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Need Beware the Baboons in attributes.

Zork V

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I saw this thread yesterday and still have the same opinion. If you're going to add any sort of attribute, it would be "Dangerous Animals". It covers not only baboons, but bears in some areas. Perhaps not the stalking deer in my area, though... Anyway, something like that would fit better since it is multi-use.


As an alternative, you could stick the "Dangerous Area" attribute on it.


Slightly off topic:

But, really, how useless are the attributes when most of us do paperless caching? The attributes are NOT included in the GPX files, so we will never see them. It is best to put the attributes directly in your listing.

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I'm actually thinking that a generic "dangerous animal/and or watch out for animals" would be a good thing. It would be a catch all. Right now we have snakes, ticks and livestock. But there are so much more that people could run into. Off the top of my head: spiders, bears, cougars, raccons, baboons, etc. We could make an attribute for every one of them, and that's ok if that's what groundpeak is willing to do, or we could make one generic one.

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I'm actually thinking that a generic "dangerous animal/and or watch out for animals" would be a good thing. It would be a catch all. Right now we have snakes, ticks and livestock. But there are so much more that people could run into. Off the top of my head: spiders, bears, cougars, raccons, baboons, etc. We could make an attribute for every one of them, and that's ok if that's what groundpeak is willing to do, or we could make one generic one.


In this context, what does "ok" mean?


"....and that's ok if...." :anitongue:<_<<_<

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I'm actually thinking that a generic "dangerous animal/and or watch out for animals" would be a good thing. It would be a catch all. Right now we have snakes, ticks and livestock. But there are so much more that people could run into. Off the top of my head: spiders, bears, cougars, raccons, baboons, etc. We could make an attribute for every one of them, and that's ok if that's what groundpeak is willing to do, or we could make one generic one.


In this context, what does "ok" mean?


"....and that's ok if...." <_<<_<<_<

I'm not sure what your question is? It's ok to me if Groundspeak plans to make a new attribute for every animal that people come up with, or, we could put a stop to the madness now and just make a generic "umbrella" one.


(heehee, I snuck umbrella into the subject) :anitongue:

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I'm actually thinking that a generic "dangerous animal/and or watch out for animals" would be a good thing. It would be a catch all. Right now we have snakes, ticks and livestock. But there are so much more that people could run into. Off the top of my head: spiders, bears, cougars, raccons, baboons, etc. We could make an attribute for every one of them, and that's ok if that's what groundpeak is willing to do, or we could make one generic one.


In this context, what does "ok" mean?


"....and that's ok if...." <_<<_<<_<

I'm not sure what your question is? It's ok to me if Groundspeak plans to make a new attribute for every animal that people come up with, or, we could put a stop to the madness now and just make a generic "umbrella" one.


(heehee, I snuck umbrella into the subject) :anitongue:


Just wanted to be certain that you weren't being serious. Thanks. <_<:angry:<_<

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