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Your Best/Favorite Benchmarking pictures.

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(Forum Glitch, I get to be the first poster! :sad: )



Everyone knows that I love to look at all of the pictures taken by any benchmark hunters. So, this thread is devoted to those who have taken good pictures that do not have a disk in the picture but were out there hunting them.


If you happen to have a shot with a mark in it, that will be fine also.


The one thing I ask, is to tell us which mark you were going for. Also, if you have anything else to tell us about your recovery or day, feel free to tell us. Also, feel free to place arrows in the picture for clarification if you want to tell about where something is.


Have fun! Let us see some of your adventure pictures!


Here are just 2 that came to mind while I was typing this up.


Jack GP0526


We just shot this picture looking to the East from Highway 89A that heads to Lee's Ferry and on to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. We just pulled over to get this shot of where John had stood (where the arrow is). It let me know just how far either John or his friend Tony would have fallen if they had lost their footing.






This temple was built in 1871 and still gleams a brilliant white! It is the place where all Mormons in the area go to get married (Yes, there several marriages being preformed on the lawn and in the temple). It is truly awesome!!


Now, lets see some of your favorites that stand out in your memory. Please....I do so love to look at beautiful pictures of places that I have not been.




Here is a great classic Beech 3NM floatplane I saw just off the Colorado River after finding EU0763 (refuge):



Another closer view:



There are a few more pictures and details on the EU0763 benchmark page.


Don't you love the way they tie the dock lines to the props? I was surprised, but it does make sense. If there was some serious wind (the main concern), you wouldn't want the dock lines on the floats, which could end up ripped off the fuselage. Tied down by the props, that plane isn't going anywhere!


Many benchmarks located at Hoover Dam, here is a picture of the highway bridge under construction. When it's finished, traffic will be going waaayyy up there instead of across the dam.




Related to dixiedawn's picture, here's one picture I DIDN'T take, but it gives you an idea of a FEW of the survey marks on & near the Hoover Dam. These are just the key Triangulation stations. The ones southwesterly of the dam (connected by red lines) are on interesting triangular pylon monuments. Several are in view in dixiedawn's picture. Almost every mark has been incorrectly logged at one time or another on GC. If you ever get a chance, load up the marks on your GPS & PDA & go to it! Take lots of camera memory with you. Something like 70+ on & near the dam, but many not publicly accessible.



RD1266 more photos here


This is a RR bridge over the Nehalem River. Note the odd dip in the tracks in the background.



High water in 2007 washed away the Foss Rd Bridge, and disturbed some of the track.

I apologizes to foxtrot_xray :laughing:




I seem to get most of my good photos while caching but here is some fancy stonework on an old jail that JX0328 is attached to. Nice old (1903) benchmark on a cool old building. Of course with that camera on the building, it wasn't long before a Deputy came out asking me what I was doing.




A couple of pictures from a hike to a couple of benchmarks. HW3443 a triangulation station and HW3446 a stone lookout tower in Virginia.


The tower:




A toad along the trail:




This hike was in late October of 2008. It was on the way to PG2139 it was like walking in a postcard.


Frosted Pines



Frosted Pines with Adirondack Mountains in the background



Fall in the valley, Winter at the summit. This picture was taken from inside PG2139



WOW! What fantastic pictures everyone!! As you can see, the variety is really awesome. This is just what I was hoping for. Thanks everyone who has posted so far. Lets keep them coming.


I thought someone would post some pics of beautiful flowers....I am still going over ours to see where we stuck some. I am forever taking closeups of wildflowers and now I cannot find even one picture with the benchmark pictures. Does anyone have any flower shots to share? I would love to see some.


I did find these neat shots...


END GQ0275


A hawk that was nice enough to fly by at the right time.



There was a Bilby stand, still standing directly over the station mark.




The old Lookout Tree that we spotted on the way back to the main highway. Boy, that was a fun day!!

Posted (edited)

Thank you southpawaz! All I had to do was ask. That is a beautiful cactus!!


A couple of pictures came to mind and here they are...




This Cottontail Rabbit was seen while hiking to BITTER GP0618. He thought we couldn't see him.


