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Laminated Pictures of Geo-coins

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G'day all, One question; is it permissible to take a picture of your coin (back and front) laminate it and use that as the "coin" keeping the original.


I have seen this done a few times (IMHO a bit tacky)


Cheer's Glen

Posted (edited)

G'day all, One question; is it permissible to take a picture of your coin (back and front) laminate it and use that as the "coin" keeping the original.


I have seen this done a few times (IMHO a bit tacky)


Cheer's Glen

It's a bit tacky :anicute:. Try to make it as clear as possible what the item is, to avoid confusion. Some people rename it to include the term "Proxy", so it's understood it's a stand-in.


If you aren't releasing the actual coin, you might use the Tracking Code for something else as creative as you like, and release that. With a lamintated coin photo, too, if you like.

Edited by kunarion
Posted (edited)

Yeah it's tacky but so is taking coins and not logging them, forgetting to log them, refusing to move them or expecting to sell these cache found coins.


Buying a coin to release only to have it "go missing" right from the first cache is a great disappointment, especially of human nature. However it's also disappointing not to find the coin you were expecting to see in a cache but a cheap photocopy of it. Personally I think the owner's disappointment trumps the cacher's but there is a lot more "cacher rage" against proxies these days than "owner rage" against the takers and thieves. Anyway, be that as it may, if you label your traveller properly (call it a something or other Proxy) you will lessen the petulant disappointment of folks who had to walk for hours for nothing and will take their rage out against your little traveller.

Edited by Droo
Posted (edited)

my opinion:


it's not tacky - especially if like me, you have had the unfortunate experience of having 95% of your trackables "go missing" (ie: stolen)


If I ever release trackables again, they will be the proxey version and people can still collect icons and still log and "collect" coins/TBs


It is my opinion that muggles and the misinformed (as well as those who could care less about another's property) are ruing a great hobby


once again, simply one person's opinion...not the only perspective



Edited by Pastor_B
Posted (edited)

good point, Droo


In my case, I have (in my mind) removed the expectation to find travelers even when they are listed.


I am pleased to find "actual" travelers and am faithful to move them along


I understand (and appreciate) that there are others who do the same


...wish all would do so



Edited by Pastor_B
. . . the petulant disappointment of folks who had to walk for hours for nothing . . .
for me, the fun is in the walk

if there happens to be a geocache at the far end of it, so much the better

and if there is a trackable item inside of it, that is also nice


but if the day ever comes that I start to consider the geocache/trackable to be the prime objective, and the walk to be nothing more than a dreaded chore that must be endured to get there, then I will find another hobby


- - - -


and, as I have said on several occasions before -


given the choice between a proxy and nothing at all, I will take the proxy - every time

. . . the petulant disappointment of folks who had to walk for hours for nothing . . .
for me, the fun is in the walk

if there happens to be a geocache at the far end of it, so much the better

and if there is a trackable item inside of it, that is also nice


but if the day ever comes that I start to consider the geocache/trackable to be the prime objective, and the walk to be nothing more than a dreaded chore that must be endured to get there, then I will find another hobby


- - - -


and, as I have said on several occasions before -


given the choice between a proxy and nothing at all, I will take the proxy - every time


Well said, very well said, I nominate you for Geocacher of the month with that post! :cool:


It's a bit tacky :anicute:


There are better options for proxies than just a laminated piece of paper.

I agree.


This subject has been discussed to death and there will always be differing opinions about Proxies. There are some options out there for some outstanding proxy coins that make them a little less tacky (if you are so inclined to think proxies are tacky). I don't care for proxies, myself, but my really big objection is when the owner doesn't include the "proxy" information in the name of the coin. It's an easy thing to do and it lets cachers know, before they head out, that they will be encountering a proxy as opposed to the real coin.

Posted (edited)

It's a bit tacky :anicute:


There are better options for proxies than just a laminated piece of paper.

I agree.


This subject has been discussed to death and there will always be differing opinions about Proxies. There are some options out there for some outstanding proxy coins that make them a little less tacky (if you are so inclined to think proxies are tacky). I don't care for proxies, myself, but my really big objection is when the owner doesn't include the "proxy" information in the name of the coin. It's an easy thing to do and it lets cachers know, before they head out, that they will be encountering a proxy as opposed to the real coin.

One reason it's a now Proxy is sometimes because someone knew it was real before they headed out. :ph34r:

Edited by kunarion

G'day all, One question; is it permissible to take a picture of your coin (back and front) laminate it and use that as the "coin" keeping the original.


