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Wherigo Cache Type


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I am in the process of building a Wherigo cartridge, however I also want the cache to be accessible to those that don't have the equipment run a Wherigo cartridge so I have alternative (but similar) actions. How should I list the cache.


If Wherigo was not available then I would most likely list the cache as an unknown/puzzle cache.


It would be useful to list the cache as an unknown/puzzle cache with an icon showing that a Wherigo cartridge was available. If people filter out Wherigo cartidges then it is likely that they will miss this cache when it's up and running.

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Is there any discussion about moving the REI or penguins Wherigo to the geocaching.com for an icon?


I just noticed this. In order to be listed on Geocaching.com, there would need to be a physical cache, findable from playing the Wherigo cart. And the cart wouldn't "move" to Geocaching.com, it would stay on Wherigo, with a new cache listing on GC.com. I'm guessing that there's no cache attached to those cartridges, just a tour guide type adventure.

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Why does the Wherigo cache type not have an asterix in ones profile? It does count towards the total cache find count.

Same goes for the GPS Adventure Exhibit cache type.


On 7/23/08 Opioniate stated that "Added asterisk to Mega-Event caches in profile geocache tab" in the 50'th bulleted item. Isn't it exactly the same thing to fix this for ALL cache types that count towards the total?

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Sorry if this has already been posted. I do a query on Friday to get new caches. And several others during the week to keep GSAK up to date. A Wherigo was posted after I did my queries on Monday that would have gotten it. Come to find out today there was a new Wherigo in my hometown ALL WEEK and I didn't know about it because it's not part of instant notifications :D


I could have gone for it any day this week as I was pretty much sitting around doing zilch.

Now I have plans for the entire weekend AND Monday. :laughing:


Can that be added to instant notifications? Please!!

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You can already set up notifications for Wherigo caches. Like all the other types of caches, you have to set up a separate notification for the Wherigo caches.


It's been so long since I set them up I forgot how. Thanks for jarring my memory :D

Edited by hallycat
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Lets take away cache types of the past lke virtual caches and incorporate cache types which the only way to play is to dump more money into another GPS. Sounds pretty depressing, Why not name it the elitist cache type.


Just think what non-geocachers think. To play the game I have to dump money into a GPS unit? Elitists!!


And those caches where you need a boat? Or you need to know how to repel? What about the homeless...they never get to geocache.....


Looking forward to other threads about geocaching disparities. :huh:


I have actually geocached with homeless people. They have all enjoyed the opportunity and have found it inspirational (or perhaps odd) to know that someone had placed a cahe where they lived.

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Simple question I think...


I've been playing around with the Wherigo builder, and thought it would be fun to build a cartridge that's technically a virtual, i.e. there's no physical cache container to find and log to sign.


Give you some specifics - we're having a New Years Day event, and I know there will be a great turnout. I was thinking of making a cartridge of kind of a "Meet a cacher" type challenge. They'd have the task of finding XX cachers, and asking them for thier game code. When they enter it in the cartridge, they'd have that person marked complete. Once they entered the code for each cacher, it would unlock the completed code. They would have to send me the code to get credit to log it as a find?


Was thinking that this could be a long term cartridge, since we have quite a few regulars that go to all our local events.


Would this be allowable, or would I be required to put an actual cache out for them to find and log. The advantage of NOT requiring a cache it that it's much more mobile - the NYD event is probably 10 miles from where I'd place a cache, so not everyone would go find it. Likewise the monthly M&G's are close to 15 miles the other direction, and likewise get a lot of folks that don't come further east into my area.


Another big plus, is that I could run it on my laptop in an emulator, and folks could open it (from a saved new game), see who they needed to find, and once they had all the info, go back in and complete.


Plus, it's another way to show off this Wherigo stuff! :D


So, would a Wherigo cache type be acceptable for something like this?





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A Wherigo cache must have a physical container to find. The guidelines say "A Wherigo geocache uses your Wherigo cartridge to lead you ultimately to the physical geocache location." However a Wherigo cartridge does not have to have a cache associated with it. You can build a Wherigo cartridge that includes a task like you want. There is no cache that is logged on Geocaching.com but the cartridge can be unlocked (logged as completed) on Wherigo.com.

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Got it - thanks...


Just thought I'd ask.... :)




A Wherigo cache must have a physical container to find. The guidelines say "A Wherigo geocache uses your Wherigo cartridge to lead you ultimately to the physical geocache location." However a Wherigo cartridge does not have to have a cache associated with it. You can build a Wherigo cartridge that includes a task like you want. There is no cache that is logged on Geocaching.com but the cartridge can be unlocked (logged as completed) on Wherigo.com.

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I have been reading through the forum topics, but it hasn't realy clarified things for me. I have just built a Wherigo cartridge, which includes 2 caches. It would not be essential to run the cartridge to find the caches but I placed them to make the cartridge more interesting. Should I publish these caches as normal, leave them as Wherigo caches only or cross reference them as both (when I find out how to do this.) ?

Hope someone can advise. Seasand

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I have just built a Wherigo cartridge, which includes 2 caches. It would not be essential to run the cartridge to find the caches




"If a cartridge is used as a requirement to find a geocache, it is considered a Wherigo cache"



If you don't need to run the cartridge to find the caches, then they aren't Wherigo Geocaches; they're just caches along the route that your Wherigo cartridge follows.


You can publish a cart to www.Wherigo, that does NOT include a geocache. That's just a cart, not a Wherigo Geocache.

You can publish your geocaches here.


I'd probably redesign the cart and one of the caches, such that finding one of the caches was part of the experience, and then publish the cart on Wherigo.com as the "companion cart" to the Wherigo Geocache, published on Geocaching.com. The Wherigo Geocache is published with bogus coordinates, or perhaps parking coordinates at the top of the listing. Discovering the actual cache location is part of running the cartridge.


I hope that makes sense to you.

Edited by palmetto
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Has Wherigo been abandon from pocket queries? Even though I check for it to give them to me I don't get any either on my regular pq or "along route" searches. I am not seeing them when I use google earth either. I can find them with the zip code search from Wherigo.com but there is no GC code so no way to record them as a find.

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Has Wherigo been abandon from pocket queries? Even though I check for it to give them to me I don't get any either on my regular pq or "along route" searches. I am not seeing them when I use google earth either. I can find them with the zip code search from Wherigo.com but there is no GC code so no way to record them as a find.

Are you looking for the Wherigo, or Wherigo/cache hybrid?


The straight Wherigo does not show on a PQ, only the Wherigo/cache hybrid which has a container and log to sign, like a cache.


As far as I am aware the straight Wherigo has never been on a PQ, and has to be found on the Wherigo site.

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Has Wherigo been abandon from pocket queries? Even though I check for it to give them to me I don't get any either on my regular pq or "along route" searches. I am not seeing them when I use google earth either. I can find them with the zip code search from Wherigo.com but there is no GC code so no way to record them as a find.

A Wherigo cartridge can exist independantly of a Wherigo cache. A Wherigo cache always has an associated Wherigo cartridge. If you are seeing Wherigo cartridges listed on Wherigo.com but no Wherigo caches show up in your pocket query in the same area it coud be that the Wherigo cartridge has no geocache associated with it. It could also be the case that there was a Wherigo cache but it has been archived. If the cache goes missing and the owner decides not to maintain it, the cache could be archived but the Wherigo cartridge may still be playable (without a cache to find).

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