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Jesus Gets GPS

we"re lost

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BAL HARBOUR, Fla. — A baby Jesus statue here is getting a Global Positioning System for Christmas.


The statue, part of a nativity scene, will be equipped with the device after the previous statue went missing, even though it had been bolted down.


"I don't anticipate this will ever happen again," said Dina Cellini, who oversees the display, "but we may need to rely on technology to save our savior."


The Mary and Joseph statues will also be fitted with GPS devices, she said.


The devices are being bought using residents' contributions and Cellini's own money.


Cellini has also installed a Plexiglas screen in front of the display.



we"re lost

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BAL HARBOUR, Fla. — A baby Jesus statue here is getting a Global Positioning System for Christmas.


The statue, part of a nativity scene, will be equipped with the device after the previous statue went missing, even though it had been bolted down.


"I don't anticipate this will ever happen again," said Dina Cellini, who oversees the display, "but we may need to rely on technology to save our savior."


The Mary and Joseph statues will also be fitted with GPS devices, she said.


The devices are being bought using residents' contributions and Cellini's own money.


Cellini has also installed a Plexiglas screen in front of the display.



When they say GPS device, I'm assuming they mean GPS tracking device.


Are they going to put an ankle bracelet around the baby Jesus's neck? :yikes:

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Vinny's right; they did use a Magellan. That's why they're called "Magi." This is the Latin plural for three Magellan users.


Because they used a Magellan, the Magi still needed to stop at King Herod's and ask for directions. This resulted in the slaughter of all male infants in Judea. See Matthew 2:16. This demonstrated that Magellans are evil. See the SporTrak owners manual.


Moses also used a Magellan, and as a result the Israelites wandered around in the desert for 40 years. Eventually they found the promised land, but Moses didn't. History's most painful and drawn out DNF, courtesy of Thales Navigation.


Here endeth the lesson.

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Vinny's right; they did use a Magellan. That's why they're called "Magi." This is the Latin plural for three Magellan users.


Because they used a Magellan, the Magi still needed to stop at King Herod's and ask for directions. This resulted in the slaughter of all male infants in Judea. See Matthew 2:16. This demonstrated that Magellans are evil. See the SporTrak owners manual.


Moses also used a Magellan, and as a result the Israelites wandered around in the desert for 40 years. Eventually they found the promised land, but Moses didn't. History's most painful and drawn out DNF, courtesy of Thales Navigation.


Here endeth the lesson.


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the magi went to bethlehem....where Christ was born

not jerusalem, where he was crucified

the satelite they used was a plainly visible star (planet)

Sunday School


They followed the star from east to west to Jerusalem (Matt 2:1,2) Then at Jerusalem they followed it south to Bethlehem for Bethlehem is south of Jerusalem. (Matt. 2:9-11)


Planets don't move from north to south.

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This begs the question, would Jesus even need a GPS?


What would Jesus cache?

And... WKCWJP ("What kind of cache would Jesus hide?")...


all I know is that it wouldn't be a micro. Seriously, I think it's considered a sin.

Oh really? Well let those without sin throw the first stone sock boy. As of this post, the last cache you found was a micro. The log sounds like you had fun, and even thanked the owner for the hide by stating "TFTH" at the end. In fact, 19 of your past 80 finds was a micro. That's just one shy of 25%.


Well what about caches that you own? Wow, 1 of YOUR 4 active caches is a micro!!! That doesn't sound to me like someone who really believes micros are a sin.


Or are you just trolling in the forums by pouncing on micros in every thread you can, even if it's completely off topic??????

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This begs the question, would Jesus even need a GPS?


What would Jesus cache?

And... WKCWJP ("What kind of cache would Jesus hide?")...


all I know is that it wouldn't be a micro. Seriously, I think it's considered a sin.

Oh really? Well let those without sin throw the first stone sock boy. As of this post, the last cache you found was a micro. The log sounds like you had fun, and even thanked the owner for the hide by stating "TFTH" at the end. In fact, 19 of your past 80 finds was a micro. That's just one shy of 25%.


Well what about caches that you own? Wow, 1 of YOUR 4 active caches is a micro!!! That doesn't sound to me like someone who really believes micros are a sin.


