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What would you do?

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P.S. Did I mention that I happened to have my camera with me that day and I snapped a pic as the one caches was being watered down (destroyed)? What would you do with the pic?

If I read the insinuation right you have a picture of a cacher peeing on a cache? Oh yeah, I would publish it, with full ID, all over the internet!


Maybe a bit of public humiliation will do the boy some good.


Well folks allow me to tell you the most recent chapter in this story. We have a local group, which I was one of the three founding members and we have a forum. When I went onto the forum this morning, I found out that I was banned for "misuse of PMs (Private Messages). After reading all of your responses, I sent a PM to the cacher that I saw destroy the cache. In the message, I requested that the bad behavior stop and explained my reasons for rejecting their friendship. I went further to say that if the behavior didn't stop, I would publish the photo showing the cache destruction.

The only problem is the two admins on the board are very close to the vandal cacher. One admin is a relative and the other is a constant caching buddy. So much for the Private nature of Private Messages!


Honest to goodness I thought I was reading about a bunch of teenagers with all of this and these people are retirement age?


Maybe they should go back and read their own website mission statement:


"The first step in the acquisition of wisdom is silence, the second listening, the third memory, the fourth practice, the fifth teaching others."


This the same group Konnarock?


I will answer that question, yes that is the group. I have talked to the two cachers who saw the cache tossed into the weeds and they confirmed it. I am a member of this group and most of the group are great but a few chose the dark side. I can not believe they banned Konnarock for his pm, seems like an action Hitler or Stalin might take.

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That's ok, Konnarock - I've asked the admins to throw me off the same message board too. Idiots!
Well, there ya go. Between heebinator, Konnarock Kid & Marge, that makes three people. Based on past experience, that's all it takes to form a new internet group (something like forming a new church).


The next step in the process is for someone to get ticked off and go pull all his/her caches and archive them.


The only other thing I'm gonna say is I better not get hit by any flying geocaches when I'm up there later this week. Plus I better not find any "watered down" caches (eeewwwww).

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That's ok, Konnarock - I've asked the admins to throw me off the same message board too. Idiots!
Well, there ya go. Between heebinator, Konnarock Kid & Marge, that makes three people. Based on past experience, that's all it takes to form a new internet group (something like forming a new church).


The next step in the process is for someone to get ticked off and go pull all his/her caches and archive them.


The only other thing I'm gonna say is I better not get hit by any flying geocaches when I'm up there later this week. Plus I better not find any "watered down" caches (eeewwwww).


Please come caching in our area... you will not find flying caches or watered down caches... the 'watered down cache' is not what everyone is thinking... the cache was located on an island in the middle of a lake... it was wet with nothing more than H20.

Again, the folks in the area are the best... there has been a little ill feelings in our group for several months, but it is no different in probably any caching group. There are different sides to every story and not all have been told here on this thread. I care deeply for the people who have replied to this thread and well as the rest of our group. Unless you have heard the facts from all sides then there is no reason for this thread to continue.


Come on to the tri-cities... the best people around and more caches of every type than you can count!

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That's ok, Konnarock - I've asked the admins to throw me off the same message board too. Idiots!
Well, there ya go. Between heebinator, Konnarock Kid & Marge, that makes three people. Based on past experience, that's all it takes to form a new internet group (something like forming a new church).


The next step in the process is for someone to get ticked off and go pull all his/her caches and archive them.


The only other thing I'm gonna say is I better not get hit by any flying geocaches when I'm up there later this week. Plus I better not find any "watered down" caches (eeewwwww).


Please come caching in our area... you will not find flying caches or watered down caches... the 'watered down cache' is not what everyone is thinking... the cache was located on an island in the middle of a lake... it was wet with nothing more than H20.

Again, the folks in the area are the best... there has been a little ill feelings in our group for several months, but it is no different in probably any caching group. There are different sides to every story and not all have been told here on this thread. I care deeply for the people who have replied to this thread and well as the rest of our group. Unless you have heard the facts from all sides then there is no reason for this thread to continue.


Come on to the tri-cities... the best people around and more caches of every type than you can count!


I would love to hear the other side, why anyone would pour water into another persons cache just because they are friends with someone they do not like, why anyone would toss a cache into the weeds just so the person they do not like could not find the cache, why anyone would ban a cacher from a group forum because they did not like what was said in a PM. I for one would like an explanation, instead of banning someone so thier friend or relative will not run the risk of a picture being posted, the same person I looked up to for thier talk of caching ethics, the same people I stood up for when they were under attack. I would love to hear why.

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...I will answer that question, yes that is the group. I have talked to the two cachers who saw the cache tossed into the weeds and they confirmed it. I am a member of this group and most of the group are great but a few chose the dark side. I can not believe they banned Konnarock for his pm, seems like an action Hitler or Stalin might take.

Speaking, I mean, writing on behalf of the Galactic Meta-Level Forum Watchers, we extend our thanks to you for being the first poster in this thread to finally invoke Godwin's Law. Thank you for doing the needful.

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Ok, I've had about enough of this. While I dearly LOATH even coming into these forums, this thread is/has become a COMPLETE abomination perpetrated by the OP.


