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Hope no one minds me jumping in here to try to answer....


The "requirements" aren't really different---If you live in the local area, you can also join by just showing up at an event---For instance, I joined by "showing up at an event" and I do live in the southern Indiana area.


My guess (having seen the organizers in action) is that they want to try to stay organized...and to make sure that they roll out the welcome mat for a non-local. IndiGO doesn't have a restriction on where members live --the group just wants to make sure that everyone knows that events will only be held from Indy south--and--wants to give everyone who is in the local area a chance to be as involved as they want to be.


If you live in the area, and send them an email saying you want to join, they know that you are "local" and they can likely ask you to join in on cache rescues or help with hosting events, escorting visitors, suggesting places to meet, giving directions to out-of-towners, etc


If you aren't in the event area, you can just show up at an event, and join...and they'll get your email while you are there. The folks get to meet you and you get to make new friends, you can show that you are genuinely interested in attending events in the area, and most likely, someone will ask you if you would like company caching in the local area while you are there anyway.


Did the way it is worded give a different impression? Can you suggest a change that would feel more welcoming?

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Hey guys, I have a question...Can I call in a Cache-911 on one of my own caches? LOL!

---Someone knocked it down INTO the tree, and I can't get it out! I tried fishing it out with a hook on a weighted line, and prodding it out with a big stick....No luck. That little sucker is waaaaay down in there. I am about ready to just put another container out, but first I want to try one more idea...BIG magnet on the end of the fishing line (I think there are metal things in the cache that *might* catch the magnet). Now, if it doesn't snow so hard that I can't get back out there soon.

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Hey guys, I have a question...Can I call in a Cache-911 on one of my own caches? LOL!

---Someone knocked it down INTO the tree, and I can't get it out! I tried fishing it out with a hook on a weighted line, and prodding it out with a big stick....No luck. That little sucker is waaaaay down in there. I am about ready to just put another container out, but first I want to try one more idea...BIG magnet on the end of the fishing line (I think there are metal things in the cache that *might* catch the magnet). Now, if it doesn't snow so hard that I can't get back out there soon.

I wish you luck and keep us posted on your success or lack on. Maybe a new technique you can show others.

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Hope no one minds me jumping in here to try to answer....


The "requirements" aren't really different---If you live in the local area, you can also join by just showing up at an event---For instance, I joined by "showing up at an event" and I do live in the southern Indiana area.


My guess (having seen the organizers in action) is that they want to try to stay organized...and to make sure that they roll out the welcome mat for a non-local. IndiGO doesn't have a restriction on where members live --the group just wants to make sure that everyone knows that events will only be held from Indy south--and--wants to give everyone who is in the local area a chance to be as involved as they want to be.


If you live in the area, and send them an email saying you want to join, they know that you are "local" and they can likely ask you to join in on cache rescues or help with hosting events, escorting visitors, suggesting places to meet, giving directions to out-of-towners, etc


If you aren't in the event area, you can just show up at an event, and join...and they'll get your email while you are there. The folks get to meet you and you get to make new friends, you can show that you are genuinely interested in attending events in the area, and most likely, someone will ask you if you would like company caching in the local area while you are there anyway.


Did the way it is worded give a different impression? Can you suggest a change that would feel more welcoming?

But the requirements ARE different. If I live north of Indy, I can't join by sending an email? Is that right? I think it would be more "welcoming" to let the northerners get on the email list prior to attending their first event, just like the southerners. Why make aa class distinction? What about the people who live just a few miles north of Indy?


I still don't get the reasons for the exclusivity. If I'm not on the email list, I get a bigger welcome on my first event visit? If I get on the email list without attending an event,, the leaders somehow get disorganized?


My suggestion for changing the wording, since you ask, is that I think you should open your membership to all Indiana geocachers who want to join, on equal terms, unless there is some voting-for-officers issue involved. A lot of northern Indiana Geocachers cache down south on occasion... The more geocachers who get involved in your organization, the stronger and more sucessul you will be, and a stronger voice for the geocaching community at large you can become if you want to. Making it harder for some to join than others doesn't really accomplish anything, does it?. And events are not the only activities and goals you will be sponsoring right? Perhaps a re-thinking of this policy might be beneficial to the organization, or maybe a survey could be issued like the ones you used to develop the ideas for Indigo, unless there is some other non-stated reason for the policy. But that's just an outsider's opinion.


By the way, I think the Indigo logo is OUTSTANDING!!


