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Geomate.jr Owners Report

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Hi everyone, I bought a geomate jr via REI Mailorder. It arrived yesterday but so far I am unable to use it.

Main reason could be be because I am in Germany. It shows the next availible cache being some 4800 miles west of my home location. A little far for a weekend trip.

Does anyone have a clue how I can manually input coordinates into the device respectively when I will be able to buy the back up set and download caches for germany?

I mainly wanted this as a back up device when I am traveling and don't have my Garmin with me. but I get the feeling that I bought something that is limited to the US for now.






Mahini has already done an awesome job of answering all of your other questions


What's that you say??? My pom-poms are in the mail!?!? :unsure:


G'day All


Some of you may already know me from some other threads, but I thought I would jump on this one and introduce myself. My name's Warren, I work at Apisphere and I guess you can say the guy behind the Geomate.jr. I'm happy to answer any questions anyone may have and I'm looking forward to seeing more stories and feedback about the Geomate.jr!


I'm also very happy for anyone to contact me directly; warren@apisphere.com





Hey Warren! I'm worried about you, buddy ;) Please! next time you "Step outside" grab a unit and find a couple of caches :ph34r: I want to know what YOU think! :D

I'm convinced, though... Wish I'd had one of these four years ago when I was traveling a lot. I'm still gonna get one though. The nearest REI is some distance away, but I'll sure put it to the test on the drive home!

Well, Just got Geo Jr. #2 >>>>> this one is going into a raffle in an upcoming Meet & Greet in N. Calif. somewhere in the Mount Shasta Region


Mahini has already done an awesome job of answering all of your other questions


What's that you say??? My pom-poms are in the mail!?!? :D

Hey now, If Mahini gets pom poms and I don't ... well I will stamp my feet


As for Maingray's comment, There may be GPSes that can handle more waypoints, but I don't know of any that I have seen that handle more then maybe 5000 max. I could be wrong, but if so, what is the cost of those types of devices.


Cheap. All the older "X" garmin units (etrexes, 60 etc) and up with essentially unlimited waypoints / POI. More expensive units can now hold up to 5000 pages of complete cache info (description, past logs etc).


GC ID is far far more important than the cache name for many reasons. Mainly as it's a unique identifier which obviously names (even in a small area) aren't.


Hi everyone, I bought a geomate jr via REI Mailorder. It arrived yesterday but so far I am unable to use it.

Main reason could be be because I am in Germany. It shows the next availible cache being some 4800 miles west of my home location. A little far for a weekend trip.

Does anyone have a clue how I can manually input coordinates into the device respectively when I will be able to buy the back up set and download caches for germany?

I mainly wanted this as a back up device when I am traveling and don't have my Garmin with me. but I get the feeling that I bought something that is limited to the US for now.





G'day Markus


You hit the nail on the head - at the moment, the Geomate.jr ships with a US database loaded by default. But don't despair, in a few short weeks we will be releasing an update kit that with allow you to select and load all of Europe into your Geomate.jr. Some more Update Kit details can be found here: http://www.mygeomate.com/update_kit


I hope this helps!






Hi everyone, I bought a geomate jr via REI Mailorder. It arrived yesterday but so far I am unable to use it.

Main reason could be be because I am in Germany. It shows the next availible cache being some 4800 miles west of my home location. A little far for a weekend trip.

Does anyone have a clue how I can manually input coordinates into the device respectively when I will be able to buy the back up set and download caches for germany?

I mainly wanted this as a back up device when I am traveling and don't have my Garmin with me. but I get the feeling that I bought something that is limited to the US for now.





G'day Markus


You hit the nail on the head - at the moment, the Geomate.jr ships with a US database loaded by default. But don't despair, in a few short weeks we will be releasing an update kit that with allow you to select and load all of Europe into your Geomate.jr. Some more Update Kit details can be found here: http://www.mygeomate.com/update_kit


I hope this helps!







G'day Markus


You hit the nail on the head - at the moment, the Geomate.jr ships with a US database loaded by default. But don't despair, in a few short weeks we will be releasing an update kit that with allow you to select and load all of Europe into your Geomate.jr. Some more Update Kit details can be found here: http://www.mygeomate.com/update_kit


I hope this helps!






Thanks Warren,


I will wait dor the update kit.

