NC:         0.7%

The Eastern Cape is the big mover - the percentage of finds there jumped from 5.8% to 10.3% in the last year, mostly at the expense of the Western Cape (28.4% to 25.4%) and Gauteng (36.1% to 34.5%)


Most found caches in Africa:

For the year 15 April 2013 to 14 April 2014:

1. GC1QB6K  Palm Beach	                           (Canary Islands)  647 finds
2. GC2A88P  Dunas Riu Palace                       (Canary Islands)  610 finds
3. GC1G6MP  Vista dunas-View dunes-Aussicht Dünen  (Canary Islands)  609 finds
4. GC2J8P2  Fontes João Dinis	                   (Madeira)	     605 finds
5. GC2JETJ  Oscar Ribeiro de Almeida de Niemeyer   (Madeira)	     578 finds

The top 75 caches are all from Madeira and the Canary Islands


Most found caches in South Africa:

For the year 15 April 2013 to 14 April 2014:

1.  GC2GG2C  Nobel  Square	                                 Cape Trio	City of Cape Town  322 finds
2.  GC31WXR  Table Mountain Travel Bug Hotel                     CapeDoc	City of Cape Town  226 finds
3.  GC2CG7X  Hiddingh Security TB Hotel	                         mr panda	City of Cape Town  167 finds
4.  GC4H10K  GOS: Whale Crier	                                 Suikerbossies  Overberg	   135 finds
5.  GCMYYZ   Table Top Trove	                                 AndyT1	        City of Cape Town  130 finds
6.  GC4FXQG  Purple rain	                                 Berg_man	City of Cape Town  128 finds
7.  GC2X329  Stellenbosch TB Lodge	                         Hesamati	Cape Winelands	   126 finds
8.  GC2D9WC  SS: Lusitania	                                 paddawan	City of Cape Town  122 finds
9.  GC3G9YE  Mother City Meander Series - St George's Cathedral	 sy-chispa      City of Cape Town  118 finds
10. GC2EE3W  SS: De Visch	                                 paddawan	City of Cape Town  116 finds

The top 15 caches are all in the Western Cape.


Cachers who found most of the 100 oldest active South African caches:

1. iPajero:	           89
2. cownchicken:	           72
3. Tricky Vicky & Mickey:  68
4. Discombob:	           52
4. The Huskies:	           52
6. Larks:	           49
6. battlerat and pussycat: 49
8. AndyT1:	           46
9. Zambesiboy:	           42
9. paddawan:	           42


Most found caches in Africa:

For the year 15 April 2013 to 14 April 2014:

1. GC1QB6K  Palm Beach	                           (Canary Islands)  647 finds
2. GC2A88P  Dunas Riu Palace                       (Canary Islands)  610 finds
3. GC1G6MP  Vista dunas-View dunes-Aussicht Dünen  (Canary Islands)  609 finds
4. GC2J8P2  Fontes João Dinis	                   (Madeira)	     605 finds
5. GC2JETJ  Oscar Ribeiro de Almeida de Niemeyer   (Madeira)	     578 finds

The top 75 caches are all from Madeira and the Canary Islands


And if you exclude these "Spanish" enclaves - and only have true African caches (including autonomous island states like Mauritius and Madagascar?


And if you exclude these "Spanish" enclaves - and only have true African caches (including autonomous island states like Mauritius and Madagascar?

Excluding the Canary Islands (Spain) and Madeira (Portugal):

1.  GC2GG2C  Nobel  Square	                        South Africa  322 finds
2.  GC31WXR  Table Mountain Travel Bug Hotel	        South Africa  226 finds
3.  GC2Z5C8  Marrakech - Théatre Royal	                Morocco	      225 finds
4.  GC2CG7X  Hiddingh Security TB Hotel	                South Africa  167 finds
5.  GC25JMY  The First Cache of St. Maria (Cape Verde)  Cape Verde    144 finds
6.  GC2M7XW  Kristall Galerie	                        Namibia	      143 finds
6.  GC4RXBZ  Marrakech - Djamaa El Fna	                Morocco	      143 finds
8.  GC4H10K  GOS: Whale Crier	                        South Africa  135 finds
9.  GC3X7VC  Anthrax	                                Namibia	      133 finds
10. GC3EXRW  St:a Maria 5 - Call Me	                Cape Verde    132 finds

I am surprised that there are no Egyptian caches among the top 10.


