+Foinavon Posted August 24, 2007 Posted August 24, 2007 It was a bit early for that kind of thing but at about 8.00am this morning the local youths where shouting abuse at me when I returned to the car from a quick find on the way to work. Its just as well they didn't see me rooting around in the bushes. How common is this nowadays. Do we need a new icon "beware of chavs" for particular caches? It could be a baseball cap!
+Team Sieni Posted August 24, 2007 Posted August 24, 2007 http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showtopic=162081
+Foinavon Posted August 24, 2007 Author Posted August 24, 2007 http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showtopic=162081 Heavens above! At least none of them tried to pee on me!
+Learned Gerbil Posted August 24, 2007 Posted August 24, 2007 On one caching trip I had a car full of chavs pelt me with food as it drove by. About par for the course in Mitcham these days.
+stora Posted August 24, 2007 Posted August 24, 2007 It was a bit early for that kind of thing but at about 8.00am this morning the local youths where shouting abuse at me when I returned to the car from a quick find on the way to work. Its just as well they didn't see me rooting around in the bushes. How common is this nowadays. Do we need a new icon "beware of chavs" for particular caches? It could be a baseball cap! Well first we have to define what a chav is.
WashoeZephyr Posted August 24, 2007 Posted August 24, 2007 Well first we have to define what a chav is. Urban dictionary is always a good resourse Chav
+Pieman Posted August 24, 2007 Posted August 24, 2007 I've had undecipherable abuse from vans driving by quickly (because they were obviously scared of me!) twice while caching, although in both cases as far as the occupants would have known I was just walking along the road. I just found it completely weird.
+maxkim Posted August 24, 2007 Posted August 24, 2007 We have had a couple of incidents, shouting and general abuse... I suggested to them they may wish to move away and fornicate (Well that was the gist of the expression) seemed to do the trick (Talk their language) Not pleasant though and the children were upset by it (my language they said afterwards!!!!) Cheers MaxKim.
+sonatellas Posted August 28, 2007 Posted August 28, 2007 Hubby and I were at a cache last week in Cornwall and whilst there we came under fire of large rocks. The chavs where hiding like little cowards in the bushes so we could not see them. Lord Sonatella is 6 foot 4 but it did not put them off. I shouted loudly asking them to stop but to no avail. So I shouted in no uncertain terms what I was going to do to them when I caught them. I can't repeat exactly what I said or I would be band from this forum. They stopped straight away and I think they could see I was not kidding. CHAVS they need to be banished from this land. We then rang the police but we did not stay around to find out if they caught them or not. The thing is when they catch them they will just give them a pat on the back for it is not their fault. They have had such a tough life!
fraggle69 Posted August 28, 2007 Posted August 28, 2007 Come on then if you think you're hard enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+Flackadder Posted August 28, 2007 Posted August 28, 2007 Well first we have to define what a chav is. Urban dictionary is always a good resourse Chav Obviously this may not necessarily be my opinion, but I was led to believe CHAV stood for Council Housed And Violent.
+allieballie Posted August 28, 2007 Posted August 28, 2007 Hubby and I were at a cache last week in Cornwall and whilst there we came under fire of large rocks. The chavs where hiding like little cowards in the bushes so we could not see them. I've had rocks chucked at me by chavs too - whilst I was with my son who was six at the time. And if that wasn't bad enough it was up a glen and we had about half a mile to walk to get down to the car - had to jog it in case they decided to follow us for more potentially lethal entertainement - one of the rocks missed my sons head by inches. I phoned the police when we got back but got the impression that they weren't going to do anything because it would involve walking up the glen! I think one of the saddest things about this too was the fact that we weren't in a town or suburb - we were up in the hills in the countryside so they get everywhere! I have also had a ned flash their bum at me whilst I sat on a bench in a wood waiting for him and his pals to pass. Sounds funny but was very intimidating at the time when you are a middle aged woman on her own and a gang of lads are laughing at you. You have no idea how far they might go? The other thing that worries me is the time originally mentioned here - 8am! I have often left what I percieve as maybe dodgy caches in terms of chavs/neds hanging around until a time where I can get out to the site early in the morning - the assumption being that these types are likely to still be in their beds and unlikely to trouble me, but I do have to say that recently I have noticed quite a few groups of youths out and about, hanging around early on - for goodness sake - when I was a teenager I wouldn't get up till lunchtime - who do these lot think they are being up and about at this time of day?!
