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COINTEST: A Cat Cointest!

Doctor A

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Mewsings, Winter Day 73


This weather is so tedious. Lounging indoors on silken cushions can get so boring. My only diversion is my observation of the new inmate in the house across the garden from me. Sometimes he is near the windows and one can not help but notice him - Not that I would stare, of course, that would not be seemly for one in my exalted position. I can not afford to be seen to be too interested in a commoner, as I am sure that is what he is.




It appears he has spirit. The peoples from that other place removed him from their baggage today and he was unceremoniously dumped back into their home. I smirked just a little, which was probably inappropriate - I must remember my manners.


I can smell the salmon fillet simmering, it must be my teatime. They are 20 minutes late with it. One really can not get reliable staff these days.

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Day 1002 of my captivity


Humans came back from the war late at night... I was feeling sleepy so I didn't write anything...


the dog came back... nothing happen to him... the tapperware and the ammo box... not! they probably waste all ammo but happen to the tapperware? maybe the enemies capture it and took is as a trophy...


This motning they were happy again... oh there is a huge cake with lots of candles on it!! hey... the cake will melt with all these lights!!! someone is celebrating... A birthday!!! WOW!!! lots of food... yamies!!! :D


the man brought a strange bottle to the table... there are some big letters that i can read.... Campagne... Campaign... something like that....

Oh, I should had learned some french from my Canadian cousin when he visited me years ago....

hey wait...campaign?? what campaign?? military one?? Are they celebrating the yesterday's victory in the battlefield?


On my.... whatwas that??? something came out of the bottle with power and speed!!! No!!!! this is not a bottle but a cannon!!! They tested it here!!! Run snowball run!!! take cover and fight back!!! Yea!!! take a meatball you filthy humans!!!

no... a bubbling liquid came out of the bottle... Oh!! they decapitate the bottle!! it was not a cannon but the cork!!

so... what kind of blood this bottle has?? huh... and my meatball is in this liquid now...

Why I though it in the first place?? this is my food!!! we do not have food war but real war!!


Mmmmmmm..... the meat ball became more tasty... I shall try this liquid.... slourp.. slourp.... nice!!!


Oh... kitten.... I feel ..... strange... is the house moving?? WOW!! the male man has a twin brother who looks like him and is dressed like him too... and the woman.... ohhhh... everything is double... did I have 2 tails before??? oh.... I feel tired and sleepy....




ht....... oohhhh..... this is not my bed.. this is my sand.... oh not on my poop......

Edited by GATOULIS
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Day 1003 of my captivity


Oh.. I feel dizzy today..... my mouth is horrible and my tonge.... it is like I have eaten a rotten mouse...


????? the humans are awake already... what time is it???


they will go out again... an other day in the battle?? when they will take me with them??? I have rights too you know!!! TAKE ME TOO!!!!


this devise again... oh... they say that they are going to find and bring something at home, to move it... a bug that is travelling....


Hey... why don't you bring a female cat instead of the bug.... so I can have some company too?? Emm... if you like, there is one next door that likes me already!!! well... I just want to help.... hehehe


Bug that is travelling... I have seen one!!! it was a black bug that was carring a big ball of poop with him! it was his treasure... well... ok...someones waste is an others treasure... I think I heard that somewhere....


Oh... in case you bring the bug... do not bring his poop ball too... you can use my poop... it's ok... I do not need them...


home alone... well... almost alone... the bird is singing a lousy song.... hey birdy!!! stop that!!! don't you know any other song??? Stop it I say!! Eat your seads and Shut up, otherwise I will rename you from "To Eat It" into " Just Eaten"! hehehe... it worked.... ahh....silence is so nice....


Let's see if our cute neighbour cat is outside!!! Yes she is!!! ohhhhh what a cat!!! she is so cute...

'hey beautiful... good morning'

'Hello!! ... it was time to see you... my name is Kita, what's yours?'

'what a lovely name... Kita!! Well... emmm... my name is Snowball... I know... it is not...'

'oh what a lovely name and fits you just right...!!! you are white and cuty fat like a snowball!!! haha'

'you are very beautiful too Kita'

'thank you!! oh... they are calling me... I have to go... I hope to see you again soon Snow!!!'

