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And when I die ...

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I was just looking at a topic about adopting caches that were hidden by a deceased geocacher. That led me to the following:


If I should die or drop out of the game (without archiving my caches), I would want someone to adopt them. (Please put something in the description to keep my memory alive.)


Perhaps others could use this topic to help the powers that be (PTB) with the adoption issue.


I was just looking at a topic about adopting caches that were hidden by a deceased geocacher. That led me to the following:


If I should die or drop out of the game (without archiving my caches), I would want someone to adopt them. (Please put something in the description to keep my memory alive.)


Perhaps others could use this topic to help the powers that be (PTB) with the adoption issue.


Wouldn't it better to include this information on your profile page, or in the case that you want certain caches to go to certain players then add an itemized list? Maybe if those that share your concern were to do this it would be much easier in the long run that trying to find forum entries hopefully many years down the road.


Including on your profile page would work but you would have to make sure the PTB see it after your untimely exit.


I have already made sure my kids would be able to adopt any caches I place. Just part of the pre-planning for the entire funeral.


On a related note, I have mentioned to them & am working on the actual sketch of my headstone that would include a cache built in to it.


Profile page updated. Good idea.

** When I die or lose interest in geocaching, please adopt my caches. Thanks.


Text in bold red is copied from your profile page. I don't think that is anywhere near sufficient. Sounds to me like you are asking your fellow cachers to just adopt your caches, rather than giving Groundspeak specific permission to adopt them out on your behalf should they receive a request from a local cacher.

Posted (edited)

Perhaps others could use this topic to help the powers that be (PTB) with the adoption issue.

What issue.

There is no adoption issue with deceased geocachers.

I know many caches of dead cachers that have been adopted. It happens all the time.

It's part of the process already.

Perhaps someone should point all these ignorant-of-the-facts people to the process that exists already. I include myself in this category since I have not had the need to do an adoption, have not been offered a cache for adoption... so I have not looked at the process.

Edited by trainlove
Posted (edited)

I thought both parties had to consent to an adoption request. How can someone who's deceased consent?


Just like if someone quits caching and you want to adopt their cache, you can't because they can't accept the adoption request.

Edited by Skippermark
Posted (edited)

I'm not a lawyer nor do I play one on TV. But I doubt a few lines typed on your profile page would be considered adequate permission nor motivation for TPTB to get involved with the distribution of your property when you die.


You should consider your caches as part of your assets and mention their disposition to whomever will be responsible for it when you are gone. My wife already knows what to do with mine when the time comes.

Edited by wimseyguy

I thought both parties had to consent to an adoption request. How can someone who's deceased consent?


Just like if someone quits caching and you want to adopt their cache, you can't because they can't accept the adoption request.

That's why I say I'm ignorant of the HOW. I know 3 dead cachers, they owned some 200 caches perhaps, ALL have been officially adopted. I think groundspeak or the local reviewer (probably not) acts on that part of the deceased person.


As for your second point, yes. That's why one can't change their name to someone who has not logged into geocaching.com for years. But even yahoo shuts down names, if they are inactive long enough. Just how many names can't be used on GC.com? At least if there are NO finds, or NO bug movements I think an existing name can be 'adopted' by someone who will actually use it.


I have instructions and access info to adopt all my caches and travel bugs to Welch.


Hey now, I'd be willing to watch over a couple of those caches too. :) I don't need to adopt them but I'd be more than happy to check on them from time to time.


I thought both parties had to consent to an adoption request. How can someone who's deceased consent?

That's why I say I'm ignorant of the HOW. I know 3 dead cachers, they owned some 200 caches perhaps, ALL have been officially adopted. I think groundspeak or the local reviewer (probably not) acts on that part of the deceased person.

I didn't pay a whole lot of attention to the thread, as I've never adopted out or adopted any caches, but I think when the adoption rules changed a few months back, Groundspeak made it clear that they were just a listing service and not cache owners and wouldn't get involved in transferring ownership of caches around.


Maybe I can find the thread if I do a search or someone could clarify it for us.

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