+John Stead Posted March 14, 2003 Posted March 14, 2003 Some time ago it was suggested that we put the county name in brackets after the names of our caches and we did - but the idea seems to have been lost. I've just looked through the list of new caches and only one is identified in that way. It is very helpful when looking through such a list to see which may be in striking distance. I guess this has happened because of the influx of new (and very welcome) cachers who have not heard of the idea - perhaps a bit of editing might be in order. Quote
+The Northumbrian Posted March 14, 2003 Posted March 14, 2003 This was working quite well John, but as you have said the recent caches from some dont have this on, its a good idea as it can help to plan your route, and at the same time save a bit on fuel, thats another way of helping our enviroment. Nige Quote
Sel Posted March 14, 2003 Posted March 14, 2003 Hmmm, surely not everyone reads these forums, and therefore it's only going to be implemented by the (seemingly) cliquey group of people that do. In my opinion it's not terribly necessary, since the cache is uniquely located by its latitude and longitude. Surely planning by those is far easier than by county. Especially since some counties are enormous, and those that live near a boundary aren't necessarily going to find that a cache on the far side of the same county is very close. Plus in my opinion it makes the cache title look messy. But then I'm a perfectionist. Properly capitalised cache titles for me. BTW, no sign of the GPS in the post yet. Does anyone know how long www.globalpositioningsystems.co.uk usually take to deliver? I've been waiting 7 days and have seen o sign of my new toy -- Why'd ya have to go and make things so complicated? Quote
+Kouros Posted March 14, 2003 Posted March 14, 2003 Jstead - Never implemented it on my caches originally, but have done now. I think you're right, in a sense, it can make life a little easier, as it broadens the options for finding the cache in a search of the site. Sel - They vary a little. I remember my first order with them (for a log book and sticker) took a little longer than expected, but it did come through in the end. Add to that the fact that Royal Mail play up on occasion (I sent a package to a friend two weeks ago, and it still hasn't arrived) so I'd suggest you have nothing to worry about yet. If you get worried about it, send them an email - the times that I have discoursed with them they've been more than helpful. ------ An it harm none, do what ye will Quote
+Pharisee Posted March 14, 2003 Posted March 14, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Sel:BTW, no sign of the GPS in the post yet. Does anyone know how long http://www.globalpositioningsystems.co.uk usually take to deliver? I've been waiting 7 days and have seen o sign of my new toy When I ordered my Legend last October it came three days later but a friend ordered one a couple of days before Christmas and he didn't get his until the middle of January. I would suggest you give them a phone call. I found them to be both polite and helpful on the phone. John Age and treachery will always triumph over youth and ability. Quote
+The Wombles Posted March 14, 2003 Posted March 14, 2003 We still think County names are useful and have always implemented it on our caches. quote:Originally posted by Sel:In my opinion it's not terribly necessary, since the cache is uniquely located by its latitude and longitude. Surely planning by those is far easier than by county. We don't open every new cache which appears on the UK list (and therefore don't see their Log/Lat), but always open the ones in nearby Counties, which wouldn't necessarily appear on the nearest caches list. Having said that, we're now using Teasel's interactive cache map on a regular basis so it's less of an issue than before. Dave Quote
eMachine Posted March 14, 2003 Posted March 14, 2003 I have just implemented it on my caches, but I'm not too clear how it helps. I tend to search for caches near a postcode and get to see the distance in the resultant display. And occasionally I pick on caches from the interactive map and when I get to a cache page I see a small map listing nearby towns. I have noticed counties in the names of caches, but I guess that I assumed they were autogenerated. ANYWAY - if that't the convention I'm happy to comply. Quote
+The Good Shepherds Posted March 14, 2003 Posted March 14, 2003 I find that the inclusion of the county name is useful when you're scanning the "new UK caches" list to see if anything has appeared locally. Maybe it's not such a big issue at the current time of year, but during the closing weeks of last summer new caches were appearing at the rate of several dozen per week - It was useful to be able to tell at a glance which new arrivals might be of interest. Quote
+Tim & June Posted March 14, 2003 Posted March 14, 2003 If you search by country (selecting United Kingdom of course) from the "Hide & Seek" page the system returns a list of ALL caches in the UK ordered by newest cache first. Many people go this route to see which caches have been added rather than do a search for caches based on their home coordinates. Once all caches within a certain radius have been done, many are be happier to just look at the list of latest caches and look closer at those which appear to be within their chosen traveling distance. Tim & June (Winchester) [edit] The Good Shepherds posted their reply whilst I was typing this reply, will leave it in for completeness[/edit] See June, I told you that sign which said 'Unsuitable for Motor Vehicles' was wrong ! Quote
+naffita Posted March 14, 2003 Posted March 14, 2003 I get an automatic notification every week listing all the new caches within a hundred miles of my home co-ords. Doesn't everyone? Quote