'be sure about that Kita... my kita'


Oh.... I am in love!!! that a lovely cat!!! she is so pretty... she said I am fat but didn't even cared... well.. ok, I am not fat.. my fair is too big...


kita is better than the human woman.... actually female cats are way better than human females... I remember a fight between the humans when the woman wanted a fair... huh... female cats already have fair and do not scream too much... I am lucky that I am a cat! haha!!


Aaahhhhh Kita... kita kita........ huh.. with all this excitement, I got hungry.... let's see today's menu....


Humans came back late once again... I can not see them currying any bug!!! they only have a strange metal plate that is attached to a strange animal... it is like a tiny bear....


hey... you!!! welcome here... hey... can you hear me?? hmm... it is not moving at all... is it rude or ... dead?? oh!! no pulse... not any movement... this guy is dead!! well... maybe they shoot him... :(


they went straight to the PC to write about this guy.... maybe they are writing to his mother to tell her the bad news...

I heard them sayg that they will soon drop it in a cache... oh... so they will burry it... but why they didn't do the same with the horse fly that drowned in the soup??

Edited by GATOULIS
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Mewsings, Winter Day 73, later


How extraordinary. I have just come nose to nose with the cat next door. I was just passing by the window over there on the way to do my rather important business after the salmon when I just happened to glance inside... and there he was! Nose pressed up against the glass! Mewing salutations... to me!


Well. I was somewhat taken aback as you can imagine. Common courtesy meant that I felt obliged to exchange a few words and I felt quite safe as he was confined inside. I was not too foolish, I think - I did not give my true name - We aristocratic cats have to behave with some caution and it doesn't do to tell everyone your true pedigree.


He was pleasant enough. He is white like me, so that has to be a point in his favor. However, I think he needs a little more exercise. Perhaps his people will be inclined to allow him some garden liberties soon, once they can trust him.

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Day 1004 of my captivity


Oh... today I saw the dog doing something disgusting!!! he was licking.... oh... huh! :(


Stop that you lousy dog!!! go and find a female.... like me that I found Kita! hehe!!


Aaaa!!! today the humans were excited! the man with the unifor came and brought them a letter with a shiny and strange shaped thing inside that they call it something like coin... I didn't hear well...


They are happy becasue this was from a cointest... Test?? an other test???


hmm... this shiny thing has the shape of a cat!!! wow!!! this is Cat money!!! someone is paying ransom for me!! Oh my hero!!! :D

well... is there a possibility that this hero is Kita?? ok ok.... time to wake up! :lol:


Oh... what is this smell??? who is cooking poop??? huh! :( they say that they are boilling cauliflower! and they will eat this??? I hope they will open a can for me... and will not expect to eat this smelly thing!!! huh!!!

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Day 1005 of my captivity


Huh... today it is not so nice.... everybody is out... kids went to a place that they call school... (why they are going if they are not so happy with it and say they do not want to go there???), the older humans are out too.... and outside it is raining cats and dogs....well... ok... I haven't seen yets any one falling, but maybe it's not their time yet... they are waiting so the water from the rain will stop first... who knows... I just heard this phrase and I liked it...


I am so bored... Kita is not in the fence... of course... the dog is in his house... the bird.... the bird... that's even more boring... it is just standing whithout doing anything....


Oh... I am so bored!!!!



what to do.... what to do.. well... lets explore the human areas....


So.... this is the area humans do their poop!!! huh!!! no sand at all!!! that's why they are throwing water all the time... huh... disgusting!!!

what's the matter with them??? they are bathing with water, they are throwing water in their poop... water, water, water.... what are they??? fish???


Where is this hole going?? well... it is full of water.. so... no entrance for me!!!


HUH?????????????? something touched me!!! something touched me!!! I was so scared that I almost fell in the hole with the water!!!! grrrrr.... who did that??? hey!!! was it you??? that is that white thing that is trying to hide on the wall???


Let's see.... Oh it is soft but... AAAAaaaaaaaa!!! it is coming over me!!! it is attacking me!!! You messed up with the most dangerous cat you.... you..... I know some catate (cat Karate)!!! I have a black fishbone! I was trained to le leathal by the great sensei Mi-Gato! and I am not rusty at all... I have been practising with the dog a lot....




heeaaa....... ha!!!! niar... yiaaaaaaaaaa take that.... Oh boy... even if I am fighting back with my leathal nails... this thing keeps attacking me!!! Yaaaaaaaaa take this bite too... and this one...... that's it!!! you're dead now!!! ftou... yakies.... it is tasteless... horrible... yakies...




the good thing is that it is dead for sure! I saved the house!


