cezanne Posted May 25, 2011 Posted May 25, 2011 (edited) I'm actually excited now as well... I have the 50 no prob....need to get a few more to get to 100 though, but now I have a reason to get out and seek some more. May I ask you (and those others that are excited) why some icon or virtual reward (whatever it is called) provides you with motivation to get out and visit Earthcaches? Either one is interested into ECs or one isn't. To me this sounds like in nursery school where most children want to get a blue ribbon if one child gets one. You need not answer. There is no need to justify your excitement. I am just curious. I am aware that I used a why question, but it is ok for me if my question remains unanswered. Cezanne Edited May 25, 2011 by cezanne
+Lostby7 Posted May 25, 2011 Posted May 25, 2011 (edited) I'm actually excited now as well... I have the 50 no prob....need to get a few more to get to 100 though, but now I have a reason to get out and seek some more. May I ask you (and those others that are excited) why some icon or virtual reward (whatever it is called) provides you with motivation to get out and visit Earthcaches? Either one is interested into ECs or one isn't. To me this sounds like in nursery school where most children want to get a blue ribbon if one child gets one. You need not answer. There is no need to justify your excitement. I am just curious. I am aware that I used a why question, but it is ok for me if my question remains unanswered. Cezanne I am excited because I have a type A personality. I love competition, accomplishment and the satisfaction (and recognition) that goes along with those aspects of my personality. Numbers are fun as are the little rewards in life. Life if nothing else is a series of accomplishments big and small and a silly icon on my page is just one more item that adds to my life experience. Do I need it...nah but it's fun. ...besides, lets face it I will never walk on the moon or create a multi-million dollar corporation...but I can get a little icon on my profile page. Striving to reach goals is fun and healthy. Edited May 25, 2011 by Lostby7
+Sioneva Posted May 25, 2011 Posted May 25, 2011 Indeed!There are five levels...Diamond at the top down to Quartz. You have had to find more than 50 EarthCaches to have reached Quartz level....To get the new levels, you have to complete an online form (like for the EarthCache Masters existing levels) for each level for which you want to apply.When approved you will be sent an icon to display.More coming.... Excellent! We are at 45 now and looking forward to working our way up to the diamond. Can't wait to see the icons I'm at 41. Hoping to pick up more soon. If the bloody weather clears enough to let me!
+Sioneva Posted May 25, 2011 Posted May 25, 2011 I'm actually excited now as well... I have the 50 no prob....need to get a few more to get to 100 though, but now I have a reason to get out and seek some more. May I ask you (and those others that are excited) why some icon or virtual reward (whatever it is called) provides you with motivation to get out and visit Earthcaches? Either one is interested into ECs or one isn't. To me this sounds like in nursery school where most children want to get a blue ribbon if one child gets one. You need not answer. There is no need to justify your excitement. I am just curious. I am aware that I used a why question, but it is ok for me if my question remains unanswered. Cezanne Gotta keep up with the catsnfishes! I did a half-marathon to prove to myself I could. It motivated me to keep exercising. I got a shiny medal that hangs on the wall and looks pretty, and gathers dust. I expect this'll be the same. Having a goal motivates, gives that extra little push. Competition's built into the human psyche. Now, I'm gonna go play with my alphabet blocks.
+TerryDad2 Posted May 25, 2011 Posted May 25, 2011 I'm actually excited now as well... I have the 50 no prob....need to get a few more to get to 100 though, but now I have a reason to get out and seek some more. May I ask you (and those others that are excited) why some icon or virtual reward (whatever it is called) provides you with motivation to get out and visit Earthcaches? Either one is interested into ECs or one isn't. To me this sounds like in nursery school where most children want to get a blue ribbon if one child gets one. You need not answer. There is no need to justify your excitement. I am just curious. I am aware that I used a why question, but it is ok for me if my question remains unanswered. Cezanne For us introverts, they are a conversation starter to share EarthCaches. All I really need to know I learned in Kindergarten
cezanne Posted May 25, 2011 Posted May 25, 2011 I did a half-marathon to prove to myself I could. It motivated me to keep exercising. I can easily understand that. Even if the competition aspect comes in (e.g. if you wish to finish within a certain time), this ends up in a reasonably meaningful competition (e.g. age classes, male/female etc) while this is not the case as finding a certain number of caches is regarded as this is like comparing apples and bears. Actually, I do not regard having found or hidden a certain number of caches as accomplishment - more like pieces of experience added to my story of life. Cezanne
cezanne Posted May 25, 2011 Posted May 25, 2011 For us introverts, they are a conversation starter to share EarthCaches. What do you mean with sharing EarthCaches? Cezanne
+GEO WALKER Posted May 25, 2011 Posted May 25, 2011 I'm actually excited now as well... I have the 50 no prob....need to get a few more to get to 100 though, but now I have a reason to get out and seek some more. May I ask you (and those others that are excited) why some icon or virtual reward (whatever it is called) provides you with motivation to get out and visit Earthcaches? Either one is interested into ECs or one isn't. To me this sounds like in nursery school where most children want to get a blue ribbon if one child gets one. You need not answer. There is no need to justify your excitement. I am just curious. I am aware that I used a why question, but it is ok for me if my question remains unanswered. Cezanne Perhaps if one were to view this situation say as a runner or a swimmer, things may become a bit clear. The “competition” is internal to better ones time or simply just to complete an event. Now most will have “awards” for those who place in various categories. Some events, that are designed to help with donations to certain charities, all participants may receive a T-Shirt. Most folks don’t compete for the T-Shirts, but for involvement in the event. I hope this helps… BTW... for what's worth I'm closing in on 150.