Or are you just trolling in the forums by pouncing on micros in every thread you can, even if it's completely off topic??????


I took it as he was joking about the number of people here in the forums that whine about micros.


Obviously, a little micro-lover like yourself can't comprehend that.



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This begs the question, would Jesus even need a GPS?


What would Jesus cache?

And... WKCWJP ("What kind of cache would Jesus hide?")...


all I know is that it wouldn't be a micro. Seriously, I think it's considered a sin.

Oh really? Well let those without sin throw the first stone sock boy. As of this post, the last cache you found was a micro. The log sounds like you had fun, and even thanked the owner for the hide by stating "TFTH" at the end. In fact, 19 of your past 80 finds was a micro. That's just one shy of 25%.


Well what about caches that you own? Wow, 1 of YOUR 4 active caches is a micro!!! That doesn't sound to me like someone who really believes micros are a sin.


Or are you just trolling in the forums by pouncing on micros in every thread you can, even if it's completely off topic??????


Why so combative? Give it a rest and put on your sense of humor shoes like everyone else here :mmraspberry:.

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Imagine the kinds of caches he'd hide - a 5/5 on the middle of a lake (notice I said ON, not IN).


And how would he explain to his local reviewer that really, it was a bottle of WATER he'd left for the next cacher, because we all know wine would be against the rules...


And of course, he'd never have to restock it with swag - no matter how many finders, there'd always be enough...

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This begs the question, would Jesus even need a GPS?


What would Jesus cache?

And... WKCWJP ("What kind of cache would Jesus hide?")...


all I know is that it wouldn't be a micro. Seriously, I think it's considered a sin.

Oh really? Well let those without sin throw the first stone sock boy. As of this post, the last cache you found was a micro. The log sounds like you had fun, and even thanked the owner for the hide by stating "TFTH" at the end. In fact, 19 of your past 80 finds was a micro. That's just one shy of 25%.


Well what about caches that you own? Wow, 1 of YOUR 4 active caches is a micro!!! That doesn't sound to me like someone who really believes micros are a sin.


Or are you just trolling in the forums by pouncing on micros in every thread you can, even if it's completely off topic??????


Why so combative? Give it a rest and put on your sense of humor shoes like everyone else here :mmraspberry:.

I'm just tired of his off topic trolling in nearly every thread he posts to. But since a moderator doesn't seem to care that he's off topic trolling, then it must be acceptable forum behavior. So I guess I'll "give it a rest".

Edited by Mushtang
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Last year, someone stole the baby Jesus from a display during early Dec. He mysteriously re-appeared on Christmas eve, lovingly swaddled in his manger, with a full scrapbook of pics of the mesiah on his 3 week road trip around the surrounding states.


I thought it sounded like a pretty funny prank. Of course, just stealing the infant to be mean is different.


Back on topic.....


I think caching in a group with Jesus would be awesome. After searching and searching and our nets coming up empty, he would simply say to look again, and there it would be! He could heal wet log books and damaged containers with a touch. Yep, cachin' with Jesus would be awesome!



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This begs the question, would Jesus even need a GPS?


What would Jesus cache?

And... WKCWJP ("What kind of cache would Jesus hide?")...


all I know is that it wouldn't be a micro. Seriously, I think it's considered a sin.

Oh really? Well let those without sin throw the first stone sock boy. As of this post, the last cache you found was a micro. The log sounds like you had fun, and even thanked the owner for the hide by stating "TFTH" at the end. In fact, 19 of your past 80 finds was a micro. That's just one shy of 25%.


Well what about caches that you own? Wow, 1 of YOUR 4 active caches is a micro!!! That doesn't sound to me like someone who really believes micros are a sin.


Or are you just trolling in the forums by pouncing on micros in every thread you can, even if it's completely off topic??????

Why so combative? Give it a rest and put on your sense of humor shoes like everyone else here :mmraspberry:.
Why is it OK for people to take cheap shots, but not OK for others to react to it (other than because you agree with RoN)?



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This begs the question, would Jesus even need a GPS?


What would Jesus cache?

