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Help with custom GSAK map for Finland


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Dear cachers from Finland,


maybe some of you know the Geocaching Swiss Army Knife Tool GSAK.

For some time, this great tool has the option to support custom maps for individual countries and/or provinces.


As the number of maps provided for this great tool is slowly rising, I have started on making a map for Finland, so finnish cachers can make custom maps for their profile pages like this example map.


Now, as I'm not from Finland, I tried my best to get the names of the local provinces right (as source, I used wikipedia). But I just wanted to ask for confirmation, if the names I'm using are still up to date and correct.


I would appreciate, if some local cachers could evaluate the given names:


Finland -> Suomi

Province -> lääni

Provinces -> läänit

Åland -> Ahvenanmaan lääni

Lapland -> Lapin lääni

Oulu -> Oulun lääni

Eastern Finland -> Itä-Suomen lääni

Western Finland -> Länsi-Suomen lääni

Southern Finland -> Etelä-Suomen lääni

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Dear cachers from Finland,


maybe some of you know the Geocaching Swiss Army Knife Tool GSAK.

For some time, this great tool has the option to support custom maps for individual countries and/or provinces.


As the number of maps provided for this great tool is slowly rising, I have started on making a map for Finland, so finnish cachers can make custom maps for their profile pages like this example map.


Now, as I'm not from Finland, I tried my best to get the names of the local provinces right (as source, I used wikipedia). But I just wanted to ask for confirmation, if the names I'm using are still up to date and correct.


I would appreciate, if some local cachers could evaluate the given names:


Finland -> Suomi

Province -> lääni

Provinces -> läänit

Åland -> Ahvenanmaan lääni

Lapland -> Lapin lääni

Oulu -> Oulun lääni

Eastern Finland -> Itä-Suomen lääni

Western Finland -> Länsi-Suomen lääni

Southern Finland -> Etelä-Suomen lääni


Hi! I have noticed these in latest GSAK and being somewhat jealous that Finland doesn't have these yet. These lääni's are quite ok, but I would rather see Maakunnat in this map. Please If you could visit this link to see what it has to offer. Since we nowadays have only 6 provinces, the map would very soon be full, or at least half-full with just a couple of visits in some cities.

If we could use these maakunnat instead, the map wouldn´t get full so soon, and it would tell more precisely, where one has visited / found caches.


How about other Finnish fellow-cachers, who happen to read this, what do you think, läänit vs. maakunnat?

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How about other Finnish fellow-cachers, who happen to read this, what do you think, läänit vs. maakunnat?

Maakunnat is unquestionably better choice. Läänit is not a practical sorting method for geocaching purposes. In addition, there's a fairly good chance that läänit will be abolished in the near future.

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Ok, I'll see what I can do. But this might take some time and I would have to talk with lignumaqua (the creator of the FindStatGen macro) if it would be ok to use these maakunnat.


Just a quick question:

Maakunnat is the plural? Or is it singular and Maakunta is plural?

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Ok, I'll see what I can do. But this might take some time and I would have to talk with lignumaqua (the creator of the FindStatGen macro) if it would be ok to use these maakunnat.


Just a quick question:

Maakunnat is the plural? Or is it singular and Maakunta is plural?


Maakunta = Region is singular

Maakunnat = Regions is plural


I hope that these would make to the macro. And thank you for your effort.

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Ok, I'll see what I can do. But this might take some time and I would have to talk with lignumaqua (the creator of the FindStatGen macro) if it would be ok to use these maakunnat.


Just a quick question:

Maakunnat is the plural? Or is it singular and Maakunta is plural?


Maakunta = Region is singular

Maakunnat = Regions is plural


I hope that these would make to the macro. And thank you for your effort.

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Thanks for the feedback and the translation help. I get the map and definition file ready. Now I'll wor on the flags or coat of arms.


Have already contacted lignumaqua what he thinks would be better. Maybe he puts up both versions so users from Finland could test both.

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Ok, lignumaqua has uploaded the maps and the dat-files (even the Finland map definition file with the maakunta)


So please go ahead and test them. But you would have to add the maakunta information manually to the "state" field within GSAK. I have used the finnish names of the regions as they were given in this wiki article (Lappi, Pohjanmaa etc.)


Edit: A quick test by myself worked quite ok so far. But there seems to be issues with the coloring of Uusimaa, Itä-Uusimaa and Pohjanmaa. Also, the found numbers need some better placement. But it looks as if all maakunta are being recognized.

