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The Colorado Thread


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Anyone else going to De Beque tomorrow? :)
I wish i could make it but I am on the opposite end of the state, or I will be tonight. We are near Amarillo Texas right now dropping our daughter off at school and we are staying in Trinidad tonight. Have fun. RM
Posted (edited)

I hope everyone had a great Labor Day weekend. Mrs. RocketMan and I spent a fun weekend in the mountains with zoltig and the Mrs. We did the Wheeler Lake trail on Saturday and it was awesome. Check out the new cache up there and here are a few pics (more can be seen in my log here):


Our Hacienda



Zoltig on the Second Obstacle



RM Doing a Wheel Stand



One of Many Great Views


Edited by RocketMan

Congrats to zoltig on having his photo show up on the large banner. It was taken at a cool cache too! :(



He's the green, square one, right?


Was Zoltig out caching in a boat???


Hi Dave!

Just couldn't help ourselves LOL!


The Splashes :o:(


Congrats to zoltig on having his photo show up on the large banner. It was taken at a cool cache too! :(



He's the green, square one, right? ;)EASY DOES IT!


Was Zoltig out caching in a boat??? :(


Hi Dave!

Just couldn't help ourselves LOL!


The Splashes ;)


HEY NOW! :o;)

Those familiar with the Front Range might recognize where this is...




So nice to be back for a visit...


(Gotta love that Lite Air -- Tastes Great but it's Less Filling... B) )

Those big rocks look pretty "flat".


Welcome back to CO LLOT.


Congrats to zoltig on having his photo show up on the large banner. It was taken at a cool cache too! B)



He's the green, square one, right? B)EASY DOES IT!


Was Zoltig out caching in a boat??? :D


Hi Dave!

Just couldn't help ourselves LOL!


The Splashes B)



Well, I assumed you'd be the center of attention! :D


Wow that must be that new motor home that fits behind a jeep, lots of room and comforts of home.


I prefer the smaller and more transportable home on the trail.


Yeah, but everytime we have been 4 wheeling with the jeep, dragging that emergency shelter behind, up and down those mountains that Ford EXPLODErs cant go,we have been finding and planting caches. I found caches this weekend up in the mountains. How about you? and oh yeah! The weekend before and the weekend befor that!...the weekend before that...! I could go on and on.

hmmmm I think that caching is what it is all about. Don't you? mmm Maybe not! It is probably way more fun to complain and figure to be ABOVE everybody else because they have fun their way.

Done plenty of camping, hiking, bushwacking, bouldering and snowdrift scrambling this year as well.

There are a LOT of very worthy caches out in the mountains if you can GET to them. Doesn't make any sense to stay in one little area of Colorado and snivel about the lack of quality caches. There are LOADS of 'em. Some are on mountain tops that you can hike to or (gasp) 4 wheel to. 'Course to hike to some of those way up, you'll spend days to get. And in no way (n0wae) are we sacrificing the scenery and beauty of Colorado. And let's not forget about the cachers! A lot of people get out to all different places to find those caches, then they turn around and find some in the cities just for fun. That doesn't make them "less" of a cacher for it. Some find LPH. Their choice cuz it is the game they want to play. I am not interested in LPH's.

For me, there are more and more caches here in my city. I'll wait until the days when the weather says getting outside means to stay within the area and find caches.



The sign on the door says "Empire Hilton." It is an emergency shelter that the Jeeps pull around where ever we go. :huh:

We take turns pulling it up and down the 4x4 roads with plenty of obstacles to manouever over. :huh:



Jessie have fun playing in Mill Creek.


We traveled from 8K to 10.5K ft in 4.6 miles. That doesn't include the dropping 400ft then back up in 1.8 mi. to an elevation of 10.2 +/- at the cache site. AND THEN... on to Bill Moore Lake. Placing us at timberline. But that wasn't a straight shot either. Nor easy. Just ask the people who didn't make it.


Bill Moore Lake


Then I headed up Saxon mtn road. Traveled this before but it is a road that will throw you off if your not careful.


Had to skirt this freshly felled boulder


Why did I go up Saxon mtn? To find caches, of course! I found one of E3's caches. And one of RocketMans that I didn't get to last June, because of WHY? Snow baby. Snow. So what better than to take a dusky drive with my, to coin a phrase, trusty Jeep than make a cache run out of it.


