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Oh those Bloggers

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What I don't understand is how the blog hosting place does not have anywhere to say anything about this a-hole.


I also find it humorous how she likes to pretend there is a group of them when it is obviously just her nutty little head.


I like the idea about placing bait caches and waiting for her to find them.


I would love to confront such a person.


I wouldn't resort to violence.


I might however check into how environmental their life habits are.


What applies to "antiques" also applies to geocaches:


"One person's trash is another person's treasure."


I placed a cache out in a meadow this week-end. And I was conscious as I was doing it, "what's the difference between my plastic container full of swag and the other litter carelessly tossed in the area?"


Besides intentionality, not much. And I worry about trashing a site, looking for a cache.


Cemeteries are private property and off limits by law -- unless you get specific permission from the cemetery management.


I didn't see anything on that blog that I disagreed with.



I might however check into how environmental their life habits are.



Throwing stuff away into the trash so it goes to a landfill is not exactly eco-friendly. That action alone shows that she does not see the big picture.

Posted (edited)

More publicly visible good works.


Less stalker-ish talk about catching and getting even.




Beat the jerk by being viewed in a more reasonable light.

Edited by DragonsWest


I placed a cache out in a meadow this week-end. And I was conscious as I was doing it, "what's the difference between my plastic container full of swag and the other litter carelessly tossed in the area?"


Besides intentionality, not much. And I worry about trashing a site, looking for a cache.



Hmmm... I don't know about you, but I think I can tell the difference.








Can you spot the difference? :)


More publicly visible good works.


Less stalker-ish talk about catching and getting even.




Beat the jerk by being viewed in a more reasonable light.


Point taken sir.


I don't like that this person states on the blog that they are studying all the names. Why? Is that a threat or something? This person obviously wants attention. It is terrible that this person is even naming user names. Nothing better to do I guess! Not once do they state that these containers are being recycled. Just thrown in the trash. I just hope these people or person doesn't try to confront a geocacher. :)




Interesting that her posted link to being in the news is in its self down grading to her own cause and as some Officials of the Parks have stated on record her activity is illegal - apparently they wont welcome her actions/efforts as much as she seems to think...




She must have a twisted sense of reality.


Could report the blog as abuse - seeing how its Google run and she is using it through Groundspeak's web site and Geogaching.com they may take our side as the injured if presented to them by GS. So "Defamation/Libel/Slander" (of Geocaching, Letterboxing and Forest Defenders (the real one)) and "Hate or violence" are two possible avenues - this would only serve to cut communications to followers but not sure there are any... Course I think of PITA and how no sane person could follow them and they managed.. So you never know.


I think this would be best handled by Ground Speak IMHO.


I do think that GS should step in and working with Park Services and authorities and put an end to her rampage before she decides the last remaining US APE Cache is trash or the Original Stash


Let me add that a cache that isn't maintained by the owner and is in dismay really could be considered nothing more than mere trash - some of the descriptions on the Blog seem to indicate that is the case with some of the caches... In that respect I sort of respect her but feel the proper way by reporting it through Geocaching.com on the individual cache page would be the better way. IMHO


I should add that if somebody contacted the real Forest Defenders with a good explanation of what Geocaching is about and what we do then they might see us in good light. A preventative measure before this fruitcake gives her view and closes their mind to us. Not that the Forest Defenders are of a different mind set but seems they want people to see what they are attempting to defend and have some reality. Just Say'n


I might myself when I get home from work... But I think GS Deocaching could be better represented by someone from GS head quarters...


You (or anyone) feeling they have been seriously harmed by this alleged crusader are always free to consult an attorney. If the nut has taken park approved caches there are legal remedies to this. Police, sheriffs and attorneys can cut through her veil of BS faster than you can say Jack Robinson.


Remember Rome, NY.

Posted (edited)

What I don't understand is how the blog hosting place does not have anywhere to say anything about this a-hole.


They used to. The "Report Abuse" button is still there, but the "Hate or violence" criteria used to be much broader than it is now (now it's specific "material that promotes hatred toward groups based on race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, or sexual orientation/gender identity is not allowed on Blogger.").



The best thing we can do is to just ignore Forest Defender and other Anti-Cachers and (1) be the better man (and woman :unsure: ) and (2) always be at least one step ahead. Real environmentalists and eco-friends don't dislike Geocaching. :)



If the nut has taken park approved caches there are legal remedies to this. Police, sheriffs and attorneys can cut through her veil of BS faster than you can say Jack Robinson.


