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problem sending list to garmin


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I've been successfully sending lists to my Garmin Oregon 450 using using Garmin Express. Now suddenly it won't work. I get a message saying" Request Error. There is a problem with the content being sent. Try sending the content again"  Has something changed? Is anyone else having this problem?

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Same here.  I tried that, then sent the List to a Pocket Query and that worked.  I tried sending "Offline Data" from a List to the App, and that works, too.  And I sent a couple of "updated" from Garmin Express to my GPS, and it's fine. I'm sure the issue is temporary.  And I'm sure it's on Groundspeak's end.


I hadn't noticed the issue, since I hardly ever load "Lists" on my Garmin Oregon.  Lists are not ready for prime-time.  They're ideal for the App, but there are several issues including this one, unanswered (in over a year?!), that let me know there are glitches built-in, and I don't want to risk losing data.  The Garmin is finicky enough, thank you very much. B)


Anyway, if anyone's open to suggestions, you may make PQs out of lists, load them with the other PQs.  "Send To Garmin" has been broken for... how long?... and I didn't notice, because my lists are in the Pocket Queries.




Edited by kunarion
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14 hours ago, sayrahrah said:

I've been successfully sending lists to my Garmin Oregon 450 using using Garmin Express. Now suddenly it won't work. I get a message saying" Request Error. There is a problem with the content being sent. Try sending the content again"  Has something changed? Is anyone else having this problem?


4 hours ago, G & C Lost'N'Found said:

I am having the same issue with my Garmin 64st. Spent 45 minutes on the phone with Garmin support but they couldn't find the problem on their side. Is it a Geocaching.com problem?


3 hours ago, kunarion said:

Same here.  I tried that, then sent the List to a Pocket Query and that worked.  I tried sending "Offline Data" from a List to the App, and that works, too.  And I sent a couple of "updated" from Garmin Express to my GPS, and it's fine. I'm sure the issue is temporary.  And I'm sure it's on Groundspeak's end.


I hadn't noticed the issue, since I hardly ever load "Lists" on my Garmin Oregon.  Lists are not ready for prime-time.  They're ideal for the App, but there are several issues including this one, unanswered (in over a year?!), that let me know there are glitches built-in, and I don't want to risk losing data.  The Garmin is finicky enough, thank you very much. B)


Anyway, if anyone's open to suggestions, you may make PQs out of lists, load them with the other PQs.  "Send To Garmin" has been broken for... how long?... and I didn't notice, because my lists are in the Pocket Queries.



7 hours ago, Boswell5 said:

Yes, from today I'm getting this problem sending to my Garmin Etrex 20 using Garmin Express. In the past I fixed a similar problem by adding https://www.geocaching.com/ to my Internet Explorer  trusted sites (you may want to try this anyway),  but I just checked mine and it's fine, so it looks like there is a new problem.


We're sorry you're having trouble with the Send to Garmin feature. Thanks for reporting the issue.


To help us diagnose what could be happening, could each/any of you share the following info about when you're encountering the problem?

  • What browser you're using, including version.
  • What operating system you're using, including version.
  • What version of Garmin Express you're using.
  • What Garmin device you're using.



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I also spent almost an hour on the phone with Garmin. We tried everything. Then I mentioned it seems to have happened after Windows 10 update. Then the gentleman noticed others had had the same problem. I bet it is Windows update problem.  Sure hope they get it fixed soon. I was told he would get back to me.

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I changed nothing and everything is working.


I tried "Send To Garmin" just now (12:20am EST), several times, and it's sending the List-style GPX file just fine.  No errors.


Windows 10

Internet Explorer Version 11.0.65

Garmin Express Version

Garmin Oregon 650T Software Version 5.30

Edited by kunarion
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I hadn't had a chance to circle back here yet. We temporarily rolled back some recent changes to security protocols that seem to have caused the issues with Garmin Express. We're investigating ways to re-deploy the updates without the associated problems.