And... WKCWJP ("What kind of cache would Jesus hide?")...


all I know is that it wouldn't be a micro. Seriously, I think it's considered a sin.

Oh really? Well let those without sin throw the first stone sock boy. As of this post, the last cache you found was a micro. The log sounds like you had fun, and even thanked the owner for the hide by stating "TFTH" at the end. In fact, 19 of your past 80 finds was a micro. That's just one shy of 25%.


Well what about caches that you own? Wow, 1 of YOUR 4 active caches is a micro!!! That doesn't sound to me like someone who really believes micros are a sin.


Or are you just trolling in the forums by pouncing on micros in every thread you can, even if it's completely off topic??????

Why so combative? Give it a rest and put on your sense of humor shoes like everyone else here :rolleyes:.
Why is it OK for people to take cheap shots, but not OK for others to react to it (other than because you agree with RoN)?




It does seem that many posts are of a light hearted nature in this forum. When I read it, I did not take it as an affront on any individual or specific groups of people. Odd thing about this forum is that you can almost universally have fun with almost any subject, except micros.

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Vinny's right; they did use a Magellan. That's why they're called "Magi." This is the Latin plural for three Magellan users.


Because they used a Magellan, the Magi still needed to stop at King Herod's and ask for directions. This resulted in the slaughter of all male infants in Judea. See Matthew 2:16. This demonstrated that Magellans are evil. See the SporTrak owners manual.


Moses also used a Magellan, and as a result the Israelites wandered around in the desert for 40 years. Eventually they found the promised land, but Moses didn't. History's most painful and drawn out DNF, courtesy of Thales Navigation.


Here endeth the lesson.


I never understood why someone would name a GPSr company after an explorer that never could seem to find the way, never really knew where he was and in the end fell short of his goal. The Ballad of Magellan.

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Give it a rest people. This thread has been about humor. I didn't see any trolling in the micro post, I saw it as contributing to the thread.
If you look at it that way, I guess all of the threads are fine, since the same people make the same snarky comments consistently and then are 'high fived' by the same other posters. As long as the humor forwards their agenda, it's all good. I guess these comments aren't considered to be trolling unless they run contrary to their agenda. :)
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Give it a rest people. This thread has been about humor. I didn't see any trolling in the micro post, I saw it as contributing to the thread.
If you look at it that way, I guess all of the threads are fine, since the same people make the same snarky comments consistently and then are 'high fived' by the same other posters. As long as the humor forwards their agenda, it's all good. I guess these comments aren't considered to be trolling unless they run contrary to their agenda. :)


Boy Mr. Kettle that sure sounds familiar.

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Give it a rest people. This thread has been about humor. I didn't see any trolling in the micro post, I saw it as contributing to the thread.
If you look at it that way, I guess all of the threads are fine, since the same people make the same snarky comments consistently and then are 'high fived' by the same other posters. As long as the humor forwards their agenda, it's all good. I guess these comments aren't considered to be trolling unless they run contrary to their agenda. :rolleyes:


Boy Mr. Kettle that sure sounds familiar.

It's funny that you called him Kettle instead of The Pot. ;)


Apparently there are two camps when it comes to micros. There are those that love to bash them in the forums and take any opportunity to do so, even when it's completely off topic. Up until a couple of weeks ago I would say that these people also hate finding micros, but at least two of the loudest voices have been shown to find them with regularity and even own some. So now I'm thinking this first camp just enjoys bashing them in the forums, and to me this is simply trolling.


The other camp includes people that either love, like, dislike, or hate micros, but understand that it's just another choice of sizes that can be easily avoided if need be. These people tend to be more accepting of the fact that there are certainly facets of this game that they might not enjoy, but they tolerate them because they understand that others really do like them.


I belong in the second group. There are many that would see my post number 16 in this thread as being the one that went off topic. Others would see that the micro bashing thread I quoted was the off topic remark. When I read the micro bashing post I just rolled my eyes and thought to myself, "there's another post against micros out of nowhere". When I finished the thread it occurred to me to check and see if that poster had found any micros lately or did he really walk the walk. After I saw the information I ended up posting, I was pretty upset by the flagrant lying and trolling. I probably should have waited a bit before posting, calmed down, and phrased a lot of that differently.