Yearly finds in South Africa:

For the year 15 April 2013 to 14 April 2014:


There were 10375 active caches during this period, of which 9993 (96.3%) have been found in this year.

There were a total of 147 927 finds on South African caches, for an average of 14.3 finds/cache/year.

The number of cachers who found at least one South African cache: 6251

Average number of finds/cacher: 23.7

Fewest finds: 4 Sep 2013: 99 finds

Most finds: 4 Jan 2014: 3220 finds

Average finds: 413 finds/day


Densest 1km radius in South Africa:

It is (still) around GC3WXRQ MEGA SA 2012 -Voortrekker "Uitspan" Travellers Inn, at the Voortrekker Monument in Pretoria: 33 caches.

To put this in perspective, this is 1261 times the average cache density of the whole of South Africa!


And if you exclude these "Spanish" enclaves - and only have true African caches (including autonomous island states like Mauritius and Madagascar?

Excluding the Canary Islands (Spain) and Madeira (Portugal):

1.  GC2GG2C  Nobel  Square	                        South Africa  322 finds
2.  GC31WXR  Table Mountain Travel Bug Hotel	        South Africa  226 finds
3.  GC2Z5C8  Marrakech - Théatre Royal	                Morocco	      225 finds
4.  GC2CG7X  Hiddingh Security TB Hotel	                South Africa  167 finds
5.  GC25JMY  The First Cache of St. Maria (Cape Verde)  Cape Verde    144 finds
6.  GC2M7XW  Kristall Galerie	                        Namibia	      143 finds
6.  GC4RXBZ  Marrakech - Djamaa El Fna	                Morocco	      143 finds
8.  GC4H10K  GOS: Whale Crier	                        South Africa  135 finds
9.  GC3X7VC  Anthrax	                                Namibia	      133 finds
10. GC3EXRW  St:a Maria 5 - Call Me	                Cape Verde    132 finds

I am surprised that there are no Egyptian caches among the top 10.


Awesome - I'm really surprised by the Namibian caches in the top 10 and agree - very surprising about no Egyptian caches. Must still be their political issues causing a low tourist influx. However as a reviewer - I still have a lot of caches being requested for publishing in Egypt - probably more than Namibia!


I also thought Kenya may get a cache in.


DANIE - any change of looking at new cache growth over the past year - i.e. number of new caches in each African country over the past year? (And especially Egpyt - perhaps looking at cache growth over the past 5 or 6 years as a possible "political situation" indicator)?


Densest 10km radius in Africa:

Around GC4P956 - Leonie, in Centurion (Gauteng), with 654 caches (235 times the national average of South Africa)

In the Western Cape the densest 10km radius is around GC3AR4P - The way you make me smile, with 484 caches.

KZN: GC2VC4P - Padfield-Manors Conservancy: 417 caches

Eastern Cape: GC1F14J - So many trees: 347 caches


Densest 10km radius in Africa:

Around GC4P956 - Leonie, in Centurion (Gauteng), with 654 caches (235 times the national average of South Africa)

In the Western Cape the densest 10km radius is around GC3AR4P - The way you make me smile, with 484 caches.

KZN: GC2VC4P - Padfield-Manors Conservancy: 417 caches

Eastern Cape: GC1F14J - So many trees: 347 caches


Thanks Danie - love all the stats that you publish.


I am certain that would look very different in Gauteng if the Power Trail(s) were not there. When you do provincial comparisons please include Gauteng's "beautiful step sister" as well - North West? Once I return to South Africa later this year it is my intention to get NW Caching a lot more publicity through getting the number of caches up and the interest of the Gautengers increased that they spent more time in the Platinum Province. In the past the Gautengers have supported us well, but we need to ensure that they spend more time in our midst in the future. :P


African countries with the most new caches:

(Increase from 14 April 2013 to 14 April 2014)

1.  South Africa:    2734 (23% increase)
2.  Canary Islands:   563 (45% increase)
3.  Madeira:	      285 (32% increase)
4.  Zimbabwe:	       69 (67% increase)
5.  Egypt:	       62 (19% increase)
6.  Morocco:	       61 (51% increase)
7.  Namibia:	       43 (15% increase)
8.  Kenya:	       39 (33% increase)
9.  Reunion:	       33 (36% increase)
10. Tunisia:	       29 (30% increase)
   Whole of Africa: 4071 (25% increase)