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I am having the same problem today: June 30/2018.

I am getting the error message shown at the start of this discussion.


Microsoft Edge 42.17134.1.0

Windows 10 Home Version 1803 OS build  17134.112

Garmin Express

Garmin Montana 680 Software version 3.20


Any clues as to what is happening would be appreciated.




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1 hour ago, TDI2000 said:

I am having the same problem today: June 30/2018.

I am getting the error message shown at the start of this discussion.


Microsoft Edge 42.17134.1.0

Windows 10 Home Version 1803 OS build  17134.112

Garmin Express

Garmin Montana 680 Software version 3.20


Any clues as to what is happening would be appreciated.





Please make sure you’re updated to the latest version of Garmin Express (6.6.x, I believe) and try again. After the problems last week we worked with Garmin to get them to make some security updates which are included in that update. 


If that doesn't fix the issue, please post here again to let us know. 

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I am having this problem too. Both today and when I tried to do it last week. Same error message.


EDIT: Just updated Garmin Express on my laptop and it seems to have solved it. I hadn't realised it wasn't the latest version.

Edited by Cachez
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1 hour ago, wondering marge said:

im having the same problem with my eTrex30 its really annoying as cant load and do caching.

I tried to see if its an older version but it says its up to date


Do you mean you checked the version of Garmin Express and it shows "Version"?


If you mean that Garmin Express shows a friendly window for your model of GPS, that "You're Up To Date!", that means only that your GPS "is up to date". That's cool.  Now go make sure Garmin Express is specifically "version":


1) Open Garmin Express

2) Click the "gear" icon at the top of the Garmin Express window.

3) Click "About".

4) Make sure it shows "Version" (as of July 12, 2018), or the most recent if it changes.


In that window, you can now check for updates and it will show "You're Up To Date!", and in this case, it means the version of Garmin Express is up to date.



When I tried it this week, I still had errors sending a "List" until I deleted the old Garmin Express, and then downloaded the new one from Garmin and installed it.  The "update" process within Garmin Express didn't work for me.  I'd suspect others will have the same issue.


I don't send "Lists" to my GPS (except to see what's going on with "Lists" at times).  I use "Lists" on my phone App.  I use Pocket Queries (which also appear on the phone App).  I make Pocket Queries from the Lists where needed. The whole time these past few weeks where threads are popping up about Garmin Express not working, I've been loading caches as always.  No errors.  No software to fiddle with.  Use Pocket Queries.



Edited by kunarion
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I also have been having this problem for a couple of weeks.  Very Frustrating.  Tried several things to fix it but no success.  Ran across this thread and tried kanarion's suggestion.


1) Open Garmin Express

2) Click the "gear" icon at the top of the Garmin Express window.

3) Click "About".

4) Make sure it shows "Version" (as of July 12, 2018), or the most recent if it changes.


Bam!  It's working now.  Sweet.  Thanks for the info.

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The problem seems to be that the Garmin Express update process is pulling the older version of the software.  I updated this morning and thought all was well, but I got the error described above.  Thanks to the helpful posts here, I checked and sure enough the 'updated' version was 6.5.xx.  I manually pulled the 6.6.xx version and that fixes it.  It's frustrating enough that plugins are no longer supported, but when the workaround doesn't work, it forces us to the mobile app and I have found that it isn't as accurate.

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Updating to version worked for me for a while, but no longer.

I've checked again and my Garmin Express says it is version

When I create a new list and send it to my Garmin Montana 680 the file does get sent to the GPS, however when I use the find a cache feature on the GPS there are no caches listed.

If I send a list created on 07/22/2018 as well as a list created today only the caches in the old list appear in the GPS.

When I look in the Garmin/GPX directory on the GPS both files are there but only caches from the old list are shown in the GPS.

To summarize, caches in the old list appear in the GPS, caches in any new list I create today do not appear in the GPS even though the files are both in the GPX directory on the device.