+Vodor and Scorsby Posted August 28, 2007 Posted August 28, 2007 The other thing that worries me is the time originally mentioned here - 8am! I have often left what I percieve as maybe dodgy caches in terms of chavs/neds hanging around until a time where I can get out to the site early in the morning - the assumption being that these types are likely to still be in their beds and unlikely to trouble me, but I do have to say that recently I have noticed quite a few groups of youths out and about, hanging around early on - for goodness sake - when I was a teenager I wouldn't get up till lunchtime - who do these lot think they are being up and about at this time of day?! In my experience they arent up early......they just havent gone to bed yet after an all night drinking session.
+Firth of Forth Posted August 30, 2007 Posted August 30, 2007 Like this you mean I think we met the same group at the same place. They were keen to 'talk' to us. But I didn't feel threatened. I've recently attended a police-run personal safety training course at work. It's useful stuff for dealing with such situations.
+Realmofchaos Posted August 30, 2007 Posted August 30, 2007 What we need is to get a few "shuriken" geocoins released into the wild
LooneyWithGPS Posted September 1, 2007 Posted September 1, 2007 Like this you mean most of them are ok if you talk to them right but if they are not i like McKryton's way of dealing with them
+Firth of Forth Posted September 1, 2007 Posted September 1, 2007 (edited) Like this you mean most of them are ok if you talk to them right but if they are not i like McKryton's way of dealing with them You want to deescalate the situation (eg ignore their remarks/laugh with them), and get away. According to the police, you are entitled to defend yourself only, but not use threatening behaviour. They might want to know why you carry an object in your boot. If the youths decide to 'have-a-go', it's possible that this kind of situation could be construed in a way that would not favourable to you. Edit: However, I have just seen your post on the other similar thread and realise that I shouldn't have bothered posting. Edited September 1, 2007 by Firth of Forth
Deceangi Posted September 1, 2007 Posted September 1, 2007 FoF makes a good point, you'll find that a lot of troublemakers due to so much contact with the Police are well aware of the law. And will not hesitate to make counter accusations against you. And for the record! I wish people would stop using but I was led to believe CHAV stood for Council Housed And Violent. I'm a council Tenant whose son was viciously assaulted by a gang who all live in homes owned by their parents. It is a stereo Type I do not appreciate . FYI most CHAV's live in owned homes as Council Tenants risk loosing their homes if any member of the family is convicted of Assaulting or causing Harassment to members of the community that they live in, with a Legal refusal to rehome them. please note the above quote is used only as a example and is not aimed at anyone! As stated I am feed up of being stereo Typed as being a member of such a group, and personally find it insulting!
+Cryptik Souls Crew Posted September 1, 2007 Posted September 1, 2007 Like this you mean Seems to me that it was you who caused this situation to degenerate by verbally abusing the youth in question. How can you expect someone to show you any respect when you don't extend the same courtesy to them?
+Cryptik Souls Crew Posted September 1, 2007 Posted September 1, 2007 FYI most CHAV's live in owned homes Interesting statistic, did you make it up?
Deceangi Posted September 1, 2007 Posted September 1, 2007 FYI most CHAV's live in owned homes Interesting statistic, did you make it up? No from several personal experiences both were I presently live and in Manchester. Plus personal experience from Geocaching, that modern News Reporters fail to do much research before posting a article. They see a Housing Estate which at one time was council owned property, but fail to research the amount of property's now privately owned. In the village that I live in, 75% of the property's were built by the council, the percentage actually owned by the council now is less than 10% [and that includes the large No of sheltered, warden assisted property's]. If it's in the press it must be true! And this is where the stereo typing comes from, and that includes CHAV's. Have a chat to Community Police Officers [actual Police Officers and not CSO's] and they will confirm this, as having the the ability to make a formal complaint about council tenants or members of their families to the council, is very affective when dealing with issues within a community. Unlike those who live in owned property's, whose homes are not at risk. When my son was attacked, I was informed by our housing officer that as all the persons identified as taking part in the attack, did not live in council properties. There was nothing the council could do. If you wish to take this matter any further, please take it off forum vie either email or PM.