Alternatively I will take the geomate with me for my next US visit


Best regards



Is there a screen that shows the coordinates that you are heading to?


Nope. You can get to the coords where you are... We were trying to find a cache that had said it was moved 120 ft, & here's the coords, so, we didn't know if the junior was taking us to the new or the old location. So, we changed it to the coords screen & just watched as the numbers got closer!


Warren- Where will the update kits be available from? Same places as the junior? Will you start a count down of days for us soon???


I currently have an etrex camo. I am considering the gm jr. the upside is the jr has better reception and can hold tons more waypoints..the downside is no way to enter coords. am I missing anything?

Posted (edited)

My team has been on the road with a new Jr. The date of the cache load shown on the startup page is April 2009 but the device has no caches newer than last October. The sensitivity of the receiver is superb and the device works as advertised. Looking forward to getting the downloader kit and working with it. A 9 year old used it with no problem at all.


If you plan on heading out to find new caches, stop! The report earlier in this forum about a 4-6 month delay in cache content is true. Once the downloader kit comes out, we will have much more to talk about. :)

Dingbat11 and Fastboy


We took geomate on a long road vacation, finding many more than 20 caches along the way. Unfortunately, geomate only kept the newest 20 on the found list and discarded all the earlier finds. The user manual says the unit stores 1000 finds. Mine did not. Any comment? I had to determine the discarded finds the hard way as I did not keep any other records of many spontaneous finds, the very thing this unit is so good for. This is the first instance of the product not doing what was promoted.

Edited by dingbat11

We took geomate on a long road vacation, finding many more than 20 caches along the way. Unfortunately, geomate only kept the newest 20 on the found list and discarded all the earlier finds. The user manual says the unit stores 1000 finds. Mine did not. Any comment? I had to determine the discarded finds the hard way as I did not keep any other records of many spontaneous finds, the very thing this unit is so good for. This is the first instance of the product not doing what was promoted.


G'day Dingbat11


Yep, you are 100% correct. The initial release of the Geomate.jr does only store the first 20 found caches in the found list. This has since been corrected and all units moving forward will be able to store the intended 1000 found caches. But I have some good news!! Another cool little feature of the Update Kit is the ability for us to 'upgrade' the software running on any Geomate.jr along with the geocache list if you want. So it will be very easy for you to get this feature without needing to swap or return your Geomate.jr. (We don't want to slow down your geocaching fun after all...)


Thanks for keeping us honest on this one Dingbat11. To say thanks and to make up for the inconvenience, I'm happy to send you a free Update Kit when it is available. Please email me direct on warren@apisphere.com and we'll fix you up!






I was wondering why it said I had only 20 finds! Interesting...


Oh well! Im so impatiently waiting for this update kit!!! I can't take the suspense any more!!!


ME TOO! Impatience is my middle name! I can handle waiting if I know for HOW LONG I need to WAIT!!!

I have been busy converting muggles to Geocachers wherever I go- it travels with me in my purse and whenever I have a few minutes to spare, I whip it out to see if there's any caches close by... I even found my first microcache and impressed my friend and myself... those things are tee-nine-see!



Hi Warren,

Any updates? I am running out of caches in my area on my Geomate. I've either found them or they are disabled. Uploading a new batch would be GREAT! :anitongue: Any timeframe (other than saying two weeks) would be greatly appreciated!


G'day Guys


The Update Kit is looking better and better by the day! Our target (and commitment to resellers) is to start shipping kits out no later than the 24th of August. Yep, definately later than we really wanted (and later than you guys wanted of course) but I sincerely thank you for your patience and support. The Update Kit will definately add a whole other dimension and usefulness to the Geomate.jr.


And as it looks like the moderator has kindly asked to refrain from asking vendors direct questions, I'm happy for anyone to email me direct at warren@apisphere.com and re-post my responses. That said, I'll be watching this thread and answering any questions people have. After all, the moderator didn't say a vendor can't respond right??






To those early adopters (snoogans!) I'd love to know how much info the geomate gives you. Specifically does it give you the GC code so that one could couple it with an iphone for some impromptu cross country caching? I just took a 4k+ road trip and wandered about and often wished that I 1) didn't have to try to predict my route and build PQs for it and 2) just wander and find the type of cache that would be fairly easy in a long road trip type setting. I was seriously considering a geomate but didn't know if I could look up on the iphone the details (due to the country I didn't want to have the iphone be the primary data retrieval device since I was often in the one bar range if i was in any but it would have been a great resource to just punch in the GC number. Thanks for any response...