-Lead Dog

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You know Neos I never really thought about Geo-911 on your own caches. I think it is OK al long as you get PrairiePartners to do it. :P Your reply about joining Indigo was right on the nose. Great answer. Thanks for jumping in there.

I think that cache is in your area, Deermark!


We still going for that 5/5 on sunday??? snow would make it even more of a challenge!!

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Sixdog, no one is trying to exclude anyone, we just cover Indianapolis and South and all you have to do is come to an event and your in on all the emails, etc.


As for people just a few miles north of Indy, I'm sure we'll make exceptions on a one for one basis.


Comments and concerns are always welcome, thanks for asking and expression your opinions!


As for you knowing about events, they will be posted on as a cache page, so anyone is welcome to attend!

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Not to flame the fires too much but...

Personally I find the requirements of INdigo membership to be pretty darn simple. Attend an event and you are IN! No racial, sexual or political bias, no intelligence testing, and you don't even have to be a land owner! It doesn't get much easier than this!


Actually it does get easier than the above. You can send an email and join. But only if you live in Indianapolis and south.


Like LeadDog I too find the distinction puzzling. If there has to be a distinction then I would expect the reverse to be the better method; i.e. join via email if you are too far away to easily attend IndiGo events while join via attending if you are in the IndiGo area.

Edited by RPW
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Anyone can join IndiGo, no matter where you live. Indiana cachers from the areas which we support (Indianapolis and south) can join by sending us your email address.


Cachers north of Indianapolis and from out-of-state are welcome. All you have to do is attend an IndiGo event!


These rules are simple and we made them as per the area we are supporting. If your interest is to join IndiGo, then coming to an event would be worth the effort.

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I think we all understand the how of the joining rules. They aren't that complex. Repeating them is not making anything more clear. What is missing is why the rules are the way they are.


Perhaps there is no why. I can accept that and perhaps I should without further comment. But if there is a why then I -- and likely others -- would like to know it. Call my curiosity an occupational disease.


EdP:, I agree, it is snowing here as well.

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I usually don't get involved in the forum arguments but I made the mistake of bookmarking this one and I can't get away from the bickering. Let me give SixDogTeam and example....I want to be included on the Spirit Quest team but I don't want to hide any of the caches. I want my name on all the Spirit Quest pages but I don't want to do anything to advance the Spirit Quest. I don't want to be involved in any way in the Spirit Quest. I just want my name on the list of members. Maybe one day I will hide a Spirit Quest Cache but as of now I just think it is fair to have my name included on all the caches. I also want one of the nice Spirit Quest coins, just because.


Isn't this the same thing you are asking of Indigo. You live too far away to come to any of the meetings or to volunteer to help in any way but you want to join just to have your name on members roll. Why? I don't understand.


I am a member of Indigo but I had nothing with organizing it. That would be Daggy, PrairiePartners and Indy Diver. They made the rules to better the organization. Having members that do not attend functions or volunteer does not help Indigo or their goals to make caching better in Indiana. The purpose of having a Southern Group was to make it easier to keep the group together. Indego tried to cover the entire state and it was way too much territory. Why not start an organization in your area and then spread it to include all of Northern Indiana? Let's all try to do something constructive for Geocaching. Let's not be like some of our neighboring states that have competing and bickering groups. Let's work together to advance our wonderful sport.

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That is it folks! I have sit on my hands for too long on this issue. My big mouth has been kept shut because I have made some good friends on extreme opposite sides of this issue. I state my opinion at the risk of alienating myself.


1. If you are comparing the ISQ to Indigo then you are attempting to compare apples and elephants. The ISQ is a series of caches not a club. Yes, there are been some good relationships forged between the hiders so if you insist on pressing the issue, then you could probably get away with calling it a caching team. The ISQ has no coins. There are three of us that hide ISQ caches that have ISQ logos on our personal coin. If you want one you will either have to find one in a cache or Team Shydog and myself will trade for personal coins (would you happen to have an extra Indy Diver lying around? :( ). If you would like to hide ISQ caches just email SixDogTeam. If you meet his expectations then start hiding (and I bet SixDogTeam would love to see more ISQ's in the southern part of the state). Despite our "tongue in cheek" comments about initiation ceremonies utilizing vegetable oil and livestock, the ISQ is not a club. In my opinion the comparison is ludicrous.


2. Who declared themselves god and carved up these territories anyways? I have the distinct honor of sitting right on top of the Mason-Dixon Line that has been laid down by someone. The last time I checked the geographic scope of an organization was determined their membership, not by a line on a map. If Indigo wants to be centered in southern Indiana, then name the place and those interested in participating will come to you and participate regardless of how far away they live. This obsession with drawing circles around ones self is creating a lot of bad blood (especially in my backyard).