+The Spokes Posted March 14, 2003 Posted March 14, 2003 I don’t Think that county’s are important to list for the cache description. I pick a cache by a search from my home location then do a search for the ones near to the one I picked. I could do North Yorkshire, Durham, Northumberland and Cumbria in a 70 mile round trip. On the other hand one cache in Northumberland could be a 100 mile trip there and back. As for the new caches I get a new cache update every week emailed from GC.com with the distance from my home location so its easy to see if a new cache is placed within striking distance. You can set this feature in you user set up. It usually arrives Thursday or Friday in time for the weekend. It's only a foot. Quote
+The Good Shepherds Posted March 14, 2003 Posted March 14, 2003 quote:Originally posted by naffita:I get an automatic notification every week listing all the new caches within a hundred miles of my home co-ords. Doesn't everyone? The auto-notification is all well and good... but you need to get your info hot off the press if you want to get there before Travers + The Northumbrian Quote
+Pharisee Posted March 14, 2003 Posted March 14, 2003 quote:Originally posted by The Good Shepherds:The auto-notification is all well and good... but you need to get your info hot off the press if you want to get there before Travers + The Northumbrian In my neck of the woods, it's that insect fellow, Bee or Wasp or some-such name that seems to get to the caches first John Age and treachery will always triumph over youth and ability. Quote
+Travers Posted March 14, 2003 Posted March 14, 2003 quote:Originally posted by The Good Shepherds: The auto-notification is all well and good... but you need to get your info hot off the press if you want to get there before Travers + The Northumbrian I think it's something to do with the brain implant from last August...rather than following you, it seems to have gone haywire and is demanding we get there first. No one is likely to beat Nige on the virgin caches though. We did start to use the county name after the title at one point. I think it was when Tim & June mentioned it was easier for them to identify the UK ones so they were likely to get accepted more quickly. We've never really had an issue with the speed of acceptance though and found the names got a little unwieldy. Quote
+Tim & June Posted March 14, 2003 Posted March 14, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Travers:I think it was when Tim & June mentioned it was easier for them to identify the UK ones so they were likely to get accepted more quickly. We've never really had an issue with the speed of acceptance though and found the names got a little unwieldy. "Twernt me honest Guv' the 'andle jus came orf in me 'and it did". Nothing to do with us or approvals I'm afraid. It was suggested just over a year ago by "Kimrobin" as a means of identifying the location of caches. See here When approving caches we check the coordinates against a map to ensure that they are realisitic (ie not in the North Sea or similar). There is a slim potential that we might notice an error if it is in a different county to the one in the name. Notice I said "slim potential". Tim & June (Winchester) See June, I told you that sign which said 'Unsuitable for Motor Vehicles' was wrong ! Quote
+John Stead Posted March 14, 2003 Author Posted March 14, 2003 Hey how about that! Start a topic in the morning, go out for an afternoon of caching (well 2 of them) and log on to find 14 replies. Thank you all for your views, not surprisingly not all the same. But I think the point has been picked up that a short county reference can be helpful. In my case it is most use if I am travelling cross country, e.g. I drive most of the length of the M62 quite often and if is useful to look at the new ones on the weekly list where reading off those within 100 miles of home or even the mid point of the journey throws up many that are way off the route. Unless I am mistaken there is no way of telling on the various maps which are new and I have not the mental agility to relate lat and long to a strip of country. I hope as SEL gets to know us better he does not find us a clique. Of course not every cacher reads these forums, but to bother to exchange views with those with similar interests and to help those who are finding things out the hard way is surely not cliqueish. I know SEL had a somewhat rough reception when he was suspected initially of trollism but he put that right quickly enough. Quote
dougandsonia Posted March 14, 2003 Posted March 14, 2003 Especially since some counties are enormous, and those that live near a boundary aren't necessarily going to find that a cache on the far side of the same county is very close. I agree - I could go 122 miles Northish from here (near enough 100 westerly, about 50 eastward and about 80 equator-wards) and still be in Highland. The nearer your destination, the more you keep slip sliding away. Quote
+Travers Posted March 14, 2003 Posted March 14, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Tim & June:"Twernt me honest Guv' the 'andle jus came orf in me 'and it did". Nothing to do with us or approvals I'm afraid. It was suggested just over a year ago by "Kimrobin" as a means of identifying the location of caches. See http://opentopic.Groundspeak.com/0/OpenTopic?a=tpc&s=1750973553&f=1500909683&m=4630925493&r=6430963504#6430963504 Tim & June (Winchester) Bizarre. There must have been something else mentioned around the beginning of October as we put the county on our very next cache. Quote