African countries with the highest cache growth rate:

(Over the last year)

1.  Guinea:   First cache
2.  Liberia:  First cache
3.  D.R.C.:	     300%
4.  Togo:	     200%
5.  Ivory Coast:     100%
6.  Western Sahara:  100%
7.  Zimbabwe:	      67%
8.  Malawi:	      54%
9.  Ethiopia:	      53%
10. Morocco:	      51%

The numbers for Egypt:

(Total no. of caches)

2009: 127
2010: 157 (+24%)
2011: 208 (+32%)
2012: 253 (+22%)
2013: 322 (+27%)
2014: 384 (+19%)

Posted (edited)

Most EarthCaches found in Africa:

1. iPajero:	          180 finds  World rank: 403
2. Tricky Vicky & Mickey: 100 finds	        1142
3. TechnoNut:	           99 finds	        1949
4. Hesamati:	           88 finds	        2219
5. cownchicken:	           81 finds	        2919

There are currently 498 EarthCaches in Africa, of which 482 are active.

Of these, 207 are in South Africa (202 active).

Edited by Danie Viljoen

Most new caches placed in Africa:

(During the last year)

1.  weeman078:	     133 (102 of these have been archived)
2.  togtog:	     101
3.  PieterM:	      66
4.  LegoMikey:	      63
5.  TechnoNut:	      60
6.  eksteen:	      52
7.  Snuffeltuffies:   48
8.  FiddleTwigs:      48
9.  SKATTIE@1:	      47
10. fascinationyacht: 46


Longest cache planting careers in Africa:

                           First cache  Last cache  Period
1.  ricardomariagoncas:	    2001/11/07	 2014/04/26   12.5 years
2.  Tricky Vicky & Mickey:  2002/12/30	 2014/03/02   11.2
3.  snowolf:	            2002/01/10	 2012/12/01   10.9
4.  Discombob:	            2003/10/04	 2014/05/03   10.6
5.  JOKAJI:	            2003/02/08	 2013/06/29   10.4
6.  Seeker Two:	            2003/09/24	 2013/12/06   10.2
7.  Kangoo:	            2004/02/09	 2014/02/07   10.0
8.  alice:	            2004/03/14	 2014/03/05   10.0
9.  BanksAJ:	            2004/04/09	 2014/01/01    9.7
10. GlobalRat:	            2003/09/24	 2013/05/05    9.6



African countries with the highest cache growth rate:

(Over the last year)

1.  Guinea:   First cache
2.  Liberia:  First cache
3.  D.R.C.:	     300%
4.  Togo:	     200%
5.  Ivory Coast:     100%
6.  Western Sahara:  100%
7.  Zimbabwe:	      67%
8.  Malawi:	      54%
9.  Ethiopia:	      53%
10. Morocco:	      51%

The numbers for Egypt:

(Total no. of caches)

2009: 127
2010: 157 (+24%)
2011: 208 (+32%)
2012: 253 (+22%)
2013: 322 (+27%)
2014: 384 (+19%)


My Ivory Coast cache find rate has dropped (I used o have a 100% hit rate - now someone placed another cache :yikes: )


Thanks for the stats on Egypt - could I ask for another stat on Egypt - how about the finds on Egyptian caches for a similar period? The hides seem to be fairly constant? But judging from your previous post on no Egyptian caches in the top 10 African finds - that may be more useful? The Arab Spring was in 2011.


how about the finds on Egyptian caches for a similar period? The hides seem to be fairly constant? But judging from your previous post on no Egyptian caches in the top 10 African finds - that may be more useful? The Arab Spring was in 2011.

The following graph shows the total number of finds per year for Egypt. (Years ending on 14 April.)



There is something strange going on here - Egypt's cachers breezed through the Arab Spring, but suddenly, during the past year, the number of finds dropped to almost half of what it should be. Does anybody have a theory why?


how about the finds on Egyptian caches for a similar period? The hides seem to be fairly constant? But judging from your previous post on no Egyptian caches in the top 10 African finds - that may be more useful? The Arab Spring was in 2011.


There is something strange going on here - Egypt's cachers breezed through the Arab Spring, but suddenly, during the past year, the number of finds dropped to almost half of what it should be. Does anybody have a theory why?