cezanne Posted May 25, 2011 Posted May 25, 2011 Perhaps if one were to view this situation say as a runner or a swimmer, things may become a bit clear. The “competition” is internal to better ones time or simply just to complete an event. Now most will have “awards” for those who place in various categories. Some events, that are designed to help with donations to certain charities, all participants may receive a T-Shirt. Most folks don’t compete for the T-Shirts, but for involvement in the event. Yes, I know. I think you misunderstood what I wrote. I can understand the various motivations to take part in a half-marathon. Finishing a half-marathon or finishing it within some time limit is something I regard as accomplishment. Finding a certain number of caches is nothing which I regard as accomplishment. Someone who has found 50 Earthcaches is not a better Earthcacher than someone who has found 10. Runner X (age 30, male) is a better marathon runner than runner Y (age 30, male) if his personal best time is 15 minutes shorter. From time to time I am proud that I managed to reach a certain cache, but I have never felt any satisfaction for having found a certain number of caches. That does not add any experience at all to my life. That's the issue I was wondering about. It is not about the icon, but the fact that I feel that nothing is behind the icon. That's different in the running example. Cezanne
+Flintstone5611 Posted May 25, 2011 Posted May 25, 2011 Finishing a half-marathon or finishing it within some time limit is something I regard as accomplishment. I don't, because quite frankly that and $2.50 will get you on the bus. Finding a certain number of caches is nothing which I regard as accomplishment. But I do. You can't argue an opinion that is based on perspective alone. For me I am very impressed by the amount of caches that some people are able to find. Someone who has found 50 Earthcaches is not a better Earthcacher than someone who has found 10. Sadly you are incorrect. That is exactly what defines an "Earthcacher", someone that finds earthcaches. It may not make them a geologist or a morally sound person, but it does make them a more accomplished ECer. From time to time I am proud that I managed to reach a certain cache, but I have never felt any satisfaction for having found a certain number of caches. That may be true for you. That does not add any experience at all to my life. But that is not! Since the LRs are going to provide you with experience if you do them. You have a very interesting way of addressing your arguements, but you are just as entitled as anyone else here. How's your first EC coming? Can't wait to check it out!
+Sioneva Posted May 26, 2011 Posted May 26, 2011 I did a half-marathon to prove to myself I could. It motivated me to keep exercising. I can easily understand that. Even if the competition aspect comes in (e.g. if you wish to finish within a certain time), this ends up in a reasonably meaningful competition (e.g. age classes, male/female etc) while this is not the case as finding a certain number of caches is regarded as this is like comparing apples and bears. Actually, I do not regard having found or hidden a certain number of caches as accomplishment - more like pieces of experience added to my story of life. Cezanne You asked, I answered. I was explaining my motivation, not yours.