G 62


This huge bull Elk was just standing grazing by the road, past where we had just recovered GP0317.


And, I found the picture of one of the wild flowers that we see every spring and early summer around here. It was taken on our trek up to PARIA HN0794


The locals (and us) call this Indian Paintbrush. It is really beautiful!


I hope you enjoy looking at all of these.



Edited by 2oldfarts (the rockhounders)

Very pretty. I have never seen that one. Thank you.


I hope you don't mind, I am going to post another of your pictures that you did not post, from the top of Lyon Mountain.


And then you climbed up those Icy steps??? :D


Yes I did climb those icy steps. The wood made an erie sound when I put my weight on them. Needless to say I stradled the sides of the steps where the metal holding brackets are located. I have a mild fear of heights which didn't help any. Come to think of it maybe its not so much a fear of heights but common sense in my middle age years :)


So many great pictures in here! Wow!


I love to take tons of pictures while hiking / benchmark hunting / geocaching. Some of my favorite targets are wildflowers and wild critters. Now that I have somewhere to brag on them, I could post a couple hundred...... but I better not, here. Sample below, and I'm working on selecting a bunch more good ones for posting on our family picture site, and I'll post a link here then.


Meanwhile, probably my favorite target in coastal California is the Cat's Ear (Calochortus plummerae), also known as the Mariposa Lily (in this case, Plummer's mariposa lily). Not very common (rated "rare" in most flower guide books). You can usually find some in the SoCal coastal hills in late spring. Colors vary from pure white thru various shades tinged or edged in purple / violet, through this full colored purple specimen. Got to love all those little hairs inside!





It looks like Sleeping Ute Mountain. Is that it?

I saw it from the other side.


Sorry, the Santa Rita Mountains, the large "bump" on the left end is Elephant Head, the white speck (maybe not visible at this reduced size) at the very top of the highest peak is the Whipple Observatory on Mt Hopkins. The view is from just south of Green Valley, looking towards the east.


hmm, it is similar to Sleeping Ute, I had to google some images to see it.


I also enjoy looking at pictures on these forums as well.Here are a few that I enjoyed taking as I was on the hunt for benchmarks.


This one was taken while looking for the benchmark "Bend".I hiked up this steep mountain and found the two reference marks,but couldn't find the benchmark.I came back up his steep bugger the next weekend with my metal detector and found the benchmark buried about half a foot underground.



This one was taken while looking for the benchmark "Spokane".It was only an hour and a half or so hike to get up here,but the views were spectacular at the top.



This one was taken looking for the benchmark "MT. Helena". It overlooks the city of Helena,Mt.



Flowers - yeay!!

These were found along Santa Rosa Creek Road in San Luis Obispo county California on my most recent Settings Contest outing. I was happy to find them because we had so little rain this year and a few really hot days already - the wildflowers inland have all gone away.


Not sure what these are:







Always thought this was wild mustard but maybe I just made that up, Real small flowers but sometimes they cover a field and it is a sea of green and yellow:



These are pretty prevalent, the flower is trumpet shaped and the petals are about 3/4" diameter"



And you can't really post wildflower pics from California without some..


Morning Glories:





California Poppies:





Gopher Snake guarding FV0967:


We saw this close to J 62.


What kind do you think it is?

Looks like a gopher snake to me.

I sure like the flowering cacti - don't think I've ever seen any.

And those shots of wide open spaces AND those frosted trees


so exactly how old do you have to be to be an OLD fart :(

We saw this close to J 62.


What kind do you think it is?

Looks like a gopher snake to me.

I sure like the flowering cacti - don't think I've ever seen any.

And those shots of wide open spaces AND those frosted trees


so exactly how old do you have to be to be an OLD fart B)


We thought it looked like a gopher snake also.


I think all of the pictures posted so far, are great.


And if you have ever gone into a Dairy Queen and been given the "Old Fart Discount" (Senior Discount) without asking, then you are old enough to be called an Old Fart. (Just ask John. :ph34r::( )


If you have a good sense of humor along with growing old - you can refer to yourself as "Old Fart" and get away with lots of things.....