ReadyOrNot, I apologize for the attacking tone of the post. I'm truly sorry. The point is valid, but I shouldn't have said it that harshly.


To the OP, I'm sorry for keeping this thread off topic with this post, but I felt it necessary to explain to you, and others, that it wasn't just this one off topic post in this one thread. There are so many thread that have a seemingly random micro bashing post thrown in. When I realized the off topic poster in this case was being so hypocritical I couldn't help but say something. Perhaps I shouldn't have. Again, I'm sorry.


So to keep this ON topic, and to try and save some face....


Perhaps The Risen Jesus is the original geocache? He was put on earth for people to find. Some would say he's a 5/5 because you need special equipment such as a bible, a church, teachings, etc. to find Him. And maybe he's the only 6/6... because nothing beats The Riz.

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Perhaps The Risen Jesus is the original geocache? He was put on earth for people to find. Some would say he's a 5/5 because you need special equipment such as a bible, a church, teachings, etc. to find Him. And maybe he's the only 6/6... because nothing beats The Riz.


I'd say it's an easy 1/1. All you need is an open heart.


Merry Christmas to all!

Edited by scuba dude
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Imagine the kinds of caches he'd hide - a 5/5 on the middle of a lake (notice I said ON, not IN).


And how would he explain to his local reviewer that really, it was a bottle of WATER he'd left for the next cacher, because we all know wine would be against the rules...


And of course, he'd never have to restock it with swag - no matter how many finders, there'd always be enough...


And just think of the caches that could rise from the archives, too.

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This begs the question, would Jesus even need a GPS?


What would Jesus cache?

And... WKCWJP ("What kind of cache would Jesus hide?")...


all I know is that it wouldn't be a micro. Seriously, I think it's considered a sin.


And just think - he could it hide it anywhere - from the deepest ocean to somewhere way out in space....

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Just for the record, I *WAS* trying to be funny. Sheeeesh. BTW - The micro I placed was at one of the best views of Portland in the area and anything bigger would not have worked. It's good to know that I've gotten under your skin guys :) My work here is done :(

And, just for the record, I thought your post was funny . . . and was dismayed at the reaction it engendered. Sheesh is right . . . :rolleyes:

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Vinny's right; they did use a Magellan. That's why they're called "Magi." This is the Latin plural for three Magellan users.


Because they used a Magellan, the Magi still needed to stop at King Herod's and ask for directions. This resulted in the slaughter of all male infants in Judea. See Matthew 2:16. This demonstrated that Magellans are evil. See the SporTrak owners manual.


Moses also used a Magellan, and as a result the Israelites wandered around in the desert for 40 years. Eventually they found the promised land, but Moses didn't. History's most painful and drawn out DNF, courtesy of Thales Navigation.


Here endeth the lesson.


*spits out coffee reading*


Don't DO that! :rolleyes::lol::lol::(:)

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This begs the question, would Jesus even need a GPS?


What would Jesus cache?

And... WKCWJP ("What kind of cache would Jesus hide?")...


all I know is that it wouldn't be a micro. Seriously, I think it's considered a sin.

Oh really? Well let those without sin throw the first stone sock boy. As of this post, the last cache you found was a micro. The log sounds like you had fun, and even thanked the owner for the hide by stating "TFTH" at the end. In fact, 19 of your past 80 finds was a micro. That's just one shy of 25%.


Well what about caches that you own? Wow, 1 of YOUR 4 active caches is a micro!!! That doesn't sound to me like someone who really believes micros are a sin.


Or are you just trolling in the forums by pouncing on micros in every thread you can, even if it's completely off topic??????

Why so combative? Give it a rest and put on your sense of humor shoes like everyone else here :rolleyes:.
Why is it OK for people to take cheap shots, but not OK for others to react to it (other than because you agree with RoN)?




It was obvious to me that it was said in jest. I didn't think that RoN actually believed placing a micro was a sin. I guess it's not as obvious to those who live life on the defensive.

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This begs the question, would Jesus even need a GPS?


What would Jesus cache?

