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Too nice to let go...

SD Marc

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I bought a pair of Sea Shepard coins a while back. They're my first special-order geocoins, and they're just great looking. I bought two so I could keep one, and track one, but I can't see myself putting one of these in a geocache. I know it's not normal, but do others have this issue? Do I just need to get used to letting them go? It's kind of embarrassing.

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I bought a pair of Sea Shepard coins a while back. They're my first special-order geocoins, and they're just great looking. I bought two so I could keep one, and track one, but I can't see myself putting one of these in a geocache. I know it's not normal, but do others have this issue? Do I just need to get used to letting them go? It's kind of embarrassing.


first of all...


...welcome to the "addiction"


I will offer two recommendations and make one observation:


- buy cheaper trackables (coinsandpins.com has a great selection);


- make a color copy of your coin, laminate it with the tracking number cleary visible and release it


...(1 observation): trackable will go missing; it's hard t let them go


hope this helps :)

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If you love something, set it free. If it come back it's yours; if it doesn't, it is a geocoin. Just kidding. Many of the coins we've released have gone missing. Our attitude it, we do not realease anything that we expect to get back. Although sending out replica is an option, there have been many debates regarding this in these forums. You may find that it travels less because it is a replica.

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I had a similar moment the other day. I have a box of "keepers" that I almost felt sorry for because they were not going to fulfill their destiny. I think this was a theme of "Toy Story 2," the idea that toys were made to be played with and to bring joy, not be kept in their boxes so collectors could trade after 20-30 years.


My scientific mind comforts me almost immediately with the gentle but firm reminder, "These are coins. They don't feel. They have no concept of destiny."


When I first got started with coins, I did the same thing and purchased two of each: one to keep and one to travel. I agree that if you set one free, you REALLY let it go. It can be great to watch how it travels and the photos (if you're coin is fortunate enough to encouter cachers with cameras!) are lots of fun. And not all travellers go missing - there are those that reach their destinations or that amass thousands of miles across continents. We should all be so lucky! But, there are tragedies, such as a coin never making it out of the first cache it is placed in.


Bottom line: it's a gamble. If you're not willing to play the odds, which involve both benefits and costs, then keep the coin you like and use the other as a trader to get another coin you like.


On a personal note: I have decided that if I ever tire of this geocoin thing (it has its days), I would release them all, because part of me feels that even inanimate objects have a destiny. And with all the bluster about geocoins being FOR geocaching, what better way to represent that than to activate it and release it?

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I can not take an activated coin I've paid even as little as $5.00 for and drop it in a cache because I THINK someone is probably going to steal it.


I can take an unactivated coin that I paid $15.00 for and gift it to someone at an event.


I can take an inanimate object that I've paid like $2.00 for and spend three hours fastening a Cache Mover that I've paid $3.54 for, and make up a story, laminate a card with a mission statement on it, fasten that to the thing, and throw the whole mess in a cache. And be perfectly happy to see it move or only a little sad to see it disappear.


I'm still somewhat heartbroken (and feeling a little guilty) that the first geocoin I ever found, disappeared from the cache I dropped it in (nearly three years ago).


I've spent literally hundreds of hours in the last two years fondling, taking pictures of, fondling, listing, fondling, categorizing and re-categorizing, and fondling, the small collection that we've horded.


There might be a little strange mixed in there. But, whenever I get to thinking about strange, I open the Geocoin Discussions forum up, read a few threads, sip a port, and smile, at just how totally normal I am.

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... snip for brevity...


I've spent literally hundreds of hours in the last two years fondling, taking pictures of, fondling, listing, fondling, categorizing and re-categorizing, and fondling, the small collection that we've horded.


There might be a little strange mixed in there. But, whenever I get to thinking about strange, I open the Geocoin Discussions forum up, read a few threads, sip a port, and smile, at just how totally normal I am.

That's right, you're among family here!!

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