Edited by Astartus
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I tested mapfile few times. At first I had strange problems - cumulative founds by month chart appeared three times on my profile. I deleted all files that had something to do with maps and then installed them again and everything started to work all right.


You can see example of finnish map in my profile. Biggest problem is that you should manually write "maakunta"-information into gsak - too much work for me. If just somebody could macro, that writes that information for me...

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Can you post a link where to find this map/dat files..Should they be in gsak forum


edit: Found it..Sorry.


edit: First test: I didn't get Itä-uusimaa colored..uusimaa did get colour. Itä-uusimaa seems to be quite large compared to what it really is but if this is just test map its ok for testing. for better visibility.


I agree with Kuki. How could these finnish caches have their state value? Should we try to get this information in geocaching.com or what information is needed to have these automaticly. That would be quite a work to be filled manually

Edited by small oaks
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Yeah, adding the maakunta information manually is pretty time consuming.

But maybe using the "Global Replace" option for a number of filtered caches (maybe caches in a radius of a given central point of a maakunta) could speed this process up.


Of course best way would be to make gc.com support these informations like they did with german "Bundesländer" (which got the stone rolling for custom country maps).


Another possible way are the new GetCountry() and GetCounty() in the GSAK Makro language, which uses a number of rectangles, to determine if a cache lies in a specific zone (for example a maakunta) or not.

Making some prototype rectangles shouldn't be a problem, but for curved maakunat borders, this could also get time consuming.


I'll look into the coloring problems for the 3 maakunat, and will see if I can place the numbers a bit better.

Edited by Astartus
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This thread in GC.com Web Site forum seem to be related. Discussion have been going on for a long time... There's also discussion about läänit vs. maakunnat in Finland near the beginning of the thread.


Cacher kdv has composed a list of states/provinces/regions/whatever in different countries: http://www.inlinea.biz/geocaching/countrylist.xls.

Maybe Groundspeak will add support for those, but don't know when.

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Just uploaded v.02 of the map definition file.


This should fix a missing coat of arms image, and should place the find numbers a bit better on the map. Strangly, I can't find a solution for the uncoloring of Uusimaa, Itä-Uusimaa and Pohjanmaa. When I create a test-DB with caches only in these counties, and run the makro, it will color Ahvenanmaa.

But I will keep looking into this issue.

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I definitely would include it, as it is a part of Finland.

I agree with ekhoc.


Tried this new version of map definition file and opened new MyFinds pocket query. Unfortunately it reseted all State-information, that I inserted yesterday.. I manually inserted state for two caches, one in Kymenlaakso and one in Uusimaa. Now I have Kymenlaakso and Ahvenanmaa colored, below map is displayed one cache in Kymenlaakso and one in Ahvenanmaa.


Example in my profile

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Yeah, I noticed that 3 maakunat will color the island of Ahvenanmaa. I have no idea why this happens, but I'll look into the issue.


Regarding the overwriting of the state-infos: There are 2 makros, that are capable of backuping your state-info to a single file, so you can refresh it everytime you should overwrite the data with a new MyFinds PQ.


Edited by Astartus
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Thanks for all the help.


A new version of the map definition file will be posted soon. There is still an internal bug in GSAK, that prevents Uusimaa and Pohjanmaa to be colored correctly (as the tool finds these names in Itä-Uusimaa and Keski-Pohjanmaa, which confuses the tool).

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I have now made state attribute to all of our finds. Profile page look like this... Only Itä-uusimaa is left without color. Numbers are not 100 % right.

Filtering made it much faster to set these states and then used that global replace function. I'd better learn how to backup these before next my finds gpx file.


Does it make difference if you leave - out and write ItäUusimaa and KeskiUusimaa..It is not right way to write them but I think this is not so dead serious matter..


Waiting for a next update. But this is quite good already. Thanks.

Edited by small oaks
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Thanks for the feedback. Lignumaqua helped me alot in tracing this nasty bug down, that didn't color some of the states. Luckily he was able to fix this bug in both the normal and the beta version.


I have posted the most actual version on the GSAK boards. I would appreciate feedback by local cachers. The map file is still in beta status, but if it should look good and no further bugs appear, I might make it final.

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Hello small oaks,

thanks for your reply.


Regarding the numbers that are placed outside the regions:

I had the feeling that some of the regions are simply to small for larger numbers (like 3 digit number) to be placed into, or else parts of the number would be placed onto borders and then the number would become unreadable.