3. I have seen that Indigo is to serve (represent?) the areas of Indianapolis and south. What are they intending to serve (to whom are they representing?)? This is a geocaching club, correct? What products/services is the club providing that is specific to Indy and south? What services are they providing at all (besides the killer web-site? Yes, I acknowledge it is just getting started and there has not been a lot of opportunity to put plans in motion. My question is more related to vision than “what have you done lately”.


4. The rules say those north of Indianapolis must attend an event to be member. Where are these rules? I am making an assumption these come from the Indigo by-laws? If so, where are those by-laws at?


I agree 100% with those complaining about the difference in membership requirements based on location. Yes the difference is easy and simple, but it equates to a second class membership offering from my point of view. It does not matter if you have 5000 or 5 finds to your credit or where you live. I have yet to meet a second class geocacher anywhere in Indiana. As a matter of fact I can only think of one state-wide geocaching organization that makes any sort of residency requirement (Wisconsin?). There may be a few more, but the vast majority do not care where you live. The whole thing is being perceived as a huge “kick in the head” to those north of Indianapolis. I acknowledge that was probably not the intent but I can certainly see that message.


What is it (or could it be) that other people are taking credit for? I do not understand that comment at all. Again, I thought this was a geocaching club.


Totally aside from anything related to Indigo, what is up with the north v south thing all about anyways? Has anyone noticed there is also some good caches / cachers in between? We never seem to take advantage of the great State Parks or SRA’s in east central or west central Indiana.


I would really like to see Indigo opened up.


My long winded 2-cents from the DMZ…

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4. The rules say those north of Indianapolis must attend an event to be member. Where are these rules? I am making an assumption these come from the Indigo by-laws? If so, where are those by-laws at?



4.The rules about joinging IndiGO are stated Here


I was under the impression from the meetings that to join, everyone must attend at least one event I never heard anything about signing up by e-mail until it was brought to attention here on the forums, then i did some searching and found that page.

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I want my name on all the Spirit Quest pages but I don't want to do anything to advance the Spirit Quest.  I don't want to be involved in any way in the Spirit Quest. I just want my name on the list of members. Maybe one day I will hide a Spirit Quest Cache but as of now I just think it is fair to have my name included on all the caches.

Mark, I'll put your name on the next one I place :( Honorable mention of course... :(

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Geesh, Lead Dog, is their no limit to the amount of whining and begging you're willing to do just to join Indigo? You know you're a sociopath and won't go to their meetings anyway, so why not just give it up!! Or just call North American and move.

Hey Patrick, if you can talk Lead dog into driving down to Anderson I'm sure Doobies would be more than willing to drive you the rest of the way down to the next IndiGO event... provided you don't rear-end his car of course... :(

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Geesh, Lead Dog, is their no limit to the amount of whining and begging you're willing to do just to join Indigo? You know you're a sociopath and won't go to their meetings anyway, so why not just give it up!! Or just call North American and move.

Hey Patrick, if you can talk Lead dog into driving down to Anderson I'm sure Doobies would be more than willing to drive you the rest of the way down to the next IndiGO event... provided you don't rear-end his car of course... :(

SixDog and Doobies in the same car for an hour or so. I would love to be a fly on the wall during that ride! :(

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You live too far away to come to any of the meetings or to volunteer to help in any way but you want to join just to have your name on members roll. Why? I don't understand.


Having members that do not attend functions or volunteer does not help Indigo or their goals to make caching better in Indiana.


Lead Dog's computer is down so he is posting this under my avatar. The views are his, not mine. I don't even like him, but he feeds me, so...


Well, FINALLY the voice of reason rears it ugly head. You make some good points, Deermark. B) But perhaps you are a very young whipper-snapper and have not had a lot of experience (or wisdom that comes with age) with organizations and their culture? B)


Perhaps members who do nothing more than pay dues or read the newsletter don't materially aid the organization much, but they usually don't hurt it either. And to prejudge members based on their percieved level or participation can get dicey, indeed. It has been my experience that talent, and contributions of members can be very surprising. And there are many ways a member can contribute to an organization other than attending meetings.


Organizational success can be directly proportional to organizational size. This is why it is important for an organization to be as inclusive as is practicable. Small churches can't fund missionaries or church schools. Small sled dog clubs can't put on big time races. Small Veterans organizations have no voice with congress. Small Fraternal clubs can't do much public service or build meeting halls. Now, there are many benefits to keeping an organization small, but they can be compensated for.


