+The Mars Bars Posted December 5, 2005 Posted December 5, 2005 Now that I have a general feel for peoples feeling towards logging of virtual coin and bug drops, I thought I should get peoples opinions on other pointless logs. I can't understand people posting logs as DNF when they haven't even looked for the cache. i.e. Found the general area but didn't have time to look for the cache. What is the most pointless log that has been made to date, I wonder? Cheers Dave Quote
alistair_uk Posted December 5, 2005 Posted December 5, 2005 If I don't get to look then I will post a note, partly for my records of the day, but mostly because it may be of benefit to other cahcers and the cache owner. If you see lots of posts saying that they made it to the car park but could not be bothered to search then you probably have a problem. Quote
Nediam Posted December 5, 2005 Posted December 5, 2005 I think some people log them as a DNF for their own records (to show which caches they've tried in the past). Quote
+The Mars Bars Posted December 5, 2005 Author Posted December 5, 2005 I understand posting notes or DNF if there is a valid reason but saying things like didn't have time to look or it was raining so I didn't bother looking is of no consequence to anyone. Quote
+John Stead Posted December 5, 2005 Posted December 5, 2005 I totally agree with Dave on this - maybe a note if you were unable to search because of muggles or something like that but just to say you did not bother is wasting time and space. Now how many time have I done it??? Quote
+Learned Gerbil Posted December 5, 2005 Posted December 5, 2005 (edited) I think it depends why you didn't bother - if it is likely to affect other cachers then I think it is very important that it is logged - examples include - too many muggles at that time of day, the designated parking area was disabled or full, access to the site was barred for some reason etc. I have either done these, or seen them done on my caches - important feedback for me and other cachers would be lessened if these logs were in some way "invalid". If DNFs are such a problem, wh yhave them at all? There seem to be so many people who are reluctant to post them at all without censuring people for leaving them. Edited December 5, 2005 by Learned Gerbil Quote
+Kryten Posted December 5, 2005 Posted December 5, 2005 I think some people log them as a DNF for their own records (to show which caches they've tried in the past). Since each note of this type displaces what could be a useful Found or DNF entry from the downloaded cache page, it's a selfish use of resources which invites immediate deletion. Quote
+The Mars Bars Posted December 5, 2005 Author Posted December 5, 2005 I think some people log them as a DNF for their own records (to show which caches they've tried in the past). Since each note of this type displaces what could be a useful Found or DNF entry from the downloaded cache page, it's a selfish use of resources which invites immediate deletion. This is what I am getting at! Along with virtual bug drops, rediculous logs pertaining to feeble reasons for DNF's mean that information carried in GSAK and GPX Sonar is devalued. I did a cache in Chester yesterday and all the logs contained in GPX sonar on my PDA where people virtualy dropping bugs and coins. Quote
+Dorsetgal & GeoDog Posted December 5, 2005 Posted December 5, 2005 I did a cache in Chester yesterday and all the logs contained in GPX sonar on my PDA where people virtualy dropping bugs and coins. Aaaaaaah, so that's where this is rooted Why not simply look at the cache page in advance? Quote
NickPick Posted December 5, 2005 Posted December 5, 2005 Is there really that much information in other people's logs? Surely there should be enough information on the cache listing to find the cache. Leaving logs that say 'I didn't really look properly as it was raining' at least give an indication to the placer that people are still intending to look for the cache. Quote
markandlynn Posted December 5, 2005 Posted December 5, 2005 (edited) The most pointless log i saw on one of our caches was Wow my xx TB has made it to England the log is now deleted. We look at the cache page on our palm on the way to the cache we always export the four previous logs, we certainly dont check all 490 before leaving home. we use the previous logs only when all else has failed. In case your wondering why 490 the easiest way to export from GSAK with a macro is from a centre point so we export the nearest 490 unfound caches to home when on a local caching day. We have known the final of some multi's end up very near to some of these caches. Edited December 5, 2005 by markandlynn Quote