Therefore I moved some of the numbers to the outside of the region and added the 2-letter abbreviation to make the number distinguishable.


I have to admit that this isn't the most comfortable solution, but I think one could live with it. But as the file is still in Beta status, I might still edit some of the number palcements when I get more feedback from other finnish users. Your profile has already showed me some spots where the placement could need some tweaking.


I'll add this to the future v0.6 release.

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Regarding the numbers that are placed outside the regions:

I had the feeling that some of the regions are simply to small for larger numbers (like 3 digit number) to be placed into, or else parts of the number would be placed onto borders and then the number would become unreadable.

Therefore I moved some of the numbers to the outside of the region and added the 2-letter abbreviation to make the number distinguishable.


I have to admit that this isn't the most comfortable solution, but I think one could live with it. But as the file is still in Beta status, I might still edit some of the number palcements when I get more feedback from other finnish users. Your profile has already showed me some spots where the placement could need some tweaking.


I'll add this to the future v0.6 release.


In my opinion, numbers outside of the regions are quite ok. However, if it's possible to add little more space at the bottom of the map and move numbers directly below the regions, it would be even better.



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Thanks for your replies, guys.

I have to admit and agree, that the numbers for Uusimaa are pretty close to the border of the map, and therefore look a bit strange.


Small problem ist, that the map image is already 400 pixels in height, a value lignumaqua has requested the maps to be atmax.


But your idea, Shambbu, sounds pretty easy with a hopefully good-looking result. Therefore I might ask lignumaqua if it would be ok, to add another 20-25 pixel to the bottom of the map and to move the numbers (on the right side of Finland) down a bit.

Edited by Astartus
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Hello again guys,


I have talked to lignumaqua and he wouldn't mind the map image to exceed the limit of 400 pixel. Therefore I have created to possible solutions, and used small oaks find stats (hope you don't mind), to see how the map could look with some additional pixels at the bottom.


Option 1 has only added 10 pixels to the bottom

Option 2 has 15 pixels added

I don't think there need t be more space than this.


What do you guys like more? And is the placement of the numbers ok this way? Or are there other suggestions?

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I prefer first choise also.


If numbers in south are anyways below the map would it be nice to have a bit bigger uusimaa and Itä-uusimaa a bit smaller like they really are. So move that Uusimaas eastern border a bit more to east.


Mrs: I prefer UM for uusimaa

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Ok, increased the size of Uusimaa and decreased the size of Itä-Uusimaa. New possible map- Is this better? Please don't make me rework ALL of the borders.


I'll think about the 2-letter abreviation for Uusimaa. Anyone know if there is an offical list of 2-letter abbreviations for the regions?


Map looks great now. Thanks!

I think there is no official 2-letter abbreviations of regions in Finland. I agree with Kuki and small oaks, UM is logically better than US, because actually Uusimaa consist of two words; uusi (=new) and maa (=land).

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I would use:

LA <- Lappi

PP <- Pohjois-Pohjanmaa

KA <- Kainuu

PK <- Pohjoiskarjala

PS <- Pohjoissavo

ES <- Eteläsavo

EP <- Etelä-Pohjanmaa

PM <- Pohjanmaa

Pi <- Pirkanmaa

St <- Satakunta

KP <- Keski-Pohjanmaa

KS <- Keskisuomi

VS <- Varsinaissuomi

EK <- Eteläkarjala

PH <- Päijät-Häme

Hä <- Häme

UM <- Uusimaa

IU <- Itä-Uusimaa

KL <- Kymenlaakso

A <- Ahvenanmaa


Partially based on butterfly collectors page (regions in natural science)

Edited by Tervas
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St <- Satakunta

Why LA but Pi? What's the logic?


Sorry the inconsistence :D

La or even just L for Lappi, Ka for Kainuu... same logic with the others:

two capital letters for compounds, single letter or Xx -format for single word places.

My list was just to raise some discussion, and I apparently succeeded


Errors in names, e.g. Eteläsavo is Etelä-Savo etc.

I ran out the supply of "-" sign :lol:


Astartus, could you publish a list of the abbreviations you have now in use.

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First column of abbreviations are currently found in FindStatGenMapFinland.dat file second is the maakunta and third is new suggestion..if any. Correct if something is wrong. Map suggestion was great.


