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Bought Magellan eXplorist GC but cannot download info from geocahing.com site

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I have bought Magellan eXplorist GC last week and tried to download some geocaches on my new GPS.

When I tried to download information it came with a message 'Magellan Communicator not found.'

I have since downloaded mag. communicator but it says that 'additional plug ins are required to display all the media on this page'

How do I know whick plugins I need, I am not very computer literate . :(


Can somebody help me with ideas what to do next?

Edited by antsinmypants
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I am using Mozilla Firefox.

Trying to figure out how to do what you've just suggested :huh: .

Don't worry about it - hook up the unit to your PC.


Push the GPX button on any listing page.


Save the file on the unit in the GPS folder - (the unit shows up as a "drive" letter).



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I am using Mozilla Firefox.

Trying to figure out how to do what you've just suggested :huh: .

Don't worry about it - hook up the unit to your PC.


Push the GPX button on any listing page.


Save the file on the unit in the GPS folder - (the unit shows up as a "drive" letter).




Oooops not easy for me. Press GPX button but when I press it comes with a window asking what should Firefox do with this file? If i press save file where does it go? On PC or GPS unit (the only thing showing on my GPS is window with words connected to PC).

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I am using Mozilla Firefox.

Trying to figure out how to do what you've just suggested :huh: .

Don't worry about it - hook up the unit to your PC.


Push the GPX button on any listing page.


Save the file on the unit in the GPS folder - (the unit shows up as a "drive" letter).




Oooops not easy for me. Press GPX button but when I press it comes with a window asking what should Firefox do with this file? If i press save file where does it go? On PC or GPS unit (the only thing showing on my GPS is window with words connected to PC).


I have the same problem. did you solve yours, and then how did you do???


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I am using Mozilla Firefox.

Trying to figure out how to do what you've just suggested :huh: .

Don't worry about it - hook up the unit to your PC.


Push the GPX button on any listing page.


Save the file on the unit in the GPS folder - (the unit shows up as a "drive" letter).




Oooops not easy for me. Press GPX button but when I press it comes with a window asking what should Firefox do with this file? If i press save file where does it go? On PC or GPS unit (the only thing showing on my GPS is window with words connected to PC).


I have the same problem. did you solve yours, and then how did you do???




I found that I had to use Internet Explorer or else it would always lock up. Worked well then.....

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I am using Mozilla Firefox.

Trying to figure out how to do what you've just suggested :huh: .

Don't worry about it - hook up the unit to your PC.


Push the GPX button on any listing page.


Save the file on the unit in the GPS folder - (the unit shows up as a "drive" letter).




Oooops not easy for me. Press GPX button but when I press it comes with a window asking what should Firefox do with this file? If i press save file where does it go? On PC or GPS unit (the only thing showing on my GPS is window with words connected to PC).


Save the file to the GPS unit in the GPX folder. Look in the windows explorer to see what drive letter your computer assigned to the unit.

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I am using Mozilla Firefox.

Trying to figure out how to do what you've just suggested :huh: .

Don't worry about it - hook up the unit to your PC.


Push the GPX button on any listing page.


Save the file on the unit in the GPS folder - (the unit shows up as a "drive" letter).




Oooops not easy for me. Press GPX button but when I press it comes with a window asking what should Firefox do with this file? If i press save file where does it go? On PC or GPS unit (the only thing showing on my GPS is window with words connected to PC).


Save the file to the GPS unit in the GPX folder. Look in the windows explorer to see what drive letter your computer assigned to the unit.


Thank you for your help but still no luck.

My computer assigned it G drive.


how to do this 'Save the file to the GPS unit in the GPX folder.'?

the only window I see on unit is with words connected to PC, I can't do anything else on actual unit, please help with step by step guide (if you have time).