I am a member of the local group and lurk on the group website quite frequently. The OP is the one who started stirring this pot locally. He was banned because of his threatening PM's. Also, there were at least 3 threads that were locked by 3 DIFFERENT moderators or admins, including BLabman (who has posted above and seems to have selective memory on the subject) for being out of line and publicly attacking others in the group. I have seen a copy of at least 1 of the PM's that was written on June 22. It was threatening and referred to blackmail you were going to carry out if you bothered, when it was you doing the bothering.


I have seen the blackmail picture the OP has continued to threaten to post the the cache in question. In fact he posted it today on the cache page.


The truth of the matter is, the picture was taken at a totally different cache, not the one in question. Additionally, it shows no vandalism whatsoever. It just shows 3 cachers having fun. The cache the OP is referring to has no trees where the container is hidden as other pictures on the cache page show. It's an island with shale and scrub, some trees but not close to the cache.


BLabman... if you want to know the other side of the story, why don't you ask the other parties in question? And that is not the group site admins. They are just trying to maintain some semblance of order and have guidelines to cover misbehavior, which you and I both know the OP has been GROSSLY guilty of.


BTW, do not forget the OP has been banned from the group site only for posting messages and PM's. He can go in just like any other guest, and read all he wants, except for 4 threads. The site is open to anyone for that. He just can't post because he can't behave.


This had gotten way too long. There is way more to be told though. Now I am going to leave it at what I have said and get the heck back to the "real" world.


In closing, I want to say to KK...if you think a certain few in the area are unethical (as you define ethical) then you should go your own way and leave them to their so called, mischief.


If you want to be the geo-police and replace containers you think have been compromised, follow behind everyone with your nose up their tookus trying to dictate behavior, deem yourself the Great Caching Guru of the area, then do so. Go your own way, and be done with all the drama.


But the problems the group is having locally should be handled locally. Bringing all this drama to the gc forums, is a waste of time because there is no way anyone outside our local community would be able to know all sides.


You need to get on your high horse and ride it somewhere else. Riding it here will just keep degenerating into a flame fest by people who have no idea what is actually going on locally, good, bad, or indifferent!


One last caveat to the OP... if you start sending me threatening emails like you have done to the others you have been referring to, I will not sit on my laurels as they have, and let things slide, hoping you will just go away. I will take copies of any threatening/blackmailing emails sent to me and hand them over to the local authorities and start proceedings to prosecute you for harassment. liable, defamation of character, and anything else I can dig out of the State Penal Code that fits. I have already spoken to local law enforcement about this subject and they assure me I would have no trouble getting a prosecution if you start writing the same threating things to me as you have the others. I'm retired just like you and have lots of time for such projects.


So you have a decision to make... Bow out gracefully now, and go your own way, playing the game as you see fit and leaving the so called "derelicts" beneath you, setting an example for what you call "ethics",




Continue to try to justify some highfalutin' notion that you have been granted the crown and scepter to police all caching activity, good or bad, in the local area, NC, and in anywhere else you think you can stick your nose.


Which will it be?


Note to Moderator:


This thread should be closed and locked before it gets any worse. This is a local matter.

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That's ok, Konnarock - I've asked the admins to throw me off the same message board too. Idiots!
Well, there ya go. Between heebinator, Konnarock Kid & Marge, that makes three people. Based on past experience, that's all it takes to form a new internet group (something like forming a new church).


The next step in the process is for someone to get ticked off and go pull all his/her caches and archive them.


The only other thing I'm gonna say is I better not get hit by any flying geocaches when I'm up there later this week. Plus I better not find any "watered down" caches (eeewwwww).


Please come caching in our area... you will not find flying caches or watered down caches... the 'watered down cache' is not what everyone is thinking... the cache was located on an island in the middle of a lake... it was wet with nothing more than H20.

Again, the folks in the area are the best... there has been a little ill feelings in our group for several months, but it is no different in probably any caching group. There are different sides to every story and not all have been told here on this thread. I care deeply for the people who have replied to this thread and well as the rest of our group. Unless you have heard the facts from all sides then there is no reason for this thread to continue.


Come on to the tri-cities... the best people around and more caches of every type than you can count!


I fully agree that there are always two sides of a story. One right and one wrong! I made my opinions based on only one side. The side that abhors destroying another cacher's cache and obsessing about another cacher's personal life. No one is perfect and I am last in the perfection line but I learned at a very early age that you don't take ANYONE"S property without permission and you certainly cannot condone wanton vandalism!

Edited by Konnarock Kid & Marge
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Ok, I've had about enough of this. While I dearly LOATH even coming into these forums, this thread is/has become a COMPLETE abomination perpetrated by the OP.


I am a member of the local group and lurk on the group website quite frequently. The OP is the one who started stirring this pot locally. He was banned because of his threatening PM's. Also, there were at least 3 threads that were locked by 3 DIFFERENT moderators or admins, including BLabman (who has posted above and seems to have selective memory on the subject) for being out of line and publicly attacking others in the group. I have seen a copy of at least 1 of the PM's that was written on June 22. It was threatening and referred to blackmail you were going to carry out if you bothered, when it was you doing the bothering.