Generally a larger organization can better meet it's goals and meet the needs of its members. Actually that's precisely why people band together into groups, since the first cave families formed a clan: A group can accomplish more than an individual, whether it's to raise a barn or change a government.


Anyway, I don't know where the "List " is that I would be put on if I were a member. But I do know this: Every Organization has different levels of member participation, from the leaders who devote ten hours a day, to the guy who joins only to read the newsletter, and every increment in between. And there is a normal distibution of effort. The more members you have, the more hard workers percentage you will get.


By making northern cachers feel unwelcome, and that's what your policy does, whether intended or not, you might be missing out on that one guy that might have made a real contribution to caching thru your organization in ways we can't even think of-- Website design (I know, you've got that covered quite well), newsletter publication, publicity, brochures, coin minting --who knows?


And since you mention the ISQ series of caches, we had a guy come out of the blue and made a HUGE contribution to our effort: these great, fantastic bookmark lists of all 400 caches-- alot of work and really well done--I use the lists every day. Maybe a northerner will pop out of nowhere and do something spectacular for Indigo--who knows.


I know you want to be an organization just for southerners, but why make it hard for the few norherners or border cachers who may want to participate in some of your programs, like Trail trips or cache 9-11 or area reporting or whatnot? After all, it's INdigo, not SINdigo (Southern Indiana Geocaching Organization).


Blah, blah, blah, I'm putting myself to sleep. Hope this is taken in the spirit it's given. B)


Oh, and by the way, I find your insight into my own personal motives for wanting to join Indigo, i.e. just to have my name on on the members' roll and not vlounteer to help in any way--facinating. --Lead Dog of Sixdogteam



Edited by Earthdog Patrick
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I love you Rupert but you missed the point entirely. Indigo is not a club nor did I say ISQ was. I was only using the ISQ has an example. A bad exampe I guess since the comparison was lost in translation. I love ISQ. I did not mean to Dis it at all. You guys have taken a once bad situation, cemetery caches, and made it into a good thing. I was just trying to make a point. There is a huge hole in Indiana Geocaching and Gary, Lynn and Jim are trying to fill this hole. It is definitely not a North and South thing. Some people are just making it sound that way. The Indigo sponsors want to hold Events throughout our southern area. Indiana is just too large for one group to handle. That is why Daggy was trying to get some Northern folks to start a sister group. What has Indigo done lately. Indigo has started a Geo-911 to rescue caches. One of the older caches in the stated was rescued the same day as Geo-911 was announced. So far we have two adoptions of older caches and a lot of interest in more adoptions. We now have volunteer cachers covering most of the southern part of our great state. If you see a cache that is grossly undermaintenenced let Geo-911 know and I will go about having it fixed or report it to our approver. Next month we are starting a program called TrailMix. Where cachers of all abilities meet to cache a certain trail or an area together. Morgan-Monroe will be the site of the first get together. I hope to make this a monthly event. Come on down, join us and join Indigo. That's right. This is an EVENT. Here is your chance to join Indigo. Like I said the TrailMix is for all range of abilities. This is patterned after all the trips I lead to Rose Island at Charlestown State Park. That was a nine mile round trip but we had many non-hikers make this trip. It is all on the website.


I will make it easy to join Indigo. I will gladly sponsor a Trailmix or CITO as close to anyone's area that I can. Then all interested parties could travel the lessened distance and attend the Event and join us in Indigo. C'mon. What could be easier than that. I will travel 100 to 150 miles one way to make it easy for all to join if you guys will travel the rest of the way. Now granted the Fort Wayne area would be way out of our area but I could do Richmond or that area. I will meet anyone half way.


As John Lennon said, "GIVE PEACE A CHANCE." I am trying to mediate a peaceful solution here. Jim, Lynn and Gary have worked extremely hard to bring Indigo about. But then again it is there football and they can pick it up and go home anytime they want to. What is the big deal about joining Indigo anyway. I don't understand. Oh Lynn will like your comment on the website. She built that herself.



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That is why I don't usually post on the forums. I tend to ramble or hit the wrong buttons. RE: Oops. To all that know me I am and never will be a person that prejudges. I am already sorry I posted a comment. Of course I always am. You think I would learn by now. I can see you guys are irratated. Now is the time to start a Northern sister group and we can all work together.


Didn't mean to step on any toes which I obviously did. I am not a regular forums guy so maybe I don't understand the unspoken rules. It is so much easier to talk in person. So let's have a TalkMix. We will see if Indigo will sponsor it and you guys can all join us. But we have to meet on the "Mason-Dixon Line".