I have seen this done a few times (IMHO a bit tacky)


Cheer's Glen


Why in the world would you purchase and release something people want to keep, expecting they won't. This whole 'I hate proxies' is lost on me. I mean I get it, but it's pretty darn silly to complain about people trying to fix something that shouldn't have happened in the first place.


You take it far more serious than I do and with less results.


G'day all, One question; is it permissible to take a picture of your coin (back and front) laminate it and use that as the "coin" keeping the original.


I have seen this done a few times (IMHO a bit tacky)


Cheer's Glen


Why in the world would you purchase and release something people want to keep, expecting they won't. This whole 'I hate proxies' is lost on me. I mean I get it, but it's pretty darn silly to complain about people trying to fix something that shouldn't have happened in the first place.


You take it far more serious than I do and with less results.


Take what seriously it was a simple question for the group and what results would that be??


G'day all, One question; is it permissible to take a picture of your coin (back and front) laminate it and use that as the "coin" keeping the original.


I have seen this done a few times (IMHO a bit tacky)


Cheer's Glen


Why in the world would you purchase and release something people want to keep, expecting they won't. This whole 'I hate proxies' is lost on me. I mean I get it, but it's pretty darn silly to complain about people trying to fix something that shouldn't have happened in the first place.


You take it far more serious than I do and with less results.


Take what seriously it was a simple question for the group and what results would that be??


I'm not the one who says proxies are tacky. Far from it.


I think geocoins are by far the most artistic, community supporting, fun giving, best pieces of metal anyone could ever contribute, but once they are lost everyone else hates the ghost copy.


I don't agree with that but given the community reaction...there you go.

Posted (edited)

Given the awful track record of coins and inventories, I am elated when I actually stumble upon an actual coin. I usually dip them around the area and release them...reluctantly, knowing that their lives will likely be cut short very soon by either accident or maliciousness. Geocoins are a touchy subject, mainly due to the expense and hope poured into each and every one...only to see them stolen, lost, or other. Proxies are like, well, <edited by moderator> . I can understand the reason behind them but to me, a proxy is one step too far. Either suck it up and release the actual coin or don't.

Edited by Eartha
Inappropriate terminology.
Posted (edited)

Either suck it up and release the actual coin or don't.


Are you aware you can release travelers that have a decent chance of survival?


By doing what?

Maybe it depends on the reason it vanishes. A Geocoin may be hunted, stolen, and hoarded, to make money -- to collect a set and then sell it at an opportune time. So it's only a matter of time til sticky fingers keep the coin. But if you instead release a relatively cheap Travel Bug, it doesn't increase in value, doesn't form a set, and in fact the thief might even return the actual boring old tag back into the game, sans its coveted rider. There are a buhzullion of those dogtags. Thieves keep a coin, but for a TB, they desire the attached item.


So you release a Geocoin saying "Here's the coolest thing ever, it's in an anonymous game with zero punishment for outriight theft, so don't *ahem* steal it or anything", and then you cross your fingers and wait for it to be stolen. But if it's a TB, it disappears due to apathy. Maybe the results are the same, maybe it doesn't even matter. But let's say it would vanish either way: A TB starts out cheaper than a Geocoin. So maybe with the money you saved, you can release more TBs?


I guess more to the point of the Original Post, there's not a lot of substance to a laminated picture with a Tracking Code on it. It would make me wonder where "the rest of it is". But I certainly understand not wanting a nice coin to leave your sight. So if you're not letting go of the coin, but feel the need to activate it, think of a way to use the Tracking Code that's perhaps a little more fun to find than a piece of paper. Just a suggestion.

Edited by kunarion

There are some very nice, well made proxies out there. If you have been reading these forums long enough, you would understand why people use proxies. The life expectancy of a geocoin in the wild is not very promising. It's not always thieves. It's newbie lack of knowledge, a child enamored by "Oh Shiny!", or oops I lost it. I would really hate to believe there are THAT many thieves out there. If that's the case, the world is in worse shape than we thought.

Live and let live, when it comes to proxies, they are still trackable travelers, collecting stories, and if the only story you can add to its travel log is one of dislike and derision, then leave it be for someone who cares to pick it up.


There are some very nice, well made proxies out there. If you have been reading these forums long enough, you would understand why people use proxies. The life expectancy of a geocoin in the wild is not very promising. It's not always thieves. It's newbie lack of knowledge, a child enamored by "Oh Shiny!", or oops I lost it. I would really hate to believe there are THAT many thieves out there. If that's the case, the world is in worse shape than we thought.