I have seen the blackmail picture the OP has continued to threaten to post the the cache in question. In fact he posted it today on the cache page.


The truth of the matter is, the picture was taken at a totally different cache, not the one in question. Additionally, it shows no vandalism whatsoever. It just shows 3 cachers having fun. The cache the OP is referring to has no trees where the container is hidden as other pictures on the cache page show. It's an island with shale and scrub, some trees but not close to the cache.


BLabman... if you want to know the other side of the story, why don't you ask the other parties in question? And that is not the group site admins. They are just trying to maintain some semblance of order and have guidelines to cover misbehavior, which you and I both know the OP has been GROSSLY guilty of.


BTW, do not forget the OP has been banned from the group site only for posting messages and PM's. He can go in just like any other guest, and read all he wants, except for 4 threads. The site is open to anyone for that. He just can't post because he can't behave.


This had gotten way too long. There is way more to be told though. Now I am going to leave it at what I have said and get the heck back to the "real" world.


In closing, I want to say to KK...if you think a certain few in the area are unethical (as you define ethical) then you should go your own way and leave them to their so called, mischief.


If you want to be the geo-police and replace containers you think have been compromised, follow behind everyone with your nose up their tookus trying to dictate behavior, deem yourself the Great Caching Guru of the area, then do so. Go your own way, and be done with all the drama.


But the problems the group is having locally should be handled locally. Bringing all this drama to the gc forums, is a waste of time because there is no way anyone outside our local community would be able to know all sides.


You need to get on your high horse and ride it somewhere else. Riding it here will just keep degenerating into a flame fest by people who have no idea what is actually going on locally, good, bad, or indifferent!


One last caveat to the OP... if you start sending me threatening emails like you have done to the others you have been referring to, I will not sit on my laurels as they have, and let things slide, hoping you will just go away. I will take copies of any threatening/blackmailing emails sent to me and hand them over to the local authorities and start proceedings to prosecute you for harassment. liable, defamation of character, and anything else I can dig out of the State Penal Code that fits. I have already spoken to local law enforcement about this subject and they assure me I would have no trouble getting a prosecution if you start writing the same threating things to me as you have the others. I'm retired just like you and have lots of time for such projects.


So you have a decision to make... Bow out gracefully now, and go your own way, playing the game as you see fit and leaving the so called "derelicts" beneath you, setting an example for what you call "ethics",




Continue to try to justify some highfalutin' notion that you have been granted the crown and scepter to police all caching activity, good or bad, in the local area, NC, and in anywhere else you think you can stick your nose.


Which will it be?


Note to Moderator:


This thread should be closed and locked before it gets any worse. This is a local matter.


Seems for a Lurker you know quite a bit about your friends side of the story and her spin on it. I locked the thread because of her friend baiting KK, which happens alot. I think you should climb down from your soapbox and open your eye's. I think the threating attitude you take is alot worse than KK's and those threats are in writing, I also have good friends on the police force here in Bristol, big deal. I have spoken to two cachers who saw the party you praise toss a cache into the weeds and laugh about it if thats who you chose to cache with and praise it does not say alot about your judgement or ethics, so why dont you go back to lurking, it seems to suit you.

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Ok, I've had about enough of this. While I dearly LOATH even coming into these forums, this thread is/has become a COMPLETE abomination perpetrated by the OP.


I am a member of the local group and lurk on the group website quite frequently. The OP is the one who started stirring this pot locally. He was banned because of his threatening PM's. Also, there were at least 3 threads that were locked by 3 DIFFERENT moderators or admins, including BLabman (who has posted above and seems to have selective memory on the subject) for being out of line and publicly attacking others in the group. I have seen a copy of at least 1 of the PM's that was written on June 22. It was threatening and referred to blackmail you were going to carry out if you bothered, when it was you doing the bothering.


I have seen the blackmail picture the OP has continued to threaten to post the the cache in question. In fact he posted it today on the cache page.


The truth of the matter is, the picture was taken at a totally different cache, not the one in question. Additionally, it shows no vandalism whatsoever. It just shows 3 cachers having fun. The cache the OP is referring to has no trees where the container is hidden as other pictures on the cache page show. It's an island with shale and scrub, some trees but not close to the cache.


BLabman... if you want to know the other side of the story, why don't you ask the other parties in question? And that is not the group site admins. They are just trying to maintain some semblance of order and have guidelines to cover misbehavior, which you and I both know the OP has been GROSSLY guilty of.


BTW, do not forget the OP has been banned from the group site only for posting messages and PM's. He can go in just like any other guest, and read all he wants, except for 4 threads. The site is open to anyone for that. He just can't post because he can't behave.


This had gotten way too long. There is way more to be told though. Now I am going to leave it at what I have said and get the heck back to the "real" world.


In closing, I want to say to KK...if you think a certain few in the area are unethical (as you define ethical) then you should go your own way and leave them to their so called, mischief.