+Flackadder Posted September 1, 2007 Posted September 1, 2007 FYI most CHAV's live in owned homes Interesting statistic, did you make it up? No from several personal experiences both were I presently live and in Manchester. Plus personal experience from Geocaching, that modern News Reporters fail to do much research before posting a article. They see a Housing Estate which at one time was council owned property, but fail to research the amount of property's now privately owned. In the village that I live in, 75% of the property's were built by the council, the percentage actually owned by the council now is less than 10% [and that includes the large No of sheltered, warden assisted property's]. If it's in the press it must be true! And this is where the stereo typing comes from, and that includes CHAV's. Have a chat to Community Police Officers [actual Police Officers and not CSO's] and they will confirm this, as having the the ability to make a formal complaint about council tenants or members of their families to the council, is very affective when dealing with issues within a community. Unlike those who live in owned property's, whose homes are not at risk. When my son was attacked, I was informed by our housing officer that as all the persons identified as taking part in the attack, did not live in council properties. There was nothing the council could do. If you wish to take this matter any further, please take it off forum vie either email or PM. I recall saying 'Obviously this may not necessarily be my opinion, but I was led to believe CHAV stood for Council Housed And Violent.'. And thats what I meant. I guess we are moving a little off topic here. But, given the choice of visiting a cache, at night, on my own or with family near either type of estate, I know which would make me feel a little safer. Just an opinion is all. Not some possibly made up statistic. Bob.
+mongoose39uk Posted September 1, 2007 Posted September 1, 2007 Like this you mean Seems to me that it was you who caused this situation to degenerate by verbally abusing the youth in question. How can you expect someone to show you any respect when you don't extend the same courtesy to them? Nice and easy to say from behind the comfort of your monitor. I imagine the reality of the situation was somewhat different. I have lived on both private estates and council owned ones. The level of moronic behaviour was about the same. Decangi is right in what he says, many of the council properties were in private hands. I do take exception to the expression Council Housed and Violent. I am council housed at present and in the main not violent.
+Simply Paul Posted September 1, 2007 Posted September 1, 2007 http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&s...on&ct=title "Chav is a derogatory slang term in popular usage throughout the UK. It refers to a subculture stereotype of a person who is uneducated, uncultured and prone to antisocial or immoral behaviour. The label is typically, though not exclusively, applied to teenagers and young adults of white working-class or lower-middle class origin. Chav is used for both sexes, where a male chav is sometimes referred to as a chavster and a female as a chavette." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chav - Mentions Burberry, but also Hoodies. Are Hoodies Chavs? Are Neds or Scallies Chavs? Some other helpful Chav links: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=chav http://www.worldwidewords.org/topicalwords/tw-cha2.htm http://www.chavworld.co.uk/ I did see Council Housed and Violet given as a 'backronym' for CHAV, but on a page far too full of bad language to link to here. Whether living in an owner-occupier slum or a workers' paradise, oiks are oiks. Yet the vast majority of young people aren't dangerous idiots and, on a person note, the only people who've worried me while caching were all grown adults. With guns. Perhaps the topic should be how best to avoid unpleasant situations, of whatever type, involving antagonists of whatever generation. An old lady with a stick can be a frightening thing, and unlike a spotty yoof, you're not allowed to hit her back
fraggle69 Posted September 1, 2007 Posted September 1, 2007 yeah stupid old people, i'll be like that one day and carry a pick axe not a walkin stick []
+Cryptik Souls Crew Posted September 1, 2007 Posted September 1, 2007 Nice and easy to say from behind the comfort of your monitor. I imagine the reality of the situation was somewhat different. I'm sure it was different, but from reading the log it seems like the moment things got out of hand was when he told the youth to **** off. If you speak to people like that, especially young people how do you expect them to react?