+The Mars Bars Posted December 5, 2005 Author Posted December 5, 2005 (edited) Is there really that much information in other people's logs? Surely there should be enough information on the cache listing to find the cache. Leaving logs that say 'I didn't really look properly as it was raining' at least give an indication to the placer that people are still intending to look for the cache. The four previous logs can shed a lot of light on the state of a cache. i.e. waterlogged, cache is missing, area is a total dump logbook full could next visitor please replace etc, etc.... For such information to be unavailable for the sake of:- "Drove to the car park but ran out of time will come again..." or "Virtual TB drop" isn't really helpfull Such information gleaned from GSAK can help decide whether a cache is worth visiting. Edited December 5, 2005 by The Mars Bars Quote
+The Mars Bars Posted December 5, 2005 Author Posted December 5, 2005 I did a cache in Chester yesterday and all the logs contained in GPX sonar on my PDA where people virtualy dropping bugs and coins. Aaaaaaah, so that's where this is rooted Why not simply look at the cache page in advance? I work away and am not always able to log on to the Internet prior to going caching, I may be taking in a cache that I hadn't intended visiting when I left home so this is why offline reading of logs is quite important to me and many others Quote
NickPick Posted December 5, 2005 Posted December 5, 2005 Good point. Also, only the last 4 logs are on the cache page, unless you click 'view all', so I guess that paper cachers only have the last 4. I shall try and minimise my 'did not look' logs in future. Quote
+Chris n Maria Posted December 5, 2005 Posted December 5, 2005 Blimey this is all a bit miserable - whats wrong with "Wow my xx TB has made it to England". Seems like people are enjoying the game to me - should be stopped at once. Chris Quote
markandlynn Posted December 5, 2005 Posted December 5, 2005 whats wrong with "Wow my xx TB has made it to England". Nothing wrong with it at all thats why I never deleted it the TB owner did the deleting. I was responding to the OP which asked what is the most pointless log you have seen. That is the most pointless log i have seen on one of my caches. Quote
+The Mars Bars Posted December 5, 2005 Author Posted December 5, 2005 Blimey this is all a bit miserable - whats wrong with "Wow my xx TB has made it to England". Seems like people are enjoying the game to me - should be stopped at once. Chris Log that on the bugs page or shout about it in the forums! No one is being miserable, I'm sat here with a huge smile on my face I promise you. All I'm trying to convey to people Iis that pointless logging does have an effect on other people....not life and death or anything like that, I agree. Anyway my question in the OP was "what is the most pointless log ever?" Cheers Dave Quote
+Chris n Maria Posted December 5, 2005 Posted December 5, 2005 Fair enough - I wasn't having a dig. I just thought it was nice that someone was enjoying the success of their TB. We once logged a DNF for a cache when we didn't get within 500meters of the cache -Log It was one of the most memorable cache hunts I have been on ever - but the log was probebly completly pointless from someone elses point of view Quote
+memkin Posted December 5, 2005 Posted December 5, 2005 I don't understand what people get out of a virtual TB drop at a virtual cache. Take for instance "No futher south from here" (GCHN13). If the geocacher posted a virtual tb drop does that mean they were there. According to their stats they did not record it as a find. Please help me understand. Quote
Alan White Posted December 5, 2005 Posted December 5, 2005 I confess to being a little confused about what the OP is asking. Is this thread just a bit of chit-chat, or is there a genuine grievance that "pointless" logs are causing a problem? If the former then I can't help, as I don't recall any logs I've seen being pointless. But then that would depend on one's personal perception. If the latter then I don't see the problem. As you're using GSAK/GPXSonar then you can tell GSAK to export all the logs, not just the last 5. Or any number from 0 to all. Quote
The Royles Posted December 5, 2005 Posted December 5, 2005 I don't understand what people get out of a virtual TB drop at a virtual cache. To me this is just another example of how varied geocaching (and geocachers) are. They are playing their game their way, and I for one am happy to see that. Viva la differance and all that Quote