Oh!!! humans are back!!! it was about time.... where have you been guys?? you are late!!! I am hungry!!!

Why the woman is yelling now?? she probably saw the dead monster and she got scared!

'did you do this???'

'oh yes, and I am proud of it!!! I have saved you all!!!'


??? why is she yelling now?? maybe this is her way to say thank you....


the other humas are laughing and say that I ruined the toilet paper!!! Toilet paper??? so that is why it was tasteless!!! Oups!! I did it again!


Ok.... ok.... what's for dinner??? can I have the menu please?? I would like fish sticks with tuna fillet and to drink... a Chateau La Milk....


In the evening I had a terrible itching on my back!!! huh!! I can not do anything by my self... where to scratch... oh... these males feet are just perrrffffect!!! hey... I am just trying to scratch pal... I am not doing anything else... stop fondling me...


aaaaaaahhhhh... time for a nap.. I be back tomorrow...

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Mewsings, Winter Day 74


Not a pleasant day for one who has such long, white silky locks. When I stuck my nose out through my personal door this morning the air had wetness in it so I immediately decided it would be better to stay indoors and spend my time lounging elegantly at various locations throughout the house. That went well until one of my peoples came home in the middle of the day and found me attending to my grooming toilette in the basket of freshly washed materials. It seemed to me she made far too much of a fuss about some of my silkies being all over her own small silky things but then that's peoples for you - Although I have been with mine for many days I still find much of their behaviour irrational - Did she expect me to lie somewhere grubby while I attended to my personal grooming?


After my lunch (a tin of one of those very exclusive feline cuisine dishes, I'm sure there was some flavor of bird involved in it somewhere) it was necessary for me to take a brief stroll outside to a secluded corner. While passing around the back of the house next door I came close to one of the smaller windows, one of those where one can not see in. It was open at the top and I could hear some very strange noises from within - As far as I could tell there was some fight to the death occuring! There was rattling, hissing and some splashing of water too. I hesitated but briefly - I had no wish to meet any strange monsters from the other people's domain. I can only hope that the one who calls himself Snowball survived the encounter.

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Quick note -

We made it and everything's OK. We were very worried when we arrived, seeing that there were already four cats here. I (GreyPus) let out a small warning hissss - just in case - but everyone kept their claws in and sniffed respectfully. Then they started patting us gently! Albie stuck close to me.

At first BigCat was terrifying (he has no body!) but he's OK. He seems to be in charge of security and keeps the non-feline riff-raff out of our territory.

Fricken has an incredible attitude & ego (even for a cat!) but accepted us as he started admiring Albie's purrrfect white coat and purrrrfect pink ears. He's almost white but looks like he has tatoos under his coat?

Hydro and Groovy purrrred when they met us and will be our friends, I'm sure.

We're up high (just the way we like) on a glorious island of some sort and the riff-raff is kept to one end.

Below our island roam the dogs!

More later,

Greypus & Albie


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Day 1006 of my captivity


Strange day today.... I haven't seen Kita for a while and I am worried! there is no movement next door! What happent???

I miss her a lot! now that we were close... huh..


when humans came back from their work, I heard them that Kita's humans went for vacations... and Kita is in a pet hotel....

??? a hotel for pets?? ha! I am wondering if they will have a spa too!




I hope Kita is fine and there is nothing wrong...


when I was a kitten and free... I remember a cat that we used to make jokes with... she was so... well she had a strange behavior... she was trying to find something to eat from the garbadge but she was trying not to get dirty...

she was smelling the food, she hated it but she had to eat it to survive... we used to call her Aristocrat!

we had her as the fool or crazy of the company.. but she was a quite nice and interesting person! she used to tell us stories about her life with her family.... as kittens we were so exited with that...


one day she looked so sad... I went close to her and asked her why she looked like that!

Then she told me.... her family were so nice... she was calling family the humans who had her! she was born in their house and lived there for years! the children of the family treated her like a queen! when children grown a little they started to forgeting her... they had other things to do, they liked other things, none was playing with her.. and she desperatelly needed for some attention... no she was like a toy for younger kids... a broken toy that do not want... but this was her family and this was her home... so she was always looking after them as she could!


One day, a sunny day she saw them packing all things.. she thought that they were playing or something...

the father took her with his car and left her in the park alone...

