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I live in WV and we have 4 or 5 ski resorts here....and i havent seen any caches "ON" the slopes yet...I wonder if there are other places that have caches on the slopes....maybe out west somewhere or up near NY or VT....It might be kinda hard to spot a cache under 5 or 6 feet of snow though...


WOuld be kinda nice to have a cache hidden off trail somewhere in some fresh powder...That might not be possible...Im not familiar with Ski resort rules and caching...I know they dont promote goin off trail either...


Another problem with this would be the cache in the summer time...


Anybody found any caches like this or have an idea how to hide one???

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That sounds like a neat idea, but ski resorts are private property...  you'd have to get permission first, and somehow I have a feeling they might not like the idea.

And they are generally "for profit" ventures. A quick read of the guidelines relating to commercial caches will explain why you're having trouble finding any.


Commercial caches

Commercial caches attempt to use the Geocaching.com web site cache reporting tool directly or indirectly (intentionally or non-intentionally) to solicit customers through a Geocaching.com listing. These are NOT permitted. Examples include for-profit locations that require an entrance fee, or locations that sell products or services.


note, i added the bold

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There's one on Plattekill Mtn in NY, but the owner asks that it not be searched for in the winter. Very frustrating, as I skied by it within a 10th of a mile, but in deference to the owners wishes I let it go. Stratton , in Vermont has one too, but you need cross country skis to get it. There is also one at Snowbird.I kick myself for not giving it a shot when I was there last month, but realistically, there was a 180 inch base when I was there, so it was probably under 12 feet of snow.


This one was .3 mile from my hotel room at Snowbird, but straight up the side of the mountain. Again there was 12+ feet of snow and I didn't have snowshoes with me, so it taunted me all week.


That sounds like a neat idea, but ski resorts are private property...


Not always. Many are on national forest land and leased from the government.

Edited by briansnat
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We have a cache for skiers up at our local ski area , Mission Ridge. Altitude is Your Friend!


The cache is accesible in winter, because it is part of the wing that is mentioned in the cache description. Unfortunately, it has been comprimised several time by partyers. ;) We are able to have it in our ski area, because technically the land is owned by I believe the National Forest Service. It would be difficult to get to in the summer, but possible. Long, steep, hard hike.


Also, right by the ski area's parking lot is a trail head that goes up to a bunch of lakes, so there is a cache right there, Hampton's Folly, that describes the history of the ski resort. It is probably not available in the winter, as it is a standard cache. But it is nice for off season visitors.

Edited by Ambrosia
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Lucky Sevens is a cache hidden on the slopes at


I don't know how it was hidden, but I know that it is available both during the winter and during the off-season. I'm pretty sure it was placed with permission of resort staff but it had some problems.


Sometime after it was hidden, a skier/geocacher went to try and find it. As far as I understand, it's hidden in a place where lots of muggles can potentially see you, the log is pretty self-explanatory:


"Great Cache, great location, great booty, poor timing!


We were hoping the cache would be more accessible to people on shoes. Once we got there we couldn't just give up the hunt though, and decided to just hike down the slope to the specified coordinates. We got quite a few strange looks from people on the ski lift! After some digging, we did find the stash, fortunately a natural spring in the vicinity made the digging light. We were drawing a crowd, and not wanting to draw ski patrol we took the cache back to the place we were staying to read and swap stuff in private. We took the free ski pass, left the front page of “the onion” newspaper, and a bunch of alpine slide tickets.


BUT!! The best part of the story is yet to come! We sent one of our team out to return the cache the following day. When he planted the cache (brown spherical container) some concerned skier, thinking we were planting a bomb, called ski patrol. Within minutes the entire area was roped off, and 8 or 9 ski patrol were on the scene. After about an hour of debate (and yelling) and much ski patrol radio chatter, our dedicated cacher leaped the ski patrol barrier and pulled the cache back out, and dumped its contents for all to see. This quickly diffused the situation, and with a little more nudging the ski patrol allowed us to return the cache to its proper location. We were wondering why we were the first group to get this cache during the ski season, and now we know! "

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That sounds like a neat idea, but ski resorts are private property...


Not always. Many are on national forest land and leased from the government.

Flyer is a ski to cache here in Colorado. Very fun to do.

briansnat is right about the land (most cases) used for skiing. This is YOUR property. Enjoy it.

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Commercial caches attempt to use the Geocaching.com web site cache reporting tool directly or indirectly (intentionally or non-intentionally) to solicit customers through a Geocaching.com listing. These are NOT permitted. Examples include for-profit locations that require an entrance fee, or locations that sell products or services.

I see what you mean here.....I dought non skiing cachers would like to pay to enter a resort and ride a lift to find a cache and not ski...I was thinking of somekind of winter only cache....archive it in the summer....skiiers only kinda thing...

Here's a fairly new one in Canaan Valley that the first stage is on the slope.


Not sure what it'd be like in the winter though.

I heard about the new caches in Canaan valley...I wonder if they are gonna stay open all winter long...5 feet of snow is not uncommon in the valley...might be hard to find around Jan or Feb....

Edited by WVski
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