If you want to be the geo-police and replace containers you think have been compromised, follow behind everyone with your nose up their tookus trying to dictate behavior, deem yourself the Great Caching Guru of the area, then do so. Go your own way, and be done with all the drama.


But the problems the group is having locally should be handled locally. Bringing all this drama to the gc forums, is a waste of time because there is no way anyone outside our local community would be able to know all sides.


You need to get on your high horse and ride it somewhere else. Riding it here will just keep degenerating into a flame fest by people who have no idea what is actually going on locally, good, bad, or indifferent!


One last caveat to the OP... if you start sending me threatening emails like you have done to the others you have been referring to, I will not sit on my laurels as they have, and let things slide, hoping you will just go away. I will take copies of any threatening/blackmailing emails sent to me and hand them over to the local authorities and start proceedings to prosecute you for harassment. liable, defamation of character, and anything else I can dig out of the State Penal Code that fits. I have already spoken to local law enforcement about this subject and they assure me I would have no trouble getting a prosecution if you start writing the same threating things to me as you have the others. I'm retired just like you and have lots of time for such projects.


So you have a decision to make... Bow out gracefully now, and go your own way, playing the game as you see fit and leaving the so called "derelicts" beneath you, setting an example for what you call "ethics",




Continue to try to justify some highfalutin' notion that you have been granted the crown and scepter to police all caching activity, good or bad, in the local area, NC, and in anywhere else you think you can stick your nose.


Which will it be?


Note to Moderator:


This thread should be closed and locked before it gets any worse. This is a local matter.

There is a posted picture but you do not know what you are talking about. It is the same day but not on the island. The cache was vandalized in another pic. That pic has not been posted!...yet! You were not there so how would you know? There have been others who were eye whitenesses to the loss of caches but again, you were not there either.

Obviously you are friends with the vandal and that's is fine but you do not know what you are talking about. What is your opinion on the other topic of deleting legit cache logs?

Edited by Konnarock Kid & Marge
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Seems for a Lurker you know quite a bit about your friends side of the story and her spin on it. I locked the thread because of her friend baiting KK, which happens alot. I think you should climb down from your soapbox and open your eye's. I think the threating attitude you take is alot worse than KK's and those threats are in writing, I also have good friends on the police force here in Bristol, big deal. I have spoken to two cachers who saw the party you praise toss a cache into the weeds and laugh about it if thats who you chose to cache with and praise it does not say alot about your judgment or ethics, so why dont you go back to lurking, it seems to suit you.


Ah BLabman, you doth assume TOO much...


I know so much because I pay attention.


I was not in any way, shape, or form defending a "her". Your statement above shows me you DEFINITELY have NO idea what KK has been doing behind the scenes.


About the 2 tattlers you so often refer to... did they bother to tell you the "weeds" were a bush and the reason the cache got put back there was because the 2 tattlers got spooked when CC came walking up to the cache? They ran off, thus leaving the "she" holding the bag, so to speak. She had no choice but to replace the cache in a bush, below where the cache had been originally hidden because the male part of the group, that tucked tail and ran, were needed to put the cache back where it belonged. It had to have someone that could climb. She couldn't climb, they did the climbing to get it down. They needed to climb back up to put it back. She put it back as best she could given the circumstances.


Heck it was a cache that was on a GW5 run last year in the Raleigh/Durham area. The fact that the cache got put back within 30 ft of the original hiding place should be considered a success. Anyone who has been in or around A GW knows, after the thundering herd comes through that weekend, a cache could be anywhere.


These 2 also accused the said "she" of logging caches she did not find on the same run. That was/has been proven to be false information also.


Also, you state "I locked the thread because of your friend baiting KK, which happens a lot". Hmmmm, that's not the reason you told everyone at the time. Selective memory must be kicking in. KK has that too. He must be rubbing off on you.


I was not bragging that I had friends on the police force. That shows how much you know. Harassment, liable, defamation, etc are civil law matters. I don't need any police involved in that. Just a really good lawyer.


I made no threats to KK in my post. Unlike what he has been perpetrating, I stated facts. I fully intend to follow through with everything I posted if he starts in on me the way he has harassed several of the members of the group.


No threats here. I will take action.


Another thing you seem to be in the dark about is that KK himself, back about a year or so ago, was encouraging people to trash, throw away, or destroy all the caches of a certain PITA local cacher. There are many witnesses to that tirade, including myself. I don't know how many events I went to that he just wouldn't shut up about CC's behavior and that somebody had to stop him, one way or another. heck, he even sent out emails to local cachers urging them to "out" the cacher in question, telling everyone they should tell all who would listen about the cacher's lifestyle choice. Now if that is not the rantings of a vindictive, person who's lost his marbles, I don't know what is.


The really sad thing about your post and your continued backing of KK in this matter is that YOU TOO have been the target of his wrath, behind your back of course. That's the way he likes to work. He tells you one thing, then another person a different thing, then another, and on and on.


So sad to see you defending someone who so blatantly has been trashing so many members of the group, including you behind your back, for many, many months.


He has been playing all of you all against each other and you all have fallen for it.