As I'm aware of the mods rules this isn't asked to anyone in particular but.....


I wonder if as a UK resident I could buy the Jr with UK caches in once the update kit has arrived.


Obviously I will buy the update kit but would rather do that a little while after buying the unit if possible.


As I'm aware of the mods rules this isn't asked to anyone in particular but.....


I wonder if as a UK resident I could buy the Jr with UK caches in once the update kit has arrived.


Obviously I will buy the update kit but would rather do that a little while after buying the unit if possible.


if im understanding correctly, the answer would be no. I think you'll need to buy the update kit and the junior at the same time, since you're not in the us.


Email warren! :anibad:


Is there a screen that shows the coordinates that you are heading to?


Nope. You can get to the coords where you are... We were trying to find a cache that had said it was moved 120 ft, & here's the coords, so, we didn't know if the junior was taking us to the new or the old location. So, we changed it to the coords screen & just watched as the numbers got closer!


Warren- Where will the update kits be available from? Same places as the junior? Will you start a count down of days for us soon???


I am confused. If the geomate jr doesn't have a coord screen how do we get the coord. if the geocache is moved? I just got my geomate jr. and have been succesful with it. But the other day we were unable to locate a caches. after coming home and looking for the GC# I realized it had been moved 80ft. So now I am not sure if the geomate was giving me the old location or the new one.


If there isn't a coor. screen how to go to it?


The main screen is a circle, a compass if you will, with a distance in the center, & an arrow that rotates around the outside showing you which direction the cache is from you at that point. So, if its pointing left, you'd better turn left! If it says 900 feet to the left, you'd better figure out if there's a lake between you & the cache on your own. (This happened to me this past weekend. I followed the arrows right down to the dock of the lake! Then, I turned around, followed the path all the way around the lake!)


There's a screen that tells the coords where you are at that particular moment. Another example of using this... there's a playground cache about 3 houses away from my grandma's house. So, I made a note of the coords on the website, & then hoofed it up to the park & wandered til my coords matched up. Still haven't found that stinkin' cache, but that's not the point!!! This cache doesn't show up in junior since it was a very recent hide. There's another one in the park right behind my backyard, which is a 4 for difficulty, so it also doesn't show up, but, I've been waiting for the update kit to try that one!


I can see how for most of the geocachers on this site, the junior is backwards, lacking or pointless... but, since this is my first gps unit of any kind (well, excluding the car gps), I've found its done quite well for me! I just found my 40th cache, which isn't too shabby considering I get to go about once during the week & on the weekends, its been mostly with my 80-year-old grandma!!


I have been considering a "grown up" gps (My friend just bought an oregon 300 or something). My problem is that I've gotten so used to turn it on & see what's closest, I can't imagine having to upload caches before I can go! I like turning it on wherever I am & just seeing what I can find!


I get it now thanks. I have to say I am really liking my geomate! I can sometimes be technologically challenged so this really works for me. I may have to get a "grown" up one down the road for more complex (ie multi cache's) but this is really working out for me now.


I get it now thanks. I have to say I am really liking my geomate! I can sometimes be technologically challenged so this really works for me. I may have to get a "grown" up one down the road for more complex (ie multi cache's) but this is really working out for me now.



I just used my Geomate for the first time today. Works great and quite accurate. Looking forward to the update kit.


I am counting down the days for the update kit! Shipping to vendors on 24th...how many days after that can we buy them at REI I wonder?


I like saying "REI I"! makes me giggle!


I wish they were pre-selling them so I could just order & not worry about it!


On Monday I had to send in my Garmin Vista HCx for some warranty work. Since I don't have my GPSr of course I've been really feeling the need to go caching. Today I couldn't take it anymore and drove 162 miles to the Ann Arbor, MI REI store and bought a Geomate Jr. so I could go caching while my other GPSr was in the shop for repairs.