And... WKCWJP ("What kind of cache would Jesus hide?")...


all I know is that it wouldn't be a micro. Seriously, I think it's considered a sin.

Oh really? Well let those without sin throw the first stone sock boy. As of this post, the last cache you found was a micro. The log sounds like you had fun, and even thanked the owner for the hide by stating "TFTH" at the end. In fact, 19 of your past 80 finds was a micro. That's just one shy of 25%.


Well what about caches that you own? Wow, 1 of YOUR 4 active caches is a micro!!! That doesn't sound to me like someone who really believes micros are a sin.


Or are you just trolling in the forums by pouncing on micros in every thread you can, even if it's completely off topic??????

Why so combative? Give it a rest and put on your sense of humor shoes like everyone else here B).
Why is it OK for people to take cheap shots, but not OK for others to react to it (other than because you agree with RoN)?




It was obvious to me that it was said in jest. I didn't think that RoN actually believed placing a micro was a sin. I guess it's not as obvious to those who live life on the defensive.


Placing a micro is a sin !


~And thats exactly why I do it !



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It's good to know that I've gotten under your skin guys B) My work here is done B)

Like others, I also (at first) presumed the "micro = sin" post was done only in jest, but this comment clearly shows that ReadyOrNot was in fact trolling, not merely jesting.


I would be tempted to respond by reporting his posts in this thread to the moderators, but unfortunately the moderators have consistently indicated they have absolutely no interest in attempting to limit trolling behavior. My curiosity on this point has even driven me to specifically ask several moderators via PM whether it is an appropriate function of a moderator to prohibit trolling (or any other bad-faith debating) the same way they forbid personal attacks and potty language. The answer was neither yes nor no; in each case my PMs on that question have been completely ignored. B)


It’s too bad this sort of thing is considered acceptable while other, less annoying forum abuses are regularly and strictly penalized, but that’s the way the local playground rules have apparently been written, so whaddaya gonna do? Maybe this policy is consistent with the way other forums are run. I wouldn’t know – I rarely read other forums. When I do I’m quickly put off by how completely un-moderated most forums seem to be run, usually to the point of them being unusable for their intended purpose. I therefore highly value the rare civilized quality of this website’s forum, and find the trolling/bad faith debating problem to be a minor one when viewed in comparison.


So: The fact that some folks choose to be intentionally disingenuous when they promote an agenda is very annoying, but I guess we’re stuck with it. Intentionally disingenuous posting about a controversial subject (trolling) is obviously not on the local list of moderator-controlled behavior. Maybe the moderators don’t have the manpower to control it, and therefore understandably limit their efforts to the more easily-detectable offenses. Maybe they allow it because it entertains them – I would consider that a valid reason as well. Maybe there is a reason I haven’t thought of. I wouldn't know – the people who keep warning us to "take it to the PMs" won’t answer my PMs. I respect and appreciate the job our unpaid moderators do for us, but I’m puzzled as to why they don’t want to answer a reasonable question – or even tell me why they won’t answer.


The problem remains, however, that troll-debunking IS apparently on the local list of moderator-controlled behavior.


It's a regular cycle; not consistent, but regular enough to be frustrating: A long-running controversy appears in a thread. The trolls do their trolling. The thread stays open. Others react to the trolling by trying to debunk it for what it is. Fireworks ensue ... and THEN the thread gets shut down. Who gets blamed? The debunkers.


Or, as sbell111 put it:

Why is it OK for people to take cheap shots, but not OK for others to react to it (other than because [those complaining about the reaction] agree with [the troll])? B)

Why, indeed? B) Maybe somebody can explain it to me?


In the meantime I will choose not to feed this particular troll.



Experienced participants in online forums know that the most effective way to discourage a troll is usually to ignore him or her, because responding encourages a true troll to continue disruptive posts — hence the often-seen warning "Please do not feed the troll."

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Does anyone feel like this thread is being hijacked? It's a feeling i've had before, but I just can't place where it's coming from..... "In the meantime, I will choose not to feed this particular troll"...


Does the irony of this post only make me laugh? The typical players have entered this thread, hi-jacked it and turned a completely innocent comment into a complete derailment...


Who's the troll I ask.

Edited by ReadyOrNot
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