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Hints in logs


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As for a green bison tube in a wall of ivy hide, though, I say bring on the spoilers! B)


If it narrows down the amount of ivy covered wall I have to search, even if it only mentions (even vaguely) to the hight of the cache, bring it on!


But posting the HINT as your log? DELETE, DELTE, DELETE!

I'd rather see "TFTC" as your log.

Edited by Bear and Ragged
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I see spoiler logs and photos all the time. I remember when that was such a NO NO! I happen to enjoy reading logs...not particularly for hints, although sometimes. But some of them are downright hilarious! (I often wish there was a Like button for logs...just as I wish there was a Like button for posts so you don't have to quote comments to express approval of a post...but I digress). I'm shocked when I read "It's behind the log next to the oak tree a few feet off the trail." :unsure: I also love photos and enjoy looking at what other people see at a cache location--nature pics, historic building, etc. Now it seems there are always photos of someone standing right at the location with the cache container in their hand. So I'm hesitant to ever look at the photos which is a shame. I'll post pics of something I saw at a cache that I thought was cool--like a flower or a mushroom--NOT the cache/location.


If it narrows down the amount of ivy covered wall I have to search, even if it only mentions (even vaguely) to the hight of the cache, bring it on!


I found a cache yesterday that the CO said was "EYE" level. So just for the record..."eye level" is relative...to how tall (or short!) a person is! lol Just saying'.... :rolleyes:

Edited by PlantAKiss
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Spoilers in logs and spoiler photos are a good reason to limit cache hunts to FTF runs only.


What does this mean? FTF runs? Archive the cache after the FTF? :unsure:


Limit your caching to running out for the FTF - no spoiler logs that way.

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I see spoiler logs and photos all the time. I remember when that was such a NO NO! I happen to enjoy reading logs...not particularly for hints, although sometimes. But some of them are downright hilarious! (I often wish there was a Like button for logs...just as I wish there was a Like button for posts so you don't have to quote comments to express approval of a post...but I digress). I'm shocked when I read "It's behind the log next to the oak tree a few feet off the trail." :unsure: I also love photos and enjoy looking at what other people see at a cache location--nature pics, historic building, etc. Now it seems there are always photos of someone standing right at the location with the cache container in their hand. So I'm hesitant to ever look at the photos which is a shame. I'll post pics of something I saw at a cache that I thought was cool--like a flower or a mushroom--NOT the cache/location.


If it narrows down the amount of ivy covered wall I have to search, even if it only mentions (even vaguely) to the hight of the cache, bring it on!


I found a cache yesterday that the CO said was "EYE" level. So just for the record..."eye level" is relative...to how tall (or short!) a person is! lol Just saying'.... :rolleyes:


Yep. But even though my eye level (54") differs significantly from eye level of someone who is 6'6" tall, it helps to know that I shouldn't need to look at knee level. Although that does remind me of one cache that was supposed to be at eye level, but when I found it I thought they must have been lying on the ground when they said that.

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Yep. But even though my eye level (54") differs significantly from eye level of someone who is 6'6" tall, it helps to know that I shouldn't need to look at knee level. Although that does remind me of one cache that was supposed to be at eye level, but when I found it I thought they must have been lying on the ground when they said that.
Yeah, I once found an "eye level" cache that was roughly 7ft high.


I also recall finding a cache that was "my eye level", which turned out to be about knee high. But in that case, the cache description was written from the perspective of a leprechaun, or a hobbit, or some other short character.

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Yep. But even though my eye level (54") differs significantly from eye level of someone who is 6'6" tall, it helps to know that I shouldn't need to look at knee level. Although that does remind me of one cache that was supposed to be at eye level, but when I found it I thought they must have been lying on the ground when they said that.
Yeah, I once found an "eye level" cache that was roughly 7ft high.


I also recall finding a cache that was "my eye level", which turned out to be about knee high. But in that case, the cache description was written from the perspective of a leprechaun, or a hobbit, or some other short character.


Heavy snow adds another fun variable to the "eye level" thing.

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Sometimes you have to predict the height level but what I hate is the ones placed too far from GZ and no one says anything in the log. Even ones that say "40ft from GZ" Okay 40ft, in which direction. If the CO can't give good coords I would appreciate someone adding better coords. Of course you can't do that with Puzzles or Multis.

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I agree that subtle clues from the logs are nice for the tough ones.


I use logs to communicate my experience to the CO so they can determine if the cache needs maintenance or in the case of a DNF on my part, decide if they should check on it. If there are portions of the log that I feel are too much of a giveaway, I will use the encryption feature. I wouldn't want someone giving away a clever secret.


Perhaps it would be a good idea for the CO to put a warning in the description to the effect of, "Spoiler logs will be deleted", so that there can be no misunderstanding.

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Sometimes you have to predict the height level but what I hate is the ones placed too far from GZ and no one says anything in the log. Even ones that say "40ft from GZ" Okay 40ft, in which direction. If the CO can't give good coords I would appreciate someone adding better coords. Of course you can't do that with Puzzles or Multis.

The problem comes when it's not the cache that's out but the cacher.


I've found caches spot on at the coordinates - using both a phone app and google maps - which others have claimed, both before and after, are out.


In general it seems that it's people using GPS units that are out...

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Perhaps it would be a good idea for the CO to put a warning in the description to the effect of, "Spoiler logs will be deleted", so that there can be no misunderstanding.

Or to simply send a polite e-mail asking that the log be edited. I've had that happen on a mystery cache that I inadvertently gave away the location of for anyone local enough. Took me two minutes to edit to the satisfaction of the cache owner.

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Why do you care? Do you want any idiot to find your cache let it go. If you want to seem clever delete the spoilers and move on. I have been in all positions. I have appreciated info in logs. I have resented logs that made a "great" hide too easy. I have hoped for log info to help me and other folks. It is supposed to be fun and not elitist. Those of us with 100 IQs should be allowed a playing field but it does not always have to be level.


I was in Tucson this last week. There are several caches that have only been solved by one "genius". You have to wonder if this person is so much smarter than all of the other bright people in the area or if it might be unsolvable or if the the solver has inside information. Why is it so improtant to humiliate really smart people? I am not one of those folks. I look at puzzles and if I get a headache I go look for a lamp post.

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I don't mind if someone makes kind of riddle-like comments that makes the cacher's wheels turn and think.


Yes, this is what I miss from the earlier years and it was almost standard practice. For tough hides or hides you just couldn't see, a couched hint, often found in one of the five logs the download gave you, was just enough to make the find substantially on you own.



I was thinking the same thing, but then realized that I didn't know if that was really more common in the earlier years, or it it was really more common because it was MY earlier years (eg: I was a newby and didn't know any better). I'm still not sure.

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