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gps and yardage


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I use my Garmin gps12map when I play golf. I have marked the center of each green and use the goto feature to give me distance from my ball to the green. I get the distance in feet up to 0.10miles. Is there any way I can get my gps to display the distance in yards? Does anyone make a gps that will display distance in yards?


Originally posted by longball:

I use my Garmin gps12map when I play golf. I have marked the center of each green and use the goto feature to give me distance from my ball to the green. I get the distance in feet up to 0.10miles. Is there any way I can get my gps to display the distance in yards? Does anyone make a gps that will display distance in yards?


You can switch it to display yards, at least on a Magellan. I have a SporTrack Map, and you switch it under Setup, Then go to Nav Units, and then switch to Miles/Yd/MPH, and you get yards instead of feet.


"I'm 35 Years old, I am divorced, and I live in van down by the river!" - Matt Foley


I don't know but I do know where you can find some used golf balls. Have you looked at your set up? On my Garmin Legend, I can go to "set up" and then to distance/speed and my options are "nautical", "statute" metric" and "yards". I haven't taken it outside to see what this means, but try it on yours, if you have that option. Or divide by 3.




I think what he's saying is that he's ok with feet until he gets to .10 mile, then the gps no longer displays feet, but fractions of a mile.


I suspect that setting it to yards will do the same, display in yards until you get to .10 mile, then display in fractions of a mile.


Actually, it sounds like he has the GPSr in default setting for units. I believe that would be statute (sp?) (which is the US non-metric system). When he is less than .10 (or whatever) miles away, the GPSr shows the distance in feet. If it is .10 or more miles, the gps shows the distance in miles. With mine, it shows kilometers when my distance is more than 1000 meters and it shows it in meters when I am less than 1000 meters away because I have mine set to Metric (gotta love metric!). If he can set the units to yards, then he is good to go golfing!

icon_smile.gif Thanks for the replies. I also heard from Garmin. My 12 map will not display in yards, but some of their newer units like the emap will. Think I'll wait till the gps60 arrives and see what all it offers. Thanks again, LB:^)****

Golf was one of the biggest reasons for myself getting a GPSr to start with. It wasn't much help really. I got a legend and Garmin had just added yards to it. It is far less of a help then you would imagine it would be. WAAS doesn't work most of the time as the fairways around here are all tree lined. Besides the EPE can be off by a whole club! Not much help there. Then there is elevation changes to take into account. I lost a couple of strokes from my game after I stopped trying to get it to work and just used the yardage markers on the course.

But then again there is that par 5 with a dog-leg right just before the green, and knowing if you can go for it over the trees in 2 was nice. icon_smile.gif



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There's a PDA program called "Star Caddy" (I think that's what it's called.) that attaches a GPS adapter to your PDA. They have most of the major courses mapped. It does every thing from recommend clubs to keeps score with handicaps. It's almost cool enough to make me take up golf.


With the Meridian set to yards, you can project to 9999 yards. (Set it to a small fraction of a mile first, then go back and set the yards) On the map page, you can move the cursor to 999 yards, then it goes to hundredths of a mile. When you check the distance from position to a waypoint, it is in yards to 999 yards.

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