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Bad Caches


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After the experience I and several other cachers had this weekend, I got to wondering....


Are there any caches out there that you think are way over rated, over hyped, or just down right lies?

rated? as in D/T?


not sure what you are referring to - word of mouth, logs, entry on cache description page?

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After the experience I and several other cachers had this weekend, I got to wondering....


Are there any caches out there that you think are way over rated, over hyped, or just down right lies?

rated? as in D/T?


not sure what you are referring to - word of mouth, logs, entry on cache description page?


I mean 'liar's caches', etc. Such as GCHZKB in Wisconsin and GCMHPA in Idaho.

Edited by Red_Devil35
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Help out a relatively new Cacher, liar caches? What's the charm in them? If you aren't in the know and you went on this hide, what would be the appeal?


In the case that Red Devil is referring to there was no appeal in fact everyone on the trip walked away foriuos (sp) and torked off, mainly because it was over a 4 hour drive for most, the participants were looking for a level 4.0 cache, and between all the participants there was approx 900.00 invested in doing the cache.

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Half the beauty of a liar's cache is not revealing which caches are liar's caches. I well remember my disappointment when the secret of a liar's cache in Nashville was revealed here in a forum post. I had planned on making a return trip centered around finding it. Haven't been there since.

So, our plan worked.

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Half the beauty of a liar's cache is not revealing which caches are liar's caches. I well remember my disappointment when the secret of a liar's cache in Nashville was revealed here in a forum post. I had planned on making a return trip centered around finding it. Haven't been there since.

So, our plan worked.

Y'all are liars and gurks. ;)

My log on that cache was completely truthful:

I had intended to go after this one several months ago when I found others in the area. I had read the logs, so I knew what to expect. I was prepared. I routinely keep a duffle full of climbing gear in the back of my Jeep. Unfortunately, I had failed to bring it on that day.

I made my attempt today. The descent went as planned. I located the cache and was resting as I read the logbook. That's when it happened.


The animals came out of nowhere and attacked. I have no idea how many there were, but I fought for my very life and ran away. I got away and decided to rest in the nearby clearing. A couple of the bites drew blood, but none were going to require stitches. I realized at this point that I had none of my gear and I was still holding the logbook. Bummer. I had to return to the scene before I could make it back to the Jeep.


I carefully crept back to the cache. I made little noise as I stealthily returned. Heck, I tried not to even breathe, lest I disturb the beasts. I quietly returned the log and replaced the cache. Happily, I made it back to the Jeep without suffering another attack.


Thanks for the adventure.

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Most of my caches are over rated to some extent or other. I make no secret of it. ;)


I've had very little negative feedback on them though. :D


Just because a cache is over rated doesn't make it bad either. :D


Your right it doesn't neccesarily make it a bad cache but I think the differnce between your cache and the cache RD is referring to is you don't make a secret of the fact that it is overrated while the owner of this cache did and when asked questions about it basically was evasive and not truthful.

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Most of my caches are over rated to some extent or other. I make no secret of it. :D


I've had very little negative feedback on them though. :D


Just because a cache is over rated doesn't make it bad either. ;)


Your right it doesn't neccesarily make it a bad cache but I think the differnce between your cache and the cache RD is referring to is you don't make a secret of the fact that it is overrated while the owner of this cache did and when asked questions about it basically was evasive and not truthful.


Okay, now I understad the case of reda$s. Still, ruining it for other folks is a bit petty. Most liars caches give themselves away. For a normal adult to be taken by one is a bit embarassing. :D In most cases those same people have a vested interest in seeing other folks share their embarassment rather than call attention to their own. :D

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Most of my caches are over rated to some extent or other. I make no secret of it. :D


I've had very little negative feedback on them though. :D


Just because a cache is over rated doesn't make it bad either. ;)


Your right it doesn't neccesarily make it a bad cache but I think the differnce between your cache and the cache RD is referring to is you don't make a secret of the fact that it is overrated while the owner of this cache did and when asked questions about it basically was evasive and not truthful.


Okay, now I understad the case of reda$s. Still, ruining it for other folks is a bit petty. Most liars caches give themselves away. For a normal adult to be taken by one is a bit embarassing. :D In most cases those same people have a vested interest in seeing other folks share their embarassment rather than call attention to their own. :D


I guess its how you see the point of view (thp nI do see your poitn too and did think about it a bit before I told the people I told via private email) everyone in our state that is now aware has thanked us and said they would have been teed off as they were going to follow in our footsteps and do the cache, now they won't invest the time, the money, etc.


Looking back yes there were some clues and there was some discussion that if this turned out to be BS that we'd be really really PISSED which is why the questions we asked were asked. In fact a whole event was set up around this KEWL really hard challange and to be taken in this case set off the group. I will tell you tho that we never intened to tell anyone beyond our own state board but then the vicious nasty email the owner sent was enough to set a few off even further.


