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Last few Cachin' Cats Geocoins available

Doctor A

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Posted (edited)

I designed a geocoin that I had minted through CHQuality Coins (who were great to work with by the way), that is basically a tribute to my family. My sister (greykittes) first found out about caching and started doing some. She introduced my parents (vaetanone) to it and they in turn managed to get me hooked. We all are serious cat lovers and so I wanted to design a coin that reflected that, and also had all of our caching names on it. So this is what I came up with. I had it made in 6 different finishes, and while most of the cats are grey and either white or black, I made the one coin just for fun, in funky colors, similar to my favorite colors of purple and teal. The main intention of these coins is for my family members to have them to share with special people, I didn't mint them to try to sell a bunch or really make any money off of it, since this was my Christmas present to my family. But I am considering selling a few, like maybe no more than 4 of each finish. Haven't decided yet how I might do that, by selling them here or via auction, but please post and let me know if you would be interested in one.









Edited by Eartha

A cute coin. I like to give a few cats a new home in Amsterdams. :)


ME too, up here in Washington State ~ P.S. Also LIKE the purple and teal one !

Ha HA , you should have known there would be a following :P:D


Thanks for all the positive feedback everyone. To answer one question, yes it does have it's own icon- the same picture as the coin, using the coin in the colors with the grey kitty and the white kitty, so just basically that coin shrunk down to icon size. The icon hasn't been fully set up yet, so right now it still shows the generic icon, but the artwork has been sent in and it's been paid for. I activated one coin under my profile so hopefully soon it'll show the icon. Also, the coin is a 2" wide coin- I wanted to make a larger size coin so paid the extra expense to have it that size.


Now as for selling it, I have to admit I'm having something of a dilemma about that. I know we all have some idea of what coins cost to mint, so it's not a big secret, but basically I know that most people don't want to pay more than $10 a coin- I'm the same way, that's sort of my standard price that I'm willing to pay. But if I sell some of the coins for $10 a coin and then charge $1-2 for shipping, by the time paypal deducts fees of about 60-70 cents or so, and if I have to buy small padded envelopes to ship them in (which I priced at $1.50 at the store today) and make trips to the PO to mail them, then at best, I'm breaking even on the cost. I'm not out to make a bunch of money, but I figured that if I sold a few, it'd help recoup some of my investment so that my total out of pocket cost wasn't quite so high. I certainly don't want to lose money, but when I did some quick calculating this afternoon, it seemed like if I charged that $10 price, I might literally only be breaking even. So I'm looking for feedback here- I'm not a coin "seller" by any stretch of the imagination, and this is certainly not a business for me, so I don't have things set up to have purchased things like mailing supplies in large quantities, I don't have any streamlined system for processing orders quickly and easily, so I'm wondering what people think is a fair price, if you're willing to share?


OK, well thanks to some input from some people on the forums, I found a much more affordable way to get mailers, and so have decided that I'll offer four coins of each finish here on the geocoin forums, with the following prices:


$13 for first coin shipped to the US, $11 for each additional coin


If you're an international person, email me through my gc profile and let me know what country you're in- I'll have to figure out how much postage would be individually for any country outside of the US.


As for trades, I've been trying to not accumulate quite so many geocoins since I went kind of crazy, like everyone does, when they start collecting, and seriously over-bought. But I have always wanted a grodan and fiabus cat geocoin in copper and one in nickel, and also always wanted one of the cammo ammo cans in pink. So if you have any of those unactivated geocoins and feel like it'd be a fair trade, I'd certainly consider any offers.


Please send me an email through my gc profile letting me know if you're interested in buying any coins and how many of each finish you want to get.


I apologize if anyone thinks the prices are out of line. I do understand if anyone who posted that they were interested decides not to purchase based on the price. As I shared, I'm trying to make it so that it's (hopefully) considered reasonable, but also that I do a little better than breaking even.

Posted (edited)

$13 shipped is rather reasonable ($10 for the coin and $3 for postage and materials). I'm still in for 2.


Here's an edited version of the pics condensed so all the finishes/colours can be better viewed.


Edited by Droo

Thanks Droo for that picture- it does make it easier to see. So here's the layout of what each finish is, using Droo's picture:


First row: (left) Satin Gold (right) Antique Silver (with colored kitties)

Second row: (left) Satin Silver (right) Nickel

Third row: (left) Dyeing Black (right) Black Nickel

Fourth row: back side of a satin silver coin


Hope this helps people in making choices!


Just wanted to let everyone know that the satin silver that I had available to sell have all been spoken for/committed to buyers, so no more of those are available to sell.


Thanks to everyone who purchased a coin or coins. It's been fun to share them. I have a few more left that I'm willing to sell, but am all out of the satin nickel, which went the fastest- it was my favorite finish as well. But feel free to contact me if anyone else would like to buy a coin!


Just wanted to let everyone know that the icon is now showing up for this coin. If you want to see it, you can look at the one I activated: TB44VMG. And for those of you who bought or traded for a coin, if you log that trackable of mine now, or have logged it, you'll have that icon on your profile! If I forgot to send the logging info to anyone who got a coin and you want to log one so you don't have to activate one of your own to get the icon, drop me an email!


I have a few more Cachin' Cats coins left from the ones I set aside to sell- if anyone else wants one, please let me know! I'm already toying with a future design, this was so much fun to do and such a joy to give to my family!


Going through my coins as I start to think about the next coin I want to make and I have a few more of these left that could be sold. So in case any cat lovers out there missed them, or any new coin fanatics didn't see them last year, send me a message if you'd like any. See posts 19, 20 and 21 in this thread for pricing info and finish pictures. He's what I have left:

1 nickel

2 satin gold

2 satin silver

3 dyeing black

2 black nickel

1 antique silver with teal and purple cats


I think the Netherlands must be full of cat lovers! Of all the coins I've sent out of the US, almost all have gone to the Netherlands. Sounds like my kind of place to live!

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