Oooooh, nice! :unsure:

Edited by breaultm
Posted (edited)


I placed a cache out in a meadow this week-end. And I was conscious as I was doing it, "what's the difference between my plastic container full of swag and the other litter carelessly tossed in the area?"


Besides intentionality, not much. And I worry about trashing a site, looking for a cache.


Can you spot the difference? :(


Well of course I can see the difference! Let's be more specific. I was running into containers that looked a lot like mine, tossed in the grass, under the trees, left on the beach. I see a fair amount of LITTER (And there's no debate that it's litter.) which is "stashed" in some sort of "hiding place" because some clown was too stupid to find a garbage can. So, what's the difference between a soda can wedged in a corner and a cache wedged in the same corner?


This blogger is pretty much an extremist, militant "eco-fascist." But I think her basic premise needs to be considered. Ecologically or historically sensitive areas can be readily trashed by foot traffic. And searching an area, combing an area, scouring an area for a cache WILL result in significant impacts to flora.


We need to be mindful of our impacts when we're stashing stuff out in the wild.


Most of us are. Some of us maybe need to work on this.

Edited by Allison Wunderland

I have a blog on this Google Blog site. The "support" totally sux. There's not much recourse to actually contacting anyone there about anything. The site has a "report abuse" function, but it "dysfunctions" as a "form letter" without any options for specifying the basis for a complaint/report.


Here's the deal. If the Park Service, or other agency approves the cache and this whack-job is removing and destroying them, we have grounds for a LEGAL complaint of theft/vandalism.


As such, a site which promotes unlawful theft/vandalism is not indemnified by protections of free speech. In essence, "Google Blog" (whatever) acts as a "co-conspirator" in enabling this blog's unlawful activities.


"Google Blog" is fundamentally difficult to contact. But, when I get back to my WiFi venue, I'm going to see if I can't rattle their cage. Google Blog needs to be more responsive, accessible, and responsible.


Their disclaimer "We chose not to be an arbiter in free speech" doesn't cut it if the speech promotes unlawful behavior.

I placed a cache out in a meadow this week-end. And I was conscious as I was doing it, "what's the difference between my plastic container full of swag and the other litter carelessly tossed in the area?"


Litter is defined as: a-trash, wastepaper, or garbage lying scattered about. b-an untidy accumulation of objects. c-carelessly discarded refuse, such as wastepaper


A geocache is a is a carefully concealed and maintained container. Practically the antonym of litter

Posted (edited)

I agree this person is nuts, but people really should keep their dogs on leashes unless otherwise posted.

Your dog isn't a wild animal, its an invasive species :laughing:

But seriously, its just called being respectful to other dog owners and park goers while keeping Rover safe.

That said, if the park allows off leash pets than whatever.


Point is, we have to be aware that we share these areas with eachother. Responsible geocaching is no more harmful than responsible hiking.


In a nature park, I would be really hesitant to hide a chache more than 10' off trail personally.

Especially around here with the erosion concerns and such

Edited by d+n.shults

A recently found cache, was branded by the "forest defenders" in the log online, but the cache still exists, and hasn't been touched since the last finder. So, the party is strictly all talk. and yes, looking for attention. Well, they've got attention from newspapers, television news, radio.. And it's all against them.. The group (or single person) is nothing more than yet another form of cyber-bully, with a chip on their shoulder begging you to knock it off.


We had another of their type, pop-up a few years back, claiming to have stolen and disposed of 5 caches in Torrington, Connecticut. (USA). But, claiming to be a member of LNT.org (Leave No Trace). their actions, were just as misguided, as were they over-claimed. (only 3 of the 5 were missing, one was 20 feet into the wooded area, from a baseball field at a local park, but the other two were urban. One, in a newpsper box, in a commuter lot, next to a minor highway. (CT. Route 8)., and the other (one I placed) was smack in the middle of a shopping parkade parking lot, in a Lamp skirt. Yet, they claimed they were following the LNT code of ethics. (in no way, shape, or form does LNT condone stealing!)


At the risk of angering another group, Forest Defenders should focus on people who illegally dump hazardous waste, (oils, thinners, paints, chemicals). illegal household garbage and trash dumping. (more than a few times, finding illegal dumping sites with more than just a few bags of household waste. One, had a credit card bill.. You can bet the local police had info on where to find it, and whom.) Or, sorry to go this level.. Mountain bikers who set-up elaborate jumps along a trail. Some of these have been made of old tires, scrap lumber, chicken wire, nails banged in hap-hazardously, chunks of fiberglass, nylon rope, etc.. There's a state forest near me that's riddled with these jump ramps, and some are a worse hazard from falling apart, than from getting hurt using them.)


