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Have your priorities changed?

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On 5/2/2023 at 9:01 PM, Smitherington said:

I have not seen anyone claim they were working on moving up the stats in some area. I may have to check that out

On project-gc you can get a ranking of finds in a county / state (as opposed to cachers from that place) - I have for at least 5 years been 3rd in Oxfordshire (UK) with 2 cachers who started before me a few hundred ahead. Oxford Stone junior hovers around 10th. If you add the "type = unknown" filter" then I'm always neck-and-neck top - not bad considering how many of the puzzles belong to me!

Still hoping to complete 10 calendar loops on 29 Feb - I need 9 caches on 4 December dates, 3 on 20 Jan and 4 on 29 Feb. 

@CCFwasG the bluebells are beautiful this year!

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On 3/22/2023 at 2:17 PM, Viajero Perdido said:

I opt out of most "improvements" to the game since 2005 when I started, so I guess it's not me that's changed, but the game as defined by Frog HQ.

  1. Non-cache "caches" that are really geology lessons.  I have little time for weird.
  2. Badges for participation, I turn 'em off but new ones keep popping up.
  3. Some new game that doesn't seem very adventurous in spite of the name, connected loosely to this game by ownership and a "find" count?  Pass, thanks.
  4. Old maps are the best, even if GS can't ever make changes to 'em.
  5. Old logging page is still the best; it has preview after all.
  6. Old search links still work best (I keep bookmarks) because more info, less white space, less waiting.
  7. I can't brain the official search, so I don't search.
  8. Forums lost Off Topic so I spend more time elsewhere.

The original game still has all the magic I need, to keep it fun through all these years.  Boxes!  In the woods!



I agree with your 1 through 8. Website page updates/improvements haven't been helpful to me, the old formats were just fine. I have absolutely no interest in souvenirs, badges, lab caches, or other gimmicks. Caches with a series theme aren't usually interesting and I'm  definitely not into power trails. As I mentioned back in 2013, find count isn't important. 


GC's decision to drop their promotion of quality and then welcome quantity has had a big effect on the way I cache these days.

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On 3/22/2023 at 9:13 PM, Viajero Perdido said:

Weird is pretending you can "place" or "find" these geology quizzes, as if they were something tangible.  Weird is that it's mixed in with a game about containers.  Weird is that you need landowner permission to "place" nothing at their land.


I'm EC-free for well over 10 years now.  That hasn't changed.



I have to agree about the geology quizzes, the only reason I have done some is when they are the only dang unfound cache on my nearby map, or I've covered that area. Or I already know the answer. I'm ok with the ones that basically are virtuals (just did one last week) where you answer a question based on signage at GZ. I was not aware an earthcache needed permission?! Virtuals don't and ECs do ?? Is that correct?

This might belong in the "irks" forums but Wherigos are even worse for me. The tech is old and spotty, so I avoid! 

One priority that won't change for me: caching for enjoyment and my own milestones, never for competition! 

p.s. @Oxford Stone you can't go saying the bluebells are lovely and NOT POST A PHOTO! :P

Edited by CCFwasG
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On 5/15/2023 at 9:26 PM, CCFwasG said:


I have to agree about the geology quizzes, the only reason I have done some is when they are the only dang unfound cache on my nearby map, or I've covered that area. Or I already know the answer. I'm ok with the ones that basically are virtuals (just did one last week) where you answer a question based on signage at GZ. I was not aware an earthcache needed permission?! Virtuals don't and ECs do ?? Is that correct?

This might belong in the "irks" forums but Wherigos are even worse for me. The tech is old and spotty, so I avoid! 

One priority that won't change for me: caching for enjoyment and my own milestones, never for competition! 

p.s. @Oxford Stone you can't go saying the bluebells are lovely and NOT POST A PHOTO! :P

No photo description available.

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My priorties have definitely changed. When I first started in the early 00's it was mainly about getting out in the woods with my kids. And when I wasn't with them I loved long hikes with 10+ mile hikes not unusual even if I only found a few caches. 

But now, after a fairly major health problem (kidney failure and dialysis for the last 5.5 years), I've had to change the way I cache. I can't hike as far anymore with the most I've been able to do is a little over 5 miles. I've been doing a lot more caches like I used to with the kids. Finding parks that I didn't know existed and generally taking my time finding caches in those parks. I will throw in a LPC along the way because they are there.  Also, now if I'm looking for a cache I don't spend as much time as I used to. As soon as the frustration factor starts to outweight the fun factor, I'm out. 

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When I started caching in 2013, I was still in full-time work (I retired in 2016) so caching was just a weekend activity and had to fit in around other weekend tasks. At the time, the map around my local area was a sea of unfound caches and there were new ones being published faster than I could find them, so it seemed like a good long-term pastime. That's changed in recent years, though, as I've now found most of the caches within an hour's drive of home, except for a few puzzles I have little hope of solving, challenges I haven't qualified for (and likely never will) and a few climbing caches I can't reach. New caches are also a rare treat, with just 5 in this region so far this year (apart from my own 3). So my involvement in the game is now a mixture of CO duties (I have 46 active hides) and the occasional longer day trip to Sydney, Newcastle or beyond to find a few caches (or sometimes just one). There's also a small group of us who head off for a day's caching about once a month or so, which is always good fun, along with a steady stream of events to attend.


Of my 72 finds so far this year, 3 have been events, 24 have been on group trips and the rest mostly new caches and a few others nearby around Sydney or Newcastle. We have another group outing coming up this weekend, and although I've already found all the caches in the target area, it'll still be an enjoyable day with some good walking, nice views and great company.

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I am not sure it is really a matter of priorities changing but my geocaching has changed in the last few years.  Like others have said, used to cache 10+ years ago with the kids and with groups of cachers.  These days the kids are grown and moved and the interest in caching has declined so much in our area that there are many fewer people to do it with.  I still hike distances and spend a lot of time in the woods, but usually with people who don't have any real interest in geocaching.  Last Wednesday I did a 6-mile hike that passed by about 8 or 10 caches.  I found 2, looked briefly for 2 others and moved on when did not find quickly.  Then I just walked by the rest.  Because I am with others with no interest, I have to limit how many I look for and for how long, so as to not slow down the group.  Add in the greatly reduced number of hides in our area and it has changed quite a bit for me.  My priority years ago would be to find the cache or else!  Now if it does not show itself right away, I need to move on.  I would love to know a few people who are up for an afternoon in the outdoors geocaching like years ago, but times have changed.

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Things have changed drastically since my last post... One thing after another, all stemming from a fall outta a leaning tree from a naked (mange) bear.

Bones n stuff sorta healed and that "too much sun" thing was ugly for a while but sorta good too.

Looks like a single stent received on my birthday was all I needed for one issue, then a very observant tech noticed another angry thing living in me.

I thought things would pick up this month or next, but now I find chemo's followed by BCG treatments, so I'm iffy 'til late August maybe.

A nice couple offered to walk with me before I'm homebound again.  Of course it looks like rain off n on the next couple weeks.  :laughing:

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I posted here a while ago that my current priorities were hitting 5000 finds, done, getting into the top 40 all time in finds by Oklahoma cachers, done, I'm 36th. Yesterday made this year the second most finds in one year. I'll never catch the best year because my BIL and I did a lot of power trails in 2012. 

I'm quickly catching 35 and 34 in Oklahoma. I've got to come up with a fitting and worthy log to write when I tie each of them. They both passed somewhere around 6 an 8 years ago. I had met both and they were great people. I'll have mixed feelings about catching each. 

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