+Markwell Posted April 3, 2002 Posted April 3, 2002 Is there any chance that we can have the text for the last 3 day's e-mails that we sent through Geocaching available (or some other time frame)? I just sent something to about 3 different people, and slightly customized it for each. On one of them, I customized incorrectly, but I'm not sure which one. What I'm looking for is something that would be a link from the My Cache Page: “E-Mail You've Sent Through Geocaching for the Last 3 Days” (or 2 days, or 24 hours), and it would show a list. Then we can click to see what the heck we sent. Markwell My Geocaching Page
+Jamie Z Posted April 3, 2002 Posted April 3, 2002 Another thought I've had on this subject is to simply have the email forwarded to yourself as well as the recipient. I think that would be easy to code... Jamie
Jeremy Posted April 3, 2002 Posted April 3, 2002 It would show the user's email address that sent you the message. Though you could send a separate email. Your emails are stored in case of abuse so I could certainly give you access to it. I'll see what I can do. Jeremy Jeremy Irish Groundspeak Lackey and Geopuppet
+Markwell Posted April 3, 2002 Author Posted April 3, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Jeremy Irish:It would show the user's email address that sent you the message. Though you could send a separate email. Not necessarily. It depends on how the mail server works. If you send both as Blind Copies (BC) you should be able to get by with only seeing your address. quote:Your emails are stored in case of abuse so I could certainly give you access to it. I'll see what I can do. I still like this idea better. Thanks for looking in to it. I didn't know how long the e-mails were stored and how much space they took up. Markwell My Geocaching Page
+Markwell Posted June 3, 2002 Author Posted June 3, 2002 How about seeing if we can do anything about this... Markwell Chicago Geocachers
+Markwell Posted June 18, 2002 Author Posted June 18, 2002 Elias or Jeremy... This seems like a fairly simple request. Any chance of implementing this one while testing other enhancements? I'd just like to know that someone is working on it. Markwell Chicago Geocachers
+Jamie Z Posted June 18, 2002 Posted June 18, 2002 Just so Markwell doesn't think he's alone, I'm in favor of this feature, as well. Jamie
+Clan Ferguson Posted June 19, 2002 Posted June 19, 2002 I would like to make Third on this motion. But I really like the Blind-copy idea I would be greatful for a record of who you sent e-mails to. Cache On!! James "Big Dog" -Clan Ferguson p.s. mental note- always read ALL the posts before replying so you don't have to edit out redunit material.
+ClayJar Posted June 19, 2002 Posted June 19, 2002 Allow me to chime in on the side of "BCCing" a copy of the message to the sender. (I already do this by manually copy/pasting to my e-mail program and then saving the unsent draft to my sent folder.) It could be implemented in much the same way an eBay "Question for seller" e-mail is sent. The recepient gets a message "To" them and "From" either the system or the sender (at the sender's discretion), and the sender gets a message sent "From" the system and "To" them (with the subject being something like "ClayJar contacting Jeremy from Geocaching.com"). Basically, that protects the recipient (whose address does not show up in the sender's copy), and it allows the sender to keep a copy of the message (for later reference or whatever). Then the only thing you have to do is put a checkbox for whether or not you want to send yourself a copy of the message. (This would be my ideal, but if just having access to sent messages via Geocaching.com is all you can give, I'll copy and paste myself like I've always done, but I'll be happy to have a backup for when I forget to do it. )
+ClayJar Posted June 19, 2002 Posted June 19, 2002 Allow me to chime in on the side of "BCCing" a copy of the message to the sender. (I already do this by manually copy/pasting to my e-mail program and then saving the unsent draft to my sent folder.) It could be implemented in much the same way an eBay "Question for seller" e-mail is sent. The recepient gets a message "To" them and "From" either the system or the sender (at the sender's discretion), and the sender gets a message sent "From" the system and "To" them (with the subject being something like "ClayJar contacting Jeremy from Geocaching.com"). Basically, that protects the recipient (whose address does not show up in the sender's copy), and it allows the sender to keep a copy of the message (for later reference or whatever). Then the only thing you have to do is put a checkbox for whether or not you want to send yourself a copy of the message. (This would be my ideal, but if just having access to sent messages via Geocaching.com is all you can give, I'll copy and paste myself like I've always done, but I'll be happy to have a backup for when I forget to do it. )
