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Snowshoes, Best Place To Buy?


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I am looking at buying a nice pair of snowshoes for each member of the family (myself, Holly and Cindy) and was wondering if anyone in here has any "contacts" in the snowshoe-ing (shooing, shoeing?) world? I would appreciate it, as they do seem to come a tad on the expensive side.


Happy caching!!


Bzz, Holly and Cindy

Edited by Bzzliteyr

I'm not Canadian, nor am I a snowshoer, but the first word that came to mind when I read your post is "eBay."


If you look around, you can find a good deal on just about anything.




I Bought my two pairs of snowshoes (atlas...can't remember model...(They are downstairs... Lazy..etc) )... At Sports Check at the end of the winter last year for a very awesome deal, i beleive they were originaly 240 bucks each pair, but we got them for 160 each. They do the trick very well. The key is to always be on the lookout, near the end of the seasons. Alot of stores want to get rid of the older models. And if you'r in the right place at the right time, with some good barganing skills :D You just might make that "steal" lol.


That and mountain equipment coop rocks... Coast mountain sports is good also, excelnt service.. you wont be able to walk around without being asked 50 times "if you need any help" .. heh. though Coast mountain is far too pricey. all that service costs i guess.... :unsure:


Yes, member of www.mec.ca, worry not.. lots of cash has been spent there by myself. I have seen some nice powderidge aluminum shoes at Cdn Tire. For the ladies it wasn't too expensive $65 for kids sizes, $124 for up to 150lbs.. I will check out the Atlas site.. and maybe hold off till end season...




MEC is great, and you can usually rent it before you buy. If you buy it the same day, the day's rental fees are applied to the purchase if you buy the same product.


Thing to remember about the less expensive shoes is less $$ = more weight. ;)


I am in the market myself, and have pretty much resigned myself to looking at the end of season and hoping for a deal.


Crappy part is you have to look at them all summer... :)




If you are in Ontario, with the weather the way it has been and no snow that requires snowshoes within 300km of Toronto.


Maybe they might need have there end of season sale sooner then later this year.


I was in North Bay this past week and there is no snow to speak of from Toronto to there.




:) I bought my first pair of snowshoes last year at Canadian Tire. They were reasonably priced and well were very quick to take off and put on and lightweight. They should have them instock for all sizes and for all in the family. (goes by weight I think)


Good luck!!


ps: I think I will be picking up poles soon. Taken too many spills downhill in JUST snowshoes !! ;)


Yes MEC and CTC are both fine. Le Barons also has very good prices in general (not sure about snow shoes specifically).


I'm not exactly a pro but a few observations...


Think about how often they will be used and whether you will carry packs.

If you are going to carry a pack consider that with the weight rating of the



I've only really used wood shoes but checking my bible of "the complete walker IV"

they have come to suggest that the man-made shoes are better. They like the Sherpa and Altas shoes (one author really likes the Atlas 1033).


Eventually the lacquer will crack so the wood ones may require some maintenance,

but less if you only use them occasionally. I cracked my wood pair on a big log.


If you are subject to really wet snoe consider using lamp wick instead of leather bindings.


The major wood shoe vendor in Canada is Faber. Notice that some lower price shoes are marked Rebaf (Faber spelled backwards). I believe this is a similar shoe but they have used cheaper leather webbing and not the top grain stuff. Not a big deal.


For Christmas "Santa" ordered me a pair of Faber - Mountain Leisure,10x36. I have used them a couple of times already and have some trips planned for the future. I ordered them through the MEC website


MEC was cheaper to order online than through the Faber website, even after shipping the fast way. I investigated and made a few email inquiries before I purchased, and based on my expected use. I believed that a Faber purchase through MEC online was the best value.


I find them fairly user friendly and easy to take on/off even with mitts. They are the standard alum frame with a plastic type decking. Snow did not build up on top, and I was even able to cross a couple of fences with them still on with no difficulty save for ripping the arse of my pants on a barbed wire.

If you are in Ontario, with the weather the way it has been and no snow that requires snowshoes within 300km of Toronto.


How true!! I am in Ottawa an we finally got some snow this AM, but not much to speak of.


Even if I had a pair (of snowshoes that is ;) ) I wouldn't bother putting them on right now.


Scott :)


Well, we got some snow here in Victoria BC Canada, and this is an area that doesn't get snow. Lots of rain though. We had a snowstorm here a few years back that was nasty. Close to 4 feet for a MAJOR Canadian city, and almost no snow plows!!! I don't think they have been by today, but I am not worried about it with my Jeep.


I really should grab my snowshoes, and go out shoeing! They are about 25 years old from Canadian Tire, el cheapo and heavy as all get-up. But they worked when I last used them. I have all the cold weather gear I need to get out, but I have become a wimp in my older "read 40's" age. So, I will likely not get out unless it is to go to the grocery store. On the other hand, most of the snow will be gone in 2 days as soon as it warms up! Hopefully this weekend will warm up!

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