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Can You Believe It? The 4th Anniversary Chat!


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The weekly official geocaching chat that began on the January 21, 2002, celebrates its 4th anniversary this Monday night!


Whether you're an seasoned veteran or a perfect stranger, come drop by and chat a bit. Or at least drop by and say hello. Or even just drop by, look at who came, and quit. (That seems to be quite popular with some... but hey, we'd love to have you, too.) Refreshments will be available.*


Remember, this Monday evening starting at 8:30pm CST (0230Z, 11:30am JST, or whatever) is the 4th anniversary chat. It's never over before 10pm CST, by the way, so if you're late, come anyway.

(or #Geocache on irc.slashnet.org)
(or just click the link in the forum list)

Oh, and before anyone asks... Sorry, you don't get to log a find for visiting the chat, but we'll type a few smileys to you if you really want them. :)


* You'll have to drop by Baton Rouge to pick them up (and if anyone really wants to, be sure to tell me so I know I'm not joking).

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Has anyone ever thought of starting a geocaching chat room? That'd be a lot of fun.

Naw... It would just be a bunch of people goofing off. No need for that stuff... Go find a cache already! :blink::blink:









I plan to be there. Thanks CJ! :drama:

Edited by carleenp
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hmm.... actually it looks like it may have just connected :D


edit: it will connect with a certain client on the non-default port, but another client won't connect on the same port (and all other settings the same)... thats crazy :D


anyways, I managed to get in. Yipped! :bad:

Edited by welch
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