Based on the comments I've seen on this thread I was expecting to like the Geomate Jr., but I have to say it's surpassed my expectations and I love it. When my Vista HCx comes back it will be used only to get me to as close to ground zero as I can in a car. From that point I will use my Geomate Jr. to actually go out and find the cache. My Vista HCx really has a tendancy to keep bouncing around even during ideal conditions and the Geomate Jr. out performs it by a mile. For such a reasonably priced unit I was amazed that a couple times while in heavy tree cover it still performed exceptionally well.


Basically it has performed way above my expectations for it. The accuracy of this little unit is very impressive! I hunted 8 caches today and when I was standing directly over the cache container the furthest my Geomate Jr. was off on any of the caches was 9 feet and it sometimes was within 6 feet of accuracy. I wish my Vista HCx had that kind of accuracy, but unfortunately it doesn't.


I've used the Geomate Jr. to find 8 caches and so far I'm loving it. It was well worth the drive all the way across the state to get it. I'm really amazed at how this little affordable unit is more accurate than my $200+ Garmin unit.


If I could change one thing about the Geomate Jr. I'd like to see it have a more detailed user manual. I understand that the company probably wants to demonstrate it takes almost no knowledge to work it, but there are lots of questions like the ones asked here that I feel should be included in the users manual that comes with the unit. I think the current little folded up instructions that come with the unit should continue to be used a quick start up guide. However, more indepth instructions really need to be included so we could know the answers to questions without having to dig through 8 pages of posts to find where the question was previously answered.


Anyways, the bottom line is I'm loving my Geomate Jr. and plan on using it for a long time to come. Oh, today while caching I got my 400th find while using my Geomate Jr. (that's my 400th career find, but 8 finds with the Geomate Jr). :laughing: So it helped me reach a milestone in my geocaching history.


On Monday I had to send in my Garmin Vista HCx for some warranty work. Since I don't have my GPSr of course I've been really feeling the need to go caching. Today I couldn't take it anymore and drove 162 miles to the Ann Arbor, MI REI store and bought a Geomate Jr. so I could go caching while my other GPSr was in the shop for repairs.


Based on the comments I've seen on this thread I was expecting to like the Geomate Jr., but I have to say it's surpassed my expectations and I love it. When my Vista HCx comes back it will be used only to get me to as close to ground zero as I can in a car. From that point I will use my Geomate Jr. to actually go out and find the cache. My Vista HCx really has a tendancy to keep bouncing around even during ideal conditions and the Geomate Jr. out performs it by a mile. For such a reasonably priced unit I was amazed that a couple times while in heavy tree cover it still performed exceptionally well.


Basically it has performed way above my expectations for it. The accuracy of this little unit is very impressive! I hunted 8 caches today and when I was standing directly over the cache container the furthest my Geomate Jr. was off on any of the caches was 9 feet and it sometimes was within 6 feet of accuracy. I wish my Vista HCx had that kind of accuracy, but unfortunately it doesn't.


I've used the Geomate Jr. to find 8 caches and so far I'm loving it. It was well worth the drive all the way across the state to get it. I'm really amazed at how this little affordable unit is more accurate than my $200+ Garmin unit.


If I could change one thing about the Geomate Jr. I'd like to see it have a more detailed user manual. I understand that the company probably wants to demonstrate it takes almost no knowledge to work it, but there are lots of questions like the ones asked here that I feel should be included in the users manual that comes with the unit. I think the current little folded up instructions that come with the unit should continue to be used a quick start up guide. However, more indepth instructions really need to be included so we could know the answers to questions without having to dig through 8 pages of posts to find where the question was previously answered.


Anyways, the bottom line is I'm loving my Geomate Jr. and plan on using it for a long time to come. Oh, today while caching I got my 400th find while using my Geomate Jr. (that's my 400th career find, but 8 finds with the Geomate Jr). :anicute: So it helped me reach a milestone in my geocaching history.


geomatejr.com has a more indepth userguide that you can read. Hope that helps!


I am new to Geocaching and have a 5 year-old-son. I purchased the Geomate Jr so he could use it and be the 'leader' (well, ok! I wanted to use it too!). We love it! And when the update kit becomes available we will love it even more! :laughing:

Posted (edited)

Thank you OH Team and Mahini for letting me know about the detailed instructions on the Geomate Jr. at their website. I haven't looked at it yet, but I'm going to bookmark it and check it out later when I have time to read it and really let it sink in.