+Cryptik Souls Crew Posted September 1, 2007 Posted September 1, 2007 FYI most CHAV's live in owned homes Interesting statistic, did you make it up? No from several personal experiences both were I presently live and in Manchester. Plus personal experience from Geocaching So you didn't make it up, but the source of the information is yourself? I'm confused. Basically I don't know what everyone is getting so worked up about, there is no council owned housing where I live, but I rent my place from the local housing association which pretty much amounts to the same thing. I don't take offence to the stereotypical representation of chavs and any connotations they may have with council owned/built property. Did anyone at any point say that all people who live in council property are chavs? If so I missed it. If you make that interpretation by yourself and then find yourself offended by it I don't think its then fair to say that other people have offended you. The expression in question was made up of two specific characeristics, being council housed and violent, if you only fulfil the primary criteria then there is no cause to take offence or feel you are being stereotyped, surely? If this is the road the forum is going to go down then we will end up where no-one can say anything for fear of causing some degree of offence to someone. I apologise for my repeat posting, but I feel that such subjects are better addressed in public rather than via email/pm. I would also not like to see the forum become a place where discussions are curtailed because someone decides they might not like the views which someone else may have to express.
fraggle69 Posted September 1, 2007 Posted September 1, 2007 (edited) I would also not like to see the forum become a place where discussions are curtailed because someone decides they might not like the views which someone else may have to express. I told a girl at work she was about as much use as a chocolate fire gaurd and she should go home. The comment came after I gave it two warnings to back off and leave me well enough alone. She burst into tears almost instantly which made me feel somewhat satisfied, but then it grassed me up for being abusive. It seems we are in a society where views may need or must be curtailed, because of the softy nannies amongst us..... Hmm it's a true story too. can't we just burn her at the stake?? Edited September 1, 2007 by fraggle69
nobby.nobbs Posted September 1, 2007 Posted September 1, 2007 chav is an insulting stereotype name. insulting , that is, to those who live in council houses and are far from violent. to the actual people it's often a badge of honour. But like any stereotype name or otherwise it's better to not continue use of it. not through fear of big brother etc but due to simple respect to others on the forum. you'd not classify someone based on colour or disability so... from experience the best solution if confronted by the likes of these individuals is to walk away. if you need to respond in any way then be polite and calm. if you show anger or fear then they will only keep on as that's their intention. idiots soon tire of the effort if they are not getting any satisfaction. if you up the ante then you can't complain if they get really violent.
Deceangi Posted September 1, 2007 Posted September 1, 2007 Cryptik Souls Crew as the discussion about CHAV's and the meaning there off is taking the thread wildly of Topic, I followed the forum guidelines and suggested that if the discussion was to be carried on it be taken of forum. I apologise for my repeat posting, but I feel that such subjects are better addressed in public rather than via email/pm. I would also not like to see the forum become a place where discussions are curtailed because someone decides they might not like the views which someone else may have to express. and not as you have suggested, that I disagree with your views. Please remember that this is a forum about geocaching. And I would point out that your interpretation of CHAV The expression in question was made up of two specific characeristics, being council housed and violent is different to that which is generally meant as one specific phrase, which is meant to be offensive. And just to remind you of the section of the forum guidelines referred to Keep on topic: Responses to a particular thread should be on-topic and pertain to the discussion. Users should use the New Topic button to start a new discussion which would otherwise be off-topic in the current thread. Threads that are off topic may be closed by the moderator. Private Discussions: Sometimes, a discussion thread strays off into a friendly dialogue or a heated debate among a very small number of users. For these exchanges, use the private discussion feature that is provided through the Groundspeak forums, or the Geocaching.com e-mail system. Public forum posts should be reserved for matters of interest to the general community. As another member has stated that he finds the definition of CHAV you wish to discus offensive, if you wish to continue discussing it. Please take it off forum And just a reminder Respect: Respect the guidelines for forum usage, and site usage. Respect Groundspeak, its employees, volunteers, yourself, fellow community members, and guests on these boards. Whether a community member has one post or 5,000 posts, they deserve the same respect.