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51 minutes ago, TDI2000 said:

Updating to version worked for me for a while, but no longer.

I've checked again and my Garmin Express says it is version

When I create a new list and send it to my Garmin Montana 680 the file does get sent to the GPS, however when I use the find a cache feature on the GPS there are no caches listed.

If I send a list created on 07/22/2018 as well as a list created today only the caches in the old list appear in the GPS.

When I look in the Garmin/GPX directory on the GPS both files are there but only caches from the old list are shown in the GPS.

To summarize, caches in the old list appear in the GPS, caches in any new list I create today do not appear in the GPS even though the files are both in the GPX directory on the device.



I sent a list to my Garmin Oregon just now as a test, and it worked just fine.  Maybe it was a temporary issue? 


If yours still doesn't work, you could check that the new files are at least not empty.  They should look basically like a lotta Geocaches.  If so, you might have a database issue.

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I've sent four files to the GPS. They are not empty. Two files, 4 kb & 5 kb, were created today as tests. If I open the files from the GPS with my PC using Mapsource they show in Mapsoruce as caches. The GPS does not show these caches.

A third file, 10 kb, that was created on 07/22/2018 is also on the GPS. The caches in this file all show up on the GPS. Again opening the file with Mapsource from its' GPS location shows the expected caches.

The file which is the one I want to use on the GPS, 372 kb, can be opened from the GPS with Mapsource, shows the expected caches in Mapsource but the caches do not show up in the GPS when using the "Find a cache" feature.

The old file created last month works. The new ones created recently do not.


I tried the suggestion of resending the files in case this was a temporary blip. Same result as above. Note I deleted the four files from the GPS first then resent them.

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1 hour ago, TDI2000 said:

I've sent four files to the GPS. They are not empty. Two files, 4 kb & 5 kb, were created today as tests. If I open the files from the GPS with my PC using Mapsource they show in Mapsoruce as caches. The GPS does not show these caches.

A third file, 10 kb, that was created on 07/22/2018 is also on the GPS. The caches in this file all show up on the GPS. Again opening the file with Mapsource from its' GPS location shows the expected caches.

The file which is the one I want to use on the GPS, 372 kb, can be opened from the GPS with Mapsource, shows the expected caches in Mapsource but the caches do not show up in the GPS when using the "Find a cache" feature.

The old file created last month works. The new ones created recently do not.


I tried the suggestion of resending the files in case this was a temporary blip. Same result as above. Note I deleted the four files from the GPS first then resent them.


If you've verified that this only affects Lists (using Send To Garmin), then at least you have other ways to load your GPS.  Lists may be intermittent this weekend.  I stick to the direct ways to load a GPS, and use "Lists" only on the App.  I load my GPS and go, I don't enjoy fiddling with finicky programs as much as everyone else does.  B)


If you've also tried "GPX File" and Pocket Queries and none of them work, that could be a database problem.  Here's a post about resetting it.

Edited by kunarion
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22 hours ago, kunarion said:


If you've verified that this only affects Lists (using Send To Garmin), then at least you have other ways to load your GPS.  Lists may be intermittent this weekend.  I stick to the direct ways to load a GPS, and use "Lists" only on the App.  I load my GPS and go, I don't enjoy fiddling with finicky programs as much as everyone else does.  B)


If you've also tried "GPX File" and Pocket Queries and none of them work, that could be a database problem.  Here's a post about resetting it.



I've checked out that link and tried the procedures suggested.

Same result as before.

I then created some waypoints in Mapsource, using the geocache symbol, and sent them to the Montana. In the past these always showed up as geocaches on the Montana.

Not today. None of the waypoints I sent from Mapsource showed up as geocaches.

Which got me to wonder what waypoints were on the Montana. Lo and behold all the geocaches I had sent from the lists or from Mapsource were there as waypoints not geocaches, multiple copies of them, one for each time I had sent.

The waypoints do not have some vital information, such as complete cache description, recent logs and hint so they are not a substitute.

