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Contessa Catarina

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Everything posted by Contessa Catarina

  1. This sounds like something I might be interested in. Are they very large, juicy hamsters?
  2. My dear Snowball You have my full permission to copy my Mewsings over to the OnLine Geocacher ezine for the lovely catsnfish (how appropriate!) and to use them in your article as you wish. The photos I added were all off google images so I have no claim to copyright on any of them. The name of Catarina was just randomly chosen as it seemed ideal for "the Contessa". If I tell you that I also posted in this topic under my real account name then you might be able to guess Catarina's usual identity.
  3. Thank you! I am so delighted I've decided to have some cake to celebrate Most credit for the diary should go to Gatoulis - I simply followed his lead, thinking it would be fun to tell the romance from the other side of the fence. I wonder if he can guess who I really am?
  4. Mewsings, Winter Day 81 Meoooooooooooooooooowww...... meoooooooooooooooooooowwwwwww ooooooooowwwww what a night I have had! My Snowball is sooooooo romantic! Our meeting was rather strange, he seemed a little distant with me when we first met up, as though he didn't want to be sociable but with a little purrrsistence I discovered what was wrong. He had seen my old friend Max paying me a courtesy call today. Max's Person and My Person have known each other a long time and sometimes Max comes to Our Place to visit. After I had assured him that Max and I are no more than friends and distant relatives Snowball seemed much happier to see me. Apparently I missed out on some delicacies he had acquired for me but I didn't mind - It was enough to get to know him better and spend time enjoying the night together. As it got colder we decided to come down. I was going to return to my own silk cushions but Snowball had another idea... He led me across His Place roof to where there was a sloping window open a few inches and we were able to squeeze through the gap. There was a beautiful white room - Just what white cats need! My lovely Snowball may be a little rough around the edges but His Person has a luxurious bed! We soon made ourselves very comfortable. The next morning His Person found us. I was a bit embarrassed to be caught in bed in this manner but His Person was very understanding and even gave me a small dish of food before carrying me back outside to The Garden so that I could return to My Place. I am so happy. This will be my special day.
  5. Mewsings, Winter Day 80 I have only just recovered my composure after enduring a most unpleasant experience! Soon after re-entering my accommodation one of My People came and made the usual adoring noises to me, I accept this as my due, naturally. Then, suddenly, it all went terribly wrong! I was scooped upwards by My Person and put into the nasty, small room, the one with the metal grill door. I hate that little room - Every time I get placed there some sort of unpleasantness occurs. I was carried, while still in the small room, to My Person's moving room. It is another of my dislikes as it makes a lot of noise and vibrates in a most unpleasant manner. I could see nothing but I sensed we were moving aware from My Person's Place. After some time I was taken in to a Strange Place and lifted into a new room. It was bigger than the small room but not as large as my usual accommodation. My Person made much fuss of me and a lot of adoring noises were made but then she went off and left me there. I had my day bed and only ONE of my favorite cushions. Admittedly there was water and a bowl of... something... it certainly was not my usual fare... it was very inferior! I had to endure this Strange Place for 7 days until My Person returned. I can not understand why these interludes occur - I can recall they have happened before - She returns with strange smells upon her and skin which has changed in color! What would she think if I left her and then returned as a grey cat instead? I am now back in my usual accommodation with My Person. I have decided to retain an Air of Aloofness for at least 3 days to make her realise it is not acceptable for her to treat me like that - That was not the sort of place that one of my status should be expected to live! It is dark now, evening, and I can see lights on in the Place Opposite. Their curtains are drawn but I believe I can see my neighbor, the Snowball, peering out into the Garden Place. I wonder if he has missed me? Perhaps tomorrow I might just stroll in that direction, just to assure him of my safe return... Time to choose the right cushion for my next nap.
  6. Mewsings, Winter Day 74 Not a pleasant day for one who has such long, white silky locks. When I stuck my nose out through my personal door this morning the air had wetness in it so I immediately decided it would be better to stay indoors and spend my time lounging elegantly at various locations throughout the house. That went well until one of my peoples came home in the middle of the day and found me attending to my grooming toilette in the basket of freshly washed materials. It seemed to me she made far too much of a fuss about some of my silkies being all over her own small silky things but then that's peoples for you - Although I have been with mine for many days I still find much of their behaviour irrational - Did she expect me to lie somewhere grubby while I attended to my personal grooming? After my lunch (a tin of one of those very exclusive feline cuisine dishes, I'm sure there was some flavor of bird involved in it somewhere) it was necessary for me to take a brief stroll outside to a secluded corner. While passing around the back of the house next door I came close to one of the smaller windows, one of those where one can not see in. It was open at the top and I could hear some very strange noises from within - As far as I could tell there was some fight to the death occuring! There was rattling, hissing and some splashing of water too. I hesitated but briefly - I had no wish to meet any strange monsters from the other people's domain. I can only hope that the one who calls himself Snowball survived the encounter.
  7. Mewsings, Winter Day 73, later How extraordinary. I have just come nose to nose with the cat next door. I was just passing by the window over there on the way to do my rather important business after the salmon when I just happened to glance inside... and there he was! Nose pressed up against the glass! Mewing salutations... to me! Well. I was somewhat taken aback as you can imagine. Common courtesy meant that I felt obliged to exchange a few words and I felt quite safe as he was confined inside. I was not too foolish, I think - I did not give my true name - We aristocratic cats have to behave with some caution and it doesn't do to tell everyone your true pedigree. He was pleasant enough. He is white like me, so that has to be a point in his favor. However, I think he needs a little more exercise. Perhaps his people will be inclined to allow him some garden liberties soon, once they can trust him.
  8. Mewsings, Winter Day 73 This weather is so tedious. Lounging indoors on silken cushions can get so boring. My only diversion is my observation of the new inmate in the house across the garden from me. Sometimes he is near the windows and one can not help but notice him - Not that I would stare, of course, that would not be seemly for one in my exalted position. I can not afford to be seen to be too interested in a commoner, as I am sure that is what he is. However It appears he has spirit. The peoples from that other place removed him from their baggage today and he was unceremoniously dumped back into their home. I smirked just a little, which was probably inappropriate - I must remember my manners. I can smell the salmon fillet simmering, it must be my teatime. They are 20 minutes late with it. One really can not get reliable staff these days.
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