+geodarts Posted May 26, 2011 Posted May 26, 2011 (edited) Numbers are not a priority for me and do not impress me - they are basically a matter of time, geography, or other personal circumstances. My caching numbers went up when I was subject to furlough days, the stats go down when my family or other responsibilities keep me busy. It is the same with earthcaches. I have gone out of my way to visit more than one earthcache in the past and will do so after the new program is introduced. It will not make any difference to whether I visit an earthcache. But I have the current icon on my profile and will probably put any new ones there as well. And if it stirs someone's interest in earthcaching, so much the better. Edited May 26, 2011 by mulvaney
+Konnarock Kid & Marge Posted May 26, 2011 Posted May 26, 2011 Perhaps if one were to view this situation say as a runner or a swimmer, things may become a bit clear. The “competition” is internal to better ones time or simply just to complete an event. Now most will have “awards” for those who place in various categories. Some events, that are designed to help with donations to certain charities, all participants may receive a T-Shirt. Most folks don’t compete for the T-Shirts, but for involvement in the event. Yes, I know. I think you misunderstood what I wrote. I can understand the various motivations to take part in a half-marathon. Finishing a half-marathon or finishing it within some time limit is something I regard as accomplishment. Finding a certain number of caches is nothing which I regard as accomplishment. Someone who has found 50 Earthcaches is not a better Earthcacher than someone who has found 10. Runner X (age 30, male) is a better marathon runner than runner Y (age 30, male) if his personal best time is 15 minutes shorter. From time to time I am proud that I managed to reach a certain cache, but I have never felt any satisfaction for having found a certain number of caches. That does not add any experience at all to my life. That's the issue I was wondering about. It is not about the icon, but the fact that I feel that nothing is behind the icon. That's different in the running example. Cezanne Someone once said that, "a true geocacher finds, but never logs (on line) his/her geocaches!" That is truly a non-numbers cacher. I have only met two such cachers and one of them later succumbed to keeping track of their finds. Maybe they were the Worlds only "pure" cachers? Like the man-in-the-moon, I don't believe that for one moment! It has been our experience that those who protest the most about being not interested in numbers are really the most interested! If you are proud of your numbers, go ahead and brag about them. Just don't become obsessed in comparing your numbers with others. Someone mentioned competition. Yes, you can compete with yourself! We all were first graders once and we have become accustomed at collecting check marks. Grades, check marks, icons and yes those dreaded numbers, are all ways of keeping score and there is nothing wrong with that unless you become obsessed with them and forget to change your underwear, stop eating, send the kids to year round summer camp and exhibit other unsocial behaviors! With Geoaware providing a new set of goals, I solemnly promise that in my pursuit of those new goals I will not allow that to interfere with the daily necessities of life......like saying 'good morning' to Marge! P.S. All earthcachers, take the above pledge, just substitute any name for Marge!
cezanne Posted May 26, 2011 Posted May 26, 2011 (edited) Finishing a half-marathon or finishing it within some time limit is something I regard as accomplishment. I don't, because quite frankly that and $2.50 will get you on the bus. Sorry, I do not understand what you mean. Maybe I do not know a phrase. I of course meant doing the marathon on foot and not using a bus. Finding a certain number of caches is nothing which I regard as accomplishment. But I do. You can't argue an opinion that is based on perspective alone. For me I am very impressed by the amount of caches that some people are able to find. I did not intend to argue. I am often impressed that certain cachers are able to find caches that are very hard for them, but I am not impressed by numbers. Someone who has found 50 Earthcaches is not a better Earthcacher than someone who has found 10. Sadly you are incorrect. That is exactly what defines an "Earthcacher", someone that finds earthcaches. It may not make them a geologist or a morally sound person, but it does make them a more accomplished ECer. I was neither referring to the geological knowledge nor to the moral standards. My statement holds also true for caches in general. I am denying the possibility of measuring the "degree of accomplishment" in terms of numbers. BTW: I am not liking the idea to measure the degree of accomplishment of cachers at all. Whom do you consider the more accomplished cacher: One who has visited 200 fast traditionals of a powertrail or one who has visited 5 seriously challenging multi-day hiking caches? From time to time I am proud that I managed to reach a certain cache, but I have never felt any satisfaction for having found a certain number of caches. That may be true for you. Certainly, as it was an I-statement. I simply have difficulties in understanding why numbers yield satisfaction for some cachers. With whom are they competing? With themselves? With others who live in completely different circumstances? Since the LRs are going to provide you with experience if you do them. You have a very interesting way of addressing your arguements, but you are just as entitled as anyone else here. What stands LR for? In any case what I meant was that it can easily happen and happened often that a single cache provided me with much more experience than 100 others. So it's not the numbers that provide me with experience. As my arguments are regarded, I am not trying to convince anyone here to share my opinion, I am rather trying to understand why numbers play such a large role as motivation for other some cachers. Please note: I never said that I feel superior to those cachers. How's your first EC coming? Can't wait to check it out! I currently am not in the mood to start a long debate with some EC reviewers in order to maybe be allowed to come up with an EC offered only in English (I guess the chances are bad as it is not the case that I am not able to come up with a German version) and I am certainly not willing to offer a German version (in case of an EC in Austria - ECs in Slovenia have become inpossible for me anyway as I do not speak Slovenian). I am not going to invest days of my precious time to end up with just a waste of time. Cezanne Edited May 26, 2011 by cezanne
+TerryDad2 Posted May 26, 2011 Posted May 26, 2011 As my arguments are regarded, I am not trying to convince anyone here to share my opinion, I am rather trying to understand why numbers play such a large role as motivation for other some cachers. Please note: I never said that I feel superior to those cachers. Cezanne This is off topic and should be started as a new thread in the general Geocaching forum since the question appies to all cache types.