I must have changed a setting somewhere to have the Montana interpret geocaches as waypoints, but I have no idea what that setting might be.

Any suggestions?

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12 hours ago, TDI2000 said:



I've checked out that link and tried the procedures suggested.

Same result as before.

I then created some waypoints in Mapsource, using the geocache symbol, and sent them to the Montana. In the past these always showed up as geocaches on the Montana.

Not today. None of the waypoints I sent from Mapsource showed up as geocaches.

Which got me to wonder what waypoints were on the Montana. Lo and behold all the geocaches I had sent from the lists or from Mapsource were there as waypoints not geocaches, multiple copies of them, one for each time I had sent.

The waypoints do not have some vital information, such as complete cache description, recent logs and hint so they are not a substitute.

I must have changed a setting somewhere to have the Montana interpret geocaches as waypoints, but I have no idea what that setting might be.

Any suggestions?


But this started out as a problem with sending Lists from the web site.  Now it looks more like settings in Mapsource.  If it was possibly a setting on the Montana, all of the Geocaches would show as waypoints, not just recent files.


Are you OK with simplifying your process?  You could start by backing up and then deleting all GPX files from the Garmin/GPX folder of the Montana.  Place one GPX File, using the "GPX File" button on a cache page of a nearby cache, to download one cache file and place it directly into Garmin/GPX on the Montana using the File Manager, not Mapsource.  See if it shows as a Geocache.  If so, use "Send To Garmin" from a List.


Edited by kunarion
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9 hours ago, TDI2000 said:

Which got me to wonder what waypoints were on the Montana. Lo and behold all the geocaches I had sent from the lists or from Mapsource were there as waypoints not geocaches, multiple copies of them, one for each time I had sent.

This is usual for Mapsource. Mapsource predates the "paperless caching GPSR's" and sends only waypoints.


On ‎5‎-‎8‎-‎2018 at 3:54 AM, TDI2000 said:

Note I deleted the four files from the GPS first then resent them.

You'll have to reboot your GPSR at least once before the memory is cleared of the old caches.

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4 hours ago, StefandD said:

This is usual for Mapsource. Mapsource predates the "paperless caching GPSR's" and sends only waypoints.


You'll have to reboot your GPSR at least once before the memory is cleared of the old caches.

I was aware that Mapsource does not send information such as description, logs & hints. However, in the past, when I sent waypoints from Mapsource, waypoints created with the geocache treasure chest symbol, they showed up in the Montana as caches, not waypoints. They would be listed in under the "Find a geocache" feature. This no longer happens. They now show up in the Waypoint Manager as waypoints but with the treasure chest symbol.

Similarly caches sent via a list from Geocaching.com, which include the information on description, logs, hints etc., show up on the GPSR only under the Waypoint Manager. The "Find a cache" feature does not show them.

I have rebooted the GPSR after clearing the .gpx files but the issue persists.

I have "Reset" to factory defaults, rebooted, deleted .gpx files, rebooted, sent new .gpx files via the "list" feature and the caches only show up in the Waypoint Manager which does not display the "paperless caching" information. Reboot again and still they only show up in the Waypoint Manager.

I'm missing something basic here.

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I've tried to narrow things down a little.

I've created a list which includes these geocaches: 



When I send this list to the Montana, the first two geocaches show up in the "Find a geocache" feature. The remaining six do not show up in the "Find a geocache" feature or in the "Waypoint manager". The previous lists I had sent to the Montana included multiple geocaches in the area of the six with intermediate waypoints which showed up in the waypoint manager and confused the issue.

I would appreciate it if someone would try sending the above list to their GPSR and report which ones show up.


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The first two caches are near you. The other ones are appr. 2000 kms far away.




Newer Montanas (610, 680) have a limit showings caches far away (like all GGZ aware units have).



Edited by HHL
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20 minutes ago, TDI2000 said:

I've tried to narrow things down a little.

