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I Want Do It Again!

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I placed 2 caches at Reelfoot State PArk in TN nearley a year ago. After driving the 60 miles to hide it I was informed by Tennessee Geocacher that I had to have permission from the park ranger. I drove the 60 miles again to get permission. Well, the ranger was out for the day. I did not want to do this over the phone so I returned the 60 miles again 2 days later to talk to the ranger about permission for the cache. He had heard of geocaching and already told one of the workers to check into hiding a few themselves. He gave me permission to hide mine and his phone number for the approver to contact him. All went well and Tennessee Geocaher promptly approved my caches. THE PROBLEM, now is I get an e-mail just like the first one I recieved a year ago saying I must get permission and a contact number because my cache has been archived. What is the deal???? This one is from MAXCACHER. Has this happened to any of you? I WILL NOT DO THIS AGAIN! I spent several dollars and 3 days placing these caches the first time!!!! It will have to stay archived and the next time I'm in the area I will pick it up! (maybe)

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Have you discussed with the approver why the 'cache was archived? Perhaps it's an oversite on someone's part? I understand your frustration, especially given the time and effort, however your line "...and the next time I'm in the area I will pick it up! (maybe)" bothers me. Certainly, I don't think anyone would expect you to hop in your car, drive straight there and recover the 'cache, but please, either put it up for adoption, or retreive as soon as you are conveiently able to. An archive 'cache, especially in a government park is only going to add fuel to the "Geo-litter" fire, and give anti-'cachers more reason to ban them in yet one more area.

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I sent an e-mail to maxcacher, maybe it will be cleared up shortly.

Didn't mean to sound as harsh as this post may have sounded! I really was just wondering if this was happening to anyone else or if it was the norm. You are right about one thing for sure, and I will pick it up if it comes to that. Sorry!

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For some reason Tennessee Geocacher changed his/her name to Max Cacher so they are the same Volunteer Cache Reviewer. Also, as far as I know there's not supposed to have been any new caches in Tennessee State Parks since June 2003 or so. Caches that were already in place and identified were allowed to stay while some kind of resolution was worked out. This issue has never been too widely known about but this info was good as of October 2004.



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What has me confused is....... I placed 2 caches the same day. I submitted them and was told I had to have permission from the park ranger. I rode back the 60 miles to meet the Ranger and get permission. He was out so I had to make another trip a few days later. I made the 60 miles again and explained geocaching to the ranger. He liked the idea and I even showed him the location of the caches. One is right outside the office and the other is less than 100 yards behind his house. You have to walk thru his yard to get to the nature trail that is located on.. They were ok and have had a number of finds and compliments about the cache sites. Now, 7 or 8 months later one of them is ok and the other is not. I could understand having permission for each individual cache if there was some kind of written permission slip. There is not. The approver simply calls to verify that we have permission. He did this. Now they say I only had permission for 1 cache. Does he have to hang up and call back for each cache? This really has me confused. If this cache is not un-archived I will be forced to pick it up, as I do not think I should have to go thru this again nor bother the Ranger again for the same thing. Anyone that has been to Reelfoot Lake knows that this is a very scenic and historical area. There needs to be caches in the area. I had been thinking of hiding a couple more in the area and would have gotten permission for these. It ain't worth the trouble! I don't think I am being unreasonable about this at all.

I hope this explains the problem I am having and yes, I am in contact with the approver. I HOPE this gets worked out soon!



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