Cache at night! No quality here. Yeah riigghht!



The view from the cache on top of Saxon Mtn.


And all the while, dragging that emergency shelter behind me going clank clank, thud, boom, thump.

Kinda wants to make a person want to take it off of their Jeep and push it over on a person who thinks they are "all that and a bag of chips."





:rolleyes::huh:RocketMans bedroom :DB)


As Harmon would say, honk if you know where this is!

Listen to me Dave ...




Two questions:


Did living in San Diego mean that you had to surf?

Does living in Denver mean that you have to ski?


Think about it ... six months of casts, crutches, robo-boot, and a shriveled leg.


Yeah, but everytime we have been 4 wheeling with the jeep, dragging that emergency shelter behind, up and down those mountains that Ford EXPLODErs cant go,we have been finding and planting caches. I found caches this weekend up in the mountains. How about you? and oh yeah! The weekend before and the weekend befor that!...the weekend before that...! I could go on and on.


hmmmm I think that caching is what it is all about. Don't you? mmm Maybe not! It is probably way more fun to complain and figure to be ABOVE everybody else because they have fun their way.


Done plenty of camping, hiking, bushwacking, bouldering and snowdrift scrambling this year as well.

There are a LOT of very worthy caches out in the mountains if you can GET to them. Doesn't make any sense to stay in one little area of Colorado and snivel about the lack of quality caches.


There are LOADS of 'em. Some are on mountain tops that you can hike to or (gasp) 4 wheel to. 'Course to hike to some of those way up, you'll spend days to get. And in no way (n0wae) are we sacrificing the scenery and beauty of Colorado. And let's not forget about the cachers! A lot of people get out to all different places to find those caches, then they turn around and find some in the cities just for fun. That doesn't make them "less" of a cacher for it. Some find LPH. Their choice cuz it is the game they want to play. I am not interested in LPH's.


For me, there are more and more caches here in my city. I'll wait until the days when the weather says getting outside means to stay within the area and find caches.



Listen to me Dave ...




Two questions:


Did living in San Diego mean that you had to surf?

Does living in Denver mean that you have to ski?


Think about it ... six months of casts, crutches, robo-boot, and a shriveled leg.

But it does mean that you won't have to worry about bunching your socks...well one of them anyway...


We had too much fun this weekend not to share...Greengineer, my dad and myself went after Cetacean (Whale) cache this Saturday, and after we summited Whale Peak we came down a different ridge and noticed something shiny on the other side of the valley:



What we were looking at was the black object that was in line with the end of the switchbacks. What was it-a shiny rock? No! After a few squints we realized it was a car. Clearly a detour was in order. After making our way around, we found this:




(That's me in the picture. Notice the angle of the clouds.) Ten points to who can guess the make and type of the car! We generally agreed that whoever did this was doing something very stupid, and we hope they were wearing their seatbelts, and that ideally somebody just forgot to set their e-brake when they hopped out of the car.

The fun wasn't over yet, however, as we saw yet more shiny things all over they floor of the valley. Clearly this required more investigation. We weren't sure if it was a helicopter or a plane until we found a wing.




My dad remembers hearing about a plane crash in the area ten years ago or so. So the moral of the story is, don't fly into this valley or drop your Jeep off the side of a mountain. Bad ideas.

Posted (edited)



Mary Elizabeth drawed a picture of the road;

it looked like a whole bunch a' Zs and Ws all strung together.

And RJ took one look at it and said that the only way that Jeep car

is goin' down that road is over her dead body.

Then a rock slipped out from under the wheel

and the U-Drive-'Em Army Jeep car went right over the edge of the cliff.



"Doggone-it, Roy Gene! How many times do I have to 'splain it to you?

When I tell you to put a rock under the wheel, I mean a rock!

Now look at that, what you have there is no bigger'n a grapefruit."

-- Excerpt from "Black Bear Road" by C.W. McCall

Edited by Let's Look Over Thayer




Ten points to who can guess the make and type of the car! We generally agreed that whoever did this was doing something very stupid, and we hope they were wearing their seatbelts, and that ideally somebody just forgot to set their e-brake when they hopped out of the car.

Jeep Cherokee perhaps? There is a little hint there on the door.