Thanks for asking. :P




Oooh... we're doing snakes, too? This big boy (Red Diamond Rattlesake - Crotalus Ruber) was watching me from the side of the trail up to DX4661 (which is a story of it's own). He never did rattle at me (BTW: taken with about a 10X zoom lens!). Not much in the pic for scale, but the number of rattles is a good clue. The lump in the middle (wrist sized) might be why he was quiet.


If you like snakes, here's my collection of snake pics.


Oooh... we're doing snakes, too? This big boy (Red Diamond Rattlesake - Crotalus Ruber) was watching me from the side of the trail up to DX4661 (which is a story of it's own). He never did rattle at me (BTW: taken with about a 10X zoom lens!). Not much in the pic for scale, but the number of rattles is a good clue. The lump in the middle (wrist sized) might be why he was quiet.


If you like snakes, here's my collection of snake pics.



That's a beaut!

Love-e-ly coloration.

We have black ones in places here in AZ...black as soot.


oh, so critters are good too ? Well, caching not benchmarking, but GPS related anyways. First one I ever saw in the wild, and apparently not too common at all anymore. My apologies for the low quality picture, but the sun was getting pretty low and I was a little nervous, this guy had just been hissing at me - should have gotten the picture a few seconds sooner. His mouth was wide open showing off the teeth, and it was making a loud, hoarse hissing noise.




OK, Klemmer's wildflower picture gallery ready for opening day. I wouldn't say every flower picture was taken while benchmark hunting, but certainly some were. And I would always have had at least one GPS with me, so that counts too, right? There are several sub-albums, so dig down a level, if you want. And of course there are many pages. Click on the photo for a larger version. Resolution has been reduced & more compression done for space & download. Just ask if you would like the full resolution version (4-5MB). Some ID's are still in process; assistance in ID appreciated. Most from Central to Southern California.





High water in 2007 washed away the Foss Rd Bridge, and disturbed some of the track.

I apologizes to foxtrot_xray :blink:



*sigh* I actually shivered when I saw the first picture. I could tell something was wrong, and my first reaction was to tell the engeinner and get ready to pull the emergency brake. :P That was in '07? They fix it now? I find it amazing the road bridge was gone too.

Always thought this was wild mustard but maybe I just made that up, Real small flowers but sometimes they cover a field and it is a sea of green and yellow:


I think because of the composition, and having part of the disk in the shot, this gets one of my votes for "all time best". Great shot, kudos to you. :blink:

  • Love 1

Here are a couple taken today while looking for the benchmark "Avalanche" (RW0550).It took me 3 times (long dirt road drive followed by a pretty healthy hike...and lots of snow to make my way around) to finally find this one.The first time I could only find 1 of the reference marks.The second time I brought my metal detector,but the ground this high was still frozen,so I was unable to dig.Today,I brought my metal detector back in and was able to find it and the other reference mark.It sure is satisfying to finally find one after you do so much searching. :P


This is the view from the benchmark looking east



This is the view from the benchmark looking west




High water in 2007 washed away the Foss Rd Bridge, and disturbed some of the track.

I apologizes to foxtrot_xray :P



That was in '07? They fix it now?


The line is shut down. The track was compromised in over a dozen places and the cost of repair has not been justified as far as I can tell.


The line is shut down. The track was compromised in over a dozen places and the cost of repair has not been justified as far as I can tell.

Serious? Wow. Mind PMming me the location of this? Would like to do some research. :P Thanks! :P


Yesterday I found a bunch of these beautiful insects in the vicinity of CG0021 in Benson, AZ but I couldn't get one to pose on the disk for me to this will have to do:



Gosh! Does anyone know what type of insect this is and if it is one that you steer clear of?


We have seen lots of insects while hunting marks. We have never thought to include the pictures in our logs. That might change. :laughing:


skeezicks, those view shots are awesome!



Posted (edited)



Swan and cygnets in the Hackensack Meadowlands. The hill in the background is Snake Hill or Laurel Hill. There used to be a triangulation station disk called Trap there, before it got quarried away. The elevated roadway is the New Jersey Turnpike.




View from top of Snake Hill

Edited by Harry Dolphin

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