markandlynn Posted December 5, 2005 Posted December 5, 2005 We once logged a DNF for a cache when we didn't get within 500meters of the cache -LogIt was one of the most memorable cache hunts I have been on ever - but the log was probebly completly pointless from someone elses point of view Now that reminds me of this cache we did not get to for almost the same reason. Quote
+Chris n Maria Posted December 5, 2005 Posted December 5, 2005 We once logged a DNF for a cache when we didn't get within 500meters of the cache -LogIt was one of the most memorable cache hunts I have been on ever - but the log was probebly completly pointless from someone elses point of view Now that reminds me of this cache we did not get to for almost the same reason. Now that sounds like fun Quote
+The Mars Bars Posted December 5, 2005 Author Posted December 5, 2005 I confess to being a little confused about what the OP is asking. Is this thread just a bit of chit-chat, or is there a genuine grievance that "pointless" logs are causing a problem? If the former then I can't help, as I don't recall any logs I've seen being pointless. But then that would depend on one's personal perception. If the latter then I don't see the problem. As you're using GSAK/GPXSonar then you can tell GSAK to export all the logs, not just the last 5. Or any number from 0 to all. Sorry... you're right, it is a sort of double pronged effort. I wouldn't call it a grievance, that would be far too strong. Chit chat would be a fair description of whats going on all around here. C'mon there's loads of pointless logs! Re:- uping the number of offline logs in GSAK... ..my pda would weigh a ton if I did that! Fair point though, I will do that to forthwith. Quote
markandlynn Posted December 5, 2005 Posted December 5, 2005 If the latter then I don't see the problem. As you're using GSAK/GPXSonar then you can tell GSAK to export all the logs, not just the last 5. Or any number from 0 to all. Memory restrictions for me im afraid however i believe its on the list with clyde to have an option to export only found logs in the future. Quote
+The Mars Bars Posted December 5, 2005 Author Posted December 5, 2005 We once logged a DNF for a cache when we didn't get within 500meters of the cache -LogIt was one of the most memorable cache hunts I have been on ever - but the log was probebly completly pointless from someone elses point of view Now that reminds me of this cache we did not get to for almost the same reason. I would not call either of these two fine examples pointless! They are both wonderful and informative. Quote
+Dorsetgal & GeoDog Posted December 5, 2005 Posted December 5, 2005 Re:- uping the number of offline logs in GSAK... ..my pda would weigh a ton if I did that! Oooooooh, they get heavier with the more info you put in? There was I thinking getting a Pda would make life simpler! Oi, Father Christmas! Cancel the Pda and bring me another 5 reams of printer paper pleeeeeeeeeaaaaaassssse! Quote
Alan White Posted December 5, 2005 Posted December 5, 2005 Memory restrictions for me im afraid however i believe its on the list with clyde to have an option to export only found logs in the future. I did wonder about suggesting that, but then I thought, well, wouldn't it be useful to know that the last 10 logs were DNFs, rather than that 11-14 were finds? Quote
+Clyde. Posted December 5, 2005 Posted December 5, 2005 I think that this is down to personal choice, Bonnie and I found a cache yesterday morning and exchanged the usual 'goodies', then posted a log for the find. Later we 'found' a virtual coin and dropped that off in the same cache/posted log etc We have since received a lovely email from the owner thanking us for taking the time for dropping off the coin and log etc IMHO I think that if there is activity 'virtually or real' that it can only be a good thing especially in the cases of some caches that are getting on abit. At the end of the day its only common courtesy to inform the owner/future cachers what activity has been taken place in the cache...... BTW We are going to 'find' a cache very soon and one of the logs said the following.... "Can't believe the lack of visitors to this cache especially as it is so new! What's up with you all?" Is this classed as a pointless log ? Can't seem to recall the cachers name either Quote
+Learned Gerbil Posted December 5, 2005 Posted December 5, 2005 I find it amazing that people are complaining because others have chosen to put things in their log that some people don't find helpful. Just think of it as an extra challenge guys! The posting that says the coordinates are 300 metres out may never have been in the last five logs anyway. I am al lfor paperless caching and rarely use printouts, but I just take the rough with the smooth. If I was that bothered I would print out al lthe logs however long - but I don't becasue it would destroy half the fun. Quote