AH =Ahvenanmaa ->AM

EK =Etelä-Karjalan

EP =Etelä-Pohjanmaa

ES =Etelä-Savo

IU =Itä-Uusimaa

KH =Kanta-Häme

KL =Kymenlaakso

KP =Keski-Pohjanmaa

KS =Keski-Suomi

KU =Kainuu->KA

LP =Lappi->LA

PA =Pohjanmaa->PM

PH =Päijät-Häme

PJ =Pirkanmaa->PI (as Pohjanmaa is PM)

PK =Pohjois-Karjala

PP =Pohjois-Pohjanmaa

PS =Pohjois-Savo

SK =Satakunta

US =Uusimaa->UM

VS =Varsinais-Suomi

NN =Nil

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First column of abbreviations are currently found in FindStatGenMapFinland.dat file second is the maakunta and third is new suggestion..if any. Correct if something is wrong. Map suggestion was great.


AH =Ahvenanmaa ->AM



Let's not forget what language the majority (> 90 %) of the people on Åland Islands do speak as their first lagnuage. (Hint: it's definitely not finnish.)


AH = Åland (Ahvenanmaa)->AL (or ÅL, if it doesn't cause software trouble) not AM

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First column of abbreviations are currently found in FindStatGenMapFinland.dat file second is the maakunta and third is new suggestion..if any. Correct if something is wrong. Map suggestion was great.


AH =Ahvenanmaa ->AM

EK =Etelä-Karjalan

EP =Etelä-Pohjanmaa

ES =Etelä-Savo

IU =Itä-Uusimaa

KH =Kanta-Häme

KL =Kymenlaakso

KP =Keski-Pohjanmaa

KS =Keski-Suomi

KU =Kainuu->KA

LP =Lappi->LA

PA =Pohjanmaa->PM

PH =Päijät-Häme

PJ =Pirkanmaa->PI (as Pohjanmaa is PM)

PK =Pohjois-Karjala

PP =Pohjois-Pohjanmaa

PS =Pohjois-Savo

SK =Satakunta

US =Uusimaa->UM

VS =Varsinais-Suomi

NN =Nil


Looks good, I support this list with the suggested corrections. + Åland=AL

Edited by Tervas
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First column of abbreviations are currently found in FindStatGenMapFinland.dat file second is the maakunta and third is new suggestion..if any. Correct if something is wrong. Map suggestion was great.


AH =Ahvenanmaa ->AM

EK =Etelä-Karjalan

EP =Etelä-Pohjanmaa

ES =Etelä-Savo

IU =Itä-Uusimaa

KH =Kanta-Häme

KL =Kymenlaakso

KP =Keski-Pohjanmaa

KS =Keski-Suomi

KU =Kainuu->KA

LP =Lappi->LA

PA =Pohjanmaa->PM

PH =Päijät-Häme

PJ =Pirkanmaa->PI (as Pohjanmaa is PM)

PK =Pohjois-Karjala

PP =Pohjois-Pohjanmaa

PS =Pohjois-Savo

SK =Satakunta

US =Uusimaa->UM

VS =Varsinais-Suomi

NN =Nil


I agree with lq about the Ahvenanmaa situation. To respect their native language

AH =Ahvenanmaa (Åland) ->ÅL (or AL)

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Thanks guys, I will try to make a new map definition file ready sometime this week. I will also send the new map of Finland to lignumaqua then.


Regarding the Åland issue:

I will make up my mind if I should keep the name Ahvenmaa (as it is an adminsitrative and historical region and province of Finland) or if I should use the swedish name of Åland Islands, to respect their native language.

It's a tough decision.

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Hey guys,

thanks for all the feedback.


I renamed Ahvenanmaa to Åland and made some adjustments to the map. If you have the maakunat Ahvenanmaa, please make sure to rename it in the database (global replace should do it after filtering for the name).


The newest version can be found here.

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You can see new map with my stats here.


In geocaching.com, Åland is a different coutry (Aland Islands) and not a region of Finland as it should be. So it's not coming to GSAK's Finland map unless one changes country/state info manually.


OT: For some reason GSAK's Europe map seems to include two Estonian islands (Hiiumaa and Saaremaa) to Finland, but not Åland.

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Hello Shambbu,


yeah,Åland is a constant thorn in my side. On the one hand, GC.com has it as a seperate land to search for, on the other hand it is official part of Finland, even if it has it's own government.


Therefore I decided to include it in the map definition file. There aren't that many caches in Åland, so changing them manually to be shown on the Finland map should be possible. Or just let them be.

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