Just misguided cyber-bullies..

A recently found cache, was branded by the "forest defenders" in the log online, but the cache still exists, and hasn't been touched since the last finder. So, the party is strictly all talk. and yes, looking for attention. Well, they've got attention from newspapers, television news, radio.. And it's all against them.. The group (or single person) is nothing more than yet another form of cyber-bully, with a chip on their shoulder begging you to knock it off.


We had another of their type, pop-up a few years back, claiming to have stolen and disposed of 5 caches in Torrington, Connecticut. (USA). But, claiming to be a member of LNT.org (Leave No Trace). their actions, were just as misguided, as were they over-claimed. (only 3 of the 5 were missing, one was 20 feet into the wooded area, from a baseball field at a local park, but the other two were urban. One, in a newpsper box, in a commuter lot, next to a minor highway. (CT. Route 8)., and the other (one I placed) was smack in the middle of a shopping parkade parking lot, in a Lamp skirt. Yet, they claimed they were following the LNT code of ethics. (in no way, shape, or form does LNT condone stealing!)


At the risk of angering another group, Forest Defenders should focus on people who illegally dump hazardous waste, (oils, thinners, paints, chemicals). illegal household garbage and trash dumping. (more than a few times, finding illegal dumping sites with more than just a few bags of household waste. One, had a credit card bill.. You can bet the local police had info on where to find it, and whom.) Or, sorry to go this level.. Mountain bikers who set-up elaborate jumps along a trail. Some of these have been made of old tires, scrap lumber, chicken wire, nails banged in hap-hazardously, chunks of fiberglass, nylon rope, etc.. There's a state forest near me that's riddled with these jump ramps, and some are a worse hazard from falling apart, than from getting hurt using them.)


Just misguided cyber-bullies..


Please see this thread, in particular the more recent pages, but all pages are parts of the story. Bottom line... this is almost certainly NOT the real "ForestDefenders" but an impersonator.

A recently found cache, was branded by the "forest defenders" in the log online, but the cache still exists, and hasn't been touched since the last finder. So, the party is strictly all talk. and yes, looking for attention. Well, they've got attention from newspapers, television news, radio.. And it's all against them.. The group (or single person) is nothing more than yet another form of cyber-bully, with a chip on their shoulder begging you to knock it off.


We had another of their type, pop-up a few years back, claiming to have stolen and disposed of 5 caches in Torrington, Connecticut. (USA). But, claiming to be a member of LNT.org (Leave No Trace). their actions, were just as misguided, as were they over-claimed. (only 3 of the 5 were missing, one was 20 feet into the wooded area, from a baseball field at a local park, but the other two were urban. One, in a newpsper box, in a commuter lot, next to a minor highway. (CT. Route 8)., and the other (one I placed) was smack in the middle of a shopping parkade parking lot, in a Lamp skirt. Yet, they claimed they were following the LNT code of ethics. (in no way, shape, or form does LNT condone stealing!)


At the risk of angering another group, Forest Defenders should focus on people who illegally dump hazardous waste, (oils, thinners, paints, chemicals). illegal household garbage and trash dumping. (more than a few times, finding illegal dumping sites with more than just a few bags of household waste. One, had a credit card bill.. You can bet the local police had info on where to find it, and whom.) Or, sorry to go this level.. Mountain bikers who set-up elaborate jumps along a trail. Some of these have been made of old tires, scrap lumber, chicken wire, nails banged in hap-hazardously, chunks of fiberglass, nylon rope, etc.. There's a state forest near me that's riddled with these jump ramps, and some are a worse hazard from falling apart, than from getting hurt using them.)


Just misguided cyber-bullies..


Please see this thread, in particular the more recent pages, but all pages are parts of the story. Bottom line... this is almost certainly NOT the real "ForestDefenders" but an impersonator.


I'd tell the whole "real" forest defender story again, but I won't bother, since after I researched it and typed it, the thread got closed, and we were told to post anything and everything in the "bot" thread. ;) But I agree, the real forest defender is from Washington State (and hasn't posted to their blog since June 1, 2010), and the bot was just using their name and posting links to their blog for laughs. Laughs for the bot creator, that is. No one else thinks it's funny.