+Dorsetgal & GeoDog Posted December 5, 2005 Posted December 5, 2005 If I was that bothered I would print out al lthe logs however long - but I don't becasue it would destroy half the fun. ...and if I'm anything to go by half the planets trees as well ... rotfl! Quote
+The Mars Bars Posted December 5, 2005 Author Posted December 5, 2005 We are going to 'find' a cache very soon and one of the logs said the following.... "Can't believe the lack of visitors to this cache especially as it is so new! What's up with you all?" Is this classed as a pointless log ? Can't seem to recall the cachers name either Clyde, I will remind you, as your memory seems a little fuzzy. I posted that finders log, in fact the whole log read:- Can't believe the lack of visitors to this cache especially as it is so new! What's up with you all? Walked accross the fields to this one instead of along the towpath. Disturbed a heron in a ditch, gave me a bit of a start! Not pointless seeing as I had found the cache. Cheers Dave Quote
+The Mars Bars Posted December 5, 2005 Author Posted December 5, 2005 We are going to 'find' a cache very soon and one of the logs said the following.... "Can't believe the lack of visitors to this cache especially as it is so new! What's up with you all?" Is this classed as a pointless log ? Can't seem to recall the cachers name either Clyde, I will remind you, as your memory seems a little fuzzy. I posted that finders log, in fact the whole log read:- Can't believe the lack of visitors to this cache especially as it is so new! What's up with you all? Walked accross the fields to this one instead of along the towpath. Disturbed a heron in a ditch, gave me a bit of a start! Not pointless seeing as I had found the cache. Cheers Dave Quote
+The Mars Bars Posted December 5, 2005 Author Posted December 5, 2005 Sooo good I said it twice... Apologies. (Now that WAS a pointless post) before any of you say it! Quote
+Happy Humphrey Posted December 5, 2005 Posted December 5, 2005 One thing that's useful (to me) in this thread: how do you get ALL logs into a .gpx file? Whenever I load a Pocket Query into GSAK, I have "number of logs in offline pages" set to "unlimited", but only the last 5 show up. This made me believe that there were only 5 in the .gpx file and I can't see any way of increasing this. I'm one of those that refers to the logs when struggling: several times I've needed the comment "100 yards from the coordinates" or whatever to save me a wasted hour of tedious searching. HH Quote
Alan White Posted December 5, 2005 Posted December 5, 2005 One thing that's useful (to me) in this thread: how do you get ALL logs into a .gpx file? Whenever I load a Pocket Query into GSAK, I have "number of logs in offline pages" set to "unlimited", but only the last 5 show up. This made me believe that there were only 5 in the .gpx file and I can't see any way of increasing this. I'm one of those that refers to the logs when struggling: several times I've needed the comment "100 yards from the coordinates" or whatever to save me a wasted hour of tedious searching. HH I'm happy to have provided some useful information in this otherwise pointless thread A PQ does only contain the last 5 logs (plus your own) but GSAK keeps all the logs, if you allow it to. If you have the number of logs to export set to unlimited but GSAK is only exporting 5 then this would imply that there are only 5 logs in your GSAK database. You can check this by looking at the offline cache page, where I expect you'll see only 5 logs. So the question then becomes: why do you only have five logs? GSAK will accumulate logs from all PQS containing that cache and will, over time, build up an almost complete history of the logs. The most likely reason I can think of for why this wouldn't happen is because you're choosing - clearly unintentionally - not to allow it. Perhaps you're loading PQs into a new database each time? Describe your GSAK databases and your process for updating them. There'll be a simple answer. Quote
+Happy Humphrey Posted December 5, 2005 Posted December 5, 2005 (edited) Alan, Thanks, very enlightening. Almost every PQ that I load into GSAK is based on different criteria, so I generally load them into a new database ready to filter selected ones. I rarely want to load the same cache twice. I imagine that many people are normally loading the same area (perhaps 40 miles radius from home), so they can collect the logs since they began using the PQ. That wouldn't be much use to me, as there aren't any caches within 40 miles that I haven't done! HH Edited December 5, 2005 by Happy Humphrey Quote
