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What do you think of this "rule"?

BC Tripper

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What do you think about someone logging their personal trackable into their own caches to gain mileage? In this cache the person is profesing to only log the coin once in each cache and so far is holding to this rule, but it just doesn't sit right with me for some reason... Opinions?


BC Tripper

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What do you think about someone logging their personal trackable into their own caches to gain mileage? In this cache the person is profesing to only log the coin once in each cache and so far is holding to this rule, but it just doesn't sit right with me for some reason... Opinions?


BC Tripper

I log my own personal TB back into (and out of) one of my own caches after each caching trip. This cache is very close to my home, and fairly accurately reflects my own caching mileage (if I flew everywhere). My bug sits somewhere around 27000 miles, but I've yet to log all my 2003 caching. Doubt I'll ever get completely caught up.

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A TB is a trackable item, it's up to you to use it as you see fit, some dogs are TBs (TBHVXC) and they only get grabbed once you meet them, I think those a way cool and I doubt if any of their owners want to let them go, in this category you have animals, people, cars, and even a traveling recorder, if you are willing to be interviewed for the Podcacher show you can grab it, and Podcacher also uses this TB for millage by dropping it in caches along the way and taking it out. The game is not enclosed in a little box, it's free for you to invent new ways to use it, think outside the box and have fun!

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My most recent travel bug gets logged into an event here and there, and was even logged into an event that I put on.


Although I would like to release it to the world, I just don't think it would be very possible (or practical).


You can see the bug Here


While my bug technically is a personal bug, I suppose that others have the right to log it, just not take it.


Who knows. I don't think that travel bugs need to be released by rights, but to each their own I suppose. I kinda side with the "I paid the 7-10 bucks for my bug, I shall do with it as I please" idea.

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I don't think anyone should carry a tb and log it at each cache they go to. It's to be released to the world and travel from many other hands to other caches, not from the same hand on. It just seems "chinsy" that's all.


Let it go. See how far it goes.


I have a personal TB and it has instructions for it's eventual release.


So you see, there as many twists and turns in this game as one can conceive.




I do not have a home cache to log back into but that is a great idea because it would be more reflective of the actual miles traveled. However, I don't think I have the perseverance to update all those logs again. ;)

Edited by WCoaster
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Why don't you just use the "track" feature of your GPS receiver to keep track of your caching mileage? ;) This is going to give you an appreciably more accurate gauge of distance covered. I personally find it annoying when 'cachers dip their mileage bugs in my caches. I'd never do this to anyone else's cache because I think its bad form. I'm just being honest here.




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I personally find it annoying when 'cachers dip their mileage bugs in my caches. I'd never do this to anyone else's cache because I think its bad form. I'm just being honest here.


I'm curious about this. Do you mean if somebody makes a log entry just to record a bug?


When I do it, I make the regular "found" log, and select the coin from my inventory. Then I immediately switch to the coin page and withdraw it. I don't think a cache owner would even notice that kind of activity, or am I missing something?

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That's what I do... But in all fairness when I first got the trackable, I went back and dipped it in all the previous caches I had visited. I had a few not so nice emails about it, and I totally understand that.


A fellow geocacher in Vancouver suggest that I use the "Discovered" function of the trackable, but I'm not sure what it does. Does anyone else know?


BC Tripper :D

Edited by BC Tripper
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I don't care if people want to track the caches they visited via a TB or Geocoin.


I'd rather they didn't leave the "My TB visited this cache" note on my cache page.. but in the big picture... whatever. Didn't hurt me or my cache at all.


I don't understand the idea of tracking mileage, as this won't work... you don't have a cache at your house to log it back into at the end of the day (actually... I do, but I don't think most people do this, or maybe they do)


Anyone that visits my cache can log their bugs/coins in and out... that is what makes them happy, who am I to complain about it.


Spoil my cache, or state that you violated the rules of the game... I'll delete it without batting an eye. But simply logging your bug into my cache as a tracking device... that is such a minor thing, it isn't worth worrying about.


If you have a reason why this shouldn't be allowed... then maybe there is a reason to say something.


Maybe I'm just happy when anyone takes the time to visit my cache, and wants to remember it. If using a bug to record the travelling to and from my cache does that for them... COOL!


:D The Blue Quasar

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To go the other way, I have three TBs that rarely ever see a cache, they are Tags TBs and are too big to fit in caches and in fact it clearly states on the TB page that they must never be left out in a cache and must at all times remain in your inventory.


The only way they travel is between geocachers as they meet in the field or Event Caches. Here they are:



Tag-Creepy (TBK5VH)



Tag-Eerie (TBKJ5W)



Tag-Spooky (TBKMFH)

Edited by AV Dezign
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I can't imagine caring about racking up "paper" mileage on a TB, either mine or even less someone else's. Some people cheat at Solitaire. Others would squawk at seeing it happen. Why should either of them do the things they're doing? Ask a psychiatrist. I'm gonna go out and find a couple more caches tomorrow instead.

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I do it just for fun. I got a coin at an event cache, and by next year's event I want to see what mileage number I have on it. I know it doesn't accurately reflect my travels. What it does show is how far a Blue-crested Titmouse would have to fly to go directly from cache to cache. And the little fella has to wait at the last cache I visited, then fly directly to the next one I show up at.

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I can't imagine caring about racking up "paper" mileage on a TB, either mine or even less someone else's. Some people cheat at Solitaire. Others would squawk at seeing it happen. Why should either of them do the things they're doing? Ask a psychiatrist. I'm gonna go out and find a couple more caches tomorrow instead.


One of the semi-cool things about a dipping TB is that on the TB page you can get a google-earth trace of all the caches you visited, in the order you visited them. many people haven't noticed this, but it's why I keep a dipper.

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One of the semi-cool things about a dipping TB is that on the TB page you can get a google-earth trace of all the caches you visited, in the order you visited them. many people haven't noticed this, but it's why I keep a dipper.


That's a good one, I'll have to try it!


My "dipping" coin also gives me a clickable chronological log of what I was doing, along with a place to put special comments that don't make sense in the regular log.

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One of the semi-cool things about a dipping TB is that on the TB page you can get a google-earth trace of all the caches you visited, in the order you visited them. many people haven't noticed this, but it's why I keep a dipper.


That's a good one, I'll have to try it!


My "dipping" coin also gives me a clickable chronological log of what I was doing, along with a place to put special comments that don't make sense in the regular log.


Indeed, it does make a good "note-to-self" kind of file.

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The Google Earth map is fantastic! Thanks for that. Too bad about the double-entries and inaccurate positions, but still... it's pretty good. (I hope they fix it up soon.)


Yeah, the double-entry thing I haven't quite understood, but the positions are as accurate as the coordinates make them.


You can save the KML file and hand-edit it, but that's kind of a waste of time.

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...but the positions are as accurate as the coordinates make them.



But the double entries are in two different locations, so something is wrong with the coordinates somewhere.


Yeah, a "retrieved" entry seems to be offset by n-hundred metres as best I can tell. I'm not even sure "n" is the same every time.

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