I've created a list which includes these geocaches: 



When I send this list to the Montana, the first two geocaches show up in the "Find a geocache" feature. The remaining six do not show up in the "Find a geocache" feature or in the "Waypoint manager".


Is that list correct?  They are all over the world.  Get closer to the ones that are not showing, and they appear on the GPS.


Anyway, the "all caches are waypoints" thing is fixed.  So that's something. :)





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12 minutes ago, HHL said:

The first two caches are near you. The other ones are appr. 2000 kms far away.


Newer Montanas (610, 680) have a limit showings caches far away (like all GGZ aware units have).




Does that also apply to "waypoints"?  I've been trying to figure out how caches could show up as waypoints (while previously loaded caches are fine).  If waypoints are treated differently, that could explain why only waypoints are displayed on a distant cache, when that cache has additional waypoints.  And it explains why there's no particular Geocache info.


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1 minute ago, kunarion said:



Is that list correct?  They are all over the world.  I don't have a Magellan to test, but I've read that it has a distance limit to what will show.  Get closer to the ones that are not showing, and they appear on the GPS.


Anyway, the "all caches are waypoints" thing is fixed.  So that's something. :)






Yes the list is correct. The ones in Europe were included to see if local caches were an issue. I do not intend to visit those. The two on Vancouver Island are the only ones close to home and the only ones which show up in the Montana. The ones in the NWT and Greenland are along the route of an excursion, "Into the NW Passage 2018", I will be taking in a few weeks. They are part of the list of roughly 80 caches along the route that I included in case I got anywhere near them.

Your suggestion that there is a distance limit to what shows up appears to have merit as the furthest caches from my current location are the ones that do not show up even though they are in the same .gpx file as the ones that do show up.

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Just now, TDI2000 said:

Your suggestion that there is a distance limit to what shows up appears to have merit as the furthest caches from my current location are the ones that do not show up even though they are in the same .gpx file as the ones that do show up.


Scroll the map and zoom in on an icon, and now you should be able to view those cache descriptions.  The maps posted by me and HHL are zoomed out so far, some icons are hidden by icons.


I think you may have a working List feature now.  Sometimes a Garmin GPS gets confused and it's just a matter of deleting old files, rebooting, and installing new.

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36 minutes ago, kunarion said:


Scroll the map and zoom in on an icon, and now you should be able to view those cache descriptions.  The maps posted by me and HHL are zoomed out so far, some icons are hidden by icons.


I think you may have a working List feature now.  Sometimes a Garmin GPS gets confused and it's just a matter of deleting old files, rebooting, and installing new.

I'm hoping that it is simply a distance issue and that the caches will indeed show when I get closer.

Thanks for the help/suggestions Kunarion.

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1 hour ago, TDI2000 said:

I'm hoping that it is simply a distance issue and that the caches will indeed show when I get closer.

Thanks for the help/suggestions Kunarion.


It would be a good idea to print cache info and coordinates (or save to a phone or something), just in case.  If you have Google Chrome, you may use the Geoprinter or Cachelist extensions.  Then if there's a problem, at least you can type coordinates manually, and you'll have the cache description.


Wow, that looks like an amazing cruise!  :antenna:


Edited by kunarion
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22 hours ago, kunarion said:


It would be a good idea to print cache info and coordinates (or save to a phone or something), just in case.  If you have Google Chrome, you may use the Geoprinter or Cachelist extensions.  Then if there's a problem, at least you can type coordinates manually, and you'll have the cache description.


Wow, that looks like an amazing cruise!  :antenna:


Looking forward to the cruise.

I've made up lists with caches at increasing distance from my home coordinates and sent to the Montana to see what the distance limit is.

The distance limit for caches seems to be somewhere around 190 Km, a cache at 190.1 Km shows on the GPSR but one at 190.7 Km does not. They are both in the same .gpx file.

Once again thanks for your assistance kunarion, I'm satisfied that what I thought was a problem was never there, I just didn't understand what the built in limits are. 

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