+Team Dralasites Posted June 20, 2002 Posted June 20, 2002 I too would find it really useful to have access to sent messages. I don't care how it's implemented, whether it's through BCC or some other way. I rarely contacted other users in the past, until I started organizing a local event cache. Now, suddenly, I'm trying to remember who I asked to bring what, and who's in charge of which games, and... well, maybe I'm exaggerating a little (or a lot) here, but anyway I think it would be a useful feature to have. Speaking of event caches, I wouldn't mind seeing some event-specific enhancements to the cache pages (such as a potluck manager), but that discussion probably deserves its very own thread. Colleen of Team Dralasites
+Team Dralasites Posted June 20, 2002 Posted June 20, 2002 I too would find it really useful to have access to sent messages. I don't care how it's implemented, whether it's through BCC or some other way. I rarely contacted other users in the past, until I started organizing a local event cache. Now, suddenly, I'm trying to remember who I asked to bring what, and who's in charge of which games, and... well, maybe I'm exaggerating a little (or a lot) here, but anyway I think it would be a useful feature to have. Speaking of event caches, I wouldn't mind seeing some event-specific enhancements to the cache pages (such as a potluck manager), but that discussion probably deserves its very own thread. Colleen of Team Dralasites
+Tedoca Posted June 20, 2002 Posted June 20, 2002 A simple checkbox to send yourself a copy of the email would suffice for me. Happy caching, Tedoca
+cachew nut Posted June 21, 2002 Posted June 21, 2002 I have no use for this, we should just leave things the way they are
+cachew nut Posted June 21, 2002 Posted June 21, 2002 I have no use for this, we should just leave things the way they are
+Markwell Posted June 22, 2002 Author Posted June 22, 2002 I develop databases for a living. Many times, people make what appear to be simple requests, but would take major overhauls of the database to implement. I have to weigh how much time I would put in to the upgrade vs. the benefit to the most number of users. Many times we evaluate that there may be a better way to do something based on the fact that to implement the suggestion would be much too cumbersome on the system to alter it for an individual user for an individual incident. Other times, all the mechanisms are already in place and it just takes fixing a display (a 10 minute job). In instances like this, I don't mind implementing a quick fix. One exception that I make is that if adding a feature decreases the accessibility or performance of the database (like using Wingdings as a display font). I have to seriously consider the impact of implementation. Tracking sent e-mail messages? Restricting viewing coordinates to only those logging in? Making the background of the screen black with orange lettering instead of white with black lettering? Changing the difficulty stars to blue instead of yellow? Requiring a retina scan ID and DNA sample before being allowed to open a cache box?These are the type of enhancements that the people at Groundspeak have to weigh the merits vs the detriments to see if they're worth implementing. Markwell Chicago Geocachers
+Trudy & the beast Posted September 4, 2002 Posted September 4, 2002 I havn't been consistent in this routine, but.. by composing a draft of your message in a word processor, copy the doc to the message tool and save to a folder on your computer... You could take advantage of the spell-check and have a copy of the e-mail sent.
+Trudy & the beast Posted September 4, 2002 Posted September 4, 2002 I havn't been consistent in this routine, but.. by composing a draft of your message in a word processor, copy the doc to the message tool and save to a folder on your computer... You could take advantage of the spell-check and have a copy of the e-mail sent.
