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Unactivated Travel Bug

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I wondered if I could ask everyone's advice on something?


We found A TB today at 'Seek the dead scotsman' and when I try to log the find it is telling me that it has not yet been activated.


I've read through the log entries, and no-one has said that they put it there. The cache has not been visited for several days, so whover put it there would have had a few days at least in order to activate it.


I'm just wondering what I should do with it - should I just hang on to it until someone activates it?


If anyone thinks it may be theirs it's a little yellow plastic teddy bear keyring. If it's yours then please get in touch!



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This could sound really silly but check you've typed the number in correctly (I've done this in the past!).

If you have typed it in right (which I'm pretty sure you have) then it's unlikely that it will ever be activated... the owners will have probably thrown the little travel bug slip you get away.


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I thought of that but you can't activate it without a separate code that you get when you buy the tags. Anyway, it would feel a bit strange naming someone else's bug. Although it is an orphan, so I suppose it should have a name...


Any suggestions? Perhaps 'poor little orphan' would be appropriate!

Edited by Pengy&Tigger
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Sorry... I forgot about the other number which comes with a TB!


I'd just post a note on the cache page saying that you have it and asking the owners to get in touch. They might have lost the "other" number or they might just be newbies who don't realise they need to activate it.

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As sidewallwolf says. But you could check all the profiles to see who has unactivated tb's listed. before emailing all 14

There is no such list!


The system does not know who owns a TB tag until you activate it. <_<


Anyway, it's not me guv!! :rolleyes:





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If you are unable to find who owns the travel bug, you can send an email to "the powers that be" and they can get you an activation code so the travel bug can then be activated in the system. I have seen a past post where the owner of the TB lost the activation code and they were able to provide them with a code to log the bug. Hope you find the owner of the bug soon or become the "foster parent!"



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If you are unable to find who owns the travel bug, you can send an email to "the powers that be" and they can get you an activation code so the travel bug can then be activated in the system. I have seen a past post where the owner of the TB lost the activation code and they were able to provide them with a code to log the bug. Hope you find the owner of the bug soon or become the "foster parent!"



A man with a plan!! :rolleyes:





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Confirm I did mean just the 14 on list.

Go to their profile select user stats, then click on the tb icon. :rolleyes:

This might not be any quicker than a mass email.

And the unactivated ones are listed check out "bliss"

No, those bugs are activated but not yet placed.





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To give you an example - I've just activated one of the 5 unactivated tags I've got in my caching draw.


If you look at my profile you will see an un-named bug and you can find it by typing in the tracking number xxxxxx (I'll remove this number from this forum later on).


But you don't see the other 4!





Edited by Seasider
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I had tried logging a tb from the "bond steet" cache by "bliss" although

it is listed on his profile it came back as unactivated. I think some else has since pick it up and is having the same problem.

Or maybe the owner has got there numbers muddle up?



Maybe he has muddled the numbers up although I notice the top 4 on his profile do not have a release date but I can't see how he has managed to do that as the system forces you to put a date in.


Have the techno-geeks any ideas as to how Bliss is showing 4 undated bugs in his profile?!





Edited by Seasider
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Have the techno-geeks any ideas as to how Bliss is showing 4 undated bugs in his profile?!





Right, I've managed to do it with another bug - apparently if you abort the last stage then you can bypass a release date.


However, the bug is still activated - try xxxxxx (again I'll delete this later)!


Right, enough of this I'm off to the pub!!





Edited by Seasider
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And the moral of the story is.... activate your bugs either before you set out to place them or as soon as you get back. Geocachers are unpredictable people... assume one was at the cache 5 minutes after you were, even if it was a 3 day trek to reach it! ;-)


Glad to hear this ended happily though.


- Neil.

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