'stay here until we will be back' he said and left!

for days she was waiting them.... without eating a lot... she was not even moving no matter if she was so scared!


Since she was starving she tried to hunt mice... it was so difficult.. none ever tought her how to do it...

she had to turn in the easy way... to look for food in the garbadge of humans... that was not easy either... she had grown up as a queen... she always had her favority food in her plate.. the best meat, special cans for her and only her... but now she had to eat rotten food...

She had to survive and be ok until their family comes back and take her...


A year passed she she was still out... none ever came back...


'they will not came to take me' she said and cried... they have forgoten me! they just left me here to die... they didn;t love me anymore, they didn't want me... why??? what have I done?? why they didn't take me with them too??


I tryed to comfort her pain... 'they will come back... you will see'

'no, they will not!' she replied... today I finally understood that they were not my family.. they were so cruel...

I went today to see the house... I managed to find it even if it was quite difficult... an other family lives there now... the others.... :(


'I am so sorry aristokrat! Sorry I do not know your real name... but you will find a new home and someone to love you...'

'My name... is not so important anymore my friend... and I know that I will not find a new home... I am old.. who will take an old cat? almost all adore kittens like you my dear!'


I didn't know what to say... I was feeling her pain... I was even feeling a little guilty because I was a kitten... I just said with trembling voice... I am sorry that i am a kitten...


'do not be sorry for that!! I lived my life...try to live your life too as better as you can! but remember.. do not get in touch with humans... do not bond with them because you might get hurt' she said and continued... I can not stand anymore... I can not live like that anymore..... at least I will die with the way that I want and with dignity!'


She stood up and started walking away...

I was frozen.... 'where are you going? what is all that??'


She walked a little and then turned at me, she smiled and said... 'Please... Do not forget me....' and run in the street... only a few second later she was dead by a car...


Oh my..... tears came in my eyes.. I have grown too.. not like her but I can understand many of the things that I couldn't when I was a kitten...

I do not remember her face... but I can still hear her voice saing to me her last words! No, I haven't forgoten you aristokrat! I haven't!


She was not crazy... she was not fool... she was one of the wisest cats I ever knew and a real aristokrat! she was my friend and I am still very glad that I met her...


huh... I am still following her sayings... do not come in touch with humans... do not bond with them...

these humans that captured me look nice but I can not trust them.... what if they act like that too??? if I bond with them... and then they just leave me in a park too??? that is why I feel as imprisoned here...


Oh.. and what if Kita is like that??? if they left her alone outside?? If she is waiting too??? If the hotel is just an excuse....


oh humans!!!! couldn't you keep her here with me??? I would have had a great company!!! she could stay in the dog's house! no.... not with the dog!!!! he will leave from there! huh! well... I can not just tell her to sleep with me in the box... it is not polite... isn't it??


huh.... all these stress and sadness with the story of Kita and aristokrat opened my appetite.... I am hungry!!! so what's for dinner???

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Day 1007 of my captivity


Huh.... I didn't sleep well last night... all this things that came back in my mind about aristokrat became nightmares and I couldn't relaxe...


huh... and all these things are making my hungry... again! My diet has gone.... well... I am stressed... it's not my fault!! :)


today I heard humans talking about recycling.... what is recycling?? it sounds like bicycling... motorcycling... so it is probably an other machine to transport them.... hey... is there a catcycling?? Sometimes I am bored even to move so I would appreciate if you would take something for me too...


??? why they are collecting all these cans, bottles etc?? they said this is recycling... so are they planning to melt all these stuff to make the vehicle??? They are nuts!!

I stayed close to hear better and the male man was explaining to his kids that by that Earth will become cleaner, we will not have so many garbadge and all these recycled things will be used again... they will be melted and remade...


hmm... not bad!!! It is good little people as I used to name the human kids to start learning that! when I was on the streets there were so many cans and broken bottles around... it was dangerous because you could hurt yourself...

I will also never forget some stupid kids who tide on my tail some cans and I was running like crazy from fear!!! huh! I got so scared with all that noice that was chasing me... sometimes human stupidity is unbelievable!!!


anyway.... as I said I like the idea of recycling... you give something used and it will become new... am I right??? well... I have an old and a little used fish stick... can I give it for recycling and get a new one?? Please....!!!! well... at least I tried! hehe!! :D


The male human said that they will put these cans in a machine that has a special hole for them..... so... machines eat cans??? empty cans???? So that's why they have metal or plastic taste... huh!