I'd tell the whole "real" forest defender story again, but I won't bother, since after I researched it and typed it, the thread got closed, and we were told to post anything and everything in the "bot" thread. ;)

... except when we are told not to :D


This may be a legitimate concern if he/she had actually stated their reasons for geocaches being litter.

As it stands, if you don't have an argument to back up your statements then you do NOT have an argument.


I find it ironic that he/she "throws geocaches in the trash" instead of recycling the containers. Are you aware that trash goes into a landfill? So lets see, you removed the "trash" from the land, only to put it into a plastic bag which will take 100 years to disintegrate so that the container can start disintegrating afterward? Absolutely senseless in my opinion.


There is also irony in the fact that geocachers tend to be more "green" than the average citizen. Talk about targeting the wrong place. If cache owners left the cache there and never maintained or removed it then I would also have a problem, but since that generally is not the case then there really isn't a valid argument here, it's simply all a moot point with no evidence or reason to back it up.


Just my two cents...

this person targeted 3 of my caches today instead of emailing me to discuss the matter civilly.




this person targeted 3 of my caches today instead of emailing me to discuss the matter civilly.



Don't you people read any of the previous posts before replying to a thread?!? ;) ( Sorry, but I'm getting tired of posting this same information.)


"This person" that logged as "ForestDefnders" almost certainly had nothing to do with your 3 caches. Its just an account name. Yeah, Forest Defenders is a real person, but not the one that targeted your caches. That was one particular incarnation a "bot" that has been causing trouble for weeks now.


Don't you people read any of the previous posts before replying to a thread?!? :D ( Sorry, but I'm getting tired of posting this same information.)


"This person" that logged as "ForestDefnders" almost certainly had nothing to do with your 3 caches. Its just an account name. Yeah, Forest Defenders is a real person, but not the one that targeted your caches. That was one particular incarnation a "bot" that has been causing trouble for weeks now.


Actually, no I didn't... but don't take it so seriously it's just a forum. And oh, you're forgiven. ;)


Don't you people read any of the previous posts before replying to a thread?!? :D ( Sorry, but I'm getting tired of posting this same information.)


"This person" that logged as "ForestDefnders" almost certainly had nothing to do with your 3 caches. Its just an account name. Yeah, Forest Defenders is a real person, but not the one that targeted your caches. That was one particular incarnation a "bot" that has been causing trouble for weeks now.


Actually, no I didn't... but don't take it so seriously it's just a forum. And oh, you're forgiven. ;)


It's just a forum, true. But we are all actual people. Posting into a thread that you haven't read is like butting into a conversation. It's rude.


Of course, Miss Manners would point out that correcting other people's rude behavior is also rude.

Posted (edited)

I looked over the blog in question, and while I didn't see anything bad about the placement of the caches she found, I thought, "this person is at least standing up for a cause she believes in." But then I saw that she trashed the cache containers and contents instead of returning them to their owners. Now I just think this person is a flat-out criminal, and I'm surprised that she still hasn't been brought to justice yet.

How many of us would be so up-in-arms over her actions if she had instead returned the caches to their owners instead of trashing them? Sure, we'd say then that she should have contacted the owner before removing the cache, but at least it would be a lot more honourable than what she's currently up to.

Edited by ScarabDrowner

Not to mention how abusive it is to not let dogs run free once in a while. Its in their blood, their hearts. It is cruel and heartless to not let them off the leash sometimes.

I have to agree with that, which is why I don't own a dog. There is no place to legally let a dog run free near where I live. If you get a dog that needs to run free and there is no place where it can, then the owner is the cruel and heartless perpetrator. Sadly, a LOT of dog owners ignore posted signs and let their dogs run wild. Leash laws exist for a reason and just because you want your dog to be "free" does not give you any valid reason to violate the law and let your dog run rampant.


Three times in the past three years I have had unleashed dogs jump up on me in parks that had clearly posted "Dogs Must be Leashed" signs all over the parking lot. When I walk in parks you can't see the leg brace I am wearing. You can't see the "FALL RISK" wrist band from my last stay in the hospital which is tacked to the wall in my living room. You also can't see the grab bars in my bathroom or that the curtain rod in my shower is really a piece of steel pipe that I can hold on to getting in and out of the shower. If a dog jumps on me now I will possibly go down with a bone crunching thud.


How does this relate to Geocaching? The last three times I had dogs jump on me when I was Geocaching or trying to remove caches I could no longer maintain. I have Geocaching friends that maintain caches for me but I have archived the rest. I thank them and my neighbors for the help they have given me.

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