As I said before, IF you really want the whole story, then you should ask, in person, ALL of the people KK has been accusing of whatever he has been accusing them of. By ALL I mean there is more than a "she" in the defamed group.

Edited by fluffy&itchy
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There is a posted picture but you do not know what you are talking about. It is the same day but not on the island. The cache was vandalized in another pic. That pic has not been posted!...yet! You were not there so how would you know? There have been others who were eye whitenesses to the loss of caches but again, you were not there either.

Obviously you are friends with the vandal and that's is fine but you do not know what you are talking about. What is your opinion on the other topic of deleting legit cache logs?


KK, Post the dang picture if it will make you feel better. I might warn you though, who was it that took the picture in question? You perhaps?


If you are so against such alleged behavior, why did you participate by taking purported picture of the deed? Could it be that you were the ring leader now trying to back peddle and gain favor with the last few remaining souls who might take pity on your twisted mind?


You and I both know that IF a cache was put in to the drink that day, it was not a "she" that did it. It was a "he". Everyone who was at that cache that day knows who wet that cache. Are you willing to "out" your buddy to make your point?


Bottom line is, you took the picture of the alleged deed. That as much makes you as guilty as your buddy is.

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I was on the boat for a while that day too....




The cache he is referring to, you were not on the boat for. If you were you would have seen who actually did what KK said was done. (along with KK laughing and taking pictures of the person doing it, then bragging about it later on)

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Honest to goodness I thought I was reading about a bunch of teenagers with all of this and these people are retirement age?


You mean grandma and grandpa are acting like out-of-control adolescents? :)


Whoa...that's just...so wrong. :(


He don't know me too well do he Rambler :D

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Honest to goodness I thought I was reading about a bunch of teenagers with all of this and these people are retirement age?


You mean grandma and grandpa are acting like out-of-control adolescents? :)


Whoa...that's just...so wrong. :(


At this point the proper course of action would be for grandpa to pull up on the offenders lawn on a moped and tear it up, along with pelting the house with eggs and soaping the windows..until someone's grandchildren find out and phone the cops. :D

Edited by 4wheelin_fool
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He has been playing all of you all against each other and you all have fallen for it.


Anyway, I wouldn't mind, if this thread is to continue, is instead of dancing around the "facts" and throwing allusions, come on out and present raw facts. "On this date [DATE], I observed ..." This way everyone is on the same page--even the folks who are supposedly there or who might have been witness.


I'm curious, did someone in fact maliciously throw away a cache or was it a case of not being able to return it to it's proper spot? Don't color the action. Say exactly what happened.

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There is a posted picture but you do not know what you are talking about. It is the same day but not on the island. The cache was vandalized in another pic. That pic has not been posted!...yet! You were not there so how would you know? There have been others who were eye whitenesses to the loss of caches but again, you were not there either.

Obviously you are friends with the vandal and that's is fine but you do not know what you are talking about. What is your opinion on the other topic of deleting legit cache logs?


KK, Post the dang picture if it will make you feel better. I might warn you though, who was it that took the picture in question? You perhaps?


If you are so against such alleged behavior, why did you participate by taking purported picture of the deed? Could it be that you were the ring leader now trying to back peddle and gain favor with the last few remaining souls who might take pity on your twisted mind?


You and I both know that IF a cache was put in to the drink that day, it was not a "she" that did it. It was a "he". Everyone who was at that cache that day knows who wet that cache. Are you willing to "out" your buddy to make your point?


Bottom line is, you took the picture of the alleged deed. That as much makes you as guilty as your buddy is.


Where have you been? Yes, it was I who took the pic from the shoreline. No mystery there. I snapped pics all day and does that make me guilty of anything. Maybe being a poor photographer but participating in the deed? I think not.

I also do not sit in judgment of anyone's lifestyle and I would never, never encourage anyone to take/vandalize someone else's cache. NEVER, under any circumstance should that happen. Your fiction writing should be used for a novel.

Folks, isn't it kind of interesting that we have gone from the 'other side of the story' and other denials to pointing fingers at someone else. If the incident didn't happen, as some has claimed, then why blame it on a innocent person who also happened to be there? No one can take part in a cache vandalizing if it didn't happen!

Please folks, don't throw rocks and also note I have made no attempt in identifying anyone. Please keep personal identifying info out of these posts.

There is no need for threats regarding the police being called or any other law enforcement agency getting involved. The only thing I am guilty of is using bad judgment in picking and standing by certain 'friends'.

The whole reason for me posting this topic is not to reveal actual bad caching behavior but to get a mind check on my thoughts and actions. Groundspeak has published some nice rules on the ins and outs of geocaching behavior but in their wisdom, they haven't published a rule covering the original subject of this thread. Why should they? When it gets down to common sense and morality doesn't the Golden Rule or another version of it apply? You certainly wouldn't want your cache taken and/or vandalized so shouldn't you refrain from doing it to others? Thanks.

Edited by Konnarock Kid & Marge
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Feel free to dispute the facts/perceived facts all you want, but remember the Forum Guidelines when you do so.