+Clyde. Posted December 6, 2005 Posted December 6, 2005 We are going to 'find' a cache very soon and one of the logs said the following.... "Can't believe the lack of visitors to this cache especially as it is so new! What's up with you all?" Is this classed as a pointless log ? Can't seem to recall the cachers name either Clyde, I will remind you, as your memory seems a little fuzzy. I posted that finders log, in fact the whole log read:- Can't believe the lack of visitors to this cache especially as it is so new! What's up with you all? Walked accross the fields to this one instead of along the towpath. Disturbed a heron in a ditch, gave me a bit of a start! Not pointless seeing as I had found the cache. Cheers Dave Mmmmmm, I can see lots of info in your full posting concerning the cache etc Must be really useful to have that in your PDA while out caching...... The only difference is that you found the cache so why not just write 'found cache...'? Maybe its because we all in our own way, like writing and telling the owners of the cache what we were/are doing whilst seeking/finding/dropping off or whatever...... Isnt that really the idea of posting? Letting the owner know what has been happening to their cache, virtually or otherwise ? Just were do we draw a line for a pointless log? p.s. Im not being miserable either Cheers Quote
+The Mars Bars Posted December 6, 2005 Author Posted December 6, 2005 We are going to 'find' a cache very soon and one of the logs said the following.... "Can't believe the lack of visitors to this cache especially as it is so new! What's up with you all?" Is this classed as a pointless log ? Can't seem to recall the cachers name either Clyde, I will remind you, as your memory seems a little fuzzy. I posted that finders log, in fact the whole log read:- Can't believe the lack of visitors to this cache especially as it is so new! What's up with you all? Walked accross the fields to this one instead of along the towpath. Disturbed a heron in a ditch, gave me a bit of a start! Not pointless seeing as I had found the cache. Cheers Dave Mmmmmm, I can see lots of info in your full posting concerning the cache etc Must be really useful to have that in your PDA while out caching...... The only difference is that you found the cache so why not just write 'found cache...'? Maybe its because we all in our own way, like writing and telling the owners of the cache what we were/are doing whilst seeking/finding/dropping off or whatever...... Isnt that really the idea of posting? Letting the owner know what has been happening to their cache, virtually or otherwise ? Just were do we draw a line for a pointless log? p.s. Im not being miserable either Cheers Really, a found log can't be pointless... ...as you say I could have written "Cache found". It still wouldn't have been pointless. The log above mentions an alternative route to the cache, as well as something about the wildlife...my experience. I'm sure you could have found a better example than the one you did. Yes most of us do like to write a bit about our experiences whilst out looking for the cache..... as opposed to our experiences dropping imaginary coins etc wither and thither with a click of a mouse! Point being:- I don't drop virtuals and only post DNF's if I've actually looked for the cache for a reasonable amount of time. If there is a problem with the cache I would post a note. None could be described as pointless. (I hope). Quote
+Clyde. Posted December 6, 2005 Posted December 6, 2005 (edited) Point being:-I don't drop virtuals and only post DNF's if I've actually looked for the cache for a reasonable amount of time. If there is a problem with the cache I would post a note. None could be described as pointless. (I hope). This is exactly what I'm trying to say Dave, while you have your own preference in only logging the above info,some cachers feel it is worthwhile in logging everything they do,virtually or otherwise and while the option to do so is still available, they should carry on. Just because some of us don't agree with it doesn't make it 'pointless' to others.... I'm sure you could have found a better example than the one you did. I probally could have found a better log to use as an example but I dont like to 'find holes' in other peoples logs as that would totally wreck my arguement and that would be a pointless exercise BUT I will say that the fact that you got scared by a heron and found an alternative route may be of interest to some,could be classed as pointless to others as the heron may not be around in the future now that you've scared it off and we can all read maps or follow a little arrow along a different route than suggested by the owner. (hopefully) wither and thither with a click of a mouse! Some cachers could be saying EXACTLY the same thing about the time we are spending debating this subject........what we think is worthwhile talking/logging about here maybe be just pointless to others and vice versa Edited December 6, 2005 by Clyde. Quote
