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Which current coin...


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Got to be:........


Mystery Coins in General especially the Jedi Coin

Any Tiki Coin

The Enigma LE (or any one)

and Scavoks designs


MMmmmmm............... Love those Jellies also


I would have to say mine woulb be the one called, and I think it is called "Plan B". Or close to it.


It is a beer mug full of beer and on the back is two people drinkin and watching the rain outside of a


restraunt. I like it so it would have to be at the top of my list. Never saw it go on sale then one day I saw it


on E- something. Prett cool coin just won't buy em' off that site.


Hello Naomi!


Well, I do not know much about Geocoins yet! I do not know where to see them all!


I will place here my list, but I am afraid that it is a dream list only!

A reason is that my wallet limit is very low! :D


Anyway, I have seen a nice geocoin in the shape of an aeroplane, something like a stealth! I like that one!

I also like a coin (I think it is a coin), that has the shape and the design of a Lion? Is this a part of a zodiac collection! I hope that there is an Aries too! :D


I would like one of the mystery coins! I am listening so many things about them that they are almost a legend!!


Hmm...maybe one of the enigma coins (If it is not a mystery coin too). I like puzzles!


If there are geocoins with the shape of your state for example and there are other coins with different states (In shape too), I would like to have them or see them close together creating a map! Can you imagine to have a collection of all USA states, in their shapes and when you were putting them in the right order to create the USA map? I do not know if this is already done!!!


I heard somewhere that there are new geocoins that smell??? Hmm.... I would like one in my list! :D


And finally...your vicking coin! :D

...And a wooden nickel just for fun! I do not think these are trackable, but they must be nice!!!




Oops I posted off topic, thanks for pointing out forthferalz. So in that case, the new Juke box coin that is coming out in the am, fell in between paydays and car repairs lol, but it is one sweet coin.

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