+Foinavon Posted September 1, 2007 Author Posted September 1, 2007 (edited) As the person who rekindled this debate I would like to point out that as far as I was concerned Chav stood for Chatham Average, i.e. the term originated in Rochester. Any readers from that area please don't take offence, any town in the country has people like this but their yobs were the origin of the phrase. I have heard the term council housed and violent but I think its commonly accepted that this was something put to an existing concept as Simply Paul put it well a "Backronym". I know from where I live in Bolton "chavs" are quite common in places that are miles away from any council estates. Edited September 1, 2007 by Foinavon
fraggle69 Posted September 1, 2007 Posted September 1, 2007 Like this you mean Seems to me that it was you who caused this situation to degenerate by verbally abusing the youth in question. How can you expect someone to show you any respect when you don't extend the same courtesy to them? You made a good point here though
+drsolly Posted September 1, 2007 Posted September 1, 2007 yeah stupid old people, i'll be like that one day and carry a pick axe not a walkin stick [] My walking pole has been used quite successfully to near-cripple several cachers.
+Simply Paul Posted September 2, 2007 Posted September 2, 2007 yeah stupid old people, i'll be like that one day and carry a pick axe not a walkin stick My walking pole has been used quite successfully to near-cripple several cachers.Usually by accident (I think), and included in those 'several cachers' are drsolly and his good lady wife. I say this as someone who's come close to losing an eye on more than one occasion while caching with the doc. Forget your chavs and peaky blinders, it's other cachers you have to watch out for!
+Cryptik Souls Crew Posted September 2, 2007 Posted September 2, 2007 Cryptik Souls Crew as the discussion about CHAV's and the meaning there off is taking the thread wildly of Topic, I followed the forum guidelines and suggested that if the discussion was to be carried on it be taken of forum. I'm going to say no more about this in here, I've sent you a private message. However, I feel I must point out that I cannot see how the definition of the word chav is off topic in a thread entitled "chav run ins whilst caching"
+little-miss-naughty Posted September 2, 2007 Posted September 2, 2007 What do you call a chav in a box?? Innit.. What do you call a chav in a filling cabinet?? Sorted.. What do you call a chav in a box with a lock on it?? Safe.. Why are chav's like slinkie's?? They have no real use but it's great to see one fall down the stair's.. What do you call a chavette in a white tracksuit?? The bride.. You're in your car an you see a chav on a bike, why should you not hit him?? It might be your bike.. What's the difference between a chav and a coconut?? One's thick an hairy, the other's a coconut.. What's the first question in a chav quiz nite?? What you lookin' AT?? Two chav's in a car with no music. Who's driving?? The police.. What do you say to a chav with a job?? Can i have a Big mac please.. What do you say to a chav in a suit?? Will the defendant please stand.. What do you call a knife in chav-ville?? Exhibit A.. Why is 3 chav's going over a cliff in a nova a shame?? A nova seats 4.. How many chav's does it take to change a light bulb?? One, they'll screw anything.. What do you call a 100 chav's at the bottom of a river?? A start.. How many chav's does it take to clean a floor?? None, "thats sum uvver bleeder's job innit.".. Why did the chav take a shower?? He didn't mean to, he just forgot to close the nova's windows in the car wash.. Why did the chav cross the road?? To start a fight with a random stranger for no reason what so ever.. What do you call a chav at college?? The cleaner.. Two chav's jump of a cliff,,Who wins?? Society
Lactodorum Posted September 2, 2007 Posted September 2, 2007 I think we've not got as far away from a Geocaching related discussion as I'm prepared to go. As forum moderator I think the time has come to close this particular thread. If people want to continue discussing the etymology of the word "Chav" them please do it elsewhere. Thanks.
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