That is one ugly looking bent up hunk of steel. I hope they bailed out before it went down.


Great pictures BTW.







Ten points to who can guess the make and type of the car! We generally agreed that whoever did this was doing something very stupid, and we hope they were wearing their seatbelts, and that ideally somebody just forgot to set their e-brake when they hopped out of the car.

Jeep Cherokee perhaps? There is a little hint there on the door.

That is one ugly looking bent up hunk of steel. I hope they bailed out before it went down.


Great pictures BTW.




Seems like an obvious spot for a cache though. Hope it doesn't get muggled.

(just kidding BTW)


Great pics!


zoltig, Smilin Bob and I spent some time in the High Country this weekend also and fortunately our Jeeps didn't end up like that Cherokee.


Note: See more pics on the cache pages.


Pics from n0wae's 4x4 5-Santa Fe Peak cache:


Fall Colors Already



Narrow "Pucker Factor" Section



Cache View



From Mondo's Mondo's Lost Mine cache:


zoltig on a Rocky Section



From Radio Dude's Dos Lagos cache:


Alpine Lake View



From Mondo's Mondo & Diana's Wedding Cache:


Glacier Mountain Trail



Mountain Goats


Mountain Goats on the Edge


Posted (edited)

Jeep Cherokee perhaps? There is a little hint there on the door.

That is one ugly looking bent up hunk of steel. I hope they bailed out before it went down.


Great pictures BTW.




Close enough for government work. Cherokee Sport.

Edited by Uberquandary




Ten points to who can guess the make and type of the car! We generally agreed that whoever did this was doing something very stupid, and we hope they were wearing their seatbelts, and that ideally somebody just forgot to set their e-brake when they hopped out of the car.

Jeep Cherokee perhaps? There is a little hint there on the door.

That is one ugly looking bent up hunk of steel. I hope they bailed out before it went down.


Great pictures BTW.




Seems like an obvious spot for a cache though. Hope it doesn't get muggled.

(just kidding BTW)


Great pics!


Thinking-if we made the car itself the cache, people could scratch their names into the paint, and it would never get muggled!





Ten points to who can guess the make and type of the car! We generally agreed that whoever did this was doing something very stupid, and we hope they were wearing their seatbelts, and that ideally somebody just forgot to set their e-brake when they hopped out of the car.

Jeep Cherokee perhaps? There is a little hint there on the door.

That is one ugly looking bent up hunk of steel. I hope they bailed out before it went down.


Great pictures BTW.




Seems like an obvious spot for a cache though. Hope it doesn't get muggled.

(just kidding BTW)


Great pics!


Thinking-if we made the car itself the cache, people could scratch their names into the paint, and it would never get muggled!


That vehicle crash really does look fresh. There is no rust on any of the exposed metal areas. Do you have coords for the location of the vehicle? I'm curious what trails are above there. I'll make sure to avoid them. RM


That vehicle crash really does look fresh. There is no rust on any of the exposed metal areas. Do you have coords for the location of the vehicle? I'm curious what trails are above there. I'll make sure to avoid them. RM


It might not show up in the pictures that well, but there was quite a bit of rust, especially on the roof. From our perspective the trail they fell off looked like it should have been obvious to avoid, and the ATVs we saw on top didn't go down it. And it just so happens we did mark the spot: N 39 30.114 W 105 51.430, in the environs of Webster Pass.


That vehicle crash really does look fresh. There is no rust on any of the exposed metal areas. Do you have coords for the location of the vehicle? I'm curious what trails are above there. I'll make sure to avoid them. RM


It might not show up in the pictures that well, but there was quite a bit of rust, especially on the roof. From our perspective the trail they fell off looked like it should have been obvious to avoid, and the ATVs we saw on top didn't go down it. And it just so happens we did mark the spot: N 39 30.114 W 105 51.430, in the environs of Webster Pass.

Thanks for the coords. It looks close to where we were on Saturday. I'll have to check it out relative to our tracks when I get home. RM


We had too much fun this weekend not to share...Greengineer, my dad and myself went after Cetacean (Whale) cache this Saturday, and after we summited Whale Peak we came down a different ridge and noticed something shiny on the other side of the valley:




What we were looking at was the black object that was in line with the end of the switchbacks. What was it-a shiny rock? No! After a few squints we realized it was a car. Clearly a detour was in order. After making our way around, we found this:





Now, if that wreck was anywhere near here, it would already have a cache in it. :P Some of the car-carcass caches around here have names like:

  • My Dad's Gonna Kill Me
  • Ouch, That Musta Hurt . . .
  • Chevy No-Va
  • Oh, Jeeeeze . . . Not another one . . . !