+The Mars Bars Posted December 6, 2005 Author Posted December 6, 2005 Clyde, It seems your argument for logging virtuals may be in vain, as the authorities are already stamping down on false logging of TB's and coins. But fair enough you don't find it pointless, so carry on enjoying your game. While it lasts.... However.... Point [2] It would be nice if after you have made your virtual bug/coin drop you would delete the note so that it does not effect users that have no interest in such things. I know that some cachers already do this and have pointed out that it is good ettiquette, as it does not effect the coin/TB's virtual movements or indeed the log on it's own page. Notes don't impact on your stats. All they do is clog up the system. I can't honestly see any possible argument against it. Point [3] It is irrelevant what I write in a finders log as they can never be regarded as pointless. Even so it was a nice try at twisting my words (are you a journo btw?) Point [4] I dont generally quote from the "good book" as religion causes more trouble in this world than anything else. Quote
+Clyde. Posted December 6, 2005 Posted December 6, 2005 Hello there Dave, When the powers that be eventually stop all the virtual logging of TB's and coins etc, I will only be too happy to stop it also (As I will have no choice really ) but hey.....thats the type of guy I am I am totally in agreement about the deletion of these logs if thats Geocaching 'good etiquette'. There are an awful lot of these 'unwritten' codes around, some people dont even say TFTC and maybe we should have a pinned thread with these codes so everyone will know the do's & don'ts.......... I will only be too happy to do this in the future I dont usually quote the good book either and I agree that that it can cause a lot of trouble when taken out of context, I apologise and will remove that phrase Didnt even attempt to twist your words, just looked at them from another cachers point of view which is the point that I'm trying to make..... BTW I'm not a journo, just someone who makes 'bits' for the transportation that fly us all overseas to seek greater caches Just been pointed out to me that we are posting on the wrong thread here, that there is another one somewhere called 'The last word' but I dont know what they are going about really, seems pointless to me Cheers A Happy Cacher Quote
+The Mars Bars Posted December 6, 2005 Author Posted December 6, 2005 Hello there Dave,When the powers that be eventually stop all the virtual logging of TB's and coins etc, I will only be too happy to stop it also (As I will have no choice really ) but hey.....thats the type of guy I am I am totally in agreement about the deletion of these logs if thats Geocaching 'good etiquette'. There are an awful lot of these 'unwritten' codes around, some people dont even say TFTC and maybe we should have a pinned thread with these codes so everyone will know the do's & don'ts.......... I will only be too happy to do this in the future I dont usually quote the good book either and I agree that that it can cause a lot of trouble when taken out of context, I apologise and will remove that phrase Didnt even attempt to twist your words, just looked at them from another cachers point of view which is the point that I'm trying to make..... BTW I'm not a journo, just someone who makes 'bits' for the transportation that fly us all overseas to seek greater caches Just been pointed out to me that we are posting on the wrong thread here, that there is another one somewhere called 'The last word' but I dont know what they are going about really, seems pointless to me Cheers A Happy Cacher Clyde, What a very reasonable and well balanced post. I agree, it would be good to have a post pinned with such unwritten rules and points of ettiquette. I think everyone would benefit. Having said that, I will let you have the last word if you like...... Cheers Dave Quote
+rutson Posted December 6, 2005 Posted December 6, 2005 Unfortunatly, unwritten rules are just that... Quote
+Clyde. Posted December 6, 2005 Posted December 6, 2005 Having said that, I will let you have the last word if you like...... Thanks for that Dave, but I'm sure it wont be me Have a happy cachey christmas everyone !! Quote
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