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Something's still weird with logins

warm fuzzies

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I'm not logged in as "warm fuzzies" over on geocaching.com, I'm logged in as "parkrrrr". "warm fuzzies" is my caching partner's account. I was logged in as her, logging today's finds, but I've tried twice to log out and log back in as myself; the forums just aren't noticing the change. I could, of course, restart my browser, and I will, but I thought someone might want to investigate anyway.


Actually, that's not even true. It's worse than that: when I log out, it takes me to the login screen with the "you are logged out" message in the top right corner. I log back in using my own username and it logs me in - but not as me! I'm still logged in as her; I didn't even notice the first two times.


I log finds to my kids' accounts, and when I log out and log in as another user, it brings back the first account. I've found that if I log out, refresh a couple of times, then log back in as a different user, it seems to work OK.




Sounds like the browser cookies have bad chocolate chips in em! icon_smile.gif


> Martin (Magellan 330)

Don't have time to program and record your shows while geocaching? Get a TiVo!


Sounds like the browser cookies have bad chocolate chips in em! icon_smile.gif


> Martin (Magellan 330)

Don't have time to program and record your shows while geocaching? Get a TiVo!


Another cookie bug: I've enabled the cookie to keep me logged in to the site, but when I go directly from my home page to one of my caches, it says I'm logged in, but it has the icons of an average user (missing Upload and Image, Edit the Cache, Archive, Temporarily Disable, etc.).


Only when I refresh the cache page does it come up with full functionality.



Non omnes vagi perditi sunt


I got caught in a loop yesterday. Kept logging in only to be told that I was not logged in. I'd go to the geocaching page, log in, then go to the forums, click on log in, and be told once again that I was not logged in. But if I went back to the geocaching page I would be logged in.


Not sure what I did in the end but I know I had to input my username and password at least half a dozen times before sucessfully logging into the forums.





Me three


I've been caught in that loop several times myself. I'm wondering if there's some sort of time lag for the system to recognize that you're logged in??




I'm logged in. I know this because my information shows up at http://www.geocaching.com/my/ and it says "you are logged in. logout" in the upper right hand corner of the geocaching pages.


Then when I go to the Groundspeak pages by clicking "discuss geocaching", it says that I am not logged in. So I click login and I get the green geocaching login screen and login again.


I've loopty-looped up to 20 times before I've given up. I've used NS6 and IE6. I've hit refresh. I'm getting a cookie, it's just not sticking.


Then, the weird thing is... if I go back to it later (say, like 10 minutes later or whenever I get around to giving it another shot) and reload the page, it says I'm logged in.


I've tried from different computers at two locations. I hope now that I'm logged in I stay logged in! I'm happy to be here writing this right now! icon_smile.gif


lol @ Sounds like the browser cookies have bad chocolate chips in em!




Bump On A Log


I'm logged in. I know this because my information shows up at http://www.geocaching.com/my/ and it says "you are logged in. logout" in the upper right hand corner of the geocaching pages.


Then when I go to the Groundspeak pages by clicking "discuss geocaching", it says that I am not logged in. So I click login and I get the green geocaching login screen and login again.


I've loopty-looped up to 20 times before I've given up. I've used NS6 and IE6. I've hit refresh. I'm getting a cookie, it's just not sticking.


Then, the weird thing is... if I go back to it later (say, like 10 minutes later or whenever I get around to giving it another shot) and reload the page, it says I'm logged in.


I've tried from different computers at two locations. I hope now that I'm logged in I stay logged in! I'm happy to be here writing this right now! icon_smile.gif


lol @ Sounds like the browser cookies have bad chocolate chips in em!




Bump On A Log


Originally posted by 88girl:


I've loopty-looped up to 20 times before I've given up. I've used NS6 and IE6. I've hit refresh. I'm getting a cookie, it's just not sticking.


A refresh is not a reload. It may just be re-displaying what's already cached. Try holding down the Control key when you click Refresh. On most browsers, that forces a reload. Change the page version checking option to perform the check every time.


In IE, it's Tools/Internet Options, then click the General tab (if not already selected) then click the Settings button under Temporary Internet Files. Netscape has a similar setting.




I got booted off of the internet with a stack dump and stayed off for over an hour to fix dinner, when I came back and got back on line to read the forums the first page said I wasn't logged in but by the time I had read a few articles it stated I was logged on. I didn't log on so how did it know it was me? Confused but not dazed, Pat C. icon_confused.gif



[This message was edited by Gee Ode on March 18, 2002 at 08:22 PM.]


I got booted off of the internet with a stack dump and stayed off for over an hour to fix dinner, when I came back and got back on line to read the forums the first page said I wasn't logged in but by the time I had read a few articles it stated I was logged on. I didn't log on so how did it know it was me? Confused but not dazed, Pat C. icon_confused.gif



[This message was edited by Gee Ode on March 18, 2002 at 08:22 PM.]


Looks like this has been fixed with a new option on the login page. There's now a check box for logging into the forums as well as the main site.


