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Mountain Frogs

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When Reporting a new cache, I cannot get a background sound ref to stay in the description. I load my whole page, submit, then when I view the page, EVERYTHING stays in place (including links and pictures), but the sound ref-- the entire line-- is gone.

There are some other caches that have sound, so.....


Is geocaching.com broken, not allowing sound, or what?!




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When Reporting a new cache, I cannot get a background sound ref to stay in the description. I load my whole page, submit, then when I view the page, EVERYTHING stays in place (including links and pictures), but the sound ref-- the entire line-- is gone.

There are some other caches that have sound, so.....


Is geocaching.com broken, not allowing sound, or what?!




It seems to be working correctly. Embedding sound may be stripped out, depending on how it was done.


Putting auto-playing sound files in cache pages is very much discouraged. Please don't do it. If you want, you can add a link to the sound file, and people can decide for themselves if they want to listen to it.

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Please, please - I beg of you - do not try and put any auto playing music on your cache pages. It is generally considered one of the most annoying things you can do. Add a link to the music somewhere else that viewers can choose to click on but don't make it autoplay.


I believe the current software will strip out any embeded music.

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Please, please - I beg of you - do not try and put any auto playing music on your cache pages. It is generally considered one of the most annoying things you can do. Add a link to the music somewhere else that viewers can choose to click on but don't make it autoplay.


I believe the current software will strip out any embeded music.


Let me guess, you check on geocaches while you are at work don't you. B)

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:ph34r: Well, then! If the forum census is no, then no it is.... This would have been the ultimate touch to my newest puzzle cache, and we all have volume controls...

Howdy Mountain Frogs!


Personally, I don't mind embedded audio, but I certainly can appreciate the reasons why some folks object.


The fact is that it is your Geocache and if you want to include sound you are certainly free to do so. There are a lot of folks who object to embedded sounds which the website doesn't allow anyway; however, you can always include a link to your audio file on the Geocache page.


I encountered a great deal of resistance over this same topic when I was creating my Snorkasaurus Gulch (GCRK43) cache so I simply included it as a link and no-one has expressed any problems with it. Those who want the audio can hear it, those who don't are not bothered.



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Yup I second that. Here are a few of my recent audio caches, and don't limit yourself to audio:


GC18FZ2 We Interrupt This Broadcast | Ruination Days


GC1877V We Interrupt This Broadcast | War & Space


GC18CFF Meine Linke Ohr ist Rechts!


And an audio/video cache:


GC1671Z Book of Armaments II: 9-21


Personally, I wont post sound file links for fluff but only if they are integral to the puzzle. I will be adding audio files to my own geocaching website, but that's an entirely different creature...


Anything you can do to think outside the box is good for the sport. And, don't get discouraged, there is always another way to do something...

Edited by seldom|seen
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Yup I second that. Here are a few of my recent audio caches, and don't limit yourself to audio:


GC18FZ2 We Interrupt This Broadcast | Ruination Days


GC1877V We Interrupt This Broadcast | War & Space


GC18CFF Meine Linke Ohr ist Rechts!


And an audio/video cache:


GC1671Z Book of Armaments II: 9-21


Personally, I wont post sound file links for fluff but only if they are integral to the puzzle. I will be adding audio files to my own geocaching website, but that's an entirely different creature...


Anything you can do to think outside the box is good for the sport. And, don't get discouraged, there is always another way to do something...


I wil also add my 2 cents for this thread... please do NOT!!!!! even attempt to place embedded audio into Any Cache page(either here... or Anywhere else). If you try to start another caching page, Good Luck! First try Terracacheing.com though.


The Steaks

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:blink: Well, then! If the forum census is no, then no it is.... This would have been the ultimate touch to my newest puzzle cache, and we all have volume controls...

"We all have volume controls" you say? I could tell you what i think of you as a person for making that statement, but it would be against forum guidelines unfortunately. If you'd like to know, contact me directly.


btw, i for fellow sound haters, and those who prefer to listen to their OWN music rather than be EXTREMELY rudely blasted at by a web page, check out this app for windows:

FlashMute: http://www.indev.no/?p=projectsFlashMute is a tool which allows you to mute/unmute Flash Movies loaded in a browser exclusively, or alternatively all sounds produced by the browser.


Unfortunately, no mac version.



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