Live and let live, when it comes to proxies, they are still trackable travelers, collecting stories, and if the only story you can add to its travel log is one of dislike and derision, then leave it be for someone who cares to pick it up.


With the hostilities in these forms, I am not surprised coins are getting stolen, I put out an enquiry and get accused of "Not being around the forms long enough" Big deal and "Not Understanding" ya many must remember some people don't sit around reading "old form posts" or all the new ones plus.


I have been "geocaching" with mates of mine (all ex military) long before civilians were allow to use GPS it was a way to kill time when waiting...


Back to "Finding Caches".....

Posted (edited)
With the hostilities in these forms, I am not surprised coins are getting stolen, I put out an enquiry and get accused of "Not being around the forms long enough" Big deal and "Not Understanding" ya many must remember some people don't sit around reading "old form posts" or all the new ones plus.

I'd suppose if you can find the old posts, you could brush up on the angst. You'll find posts by veteran cachers proudly insisting that they "CITO" (throw away) any laminated coin "proxy" they find. AND posts by people asking WHY anyone would ever do that. I'm in the latter group.


But I also suggest that trackables need some substance beyond just a laminated picture. You should try it anyway (if you think it's a great idea). I've tried just about everything to keep my Coins and TBs in the game, and there's no guaranteed formula. So I at least try to make it something that's fun to find, while it lasts.

Edited by kunarion

There are some very nice, well made proxies out there. If you have been reading these forums long enough, you would understand why people use proxies. The life expectancy of a geocoin in the wild is not very promising. It's not always thieves. It's newbie lack of knowledge, a child enamored by "Oh Shiny!", or oops I lost it. I would really hate to believe there are THAT many thieves out there. If that's the case, the world is in worse shape than we thought.

Live and let live, when it comes to proxies, they are still trackable travelers, collecting stories, and if the only story you can add to its travel log is one of dislike and derision, then leave it be for someone who cares to pick it up.


With the hostilities in these forms, I am not surprised coins are getting stolen, I put out an enquiry and get accused of "Not being around the forms long enough" Big deal and "Not Understanding" ya many must remember some people don't sit around reading "old form posts" or all the new ones plus.


I have been "geocaching" with mates of mine (all ex military) long before civilians were allow to use GPS it was a way to kill time when waiting...


Back to "Finding Caches".....


Oh my! I hope I didn't come off as being hostile towards you. That was never my intention. My "you" in the statement about forums is a collective "you".

I never expect a geocacher to hang out in the forums. The majority of cachers never even find the forums.

I was just trying to leave a generic message to all that it's OK to put out a proxy. It's unbelievable to me that there are people out there who think it's all right to throw them away. But there are. Proxies are allowed. Some are flimsy, some are unbelievably well made. Let's move those trackables! :)

Posted (edited)

I think it's pretty clear that coins are stolen and proxies aren't accepted.


Cut one and spite the other.


Do I need to carry a hammer to make the point or are you going to do the same ol' "Oh geese this isn't possible."



Edited by BlueDeuce

I have six coins that have gone missing for some time.

I have created proxies, and plan on releasing them soon.


They are clearly marked on the Trackable page as proxies.

If they move, great... if they don't, so be it.


I've already lost the real ones, and I did send them out, but alas some didn't get far




Our Proxy Tags (Travel Twins) have proved very popular in the UK. We recommend attaching a kering onto the item that can hold a picture of the Geocoin that's staying at home . They are ideal for lost Geocoins too! Made of brass they are engraved not screen printed.



Our Proxy Tags (Travel Twins) have proved very popular in the UK. We recommend attaching a kering onto the item that can hold a picture of the Geocoin that's staying at home . They are ideal for lost Geocoins too! Made of brass they are engraved not screen printed.


I might move this type of proxy. The laminated card version doesn't get a look from me.


Our Proxy Tags (Travel Twins) have proved very popular in the UK. We recommend attaching a kering onto the item that can hold a picture of the Geocoin that's staying at home . They are ideal for lost Geocoins too! Made of brass they are engraved not screen printed.



Those are great and cheap. I've used it as a proxy recently for a missing TB now he's well on his way again!


Our Proxy Tags (Travel Twins) have proved very popular in the UK. We recommend attaching a kering onto the item that can hold a picture of the Geocoin that's staying at home . They are ideal for lost Geocoins too! Made of brass they are engraved not screen printed.



Hello! I just tried to place an order at your website for the proxy tags, but I am not allowed to enter my information (email, etc.) in the boxes. I have read the terms/conditions and even clicked the "add charges" button to see if that made any difference - it didn't. Please advise!

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