I really have no problem being taken if it is a local cache and time and money didn't have to be invested, the fact that it cost this group close to the amount it did plus all the time is what probably put everyone over the edge. An email should have been sent to the group organizer telling the group the truth and then they could make a fully informed decison if they wanted to come. This along with a request to keep it secret would have been honored. Anyone planning on doing it after we aborted or completed our trip (more then likely aborted) would have been instructed to contact the owner for info on the cache, then the cache owner could have once again given the details and saved heartache, dissapointment, etc.


I have no vest interest in embarrassing others, I know I don't like being put in that situation and wouldn't do it to others.

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Wow. I sure am glad those liars' caches haven't gotten started here. I think that would turn me off from caching pretty quickly.


If you let one disappointment run you outta geocaching, you won't be caching much longer.


These types of caches are few and far between and I have seen some pretty interesting variations.


If the motive of the cache/hider is not just totally evil spirited, the fact is most people are good sports when they've been had. One person's bad cache is another person's great fun.

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Most of my caches are over rated to some extent or other. I make no secret of it. :ph34r:


I've had very little negative feedback on them though. :P


Just because a cache is over rated doesn't make it bad either. :unsure:


Your right it doesn't neccesarily make it a bad cache but I think the differnce between your cache and the cache RD is referring to is you don't make a secret of the fact that it is overrated while the owner of this cache did and when asked questions about it basically was evasive and not truthful.


Okay, now I understad the case of reda$s. Still, ruining it for other folks is a bit petty. Most liars caches give themselves away. For a normal adult to be taken by one is a bit embarassing. :laughing: In most cases those same people have a vested interest in seeing other folks share their embarassment rather than call attention to their own. :)


I guess its how you see the point of view (thp nI do see your poitn too and did think about it a bit before I told the people I told via private email) everyone in our state that is now aware has thanked us and said they would have been teed off as they were going to follow in our footsteps and do the cache, now they won't invest the time, the money, etc.


Looking back yes there were some clues and there was some discussion that if this turned out to be BS that we'd be really really PISSED which is why the questions we asked were asked. In fact a whole event was set up around this KEWL really hard challange and to be taken in this case set off the group. I will tell you tho that we never intened to tell anyone beyond our own state board but then the vicious nasty email the owner sent was enough to set a few off even further.


I really have no problem being taken if it is a local cache and time and money didn't have to be invested, the fact that it cost this group close to the amount it did plus all the time is what probably put everyone over the edge. An email should have been sent to the group organizer telling the group the truth and then they could make a fully informed decison if they wanted to come. This along with a request to keep it secret would have been honored. Anyone planning on doing it after we aborted or completed our trip (more then likely aborted) would have been instructed to contact the owner for info on the cache, then the cache owner could have once again given the details and saved heartache, dissapointment, etc.


I have no vest interest in embarrassing others, I know I don't like being put in that situation and wouldn't do it to others.


Most people aren't embarassed by a liars cache. B) If the cache owner attempted to deceive you after you contacted them, then they should be sorry.


The real fun of a liars cache is in the first few days or weeks. If they last for a long time, it's because more than just the hider is having fun with it. :)


Seriously though. If a cache seems too good to be true, it most probably is. A liars cache usually gives itself away within a few logs no matter where you start reading. Also, most people can smell BS before they step in it. Email a finder or three if you don't trust what you're being fed.

Edited by Snoogans
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There are 3 liars caches within about 100 miles of me. Two tell you right up front, and the other (rated 5/5) is so obvious, even the first finder probably didn't get duped.


But this one here, is pretty convincing. And it appears an event was held with the express purpose of group hunting it. I guess I'll never know, not being there, but I think I'd be pretty ticked off.

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There are 3 liars caches within about 100 miles of me. Two tell you right up front, and the other (rated 5/5) is so obvious, even the first finder probably didn't get duped.


But this one here, is pretty convincing. And it appears an event was held with the express purpose of group hunting it. I guess I'll never know, not being there, but I think I'd be pretty ticked off.


Yep an event was held for a group find.

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Wow. I sure am glad those liars' caches haven't gotten started here. I think that would turn me off from caching pretty quickly.


If you let one disappointment run you outta geocaching, you won't be caching much longer.


These types of caches are few and far between and I have seen some pretty interesting variations.


If the motive of the cache/hider is not just totally evil spirited, the fact is most people are good sports when they've been had. One person's bad cache is another person's great fun.


I'm not that thin skinned that disappointment is going to run me off from caching. While I understand the reasoning behind the liars' caches, I disagree with them. I'm not saying not to hide them anymore, just expressing my opinion that I don't care for them.


They strike me as an inside joke where it's funny to sit from the inside and laugh at people on the outside, who aren't in the know. I can see how it could be funny, kind of like a Candid Camera kind of thing, but it's not my cup of tea and my only point in saying the above is that if, as someone who's still a newbie, I was running into these kinds of caches as my first experiences with geocaching then yeah, it would be a turn off.

