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Found Another Cache That Wasn't Listed Today - How Do I Find It's Cache Name Now?

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Don't you hate it when you find a cache that you didn't have prior info on, and then you can 't figure out how to log it? Well, it happened again today. I guess my super powers in the field, beat the heck out of my online skills. Darn farmer is looking for help.


Yes, I took a photo of the logsheet and yes I marked the coordinates...  and of course I checked all the surrounding puzzle caches and searched all the signatures on the logsheet. What I haven't done/can't do, is search the archives, temp holds, and the super secret puzzle solution locations list - if anyone has that, it would be magical to share (just kidding, kind of).


I really would like to solve this in a legitimate way. If that's not possible, I invite a reviewer to receive the coords and logsheet to verify if it's active or archived. My final punt will be to place a cahce there and see if it gets rejected because of crowding. There's more than one way to skin a cat. Help???

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Project-GC has a "show archived caches" feature; this shows one way: 

  Just select "none found," enter the coordinates for a filter and search for archived caches.

It may also be listed on another geocaching site instead of geocaching.com so maybe check there: I don't think I'm allowed to link to those but a google search for "geocaches -inurl="geocaching.com"" will probably bring up some results! Good luck! 

(I've had this happen once to me; I checked a random guardrail and found a PMO cache. Being Basic at the time, I could not log it until I upgraded. Sometimes you just get lucky! :anibad:)

Edited by lazyuncle
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Lot's of great advise...  however...  not a single of the 13 signatures on the logsheet (that says "Geocaching.com Game Piece") comes up on a member search, nor variations of their names. The sheets notes "Wet Log Thks Tim" at the top, so I'm sure there were other finders. But these 13 are each signed on different dates ranging from 3/9/2020 thru 5/15/2023.

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1 hour ago, Green Achers said:

Here’s the log.



It seems to have been almost exclusively signed by muggles, with the possible exception of "4S" (if that's what it is) and "Bowmanfam".  Maybe someone from the area knows Bowmanfam or can identify who signs with the stylized "4S".  I even saw someone with a cachername that starts with "4S" who found caches in the same area.  It's not panning out, but it would be a longshot anyway.


Edited by kunarion
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Opencaching? Maybe a private one hidden by some family for a reunion? Or some company for employees? This is very odd. That the finders have nearly all been muggles/signed with real names makes me think it's not an official geocaching.com geocache, despite use of a geocaching.com logsheet.

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6 hours ago, JL_HSTRE said:

Send the coordinates where you found it to your Reviewer who can tell you of it's archived, unpublished, or a multi/mystery final.

Yep, I thought I'd inquire here first, but I am now asking a reviewer for (non-spoiler) input. I had also send a PM to a certain friend that masters puzzles, physics, and magic...  but he must be a busy fizzy, as no reply. Depending on what I learn, it may become a new cache - if it's not active and it's been almost a year since it was found. I'll update what happens.

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5 hours ago, lazyuncle said:

Maybe a private one hidden by some family for a reunion? Or some company for employees? This is very odd. That the finders have nearly all been muggles/signed with real names makes me think it's not an official geocaching.com geocache, despite use of a geocaching.com logsheet.


Names look like non-cachers.


Private 'cache' hidden as part of their own game, using a GS log sheet, seems the most likely thing to me.

Shame they left geojunk, if they are not planning to use things again.

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