1. Forum courtesy: Please treat Groundspeak, its employees, volunteers, fellow community members, and guests on these boards with courtesy and respect. Whether a community member has one post or 5,000 posts, they should be treated fairly.


2. Foul language and obscene images will not be tolerated. This site is family-friendly. All forum posts must conform to a family-friendly standard and contributors must act accordingly.


3. Personal attacks and inflammatory behavior will not be tolerated. If you want to praise or criticize, give examples as to why it is good or bad. General attacks on a person or idea will not be tolerated.

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Where have you been? Yes, it was I who took the pic from the shoreline. No mystery there. I snapped pics all day and does that make me guilty of anything. Maybe being a poor photographer but participating in the deed? I think not.


Uh yeah, that makes you guilty of participating in the very deed you are bashing others for. You did not do anything about it, therefore at the least you are guilty by complacency. The group didn't swim to the island, you took them there. It was interesting that you didn't post that anything had happened to that cache until you had a disagreement with someone in the local group.


I also do not sit in judgment of anyone's lifestyle and I would never, never encourage anyone to take/vandalize someone else's cache. NEVER, under any circumstance should that happen. Your fiction writing should be used for a novel.


Now you are just getting silly. Everyone locally here knows you have been trashing a certain alternative lifestyle cacher in the area for who knows how long. Anyone who has been to a local event in the last year and a half to 2 years has had to sit through your rantings and tirades on the subject. There is certainly no shortage of local cachers who can verify that fact for sure. I know you've bent my ear many times on the subject. I also seem to remember an email that was forwarded to me by the 911 crew, where you begged for them to "out" the cacher in question, by sending an email to the mother of a young boy whom the cacher in question had been caching with.


You are right, it never SHOULD happen, but you definitely have advocated doing just that, on NUMEROUS occasions. You and I both know there are MANY witnesses to that also.


You think anyone here is going to conveniently forget having to listen to you go on, and on, and on, about "we need to do this to him, and we need to do that to him, and we can't let him get away with what he is doing". Yes you did advocate all the above against that cacher in question. You relayed it to me and a whole pile of others, constantly.


Folks, isn't it kind of interesting that we have gone from the 'other side of the story' and other denials to pointing fingers at someone else. If the incident didn't happen, as some has claimed, then why blame it on a innocent person who also happened to be there? No one can take part in a cache vandalizing if it didn't happen!


In this thread there have been TWO accusations of TWO separate incidents thrown out here. One having to do with an alleged incident that supposedly happened during GW5 and one having to do with the wetting of a cache log (yes folks it was a cache log sheet, not the cache itself) while you were taking people around to get the lake caches.


You and I both know THE LAKE incident DID actually happen. BUT, you have been trying to pin it on a person who had nothing to do with it. And that statement comes from the person who DID dip the logsheet in the lake!


Now, if you were only present, but from afar, how in the world could you even have seen what has happened, much less be able to get a clear photograph of ANYTHING going on there? The cache in question was a micro. Did the parrot on your should spy it with his much clearer eye site, then whisper it in your ear or were you perhaps standing on your boat, telescope in hand, watching the every move the offending party was making?


Please folks, don't throw rocks and also note I have made no attempt in identifying anyone. Please keep personal identifying info out of these posts.


You have, behind the scenes, tried to do just that. You have threatened , cajoled, whined, bitched, and moaned about all this stuff for going on 2 years now. That is why you were finally banned from PM's and posting on the local club site... you just wouldn't stop with the crap. Just this week, through PM's and phone calls to local cachers, you have threatened to post the said picture, AGAIN, for the umpteenth time. Even here you have threatened to post a picture of a cacher(s) purportedly destroying the lake cache. Well, post the dang picture already. If it is really the proof you say, POST IT!


Of course you and I both know posting that picture will implicate the person (your buddy) that actually wet the logsheet. Isn't that why you told him you weren't going to post it? Because he is in the picture? At least that is what you told him when you talked to him last.


If you are so naive as to think the rest of the group does not share what goes on with each other, you are sadly mistaken.


The only thing I am guilty of is using bad judgment in picking and standing by certain 'friends'.

The whole reason for me posting this topic is not to reveal actual bad caching behavior but to get a mind check on my thoughts and actions. Groundspeak has published some nice rules on the ins and outs of geocaching behavior but in their wisdom, they haven't published a rule covering the original subject of this thread. Why should they? When it gets down to common sense and morality doesn't the Golden Rule or another version of it apply? You certainly wouldn't want your cache taken and/or vandalized so shouldn't you refrain from doing it to others? Thanks.


Geez 'o pete, KK, are you not old enough to know what is correct behavior and what is not, no matter what the subject? Do you really have to come to a public forum and lay out your obsessions, so that someone can tell you what is right or wrong?


Give me a break. You OP'd here because everyone back home had finally stopped listening to your rants and you had no one to rant to anymore.


If you so starved for attention that you have to get your moral compass from the gc.com forums, you are in sadder shape that we all thought.


The best thing for you to do is:


1. go on about your business and disassociate yourself from the ones whom you think have done wrong




2. apologize for all the fiction you have been spewing for nigh on to 2 years now, and start to heal the wounds you have so kept raw over these last 2 years.