I am wondering.... is TV a can eater too?? well.. I have a bottle pog for a toy.... it is metal....so it may be a TV snak!! :)

I went close to the TV... it was showing some nice moving photos... I placed the pog in front of the TV and said... here you are... I do not see they are feeding you... so I will... go.. eat it...


The TV didn't even made a move.... why????

'eat it ... it is clean! do not worry.... It only fell once in my bowl with food but it is ok... I just made it tasty! Come on.. don't you like it? do you want something else? '

at that time TV showed a photo of a spagetti plate with sause! MMMmmmmm Delicious!!! It looked so tasty that I wanted a bit too... hmm... so you want spagetti.... I will ask humans... Hey you!!!! TV wants some spagetti and actually invited me to eat with it too.... can we have 2 plates???


huh... We are still waiting..... :(

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Day 1008 of my captivity


ahh... what a nice shiny day is today!!! :D


today humans will see a soccer game in TV! Soccer game?? What is this game??? they play with their socks???


everyone is wearing white and blue T shirts and have kaskols... hey... it is not cold outside!!!


so... greece is playing against Canada.... it is a friendly match..... ok... who are we??? hmm... probably the blue... everyone is wearing blue so...


Why they stood up now?? I can not see !!! Go away!!! hmm they are hearing a nice music... well I will stand up too... I do not know why, but I will surelly have a better view....



ok... they sat now....


hmm... Strange game.... some guys are chacing a ball and when they reach it they kick it away or they are giving it to someone else... and there is a guy who is the only one who can touch the ball with his hands... if he misses to do that and the bal goes to a net... half of the men are celebrating...


Huh... I am better than the guy in the net..... huh... this prison is destroing my carrier.. I could easily play in Catcherlona! ;)




???? this is a friendly game??? so why they are kicking eachother??? they are falling in the ground and moving like thaey are hurt.... maybe this is a part of the game too..... of they have fleas and they are scratching their selves....just the way I do! :D


hmm... nice game but I didn't understand a thing.... well... next time...

oh... I got tired only by seeing these little humans running all the time and chasing the ball... ok... I am hungry too... Hey... my bowl is empty!! hurry up!!! :D


***edit to say that the friendly game between Greece and Canada is today at 17:00... (Greek time). That's 15:00 GMT. Good luck to both teams! :D

Edited by GATOULIS
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Mewsings, Winter Day 80


I have only just recovered my composure after enduring a most unpleasant experience!


Soon after re-entering my accommodation one of My People came and made the usual adoring noises to me, I accept this as my due, naturally. Then, suddenly, it all went terribly wrong! I was scooped upwards by My Person and put into the nasty, small room, the one with the metal grill door. I hate that little room - Every time I get placed there some sort of unpleasantness occurs.

I was carried, while still in the small room, to My Person's moving room. It is another of my dislikes as it makes a lot of noise and vibrates in a most unpleasant manner. I could see nothing but I sensed we were moving aware from My Person's Place.

After some time I was taken in to a Strange Place and lifted into a new room. It was bigger than the small room but not as large as my usual accommodation. My Person made much fuss of me and a lot of adoring noises were made but then she went off and left me there. I had my day bed and only ONE of my favorite cushions. Admittedly there was water and a bowl of... something... it certainly was not my usual fare... it was very inferior!


I had to endure this Strange Place for 7 days until My Person returned. I can not understand why these interludes occur - I can recall they have happened before - She returns with strange smells upon her and skin which has changed in color! What would she think if I left her and then returned as a grey cat instead?


I am now back in my usual accommodation with My Person. I have decided to retain an Air of Aloofness for at least 3 days to make her realise it is not acceptable for her to treat me like that - That was not the sort of place that one of my status should be expected to live!


It is dark now, evening, and I can see lights on in the Place Opposite. Their curtains are drawn but I believe I can see my neighbor, the Snowball, peering out into the Garden Place. I wonder if he has missed me? Perhaps tomorrow I might just stroll in that direction, just to assure him of my safe return...


Time to choose the right cushion for my next nap.