cezanne Posted May 26, 2011 Posted May 26, 2011 As my arguments are regarded, I am not trying to convince anyone here to share my opinion, I am rather trying to understand why numbers play such a large role as motivation for other some cachers. Please note: I never said that I feel superior to those cachers. This is off topic and should be started as a new thread in the general Geocaching forum since the question appies to all cache types. If posed in that general form, yes. I posed the question here for Earthcaches and would like receive EC-specific answers. Therefore, I do not regard the question as off-topic. Note that there is no society offering icons for having found a certain number of traditionals, multi caches etc. The EC masters program as an award program of that type is unique. (The badges via BadgeGen etc are on a different level.) Cezanne
+TerryDad2 Posted May 26, 2011 Posted May 26, 2011 If posed in that general form, yes. I posed the question here for Earthcaches and would like receive EC-specific answers. Therefore, I do not regard the question as off-topic. Note that there is no society offering icons for having found a certain number of traditionals, multi caches etc. The EC masters program as an award program of that type is unique. (The badges via BadgeGen etc are on a different level.) Cezanne This is still off topic. The question of what drives cachers to want to keep track of the numbers of EarthCaches they find and why those same cachers feel they need recognition for or want to advertise their accomplishments is a very serious question that deserves being elevated to its own thread and shouldn't be buried in this different topic that was started to discuss the specific mundane mechanics and requirements of additional levels of the EarthCache Masters program.
cezanne Posted May 26, 2011 Posted May 26, 2011 (edited) If posed in that general form, yes. I posed the question here for Earthcaches and would like receive EC-specific answers. Therefore, I do not regard the question as off-topic. Note that there is no society offering icons for having found a certain number of traditionals, multi caches etc. The EC masters program as an award program of that type is unique. (The badges via BadgeGen etc are on a different level.) Cezanne This is still off topic. The question of what drives cachers to want to keep track of the numbers of EarthCaches they find and why those same cachers feel they need recognition for or want to advertise their accomplishments is a very serious question that deserves being elevated to its own thread and shouldn't be buried in this different topic that was started to discuss the specific mundane mechanics and requirements of additional levels of the EarthCache Masters program. You might be right. I'm wondering however whether the thread title Earthcache masters is the appropriate choice if the intended contents is just what you mention. The first post is nothing specific and the thread has not been opened by someone from the geoaware team. It contained a single question regarding EC pins and has been answered quite soon. Still the same thread has then been used for various postings around the EC masters program. The way you phrase the question above is somehow way more general than the question I had in mind as I wanted to concentrate on the EC masters program and in particular e.g. on the attractivity of the lowest new level. I need to admit, however, that I have not undergone a serious reflection process before asking my question. I just was reacting spontaneously to the many "I'm excited" replies about which surprised me considerably in particular as the only new level for which details have been provided is based on a single number (no categories, country challenges whatever). Cezanne Edited May 26, 2011 by cezanne
+Flintstone5611 Posted May 30, 2011 Posted May 30, 2011 Sorry, I do not understand what you mean. Maybe I do not know a phrase. I of course meant doing the marathon on foot and not using a bus. What that means is that it doesn't have any practical value, and wouldn't get you anything. Whom do you consider the more accomplished cacher: One who has visited 200 fast traditionals of a powertrail or one who has visited 5 seriously challenging multi-day hiking caches? Actually the one that found 200 has accomplished more, but that has nothing to do with their level of satisfaction or their enjoyment. What stands LR for? Logging Requirement I currently am not in the mood to start a long debate with some EC reviewers in order to maybe be allowed to come up with an EC offered only in English (I guess the chances are bad as it is not the case that I am not able to come up with a German version) and I am certainly not willing to offer a German version (in case of an EC in Austria - ECs in Slovenia have become inpossible for me anyway as I do not speak Slovenian). I am not going to invest days of my precious time to end up with just a waste of time. How can you tell me what will happen if you have never gone through the process. Stop relying on other people's experience to make your decisions! I have made 5 ECs and dealt with 2 very helpful reviewers that have helped and corrected me throughout the entire process, because of the assistance I received it has moved me to continue to try and create ECs. And regarding translation have you given Google translate a shot. It might be able to help you with whatever local language that you need. It isn't perfect but it sure will help.