+The Targett Family Posted March 14, 2003 Posted March 14, 2003 Hey being new to caching I did not know about the counties thing. But if you go to teasels site there he has an interactive map. OK this is in it's beta testing stage, but I use it all the time and it seems to be fine. You can find it hereGeocachinguk.com Then click on caches and the kind of info you want. The map is divided into counties. I hope this is of some help, It uses the geochaing.com database so it is accurate and a gr8 piece of work that needs to be congratulated and used. Kids Caches and Mayhem what a day in the celtic tribal city. Quote
+Gary & Jane Posted March 14, 2003 Posted March 14, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Travers:I think it was when Tim & June mentioned it was easier for them to identify the UK ones so they were likely to get accepted more quickly. We also thought it was Tim & June but it was actually Richard & Beth! The message in question is here. We also agree with jstead and like to see the county name in the title. It can also be useful for new cachers who miss the postcode search option. We were recently contacted by a new cacher who'd done a few of our caches and wanted to know if there were any more in Dorset. He was searching for caches by using Dorset as a search keyword and was therefore only given a list of our own caches. He now uses the normal method of seeing which caches are close but it shows that adding the county can be useful. Quote
+Wood Smoke Posted March 14, 2003 Posted March 14, 2003 I also use Teasels site for getting my info on caches :-) The best thing on it for me is that it shows the nearest town, that is more important to me that county. I live on the border of two counties, so county can mean that things can be a long way away. WoodSmoke Yours Roy Quote
+jeremyp Posted March 15, 2003 Posted March 15, 2003 I am one of those people who doesn't really see the point mainly because I never use the search by country, but always the search for nearest to your home coordinates. It doesn't matter to me if I am the first visitor or not. Round here first visitor after Tim and June is more important a) because you will not get there before Tim and June and there may be a bear in the cache. ------- jeremyp The second ten million caches were the worst too. http://www.jeremyp.net/geocaching Quote
Seifer Posted March 15, 2003 Posted March 15, 2003 When I log on to find new caches in the sysyem, i usually click on "UK" on the homepage and then look at the hiders name, this usually gives me a good enough idea of whether they are close or not. I used to use the "cache map" but i tend not to now because it takes ages to load. Teasels map is good but as G:UK doesn't get cache info nas soon as it comes online, it can be a bit behind. Mike This forum post is copyright 2003 to Michael Blitz and may not be re-produced in part or full without prior written consent. Copyright 2003 All rights reserved Quote
+jeremyp Posted March 15, 2003 Posted March 15, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Team Blitz (Michael):When I log on to find new caches in the sysyem, i usually click on "UK" on the homepage and then look at the hiders name, this usually gives me a good enough idea of whether they are close or not. I used to use the "cache map" but i tend not to now because it takes ages to load. Teasels map is good but as G:UK doesn't get cache info nas soon as it comes online, it can be a bit behind. Mike This forum post is copyright 2003 to Michael Blitz and may not be re-produced in part or full without prior written consent. Copyright 2003 All rights reserved Just thought I'd breach your copyright ------- jeremyp The second ten million caches were the worst too. http://www.jeremyp.net/geocaching Quote
+The Targett Family Posted March 15, 2003 Posted March 15, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Team Blitz (Michael):When I log on to find new caches in the sysyem, i usually click on "UK" on the homepage and then look at the hiders name, this usually gives me a good enough idea of whether they are close or not. I used to use the "cache map" but i tend not to now because it takes ages to load. Teasels map is good but as G:UK doesn't get cache info nas soon as it comes online, it can be a bit behind. Mike This forum post is copyright 2003 to Michael Blitz and may not be re-produced in part or full without prior written consent. Copyright 2003 All rights reserved Thaught I'd breach copyright too Kids Caches and Mayhem what a day in the celtic tribal city. Quote
+Tim & June Posted March 15, 2003 Posted March 15, 2003 quote:Originally posted by jeremyp:a) because you will not get there before Tim and June Guess that used to be true Jeremy, but since we have been approving caches we try not to go out and be first to a cache. If we are first, we try to leave at least a couple of days after approving it because we don't want people to think we are taking advantage of our position. We are more likely to be first to a cache if it is some way away from us, like for instance Finchampstead. Tim & June (Winchester) See June, I told you that sign which said 'Unsuitable for Motor Vehicles' was wrong ! Quote
+John Stead Posted March 15, 2003 Author Posted March 15, 2003 Let's all have a go at Team Blitz's copyright. Quote
+jeremyp Posted March 15, 2003 Posted March 15, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Tim & June:We are more likely to be first to a cache if it is some way away from us, like for instance Finchampstead. Ha ha! we have both been beaten to Stumpy although Richard and Beth had the advantage of a better clue than we did. I'll see you there tomorrow at 9am ------- jeremyp The second ten million caches were the worst too. http://www.jeremyp.net/geocaching Quote
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