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Only a couple of more days left to enter the cointest! Where has Contessa Catarina gone? Perhaps it's not coincidental that the cointest ends on Valentine's day and there seemed to be a spark between her and Gatoulis' kitty? :)


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Well... I do not know the cacher, but I admit that contessa's avantar shows a beautiful cat! We are calling it Ankara cat (Turkish).... at least here in greece... but it is actually a persian cat... I think!


this cat is like snowball in my stories! :lol:

Edited by GATOULIS
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Day 1009 of my captivity


I realised today that I am so fat that I can not even move well...


I am a good eater and I like good food... so...


I have to be in a diet.... I tried that...but... I do not know if this was the right way....

I saw a cardboard with the word diet on it and.... well... something went wrong... the floor was slippery... I was too fat... I got stuck in the diet....


Well... you can see the video the male human took, with me trying this diet... ....I am sure that something went wrong... right??



Auch.... who put the table here??


I felt annoyed when I got stuck in the diet and the human was laughing.....huh... he should see his face in the mirror when he is wearing this strange belt with cables... to lose his fat belly... and stop teasing me....


Oooooo How this thing is coming out??? How can I get free?


Well... I will have to start eating vegetables etc.... let's start from corn.....


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Day 1010 of my captivity


I am so busy today.... I am prepearing my Valentine presents for Kita!


Ahh... Nothing is better than a bouquet of fish bones!!! Kita and any other female cat love them... they love smelling them and placing them in their bowls....


Humans do the same with flowers.... well.. ok, they smell nice but not like fish bones!!!


Hmm....humans sometimes are buying stuffed animals.... fake bears... that call them teddy bears..., to their lovers....

Maybe I will have to do the same.... I will caught a mouse and give it to her! She will like it.... it is edible too! :)


Emm... shall I give her a rat instead of the mouse?? Nun... then she will ask for more in the future.... oh... women....


Ok... now I have to become pretty... clean myself, straight my fair... paws... are my paws clean?? ok.... maybe I will put some perfume..... are any human feet free? they smell different... so... ;) hmm... no feet.... then I will put some fish perfume...


Sweets!!! I forgot the sweets!!!... what shall I take??? maybe she will like these dry food here that look like tiny candies...


Ok, I am ready... is my collar straight??? Yes!!! ...Good luck you handsome, handsome cat..... Yea!!!! Meow!!! :D

Edited by GATOULIS
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Day 1011 of my captivity


Huh... I learned something......


To await with exitement to see your love... makes you pee all the time... It happened to me many times...

To be in love... makes you feel amazing but you do not eat or drink anything... you are filled with love (then from where all this pee is coming??)until you start feeling really hungry....

but to have a broken heart.... makes you feel so sad and hungry...


I went to see Kita with all my presents for the Valentine's Day but I saw her in the window with an other cat!! she looked happy!!! Oh boy!!! She is cheating me!!! I felt so bad that I thrown the fish bones and ate the mouse.... it was a little spicy... wow!


I feel so sad... so lonely... I thought that in such a day I would had felt much much better but...nope... :(


I climbed on the roof and stayed there the whole day... Well... almost the whole day... I came down for a snack... or was it for more??? aahh... who cares!!!

I didn't want to see or hear anyone... Kita could spent her time with her boyfriend... her new one... huh... I do not care.... well I care but...


Night fell and I was still up there watching the sky... stars were shining like millions of eyes who were watching me...


then I heard a familiar voice...

'hey... what are you doing up there? I hope I would see you today but you never came!!'

Yes! it was Kita! Hmm... what happen?? her boyfriend left?? so soon??? huh!


'I like it here...' I said and turned my eyes again in the sky...

'can I come up there too? If you want my company... I mean...'

'Come up... no problem...'

Kita came back and sat right next to me... she looked so beautiful....

'ok, what's wrong? Why you didn't come today to see me? what are you doing here alone?'

'wrong? Nothing is wrong... I likeit up here'

'hey... this is the first time you are up here and you can clearly see that something worries you! you are shaking your tail!'

'Oh... it's because I am happy to see you... Oh... and I am sure you had a great day even without me'

'Cut it out... you are not a dog! dogs do that! when a cat is shaking her tail... she is worried about something! So... what is wrong? Did I do something? You are talking to me stranglelly today! Please tell me!!'

'Well... I came today to see you... but you had some company and seemed that you had fun! so.. I didn't want to spoil that and left!'

'Huh!!! You were jeallous of Max!!! You saw Max and thought.... hahaha!! you are so silly!!!'

'Max! so he has a name! And where this cat is Max?? oh... I do not want to listen... and I am not jeallous... I ..... I ... ok... what did this guy want at St Valentine's Day???'