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There are 3 liars caches within about 100 miles of me. Two tell you right up front, and the other (rated 5/5) is so obvious, even the first finder probably didn't get duped.


But this one here, is pretty convincing. And it appears an event was held with the express purpose of group hunting it. I guess I'll never know, not being there, but I think I'd be pretty ticked off.


Yep an event was held for a group find.


Ya' know CC, you and the OP didn't really do a very good job of explaining what happened here. By going into yours and her user stats, combined with a couple of comments made here, I was able to figure it out, but I'll bet you I'm the only one :blink:


I think this is one of the most interesting, and open to debate stories I've ever seen in these forums! And in my opinion, a practical joke was played on a bunch of strangers from the internet, and a bunch of strangers who spent a lot of money on food and lodging, only to be disappointed. I'd have hoped the cache owner, or another local would have pulled the event host aside and said "PSSSST, this cache is sort of over-rated" (without going into the whole story of a liar's cache.)


But then again, I don't want to be any more responsible for "outing" this particular liars cache then I already am. So I think I'm going to hit the eject button right about now :laughing:

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Ya' know CC, you and the OP didn't really do a very good job of explaining what happened here. By going into yours and her user stats, combined with a couple of comments made here, I was able to figure it out, but I'll bet you I'm the only one :laughing:


I think this is one of the most interesting, and open to debate stories I've ever seen in these forums! And in my opinion, a practical joke was played on a bunch of strangers from the internet, and a bunch of strangers who spent a lot of money on food and lodging, only to be disappointed. I'd have hoped the cache owner, or another local would have pulled the event host aside and said "PSSSST, this cache is sort of over-rated" (without going into the whole story of a liar's cache.)


But then again, I don't want to be any more responsible for "outing" this particular liars cache then I already am. So I think I'm going to hit the eject button right about now :blink:


I guess I didn't realize I need to explain why I was asking a question!

All I wanted to know was if anyone else had experienced a cache that was over-rated, or presented as something it was not, nor was I making any complaints in this forum.

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I guess I didn't realize I need to explain why I was asking a question!

All I wanted to know was if anyone else had experienced a cache that was over-rated, or presented as something it was not, nor was I making any complaints in this forum.


Oh, no need to explain then :blink: I suppose y'all didn't want to just publically out the cache, just like I didn't. And no one did, technically. :laughing: Like I said in an earlier post, I'd never seen a "convincing" liars cache before. Wouldn't bother me a bit to come across one caching alone or with a small group though.

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Oh by the way, that 3rd liars cache in my area I was talking about? I just found the listing, it seems it has been archived, took me a while to find it. Some cacher and his brother hired a babysitter, and drove 420 miles for it. And they weren't happy with what they found. So much so that the owner archived the cache. This was just within the last month. So if the OP's original question is what people think of liars caches, it's obvious there are people out there who don't like them.

Edited by TheWhiteUrkel
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Heh, the one around here is very well received. The only time there was a stink about it was when someone from out of town fell for it, and the pics posted to the cache page and made a lot of noise and ruckus about nothing. :blink:


I'll agree that the owner of the one discussed by the OP perhaps could have been a little more forthcoming about the true meaning of it's title when they were informed that a group was planning a road trip just for that cache. Then again, wasn't all of that money spent on fun georoadtrip with some friends and finding a bunch of caches together? Or was it only spent because of the one cache? :laughing:

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Yes, in fact yesterday. Here's a copy/paste of part of my log:


I'm sure it made sense completely wherever it's hidden... but when I got there, the first thing that came to mind was thinking your mindset must have been "Ok... I'm going to go to a forest, and find the BIGGEST pile of branchy debris I can find. Then, I'm going to hide in it the SMALLEST possible container. Aaaaaand, just to make things interesting... the coordinates will be inaccurate"


Apparently the coordinates were off when I got there. Didn't learn that until after I got home. But yeah... massive pile of branches, micro hidden in it somewhere, middle of a forest... you get the idea. The sun was also almost down, so I was going with a flashlight to boot. I'm guessing it's in a perfectly legitimate spot somewhere not inside the giant pile of branches the coordinates pointed to, but when you're there... *shudder* why are people forever drawn to the 'micro in a forest' theory? There's other, less-frustrating ways to make a cache difficult other than going with the "it can be hiding in exactly 3.6 trillion spots" method.

Oh, and this was a "2 star" difficulty. What's that... a star for ever hour you'll likely have to search to find it?

Edited by Kabuthunk
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There are 3 liars caches within about 100 miles of me. Two tell you right up front, and the other (rated 5/5) is so obvious, even the first finder probably didn't get duped.