cezanne Posted May 30, 2011 Posted May 30, 2011 (edited) I currently am not in the mood to start a long debate with some EC reviewers in order to maybe be allowed to come up with an EC offered only in English (I guess the chances are bad as it is not the case that I am not able to come up with a German version) and I am certainly not willing to offer a German version (in case of an EC in Austria - ECs in Slovenia have become inpossible for me anyway as I do not speak Slovenian). I am not going to invest days of my precious time to end up with just a waste of time. How can you tell me what will happen if you have never gone through the process. Stop relying on other people's experience to make your decisions! I have made 5 ECs and dealt with 2 very helpful reviewers that have helped and corrected me throughout the entire process, because of the assistance I received it has moved me to continue to try and create ECs. And regarding translation have you given Google translate a shot. It might be able to help you with whatever local language that you need. It isn't perfect but it sure will help. It is again off-topic (my apologies to those being disturbed), but I do not want to leave this public reply unresponded. It appears to me that you misunderstood me. The necessity of a long debate about the language issue is not implied by reviewers that are not helpful, but by the fact that they know very well that German is my native language and that I am thus perfectly able to provide a German version. I am just not willing to provide one for various reasons. Do you really think that what you wrote above applies to this case as well? Moreover, we all expect the reviewers to apply the guidelines and as long as this unfortunate language guideline is in effect, my chances to get an exception is very low, isn't it? As google translate is regarded, it just delivers junk - I would not even use it for geological texts for languages like French that I do understand quite well which is not the case for Slovenian. I do not wish to have any texts on my cache page that I do not fully understand. Cezanne Edited May 30, 2011 by cezanne
+Flintstone5611 Posted May 30, 2011 Posted May 30, 2011 I am thus perfectly able to provide a German version. I am just not willing to provide one for various reasons. I don't believe you. I do believe that the experience of creating your own EC will change your perspective on many opinions that you hold dear. But don't worry, I won't pursue this further. You just have to realize that you won't be taken seriously in your criticism until you have "walked the walk" so to speak.
cezanne Posted May 30, 2011 Posted May 30, 2011 (edited) I am thus perfectly able to provide a German version. I am just not willing to provide one for various reasons. I don't believe you. You do not believe what? That I am not willing to provide a German version (it cannot be that you do not believe that I cannot provide a German description)? Have a look at my last two caches and have a look at all my logs since the very beginning. You can also look up my many contributions about the language issue in various geocaching boards. Long before Earthcaches showed up I have always been among the most active fighters for the usage of English in geocaching. I am actively resisting using German in my caches since quite some time, and believe me to visit most of my caches quite some command of the used language is necessary as they are very dependent on the language. For me the situation is as follows: If I add a container to a cache at a geological site, I get a cache published with an English description only - if I omit the container, I have to write in German. That's absurd in my eyes. I do believe that the experience of creating your own EC will change your perspective on many opinions that you hold dear. Certainly not on the language aspect. Cezanne Edited May 30, 2011 by cezanne
+Konnarock Kid & Marge Posted May 30, 2011 Posted May 30, 2011 Good grief people, doesn't anyone know how to stay on topic? Some of us are getting a little tired of the same old off topic opinions! P.S. We just returned from a lovely five day camping trip and the same old stuff is waiting. Where is a moderator when you need one?
+geoaware Posted May 30, 2011 Posted May 30, 2011 Good grief people, doesn't anyone know how to stay on topic? Some of us are getting a little tired of the same old off topic opinions! P.S. We just returned from a lovely five day camping trip and the same old stuff is waiting. Where is a moderator when you need one? I agree. I respectfully ask this thread to be closed...as it keeps being hijacked and taken off topic.
Neos2 Posted May 31, 2011 Posted May 31, 2011 I am closing this topic. Repeated requests to stay on topic and to respect other forum members have been ignored. Geoaware, please feel free to start a new thread when you have additional news about the EarthCache Masters program.
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