+Markwell Posted September 4, 2002 Author Posted September 4, 2002 Yea, I know. But since Jeremy had said that this would be fairly easy to implement (since the info is kept anyway), I was hoping it would be a quick easy fix. Obviously, since I started this thread 5 months ago and nothing has happened - I'm living without it. It's just one of those "wouldn't it be nice if" scenarios. Markwell Chicago Geocaching
+RocketMan Posted September 21, 2002 Posted September 21, 2002 I frequently want to go back and see what I have e-mailed to fellow geocachers. This is particularly true when I don't get a response to my e-mail and I want to send a follow up e-mail. For all I know, the first e-mail did not get sent. If I received a copy, I would know it was sent and I would have a record of the message. It would be highly desirable to have a checkbox on the "EMail User" page for sending a copy of the e-mail to yourself. I know that I can cut and past the e-mail into a text document and save it, but that is a pain in the you know what. The checkbox could go right below the "I want to send my email address along with this message" checkbox. Thanks - Rocket Man
Jeremy Posted September 21, 2002 Posted September 21, 2002 I'm recoding all the pages of the site (slowly) to .NET - I'll add this feature and others when I reach that page. First will be the profile page, however, since I want to split out the cache types found. Jeremy Irish Groundspeak - The Language of Location
+Jamie Z Posted September 21, 2002 Posted September 21, 2002 Oh good lord Jeremy. Please tell me HTML will still work on the profile pages! Jamie
+Jamie Z Posted September 21, 2002 Posted September 21, 2002 Oh good lord Jeremy. Please tell me HTML will still work on the profile pages! Jamie
+Lil Devil Posted September 21, 2002 Posted September 21, 2002 Geocaching.com will send you $1 every time someone forwards your message. That's right! When you send a message using Geocaching.com, and the recipient forwards it to someone else, you will get $1. Lil Devil
+mrcpu Posted September 22, 2002 Posted September 22, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Jamie Z:Oh good lord Jeremy. Please tell me HTML will still work on the profile pages! Jamie I know we all think highly of Jeremy, but calling him "Lord" is a bit much. How about we call him, "Supreme Chancelor of Geekdom" or "Your Codership" ? Rob Mobile Cache Command
+mrcpu Posted September 22, 2002 Posted September 22, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Jamie Z:Oh good lord Jeremy. Please tell me HTML will still work on the profile pages! Jamie I know we all think highly of Jeremy, but calling him "Lord" is a bit much. How about we call him, "Supreme Chancelor of Geekdom" or "Your Codership" ? Rob Mobile Cache Command
azog Posted October 29, 2002 Posted October 29, 2002 So call me slow, but it looks like this feature has been implimented: "THIS IS AN AUTOMATED EMAIL MESSAGE FROM GEOCACHING.COM This is a copy of your email. Please keep it for your records." Thanks! ---------- Do not answer a fool according to his folly, lest you be also be like him.
+Markwell Posted October 29, 2002 Author Posted October 29, 2002 Yes. On October 10. Which is why Markwell is ecstatic and this thread died out then. Markwell Chicago Geocaching "Therapy is expensive but bubble wrap is free."
+cachew nut Posted October 29, 2002 Posted October 29, 2002 Just wondering if there is a way to disable this feature....
eaglescout Posted October 29, 2002 Posted October 29, 2002 Man I would just like to say good job Jeremy Irish i just read that whole topic and you try and do something good but there is always someone there to complain- to them just delete the email its not hard. To Jeremy keep up the good work and thanks for making our voices count for something. This is still a free sight and its got pretty good "custumer service" at that.
+cachew nut Posted October 29, 2002 Posted October 29, 2002 quote:Originally posted by eaglescout: there is always someone there to complain I hope you didn't mean me, I was hardly complaining, just wondering if there is a disable feature. You'll know when I'm complaining.
eaglescout Posted October 29, 2002 Posted October 29, 2002 Ok, not you but im sure he and the other hard workes on the other end gets there share of cr*p over this forum. Sorry dint mean to dirrect that at you.
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