But this one here, is pretty convincing. And it appears an event was held with the express purpose of group hunting it. I guess I'll never know, not being there, but I think I'd be pretty ticked off.


Yep an event was held for a group find.


Ya' know CC, you and the OP didn't really do a very good job of explaining what happened here. By going into yours and her user stats, combined with a couple of comments made here, I was able to figure it out, but I'll bet you I'm the only one :blink:


I think this is one of the most interesting, and open to debate stories I've ever seen in these forums! And in my opinion, a practical joke was played on a bunch of strangers from the internet, and a bunch of strangers who spent a lot of money on food and lodging, only to be disappointed. I'd have hoped the cache owner, or another local would have pulled the event host aside and said "PSSSST, this cache is sort of over-rated" (without going into the whole story of a liar's cache.)


But then again, I don't want to be any more responsible for "outing" this particular liars cache then I already am. So I think I'm going to hit the eject button right about now :laughing:


You lost me totally.....What didn't we fully explain or what di we leave out?

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Heh, the one around here is very well received. The only time there was a stink about it was when someone from out of town fell for it, and the pics posted to the cache page and made a lot of noise and ruckus about nothing. :blink:


I'll agree that the owner of the one discussed by the OP perhaps could have been a little more forthcoming about the true meaning of it's title when they were informed that a group was planning a road trip just for that cache. Then again, wasn't all of that money spent on fun georoadtrip with some friends and finding a bunch of caches together? Or was it only spent because of the one cache? :laughing:


Spent only because of the one cache.

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hay, as long as we are lying to trick cachers, why not hide a micro in the middle of the forest, then after the first find, go remove it, and let people search and search and search for it, even though it's not there.


then every few months, put it back for a day or two so it's found and people think it's still around.


boy that would be just as funny! ho ho ho!







(no, don't do this. that was sarcasm for those impaired individuals)

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Today's Cacher just published an article on Liars Caches. I received an email the other day about an individual experience. Two brothers drove 450 miles taking time from work on what they thought was a 5/5 cache. It was a liars cache.


The sad part was that they emailed the owner before they left to make sure all the stages of what they thought was a multiple cache was in place. The received an email assurring them all was fine. Imagine how they felt when they found out the truth? Two days of vacation wasted for a drive by cache. A cache that they had spent weeks planning and putting together gear they thought they would need.


El Diablo

Edited by El Diablo
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After the experience I and several other cachers had this weekend, I got to wondering....


Are there any caches out there that you think are way over rated, over hyped, or just down right lies?

rated? as in D/T?


not sure what you are referring to - word of mouth, logs, entry on cache description page?


I mean 'liar's caches', etc. Such as GCHZKB in Wisconsin and GCMHPA in Idaho.

And exactly what is wrong with Liar's Caches?


I think I'm offended.

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Today's Cacher just published an article on Liars Caches. I received an email the other day about an individual experience. Two brothers drove 450 miles taking time from work on what they thought was a 5/5 cache. It was a liars cache.


The sad part was that they emailed the owner before they left to make sure all the stages of what they thought was a multiple cache was in place. The received an email assurring them all was fine. Imagine how they felt when they found out the truth? Two days of vacation wasted for a drive by cache. A cache that they had spent weeks planning and putting together gear they thought they would need.


El Diablo


Yup, that's the one I'm talking about. If it's any consolation, the 450 miles had to be round trip, the cache wasn't a "drive-by", and they got to grab some other excellent caches in the area. The owner acknowledged making the "wrong decision" by assuring them all was fine via email, via a note posted on the cache page.


No names or location, of course :unsure: Cache was archived shortly thereafter.

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The biggest question I have is why the OP was referred to as Reda$s at one point in this thread. Someone needs to get off their high horse and remember the posting guidelines. :unsure:


Oh, you mean the resident gc.com forum name-caller? He's apparently never learned the golden rule that you shouldn't say something to strangers on an internet message board that you wouldn't say to their face if you were meeting them for the first time.

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The biggest question I have is why the OP was referred to as Reda$s at one point in this thread. Someone needs to get off their high horse and remember the posting guidelines. :ph34r:


Oh, you mean the resident gc.com forum name-caller? He's apparently never learned the golden rule that you shouldn't say something to strangers on an internet message board that you wouldn't say to their face if you were meeting them for the first time.


Oh please, I said a case of reda$s. Uh, which it is and understandably so. There was no name calling involved. :unsure:


There isn't one thing I've said on this board that I wouldn't say in person. I've been to over 70 geocaching events in 5 states and I have no problem calling a spade a spade to anyone's face as many folks here can attest.


As for being a resident name caller. I have been warned twice for harsh terminology in just under 4 years. That hardly makes me an evil forum poster. :huh:


I stand behind my posting record. Go look up my past posts in my profile and tell me what the percentage of them is of negative to positive posts. I'll wait.

Edited by Snoogans
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