'Max is a very nice guy ! He is funny, he says nice stories and its been a long time since i last saw him!! I can not understand why you are acting like that...for an older and operated cat!!!'


'So.. he is funny, a nice story teller... you know him from the past... he is a nice guy... and he is operated... huh..... ???? operated?? you mean he doesn't..... hahaha... then he is not Max.. is is Min!!! Hahahahhaa'


'Hey... stop saying bad things for my cousin!!'

'He is a realtive too??? Oh... I am so stupid.. I thought...'

'oh yes you are a silly silly cat!!! haha' Kita said and huged me with her tail....


'oh.. and I was bringing you a bouquet of fish bones that you love some sweets and a mouse...well.. I have thrown the fish bones and ate the mouse... but I will replace them... I promise! you wouldn't like the mouse anyway... it was too spicy... I 'll get you a fresh one!'

'do not worry about them.... I am glad that you are here for me my dear' Kita said and came closer... her moustache touched mine! WOW!!! My heart stopped beating for a moment... my stomach too.. I mean stopped torturing me from hunger... and I fell like I was flying..... oh... I almost do that in reality.... I slipped and.... well.. I didn't fell...ouf!!


We sat with Kita and started watching the sky... I huged her too with my tail... and we started staring the moon!

'What a big star!!! it looks like a pie!!' i said and realized that I have started feeling hungry...

'It is called Moon! it is a planet!'

'Oh... but it is so close... maybe we can go there one day!'

'Do not be silly... it is far far away!!! we can not go!'

'It's not that far.... I think it is about 1000 cat tails away... maybe cats live there too!! but who bid the moon?? where is the other half??? but I have seen it growing back again... that a nice thing... for a food...'

'It is there! We just do not see it because there is not light there... Hey... your mind is in food all the time... don't you think of me??'

'Of course I am thinking of you my love and I am so happy that you are with me! I want to make a romantic dinner for you... and sing you up here.... so.. how do you want your rat??' Meow??



Edited by GATOULIS
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Mewsings, Winter Day 81


Meoooooooooooooooooowww...... meoooooooooooooooooooowwwwwww


ooooooooowwwww what a night I have had!


My Snowball is sooooooo romantic!


Our meeting was rather strange, he seemed a little distant with me when we first met up, as though he didn't want to be sociable but with a little purrrsistence I discovered what was wrong. He had seen my old friend Max paying me a courtesy call today. Max's Person and My Person have known each other a long time and sometimes Max comes to Our Place to visit.


After I had assured him that Max and I are no more than friends and distant relatives Snowball seemed much happier to see me. Apparently I missed out on some delicacies he had acquired for me but I didn't mind - It was enough to get to know him better and spend time enjoying the night together.


As it got colder we decided to come down. I was going to return to my own silk cushions but Snowball had another idea...


He led me across His Place roof to where there was a sloping window open a few inches and we were able to squeeze through the gap. There was a beautiful white room - Just what white cats need! My lovely Snowball may be a little rough around the edges but His Person has a luxurious bed! We soon made ourselves very comfortable.


The next morning His Person found us. I was a bit embarrassed to be caught in bed in this manner but His Person was very understanding and even gave me a small dish of food before carrying me back outside to The Garden so that I could return to My Place.


I am so happy. This will be my special day.



Edited by Contessa Catarina
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Day 1 of my happiness!!!


I am a dad!!! I am a father!!! My sweet wife gave birth to 3 little kittens! My children!! I am so happy!!


I saw that my wife hasa diary too! I am wondering what she is writing... but... it's ok... I am in her heart so....

Thank you my dear so much!!! This day is not an ordinary day... it is.... The First day of my Happiness! I am not alone anymore... I am not a prisoner.... I have my love, my children... and lots of food to eat and share with my family!!!

MY FAMILY!!!! WOW!!!! Meowwwww!!!!!


My kids are so tiny.... but they look strong and beautiful!!! when they grow up a little I will teach them how to hunt mice, how to eat fish... oh.. and I know many fairy tales to tell them before they go to bed... stories about me here... in the human's house... stories of my past life when I was a kitten... I will teach them all the things I have learned about humans too!


Hey....Even humans are happy!!! And they are bringing more food now, they are smilling all the time...

Finally I understood that I am a lucky lucky cat whose humans are good and kind!!


I feel so great...