Posted (edited)



Mary Elizabeth drawed a picture of the road;

it looked like a whole bunch a' Zs and Ws all strung together.

And RJ took one look at it and said that the only way that Jeep car

is goin' down that road is over her dead body.

Then a rock slipped out from under the wheel

and the U-Drive-'Em Army Jeep car went right over the edge of the cliff.



"Doggone-it, Roy Gene! How many times do I have to 'splain it to you?

When I tell you to put a rock under the wheel, I mean a rock!

Now look at that, what you have there is no bigger'n a grapefruit."

-- Excerpt from "Black Bear Road" by C.W. McCall

Who didn't enjoy C. Dub. aka Bill Fries?

Question to you- Who was the back up band for C.W. McCall?

Edited by zoltig

We had too much fun this weekend not to share...Greengineer, my dad and myself went after Cetacean (Whale) cache this Saturday, and...<snip>


HOLY COW, Uber! :anitongue:

Looks like somebody had a bad day. <_<


That would have been a hellava ride down the slope.


For the plane wreckage, look here to see if there is any info.

Posted (edited)

Oh YEAH! Did we ever have fun Saturday. It's a good thing the weekend has two days cuz I know I Sure need a day to rest up.

We met at 8:00am and traveled up to Montezuma to start our 4 wheeling day. Didn't get done until we stopped at Beau Jo's for pizza and beer. Let me be specific, some beer with our pizza. We were responsible. Good thing too, the law enforcement (bless 'em) had a DUI checkpoint set up that was on my way home. Everybody gets pulled over and questioned. Including, yours truly! When the good Deputy was finished with the duty portion of the check, he asked where we had been 4 wheeling. I told him and his eyes lit up and he asked, "Have Fun?" I said, "YUP. We sure did." He said, "Cool. Have a nice drive home and thanks for wearing your seatbelts."



RocketMan's descent back down Santa Fe.

Note the angle of the Jeep. No sudden moves, believe me!



...and here in lies a story.

Great high mountain lake.



The Roobs were getting their sides massaged in the scrub.

Edited by zoltig


Mary Elizabeth drawed a picture of the road;

it looked like a whole bunch a' Zs and Ws all strung together.

And RJ took one look at it and said that the only way that Jeep car

is goin' down that road is over her dead body.

Then a rock slipped out from under the wheel

and the U-Drive-'Em Army Jeep car went right over the edge of the cliff.



"Doggone-it, Roy Gene! How many times do I have to 'splain it to you?

When I tell you to put a rock under the wheel, I mean a rock!

Now look at that, what you have there is no bigger'n a grapefruit."

-- Excerpt from "Black Bear Road" by C.W. McCall

Who didn't enjoy C. Dub. aka Bill Fries?

Question to you- Who was the back up band for C.W. McCall?

None other than the Fort Calhoun Nuclear Power Plant Boys (a.k.a. Chip Davis and friends...)


We had too much fun this weekend not to share...Greengineer, my dad and myself went after Cetacean (Whale) cache this Saturday, and after we summited Whale Peak we came down a different ridge and noticed something shiny on the other side of the valley:




What we were looking at was the black object that was in line with the end of the switchbacks. What was it-a shiny rock? No! After a few squints we realized it was a car. Clearly a detour was in order. After making our way around, we found this:






I think that site needs a CITO run! Just imagine 15 caches haulin' that thing back!



Mary Elizabeth drawed a picture of the road;

it looked like a whole bunch a' Zs and Ws all strung together.

And RJ took one look at it and said that the only way that Jeep car

is goin' down that road is over her dead body.

Then a rock slipped out from under the wheel

and the U-Drive-'Em Army Jeep car went right over the edge of the cliff.



"Doggone-it, Roy Gene! How many times do I have to 'splain it to you?

When I tell you to put a rock under the wheel, I mean a rock!