Just tried it and it works like a charm - no more looping icon_razz.gificon_razz.gif


Looks like this has been fixed with a new option on the login page. There's now a check box for logging into the forums as well as the main site.


Just tried it and it works like a charm - no more looping icon_razz.gificon_razz.gif


I use Netscape 6.2 and when I logged onto the geocaching.com website tonight, I clicked on the "Discuss Geocaching" button. I was sent to that .autotrader.com website the first three times I tried. I finally got into the forums but have received the following error several times:


The page cannot be found

The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.


Please try the following:


* If you typed the page address in the Address bar, make sure that it is spelled correctly.

* Open the www.geocaching.com home page, and then look for links to the information you want.

* Click the Back button to try another link.


HTTP 404 - File not found

Internet Information Services


Technical Information (for support personnel)


* More information:

Microsoft Support


I've also received other errors I didn't think to copy down. I'm now having similar problems even though I'm now using IE6.0.26 (I hate IE).


Jeremy, are you working on the website tonight? Or is this my cue I've been up too long? icon_confused.gif


P.S. I just got another error and remembered to copy it. Here it is:

System Notice:


The OpenTopic™ service that powers this Community is momentarily unavailable. The Infopop System Administrators have been notified about the problem and are working to correct it.


Thank you for your understanding.

I'll take that as my cue and be back tomorrow.


[This message was edited by Cachemere on March 24, 2002 at 09:34 PM.]


I use Netscape 6.2 and when I logged onto the geocaching.com website tonight, I clicked on the "Discuss Geocaching" button. I was sent to that .autotrader.com website the first three times I tried. I finally got into the forums but have received the following error several times:


The page cannot be found

The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.


Please try the following:


* If you typed the page address in the Address bar, make sure that it is spelled correctly.

* Open the www.geocaching.com home page, and then look for links to the information you want.

* Click the Back button to try another link.


HTTP 404 - File not found

Internet Information Services


Technical Information (for support personnel)


* More information:

Microsoft Support


I've also received other errors I didn't think to copy down. I'm now having similar problems even though I'm now using IE6.0.26 (I hate IE).


Jeremy, are you working on the website tonight? Or is this my cue I've been up too long? icon_confused.gif


P.S. I just got another error and remembered to copy it. Here it is:

System Notice:


The OpenTopic™ service that powers this Community is momentarily unavailable. The Infopop System Administrators have been notified about the problem and are working to correct it.


Thank you for your understanding.

I'll take that as my cue and be back tomorrow.


[This message was edited by Cachemere on March 24, 2002 at 09:34 PM.]


I've also gotten the "open topic" error message many times in the last 2 days. When I get it, I either hit the back arrow or refresh page button & the page comes up.




I've seen that error myself recently and have sent an e-mail to the support group asking them if they know what's going on. I'm hopeful that they're already working on the issue and should have it resolved soon. I'll post more information here when I hear back from them.




Here's another you can add to the list, I just got it while trying to login. I'll add part of it here because I'm not sure if it contains my password data. If you need the entire thing, e-mail me. Thanks.

Not Found on Accelerator

Description: Your request for 'http:///0/OCClient?ACTION=LOGIN&SITE_OI

blah, blah, blah


Hello -- it's Michael Farris from Infopop here posting using Elias' account and, of course, his permission.


I'd VERY much like to have a full copy of that URL you posted above. It doesn't have password info. If you are concerned just cut out the section call SECURITY_TOKEN


I'm most interested in


Not Found on Accelerator

Description: Your request for 'http:///0/OCClient?ACTION=LOGIN&SITE_OI


Was it really >> 'http:///0/ ???


Any such error messages with the actual URL are handy for me. Will you post those here or email me michael@infopop.com. The common 'The Database is not available' one is not much help.


Thanks all -- we'll get this one resolved.


Not Found on Accelerator

Description: Your request for 'http:///0/OCClient?ACTION=LOGIN&SITE_OID=1750973553&NON_OT_USER_ID=40513&SECURITY_TOKEN=708359816-KOKENN&IS_USER_DATA_REQUIRED=Y&ON_SUCCESS_URL=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Egeocaching%2Ecom%2Flogin%2Fdefault%2Easp%3FS%3D0%26ID%3D' on host '.*s', was not found


Copied and pasted so I wouldn't mess it up. I sure hope this helps.


That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it. icon_smile.gif


Not Found on Accelerator

Description: Your request for 'http:///0/OCClient?ACTION=LOGIN&SITE_OID=1750973553&NON_OT_USER_ID=40513&SECURITY_TOKEN=708359816-KOKENN&IS_USER_DATA_REQUIRED=Y&ON_SUCCESS_URL=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Egeocaching%2Ecom%2Flogin%2Fdefault%2Easp%3FS%3D0%26ID%3D' on host '.*s', was not found


Copied and pasted so I wouldn't mess it up. I sure hope this helps.


That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it. icon_smile.gif

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