I can not write more... I have so many things to do now as a FATHER!!! Hahaha!!! Meow meow meow... :D

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Thanks so much to everyone for entering, and hope everyone had a good Valentine's day- it sure looks like two cats did! I'll post the winners by Friday, after some consultation with a few feline-loving friends of mine, especially since I'm already having trouble picking a winner!

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Drum roll please... OK here are the winners. Yep, I said winnerS! I had such a hard time choosing, because there were so many great entries, that I have to give more than one prize. There were three that really stood out, and people used different "mediums" to express their creativity, some using writing skills and some using photography skills, so it seemed appropriate to consider those differently and award each type fo "expression". Sooooo...


Where'sMyMarbles wins for the best pictures

Gatoulis and Contessa Catarina tie for best diary entries (I especially loved the interactive nature of their entries and how their diaries ended up weaving together)


I'll be emailing each of those three to get mailing info to send their kitty coins off to them. Thanks to everyone who submitted an entry, it was a lot of fun!

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WOW!!! thank you so much Doctor A!!! It was a great cointest and I had so much fun!!! I really enjoyed writing the diary... I never had a diary... so this was something new but so great... as a cat! :lol:


I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did when I was writing the posts! Sorry for mistakes etc... I was writing direct here.. and.. I didn't have a plan of what to write... my sister read my posts and laughed a lot... she said to continue and make it a child book! :lol: Well... I do not think I am a writer to do that! :)


I want to ask for something.... if it is ok.. .frm both contessa Catarina and you! :)


Congrats to Where'sMyMarbles and to my "wife" contessa Catarina for their win!! Well deserved winnings!! :D


I need to say thank you to someone who even without knowing it... I think... inspired me with the famale cat name.. I was trying to find one and... Kita came in my mind... Kita is the lovely and beautiful cat of anne.and.eli!!! :)


hmm... Catarina.... Who you really are??? Oh boy... where is my diary????? today I learned that I do not know who my "wife" is!! the mother of my 3 white angels keeps secrets from me!!!! :lol:


I would love to know who you are my friend! :) I am also wondering.... if Catarina is your name or it just came in your mind... because... my girlfriend's name is... Katerina!!! hahahaha!!! :D


I enjoyed reading your diary too! It was really the diary of the other side of the fence..

It started like a funny story, it had some...things to think about... and it ended so romantic in Valentine's day!! WOW!!


so... I would like to ask from you and doctor A something!


This cat diary started from the post of doctor A... so I am asking permision to include his post as the first one of the diary... and... if Joe (catsnfish) would like... to post everything in my column there... with special thanks to doctor A for the first post and inspiration of course....


Then... I would like Contessa Catarina to collect her posts of the diary too... and post them after my diary as... the cat diary of the other side of the fence... I think it will be great to see both in one column... of course you can make your own column and post them or.. I can collect them and post them with your name, in my column! It is a cat story but... the humans are geocachers! ;) Oh... can I borrow your kitten photo for my last post? I think it will be great if this photo will be the same in both diaries... in their last post! :)

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My dear Snowball


You have my full permission to copy my Mewsings over to the OnLine Geocacher ezine for the lovely catsnfish (how appropriate!) and to use them in your article as you wish. The photos I added were all off google images so I have no claim to copyright on any of them.


The name of Catarina was just randomly chosen as it seemed ideal for "the Contessa".


If I tell you that I also posted in this topic under my real account name then you might be able to guess Catarina's usual identity.



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Sure, Gatoulis, you can use the diary entries that I posted- the first one is something that's been floating around the internet for awhile so I don't think it's copyrighted, and the one I wrote, with the picture of the kitty laying on the table with the Cat Fancy magazine, was what I wrote, so it can be used.


When I posted the winners, I didn't even think about the fact that that would compel the Contessa to reveal herself or himself to me if she/he wanted to claim her coin! :) But I'll leave it up to the Contessa to decide if he/she wants to reveal his/her true identity on here!

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WOW!!! Congrats Contessa Catarina and GATOULIS YAY for us!! Congrats everyone! Thank you for brightening up my days with your stories and laughter :)


This is my first cointest won!! :) Very nice that is about my favorite, cats!! :) AND the coin is an adorable kitty! SSOOO happy!!! Thank you so much Doctor A, very very generous! :)


Your book idea sounds awesome GATOULIS (and Contessa Catarina) ;)

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