Now look at that, what you have there is no bigger'n a grapefruit."

-- Excerpt from "Black Bear Road" by C.W. McCall

Who didn't enjoy C. Dub. aka Bill Fries?

Question to you- Who was the back up band for C.W. McCall?

None other than the Fort Calhoun Nuclear Power Plant Boys (a.k.a. Chip Davis and friends...)


HEHEHE Yup! You got it right. And of course they turned in to, Mannheim Steamroller. I would listen to hours on end of the Fresh Aire in front of the Franklin Stove with the snow and wind howling outside reading my books. The books? In 78? The Bastard, The Rebels and The Seekers aka The Kent Chronicles by John Jakes.


That vehicle crash really does look fresh. There is no rust on any of the exposed metal areas. Do you have coords for the location of the vehicle? I'm curious what trails are above there. I'll make sure to avoid them. RM


It might not show up in the pictures that well, but there was quite a bit of rust, especially on the roof. From our perspective the trail they fell off looked like it should have been obvious to avoid, and the ATVs we saw on top didn't go down it. And it just so happens we did mark the spot: N 39 30.114 W 105 51.430, in the environs of Webster Pass.

I plotted your coordinates in my laptop for a look and noticed it was only 2.4 miles south of Radical Hill. There was a jeep accident in the area on July 28 this year. Looks like you might have found the jeep in question. A sad story but a reminder to the rest of us to be careful when wheeling these narrow Colorado trails.


That vehicle crash really does look fresh. There is no rust on any of the exposed metal areas. Do you have coords for the location of the vehicle? I'm curious what trails are above there. I'll make sure to avoid them. RM


It might not show up in the pictures that well, but there was quite a bit of rust, especially on the roof. From our perspective the trail they fell off looked like it should have been obvious to avoid, and the ATVs we saw on top didn't go down it. And it just so happens we did mark the spot: N 39 30.114 W 105 51.430, in the environs of Webster Pass.

I plotted your coordinates in my laptop for a look and noticed it was only 2.4 miles south of Radical Hill. There was a jeep accident in the area on July 28 this year. Looks like you might have found the jeep in question. A sad story but a reminder to the rest of us to be careful when wheeling these narrow Colorado trails.


Booger. I preferred anonymity. :o


I plotted your coordinates in my laptop for a look and noticed it was only 2.4 miles south of Radical Hill. There was a jeep accident in the area on July 28 this year. Looks like you might have found the jeep in question. A sad story but a reminder to the rest of us to be careful when wheeling these narrow Colorado trails.

Thanks for the info n0wae. That might be the article about the accident, but it definitely wasn't on Radical Hill. I plotted some tracks in Google Earth and it looks like they were on a side trail off of the South Fork Swan River trail. The trail they were on is near the Rainbow King Mine.


Here is an overview of the area with a waypoint for the smashed Jeep coords that Uberquandary gave (notice it is not below Radical Hill):



Here is a closer view showing the trial coming off of South Fork Swan:



And here is a closer view yet where you can see the switchbacks they were probably headed down and the canyon below (notice that the switchbacks end):



Last weekend zoltig and I were on a similar set of switchbacks heading down the back side of Santa Fe Peak after doing n0wae's cache up there. We turned around because the trail looked questionable and was probably similar to the trail those folks were on. I'm glad we did.




I plotted your coordinates in my laptop for a look and noticed it was only 2.4 miles south of Radical Hill. There was a jeep accident in the area on July 28 this year. Looks like you might have found the jeep in question. A sad story but a reminder to the rest of us to be careful when wheeling these narrow Colorado trails.

Thanks for the info n0wae. That might be the article about the accident, but it definitely wasn't on Radical Hill. I plotted some tracks in Google Earth and it looks like they were on a side trail off of the South Fork Swan River trail. The trail they were on is near the Rainbow King Mine.


Here is an overview of the area with a waypoint for the smashed Jeep coords that Uberquandary gave (notice it is not below Radical Hill):



Here is a closer view showing the trial coming off of South Fork Swan:



And here is a closer view yet where you can see the switchbacks they were probably headed down and the canyon below (notice that the switchbacks end):



Last weekend zoltig and I were on a similar set of switchbacks heading down the back side of Santa Fe Peak after doing n0wae's cache up there. We turned around because the trail looked questionable and was probably similar to the trail those folks were on. I'm glad we did.