I can now understand why this product that started out with lots of people on the Forum grumbling and expressing concerns about it now has it's own dedicated and loyal customer base. I have no doubt that when I get more familiar with it that I will be joining Mahini and others as a proud Geomate Jr. user and advocate.


It sure helps to see that Warren the manufacturers rep on here has shown a continued interest in learning what the geocaching community thinks about their product. I'm a sucker for good customer service and so far I find the Geomate Jr.s manufacturers seem to be my kind of people. :laughing:


Again thank you OH Team and Mahini. With your help finding more information I'm sure I'll love my new Geomate Jr. even more than I already do! Happy caching everybody!!!! ;)


EDIT TO ADD A P.S. I've now had a chance to completely read this forum thread from beginning to end and have also read the much more detailed owners manual that is at the Geomate Jr. website and have also read the Update FAQ page. So I feel much better educated than I did yesterday when I took it out of the packaging, inserted batteries and started caching literally within 1 minute of inserting the batteries. So even though I had several questions yesterday I still was able to successfully find 8 out of 8 caches I searched for so that says something nice about it's ease of use strait out of the packaging.


However, maybe I missed it, but there is one question I still have and one "wish list" item I'd like to see incorporated into the Geomate Jr.. My question is with the update kit if I'm really happy with the way the caches were selected when I first started using my Geomate Jr. can I request updates that will automatically be filtered the same way or will I need to manually build an update that will do it that way? Oops sorry, but that makes me think of another question. Can we save the filtered updates to reuse the next time or will we need to rebuild it every time?


Now for my wish list item. I think the company has done a super job putting together a device that is not just fun and easy to use but also has a gazillion geocaches preloaded into it. They've also done a good job of letting new players understand that with the fun of geocaching comes certain responsibilities like not keeping geocoins found in caches and some other important info. So what I'd like to see added (and I know at least one other person has already requested it) is a way to mark caches that we Did Not Find (DNF). DNFs are actually a part of the game and they need to be reported too so it would be nice if there was some way to identify them so they could be reported on geocaching.com . I know there are limits to how many bells and whistles you can implement before a "Jr." turns into an overpriced regular GPSr, but reporting your finds and DNFs are as basic to the game as you can get. I'd say this is more important than putting backlights in them or any of the other many wish list features we all dream about and wish the Jr. had.


I feel the above is truly a necessity, but I also have a request that would be more of a nice to have feature if it was possible it could be worked into the Geomate Jr. at some point. The biggest drawback to me using the Geomate Jr. in my home area is that it doesn't know which caches I've already found so therefore it would be very frequently trying to get me to go to those caches which would be a waste of my time and gas money. Every week I download a PQ which has all my finds listed on it. If that could be copied to the Geomate Jr. so it wouldn't try taking me to caches I've already found that would make it usable on an everyday basis.


One final thing. I just want to say thanks to TPTB here on geocaching.com for allowing this product to be made. I'm sure without their ok of the Geomate Jr. company getting cache data from your site it would not have been possible. I hope that both TPTB and the Geomate Jr. manufacturers make a small fortune off this venture. Of course I'm talking about you fine folks making a small fortune one dollar at a time and not tripling the price of the units to get to the fortune faster. LOL Thanks for both the companies working together to get us a great little product at a reasonable price!!!! :anicute:


I'm real sorry to keep adding on to this message, but I don't want to post multiple times and constantly be moving this forum thread back to the top of the page repeatedly. Another thing that I'd seen another person here mention and I agree it's needed is an "Ignore" option. It would really be frustrating to decide for whatever reason that I never want to try a particular cache again and then have the Geomate Jr. try to take you back there. So an ignore function and then have it no longer show up and waste your time would be a great feature.

Edited by Michigan Cacheman

Well I was going to just tack this onto the bottom of my way too long post above, but for some reason I can't get the "edit" option to work so I'm going to throw it up with it's own post. The OP wanted to know what owners thought of their Geomate Jr.s so I figured I'd show some of the neat sights I saw while caching with my new Geomate Jr.!


Here's the welcoming party when I got out of my car at one cache!!!!




Another of the many birds at that geocache location.




Of course if there's water there must be ducks.




There was no way I could not take pictures of swans, everybody likes swans!




Ok, I'll have pitty on everybody and limit myself to one final picture.