I am sure it is because the amount ot tourists visiting Egypt has dropped over the past year due to the political turmoil. Most of the Egyptian finds are by tourists.


I am sure it is because the amount ot tourists visiting Egypt has dropped over the past year due to the political turmoil. Most of the Egyptian finds are by tourists.

You may be right, but why only now? Are things now worse than during the Arab Spring (or shortly afterwards)?


I am sure it is because the amount ot tourists visiting Egypt has dropped over the past year due to the political turmoil. Most of the Egyptian finds are by tourists.

You may be right, but why only now? Are things now worse than during the Arab Spring (or shortly afterwards)?


Danie - I am no tourism expert, but I suspect it could be the time lag between people making (and paying) their travel arrangements and actually going on the holiday, sometimes booking / paying up to a year in advance. Also Egypt has had a particularly bad political time with martial law, frequent changes at the top and so on.


Just my 2c. :)


A more detailed view on the Egyptian finds:



This graph shows the monthly finds in Egypt for the past two years. Whatever happened, it appears to have started somewhere in the middle of this graph, about a year ago.


how about the finds on Egyptian caches for a similar period? The hides seem to be fairly constant? But judging from your previous post on no Egyptian caches in the top 10 African finds - that may be more useful? The Arab Spring was in 2011.


There is something strange going on here - Egypt's cachers breezed through the Arab Spring, but suddenly, during the past year, the number of finds dropped to almost half of what it should be. Does anybody have a theory why?


I am sure it is because the amount ot tourists visiting Egypt has dropped over the past year due to the political turmoil. Most of the Egyptian finds are by tourists.


Not sure about that - there was an immediate drop off in tourists from Feb 2011! Very very clear.

This is a very interesting stat. Got no clear idea.


Most EarthCaches found in Africa:

1. iPajero:	          180 finds  World rank: 403
2. Tricky Vicky & Mickey: 100 finds	        1142
3. TechnoNut:	           99 finds	        1949
4. Hesamati:	           88 finds	        2219
5. cownchicken:	           81 finds	        2919

There are currently 498 EarthCaches in Africa, of which 482 are active.

Of these, 207 are in South Africa (202 active).


Wonder when we'll hit the 500 (active) EC's. Just had a new one published in Barberton - so a good likelihood of getting that milestone soon.


South African municipalities with the most/fewest finds:

(During the past year)

1.  Cape Town:	       22956
2.  Pretoria:	       19597
3.  Johannesburg:      14044
4.  Durban:	       12667
5.  P.E.:       	9568
6.  Ekurhuleni:	        8680
7.  West Rand:	        7326
8.  Eden:	        4916
9.  Ehlanzeni:	        4723
10. Cape Winelands:	4144
48. John Taolo Gaetsewe: 115
49. Joe Gqabi:	         102
50. Vhembe:	         100
51. Alfred Nzo:	          50
52. O.R.Tambo:	          36


South African municipalities with the most/fewest Favourite Points:

1.  City of Cape Town	       Western Cape   4198 FPs
2.  City of Tshwane	       Gauteng	      2394 FPs
3.  City of Johannesburg       Gauteng	      1598 FPs
4.  Ethekwini	               Kwazulu Natal  1521 FPs
5.  Ehlanzeni	               Mpumalanga      945 FPs
6.  Nelson Mandela Bay	       Eastern Cape    883 FPs
7.  Sedibeng	               Gauteng	       829 FPs
8.  Cape Winelands	       Western Cape    742 FPs
9.  Ekurhuleni	               Gauteng	       692 FPs
10. Eden	               Western Cape    678 FPs
48. Sekhukhune	               Limpopo	        19 FPs
49. John Taolo Gaetsewe	       Northern Cape	16 FPs
50. Alfred Nzo	               Eastern Cape	13 FPs
51. Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati  North West	11 FPs
52. Ngaka Modiri Molema	       North West	 7 FPs


South African municipalities with the highest/lowest average Favourite Points per cache:


1.  Sedibeng	         Gauteng	829 FPs	  152 caches  5.45 FPs/cache
2.  Central Karoo	 Western Cape	114 FPs	   29 caches  3.93 FPs/cache
3.  City of Cape Town	 Western Cape  4198 FPs	 1157 caches  3.63 FPs/cache
4.  Fezile Dabi	         Free State	281 FPs	   81 caches  3.47 FPs/cache
5.  Siyanda	         Northern Cape   51 FPs	   17 caches  3.00 FPs/cache
6.  Umkhanyakude	 Kwazulu Natal	114 FPs	   40 caches  2.85 FPs/cache
7.  Eden	         Western Cape	678 FPs	  249 caches  2.72 FPs/cache
8.  Cape Winelands	 Western Cape	742 FPs	  273 caches  2.72 FPs/cache
9.  Alfred Nzo	         Eastern Cape	 13 FPs	    5 caches  2.60 FPs/cache
10. Overberg	         Western Cape	623 FPs	  264 caches  2.36 FPs/cache
48. Amajuba	         Kwazulu Natal	 91 FPs	  145 caches  0.63 FPs/cache
49. Gert Sibande	 Mpumalanga	 72 FPs	  124 caches  0.58 FPs/cache
50. Lejweleputswa	 Free State	 34 FPs	   71 caches  0.48 FPs/cache
51. Capricorn	         Limpopo	 36 FPs	   79 caches  0.46 FPs/cache
52. Ngaka Modiri Molema	 North West	  7 FPs	   20 caches  0.35 FPs/cache


Most Favourite Points in a 10km radius, per municipality:


1.  GC1NP16  Cecilia Koppie	              City of Cape Town	    Western Cape  2283 FPs
2.  GC4NCG4  Veldpou	                      City of Tshwane	    Gauteng	  1606 FPs
3.  GC2BPY2  Scenic Square	              City of Johannesburg  Gauteng	  1091 FPs
4.  GC2HP1A  Sunny Side Up	              Ethekwini	            Kwazulu Natal  854 FPs
5.  GC42J8N  Swinging High	              Nelson Mandela Bay    Eastern Cape   730 FPs
6.  GC25GJ5  MF2010 Forecast	              Ekurhuleni	    Gauteng	   711 FPs
7.  GC2P156  City Windpumps #4 - In The Cool  West Rand	            Gauteng	   545 FPs
8.  GC21WK1  Spitskop	                      Mangaung	            Free State	   537 FPs
9.  GC1CQDQ  Chapel on the hill	              Sedibeng	            Gauteng	   512 FPs
10. GC4GQ9C  In the mountains	              Cape Winelands	    Western Cape   414 FPs


Most Favourite Points per Cache planter:

(For the whole of Africa)

1.  paddawan:	       577 FPs
2.  CapeDoc:	       574 FPs
3.  Louwtjie&Vroutjie: 535 FPs
4.  Hesamati:	       419 FPs
5.  TeamDJ*:	       400 FPs
6.  GEO936:	       391 FPs
7.  Antron:	       356 FPs
8.  TechnoNut:	       279 FPs
9.  family Behrens:    273 FPs
10. Fish Eagle:	       260 FPs


Most Favourite Points per Cache planter:

(For the whole of Africa)

1.  paddawan:	       577 FPs
2.  CapeDoc:	       574 FPs
3.  Louwtjie&Vroutjie: 535 FPs
4.  Hesamati:	       419 FPs
5.  TeamDJ*:	       400 FPs
6.  GEO936:	       391 FPs
7.  Antron:	       356 FPs
8.  TechnoNut:	       279 FPs
9.  family Behrens:    273 FPs
10. Fish Eagle:	       260 FPs


African cache planters with the highest average Favourite points/cache:

(Excluding cache planters with less than 5 caches)

1.  TeamDJ*	400 FPs	 25 caches  16.0 FPs/cache
2.  Jors	103 FPs	  7 caches  14.7 FPs/cache
3.  Team 484	 68 FPs	  5 caches  13.6 FPs/cache
4.  CapeDoc	574 FPs	 44 caches  13.0 FPs/cache
5.  the pooks	101 FPs	  9 caches  11.2 FPs/cache
6.  capeccr	 54 FPs	  5 caches  10.8 FPs/cache
7.  BigMacZA	 48 FPs	  5 caches   9.6 FPs/cache
8.  mr panda	150 FPs	 17 caches   8.8 FPs/cache
9.  TeamSpags	 77 FPs	  9 caches   8.6 FPs/cache
10. vespax	 77 FPs	  9 caches   8.6 FPs/cache


Cache owners with the most finds on their caches:

(For the whole of Africa)

1.  luisftas:	        20695 finds
2.  Teamnegativ:	18991 finds
3.  Louwtjie&Vroutjie:	16233 finds
4.  ricardomariagoncas:	15775 finds
5.  GEO936:	        14283 finds
6.  lacruz18:	        14052 finds
7.  NotBlonde:	        10910 finds
8.  Skihasen:	        10541 finds
9.  paddawan:	        10349 finds
10. Leon St:	        10244 finds

Posted (edited)

African cache owners with the highest Karma:

Karma is the total number of finds on an owner's caches divided by his own total number of finds.