Number 1 would probably be your best bet as I know FOR SURE everyone here would look forward to that happening.


Note to Coyote Red:


Yes the other incident about weeds was a cache that was not put back exactly where it was suppposed to go. It was put back on the ground, in a bush, as opposed to being put back over head.


Now I'm going to go out and cache. I've got better things to do that to sit in here and listen to the rantings of a person who is so obviously lost his marbles.


KK it is you who needs to go away and leave everyone alone. The whole local area would be better off for it.

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Please keep to the facts everyone. This has got nothing to do with defending a close friend with made up versions of the past. As far as I know there were at least eight people who witnessed the above described events. They were very neutral and bore no grudge until they saw what happened. They too felt victimized like the caches were. No, they were not guilty of anything but being in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong people! I am not alone in my questioning of this behavior!

The original topic was what would you do if you found yourself in the same situation. Thanks.

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... Uh yeah, that makes you guilty of participating in the very deed you are bashing others for. You did not do anything about it, therefore at the least you are guilty by complacency. The group didn't swim to the island, you took them there.


... In this thread there have been TWO accusations of TWO separate incidents thrown out here. One having to do with an alleged incident that supposedly happened during GW5 and one having to do with the wetting of a cache log (yes folks it was a cache log sheet, not the cache itself) while you were taking people around to get the lake caches.


... You and I both know THE LAKE incident DID actually happen. BUT, you have been trying to pin it on a person who had nothing to do with it. And that statement comes from the person who DID dip the logsheet in the lake!


... Yes the other incident about weeds was a cache that was not put back exactly where it was suppposed to go. It was put back on the ground, in a bush, as opposed to being put back over head.

Wait! I'm confused, I think!


Do the above quoted lines say that the cache trashing and intentional misplacing did in fact happen?


If so the rest of the family feud and finger-pointing is irrelevant... the point remains that it did happen and should not have.

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... Uh yeah, that makes you guilty of participating in the very deed you are bashing others for. You did not do anything about it, therefore at the least you are guilty by complacency. The group didn't swim to the island, you took them there.


... In this thread there have been TWO accusations of TWO separate incidents thrown out here. One having to do with an alleged incident that supposedly happened during GW5 and one having to do with the wetting of a cache log (yes folks it was a cache log sheet, not the cache itself) while you were taking people around to get the lake caches.


... You and I both know THE LAKE incident DID actually happen. BUT, you have been trying to pin it on a person who had nothing to do with it. And that statement comes from the person who DID dip the logsheet in the lake!


... Yes the other incident about weeds was a cache that was not put back exactly where it was suppposed to go. It was put back on the ground, in a bush, as opposed to being put back over head.

Wait! I'm confused, I think!


Do the above quoted lines say that the cache trashing and intentional misplacing did in fact happen?


If so the rest of the family feud and finger-pointing is irrelevant... the point remains that it did happen and should not have.


You are absolutely correct in your assumption. It did happen and should not have. The only point I would make now is don't get so mad any any other cachers that you would resort to doing something that you probably would not ordinarily do! Life is too short and the game of geocaching is too fun for that! Thanks.

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and explained my reasons for rejecting their friendship. I went further to say that if the behavior didn't stop, I would publish the photo showing the cache destruction.


That threat was probably what got you banned. I suspect it would get you banned here as well. It is unfortunate that you said that, because the rest was probably constructive. Simply expressing your opinions to the person should have been sufficient. If the behavior didn't stop, and you still wanted to, then post the photo, but without the threats... just do it.

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I'm putting my money on Fluffy by KO in the third round.

AR, you called IBTL too soon... there hadn't even been any moderator warnings yet.


But Quiggle's posted the first warning, so.... IBTL!!!


I'm just glad I'm bringing my hard-hat and steel-toed boots on my trip up there this evening/tomorrow. :ph34r:

Edited by J-Way
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and explained my reasons for rejecting their friendship. I went further to say that if the behavior didn't stop, I would publish the photo showing the cache destruction.


That threat was probably what got you banned. I suspect it would get you banned here as well. It is unfortunate that you said that, because the rest was probably constructive. Simply expressing your opinions to the person should have been sufficient. If the behavior didn't stop, and you still wanted to, then post the photo, but without the threats... just do it.

Good point and I agree. Maybe the approach was wrong but I didn't publish because of innocent people being present. Thanks.

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Seems for a Lurker you know quite a bit about your friends side of the story and her spin on it. I locked the thread because of her friend baiting KK, which happens alot. I think you should climb down from your soapbox and open your eye's. I think the threating attitude you take is alot worse than KK's and those threats are in writing, I also have good friends on the police force here in Bristol, big deal. I have spoken to two cachers who saw the party you praise toss a cache into the weeds and laugh about it if thats who you chose to cache with and praise it does not say alot about your judgment or ethics, so why dont you go back to lurking, it seems to suit you.


Ah BLabman, you doth assume TOO much...


I know so much because I pay attention.


Only evidently to what suits your side of the story and not the facts.