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Connect the GC to the computer, select "connect to pc" on the unit, don't do anything else with the GC once it is connected. Open the drive letter assigned to the connection (G is what you told us), there should be some files and folders on that drive (it's the internal files of the GC), open up the "Geocaches" folder and drag and drop, or copy and paste your downloaded .gpx geocache files in that folder. Now close the drive, "safely remove hardware" icon in the start bar on the lower left of your computer screen. Unplug the GC and it will startup as normal.

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Simple steps....


#1, turn on the GC. (Don't laugh, this is not a flash drive we're talking here.)

#2, connect the GC to the computer (via USB port, Natch...)

#3, wait for the GC to display the page where it asks to connect to PC, Make sure this is selected, and press the center button

#4, on GC.COM, go to the page of the cache you want to find. Click on [Get GPX]

#5, save the file to the drive the the GC is listed as. (usually Drive E: through Z:, depends on number of drives you have connected)

in the Geocaches folder of that drive

#6 Safely disconnect the GC from the computer (drag the drive it created to the recycle bin on a mac, Go to the My Computer Folder of a PC, right-

click, and click Eject)

#7, disconnect the GC, and wait for the main page to appear (the Geocaching symbol at the bottom).. Click that symbol with the center button. The cache listing should now be there.


I've been using Vantagepoint myself.. (See VantagePoint Download Page) which is a bit slow, but a little more efficient. but, needing to constantly reload the GPS every time I find a couple of caches is a but kluged at times

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Am I so thick or what? :rolleyes:

When I get to save file bit it doesn't allow me to choose a drive (in my case should be drive G).

when I open folder Geocaches in drive G it comes with a window saying

windows cannot open this file


and than it goes on asking what program created it , here I am puzzled (again)

Shall I use the Web service to find the appropriate program or select the program from the list (which program?)


I was so drawn to idea of having paperless GPS but this is turning into a joke , I can't simply get those caches onto my GPS :-(.


Thank you all for your detailed help, just wish I had somebody next to me to gently lead me through this process.

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Having the exact same issue here... Just got my GPS today (same make) and downloaded the communicator for PC. I'm running Mozilla as well and I'm having the exact same issue with the plugin message. I understand the alternate method, but I'm unclear as to why the communicator isn't working in the first place. Wouldn't mind hearing a fix for this so we can use the "Send to GPS" button.

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Since I have to wait for my original post to be approved (new member), sorry for the double post. Restarted Firefox and everything works fine. Sometimes it amazes me when something so simple will fix an irritating problem. <_<


restarted firefox, what do you mean by it?

Did you uninstall it and then installed it again?

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Sounds to me like you are trying to use the "Send to GPS" button on a cache page.

It is a handy tool to have for one-off caches.

When it says the plugin is not found, it should also offer to download it.

I use it with Firefox just fine.


I am pressing GPX file button


when it says plugin is not found it does not offer one but a long list of them.

Which one do I choose? I am lost in sea of information. :rolleyes:

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Hi: I'm having the same problem with both FF and I.E. and a new Magellan eXplorist using Windows Vista - clicking on the "Send to GPS" doesn't work, but thanks to your instructions I'm able to save the files manually. I would love to be able to do it with the click "Send to GPS" - it should work. I reinstalled the software and rebooted but no go, it won't work.

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hi, im having big problems with my new Explorist, when i click on the 'send to gps' button it says its downloaded, but when i look on my gps theres nothing!! so i tried doing it manualy by copy pasting and all that but still no joy....there must be something im not doing

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Use Internet Explorer instead of Firefox and you should be fine.




I use Internet Explorer with my GC and never had any problems, i just plugged it in then clicked the send to my gps icon and

job done......


Im sure the first time it came up with this.......




Send to GPS


















Magellan Communicator not found.

Please click here to install the latest PC version.

Please click here to install the latest MAC version.




Click here to learn more about the Magellan Communicator plug-in for PC.


Click here to learn more about the Magellan Communicator plug-in for MAC.



when you hit the Magellan tab.......



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