So as you can probably guess from the pictures I'm having a blast with my new little buddy! Jr. rocks!!!! :P



I have no doubt that when I get more familiar with it that I will be joining Mahini and others as a proud Geomate Jr. user and advocate.

haha! thanks for the shoutout! :(

I'm sure that if I had a garmin or a delorme, I'd be just as excited/passionate about my toy... but, this is all I've got, so I'll embrace it as long as it works for me!

Posted (edited)


I have no doubt that when I get more familiar with it that I will be joining Mahini and others as a proud Geomate Jr. user and advocate.

haha! thanks for the shoutout! :)

I'm sure that if I had a garmin or a delorme, I'd be just as excited/passionate about my toy... but, this is all I've got, so I'll embrace it as long as it works for me!

Soooooooo, met up with the kid who is a computer geekster and techno junkie. Pulled out the Geo. Jr and the geekster began to snicker. Soon his snickers were put to rest. Geo. Jr matched his iPhone and 60 CSX step for step and infact geo. Jrs. accuracy beat the expensive devices. We cached beyond dusk ... with him muttering about how inaccurate his high priced toys were in comparison to Geo. Jr. Tee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee


Sure hope Geo Jr. 2 >> IF << it is in the works has a back-light feature.

Edited by humboldt flier


I have no doubt that when I get more familiar with it that I will be joining Mahini and others as a proud Geomate Jr. user and advocate.

haha! thanks for the shoutout! :)

I'm sure that if I had a garmin or a delorme, I'd be just as excited/passionate about my toy... but, this is all I've got, so I'll embrace it as long as it works for me!

Soooooooo, met up with the kid who is a computer geekster and techno junkie. Pulled out the Geo. Jr and the geekster began to snicker. Soon his snickers were put to rest. Geo. Jr matched his iPhone and 60 CSX step for step and infact geo. Jrs. accuracy beat the expensive devices. We cached beyond dusk ... with him muttering about how inaccurate his high priced toys were in comparison to Geo. Jr. Tee, Hee, Hee, Hee, Hee


Sure hope Geo Jr. 2 >> IF << it is in the works has a back-light feature.

That's a good story. I've also had very good experiences with the accuracy of these little guys. For such a small lightweight GPSr they are pretty amazing. I'll use my primary GPSr for my everyday caching, but in my opinion the Geomate Jr. can't be beat for spur of the moment caching trips where you don't want to waste time loading PQs into a traditional GPSr. There are times I leave home and don't even know which direction I'm go to go until I start driving down the road and this unit is perfect for that kiind of a trip. I'm a big fan of these little guys. I'm sure the company producing the Geomate Jr. will make a very nice profit on these and they certainly deserve to. Also, there's that "little" detail of having approximately 250,000 geocaches preloaded into it that is pretty awesome too. :D


G'day All


After not being on the forums for a little while, I was very happy to see the latest comments, pics, and shared experiences after logging in this morning. So much so, I thought I would share some pics of my own. So why haven't I been on the forums recently?? Well, I managed to escape for a road trip with friends from Germany...




A couple kids, a few Geomate.jr's, and the state of Utah make for some awesome geocaching!




Field testing of the Geomate.jr (complete with drying bathers...)






G'day All


After not being on the forums for a little while, I was very happy to see the latest comments, pics, and shared experiences after logging in this morning. So much so, I thought I would share some pics of my own. So why haven't I been on the forums recently?? Well, I managed to escape for a road trip with friends from Germany...




A couple kids, a few Geomate.jr's, and the state of Utah make for some awesome geocaching!




Field testing of the Geomate.jr (complete with drying bathers...)






My nephew kidnapped my JR for a road trip to Florida so I havent really used it much. Looking forward to his report.


This weekend we visited Austin TX and stopped by REI to pick up a Geomate... tried it out that day and it worked like a charm. I can't wait to get the upgrade kit -- it will definitely be the key to keeping the device up to date. It was really great, though, to pull out my little GPS anywhere I was and be within a mile or two of a cache! Even my 5 yr old was excited about it, and it's definitely easy enough to be kid friendly. Can't wait to get it out again and find some more caches!!


Im heading to an REI the week of labor day.... Crossing my fingers the update kit will be sitting on a shelf waiting for me when I get there! (3+ hours away... and that's the closest one!!)

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