I was not in any way, shape, or form defending a "her". Your statement above shows me you DEFINITELY have NO idea what KK has been doing behind the scenes.


About the 2 tattlers you so often refer to... did they bother to tell you the "weeds" were a bush and the reason the cache got put back there was because the 2 tattlers got spooked when CC came walking up to the cache? They ran off, thus leaving the "she" holding the bag, so to speak. She had no choice but to replace the cache in a bush, below where the cache had been originally hidden because the male part of the group, that tucked tail and ran, were needed to put the cache back where it belonged. It had to have someone that could climb. She couldn't climb, they did the climbing to get it down. They needed to climb back up to put it back. She put it back as best she could given the circumstances.


Heck it was a cache that was on a GW5 run last year in the Raleigh/Durham area. The fact that the cache got put back within 30 ft of the original hiding place should be considered a success. Anyone who has been in or around A GW knows, after the thundering herd comes through that weekend, a cache could be anywhere.


Glad to hear you admit to the fact the cache was tossed aside and not replaced. I got a different version from others than this story and you left out the part about the laughing and the statement lets see him find this one.


These 2 also accused the said "she" of logging caches she did not find on the same run. That was/has been proven to be false information also.


Also, you state "I locked the thread because of your friend baiting KK, which happens a lot". Hmmmm, that's not the reason you told everyone at the time. Selective memory must be kicking in. KK has that too. He must be rubbing off on you.


I made no such statement, seems like misstating things is your style, no matter what spin you put on it.

"I stated that the thread op had created another thread because this one has went way off topic."

Again you are stating second hand info with a spin on it.


I was not bragging that I had friends on the police force. That shows how much you know. Harassment, liable, defamation, etc are civil law matters. I don't need any police involved in that. Just a really good lawyer.


Please reread your post #56 about Law Enforcement, and I have friends who are Lawyers and a Judge, I understand that a private message was sent to an individual and they chose to make it public, not the person sending it. As for defamation no names were mentioned till you publicly have stated things about KK by name. I am told that may be considered defamation in a public forum.


I made no threats to KK in my post. Unlike what he has been perpetrating, I stated facts. I fully intend to follow through with everything I posted if he starts in on me the way he has harassed several of the members of the group.


Not facts just you8r twisted version of them.


No threats here. I will take action.


Another thing you seem to be in the dark about is that KK himself, back about a year or so ago, was encouraging people to trash, throw away, or destroy all the caches of a certain PITA local cacher. There are many witnesses to that tirade, including myself. I don't know how many events I went to that he just wouldn't shut up about CC's behavior and that somebody had to stop him, one way or another. heck, he even sent out emails to local cachers urging them to "out" the cacher in question, telling everyone they should tell all who would listen about the cacher's lifestyle choice. Now if that is not the rantings of a vindictive, person who's lost his marbles, I don't know what is.


I was at that Febuary meeting and I believe most of the ranting was done by the person you are defending, who has cyber stalked CC for years now.


The really sad thing about your post and your continued backing of KK in this matter is that YOU TOO have been the target of his wrath, behind your back of course. That's the way he likes to work. He tells you one thing, then another person a different thing, then another, and on and on.


So sad to see you defending someone who so blatantly has been trashing so many members of the group, including you behind your back, for many, many months.


No matter how many doubts you try to plant, I am not that weak of mind to let you play that game.


He has been playing all of you all against each other and you all have fallen for it.


I belive the people playing other people are the people you are defending not KK, he has been played and baited right out of the forum. I often disagree with KK and I tell him so when I do.


As I said before, IF you really want the whole story, then you should ask, in person, ALL of the people KK has been accusing of whatever he has been accusing them of. By ALL I mean there is more than a "she" in the defamed group.

Edited by B-Labman
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But the problems the group is having locally should be handled locally. Bringing all this drama to the gc forums, is a waste of time because there is no way anyone outside our local community would be able to know all sides.


... deleted blah blah blah deleted ...


Note to Moderator:

This thread should be closed and locked before it gets any worse. This is a local matter.

First, I believe that only the OP can close a thread by simply requesting the moderators do so. However, if this thread keeps up the current state of name-calling, threats, and general hostile nature, it will be closed fairly soon anyway.


Next, and most important, it's hard to truely define a problem as a "local" problem. Geocaching.com is a worldwide listing service, and people come from all over to cache in all locations. In your area, for instance, lots of people come from all over the country to watch drivers take left turns again and again and again around a little circle (maybe their right blinkers are broken???) a couple of times a year. These people might also be cachers, and wouldn't appreciate getting caught in a drive-by because of a local geo-gang war (bringing the game "film-can toss" to a whole new level).


I'm not from your area, but I'm driving there this afternoon on a business trip. While looking around for local caches to hunt, I've already ruled out hunting for a few caches that feature language to the affect that legitimate find logs can be deleted at any time. And I really don't want to waste my limited caching time hunting for caches that have been stolen in a retaliatory raid.


If this keeps up, I wouldn't be surprised if TPTB (Groundspeak Powers That Be, not the local The Powers That Wanna Be) step in and start making a few threats themselves.

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