Very nice pictures Rocketman! Yes, I'm not surprised about the Press inaccuracies. It's quite normal for them to pick a nearby well known location that people can identify with. Most wheelers don't have Topo skills and only have a general knowledge of where their at when wheeling. Pathfinding is a lost art and GPSers are still too new. Anyway, I'm sorry some fellow wheelers had this mishap in this area. It makes me ponder about all the decisions I've made in the past to push a road or to use discretion and call it quits. I guess I've been lucky so far.


That vehicle crash really does look fresh. There is no rust on any of the exposed metal areas. Do you have coords for the location of the vehicle? I'm curious what trails are above there. I'll make sure to avoid them. RM


It might not show up in the pictures that well, but there was quite a bit of rust, especially on the roof. From our perspective the trail they fell off looked like it should have been obvious to avoid, and the ATVs we saw on top didn't go down it. And it just so happens we did mark the spot: N 39 30.114 W 105 51.430, in the environs of Webster Pass.

I plotted your coordinates in my laptop for a look and noticed it was only 2.4 miles south of Radical Hill. There was a jeep accident in the area on July 28 this year. Looks like you might have found the jeep in question. A sad story but a reminder to the rest of us to be careful when wheeling these narrow Colorado trails.


Update-my dad talked with one of his friends with Park County SAR connections (the accident was in Park County) and he tells us that there was an accident just by Gibson Lake over Labor Day weekend. That's right where we were hiking, and somebody had scratched '9/3/07' into the paint. We just took that date to be when somebody found it like we did, but maybe somebody was memorializing the day of the accident. According to him, there were four people in the accident and they all made it out, albeit banged up quite a bit. We're kind of surprised anybody walked from that accident, it looked like a doozy. I guess it never got reported in the Denver news, although I might take a look at the Flume here.


With all these accidents, I'm kind of glad I'm a hiker...I value my oil pan...

I just want to share our joy...finished our first year of geocaching with 365 caches. 1 cache per day average.



Better than a one a day vitamin. Congrats on your first anniversary!


I just want to share our joy...finished our first year of geocaching with 365 caches. 1 cache per day average.


Good for you!! :P

When I started, I don't think there were even 365 caches in the whole state!

I remember when Colorado hit the 1000 mark in caches in the state. Doesn't seem that long ago.

Times fun when your having flies. :P


Smilin' Bob, RocketMan and I had a SUPER day caching with Moose Mob yesterday. We took him on the Spring Creek trail for some of RocketMan's Off Road Series #6a and some

4 wheel adventure.

A little rain, sometimes mixed with ice, and plenty of dark clouds ruled the day.

Nice to finally meet the "Moose" and to hear the story behind the name.



Moose Mob recovering the "oops" cache.



The steep descent to get a cache on the R.O. #6.

Need to figure out the "poop" that we saw. I asked RM to taste it but he refused.



In front of the Frontenac (sp) mine by Central City.



Showing off my new flex. Smilin' Bob got me some sway disconnects and we got them installed in time for this trip. They sure do make a difference!!


Thanks Moose Mob for spending part of Sunday with us and the refreshments after the trip!! :P

We hope you had a good time and we invite you back next summer for the 4x4 event.


As zoltig said in his log, we had a great day off roading and caching on Sunday. First zoltig, Smilin Bob and I went up Russell Gulch above Idaho Springs and the scenery was awesome with the aspens turning. Then we picked up Moose Mob and did the difficult Spring Creek trail that we did the day of the Mountain 4x4 event. There we no broken parts this time but we had a hard time getting through the rock garden where all the mishaps happened last time because it was raining and the rocks were very slippery.


From the Russell Gulch Run


Yellow Ahead






In the Yellow Tunnel



Tailings and Aspens



zoltig and Smilin Bob at the e3Brown Cache



Form the Spring Creek Run


zoltig up the First Obstacle



The Third Obstacle - Easier Then Before



Moose Mob, zoltig and Smilin Bob in the Emergency Cabin



The Turd in Question - Can you Identify it????



Back in and up there. Found a hell of a place to go over the hill last week.



YEP! I see the "old" snow from last winter and the fresh snow on the high peaks. The seasons are indeed changing.

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