For cache owners with at least 20 finds:

1.  Teamnegativ:  791
2.  RedRocks:	  164
3.  Ballangen:	  145
4.  The Als:	  121
5.  tenxerest:	   87
7.  bajazzo:	   70
8.  Três Marias:   69
9.  Team SlyFoxx:  66
10. penolhunter:   64

Of the 63087 cachers who have logged at least one find in Africa, only 2086 (3.3%) have a karma of larger than 1, i.e., only 3.3% contribute more than they take.

Edited by Danie Viljoen

South African caches with the highest find rate:

Active South African caches older than 30 days:

                                                    Placed  Finds/year
1.  GC515N6  Xtreme Joburg	                  2014/03/27   138
2.  GC4YRFD  Valyland (The Wishing Well )	  2014/02/21   117
3.  GC4ZEKT  Postboxes #15 The Mystery Cache	  2014/03/02    86
4.  GC31WXR  Table Mountain Travel Bug Hotel	  2011/09/04    82
5.  GC4J9G3  Not Really Well Hung	          2014/01/09    69
6.  GC4VYMW  The Travelbug Prison	          2013/12/27    47
7.  GC4ZFPB  The Tortoise and the Hare	          2014/03/21    45
8.  GC44XCJ  Size does matter	                  2013/01/25    44
9.  GC3WXRQ  MEGA SA 2012 -Voortrekker "Uitspan"  2012/09/16    43
10. GC4ZMDR  Kon-Tiki	                          2014/03/04    38


South African caches with the highest Favourite point rate:

Active South African caches older than 30 days:

                                                    Placed    FPs/year
1.  GC515N6  Xtreme Joburg	                  2014/03/27	138.0
2.  GC4YRFD  Valyland (The Wishing Well )	  2014/02/21	117.5
3.  GC4ZEKT  Postboxes #15 The Mystery Cache	  2014/03/02	 86.1
4.  GC31WXR  Table Mountain Travel Bug Hotel	  2011/09/04	 82.1
5.  GC4J9G3  Not Really Well Hung	          2014/01/09	 68.8
6.  GC4VYMW  The Travelbug Prison	          2013/12/27	 47.0
7.  GC4ZFPB  The Tortoise and the Hare	          2014/03/21	 45.2
8.  GC44XCJ  Size does matter	                  2013/01/25	 43.6
9.  GC3WXRQ  MEGA SA 2012 -Voortrekker "Uitspan"  2012/09/16	 43.2
10. GC4ZMDR  Kon-Tiki	                          2014/03/04	 38.2


Favourite Points per cache:

Looking only at active South African caches:


A total of 20 472 Favourite Points have been awarded for an average of 2.01 FPs/cache.

These caches have been found a total of 489 145 times, which means that on average one FP is awarded for every 23.9 finds.

The average active South African cache is found every 23.6 days, is 3.1 years old and is awarded a FP every 564 days.

Posted (edited)

Average cache age, finds and Favourite points per province:

For active South African caches:

	       Years  Finds  Finds/year  FPs/cache  FPs/year  Finds/FP
Western Cape	3.4	63	18.4        3.1       0.91      20.3
Gauteng	        2.8	61	21.5        2.1       0.74      29.0
Free State	3.2	46	14.3        1.8       0.56      25.6
North West	3.4	48	14.0        1.7       0.49      28.2
Mpumalanga	3.6	33	 9.3        1.6       0.45      20.6
Northern Cape	3.8	29	 7.6        1.5       0.41      19.3
Eastern Cape	2.9	30	10.4        1.5       0.52      20.0
KZN	        2.7	34	12.4        1.4       0.53      24.3
Limpopo	        4.4	33	 7.4        0.8       0.19      41.3

South Africa    3.1     48      15.3        2.0       0.65      23.9

Edited by Danie Viljoen
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