Wait a minute did I just stir up unrest again. I can't ever tell until I get feedback.


Oh I did like the young part of SixTeams response. I haven't been called young in....well let's not go there. Maybe I need to stir the pot more and fish for more compliments.


Let's all just go Caching.....and make it an event so you can join.


Did I do it again. Sorry.



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My comments in no way reflect the opinions of the management. I am probably making things worse. I got Rupert involved and he was sitting back being a nice guy. Sorry if I offended anyone and I will butt out from here on out. Pay no attention to the lurking behind the curtain. PEACE.



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I personally like my Idea... if you don't want to drive all the way down, partner up with an indianapolis cacher and they'll drag yer sorry butt the rest of the way :-) I mean um... oops....


Speaking of which... Lead dog, please have Doobies pick me up too on the way down... That way i can use a tape recorder and give it to Rupert so he can hear what was said.. LOL..

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My comments in no way reflect the opinions of the management. I am probably making things worse. I got Rupert involved and he was sitting back being a nice guy. Sorry if I offended anyone and I will butt out from here on out. Pay no attention to the lurking behind the curtain. PEACE.



Hey Deermark!


Sorry. I did not mean to come across that harsh. :( We rarely hear from you in the forums and do not want to drive you off.


Besides what else is there to do other than hang out in the forums with all of the caches buried under the snow? I did dig out two last week but after handling the snow and ice on the ammo box my fingers were too frozen to scratch out my name legibly on the log.

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I usually don't post on the forums but sense it involves me I just can't sit back and watch.

We do not or have not tried to restrict this group. It is open to anyone that wishes to come to an event or meeting. I plan on having another one in Indy after the holidays. Until then I hate to see the bickering and there is know reason for it. We are all cachers and live in Indiana. Soooo

Can't we all just get along, except Six Dog Team and Earthdog Patrick. (I think that they are a split personality and should try to not make comments like You know you're a sociopath.) HeHe :(


Have a good evening.

Cache On!

Indy Diver


(Pleaqse remember that I didn't mean to say anything to be negitive and I don't want to stur the pot any more.)


Don't pay attention to the guy behinsd the curton.

Edited by Indy Diver
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In my understanding, INdigo was created to be a Geocaching organization primarily for the southern half of the state but open to anyone, anywhere. The guidelines for membership, though slightly different, were based on this geography and therefore the organization has the right to make membership requirements as they see fit. Short of a simple explanation of the rules, I do not see the need to debated them with anyone, anywhere.

As in most organizations of this type, you either play by the rules and join or you don't.



I believe the main reason behind this debate over "membership" can summerized in the following definition:


Sociopath (soh-see-uh-path, soh-shee-uh-path)


Someone whose social behavior is extremely abnormal. Sociopaths are interested only in their personal needs and desires, without concern for the effects of their behavior on others.

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I agree, with Team Shydog on this, we need to follow the forum guidlines when posting your notes. Please no personal attacks and no name calling!!


I understand the bickering going on here and we are discussing the wordings of the rules for joining, so be patient and give us time to talk about it.


Our intention for IndiGo was not to offend anyone or make anyone feel left out. If you have a serious issue, please email me, Indy Diver , or Daggy with the issue first, instead of posting on the forums.


Jim (Prairiepartners)

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Good morning fellow Hoosiers! I trust everyone has had a good night's sleep and is ready to continue?


As I said before, Deermark proves once again to be the voice of reason calling out of the wilderness. For any lurkers here, It may be hard to follow this thread, because the young Deermark has edited one of the posts that I replied to, but that is a good thing and I'm glad he did it..


I think this has been a healthy debate. Jim said comments and concerns were welcome here, or words to that effect, and that is all some of us have tried to do: Make what we consider to be comments in the range of constructive criticism.


And Chris, with the exception of Indotguy and Earthdog Patrick, there hasn't been much name calling. Patrick has had years of observing me, since he lives with me, and so he has formed an opinion of my behavior based on that observation.

Others that attempt to psycoanalyze me from afar, never having met me, must realize that I may take umbrage at that activity.


And another thing: Patrick is bi-polar and off his meds.


And so, as the sun slowly rises in the east, turning the snow on the roofs of the outbuildings into a glittering array of brilliant diamonds, It slowly dawns (no pun intended) on Lead Dog that there will be no warm welcoming olive branch extended to him from his bretheren in the South, and Invasion will be his only recourse in his never-ending quest to become a member of their august group....




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I understand the bickering going on here and we are discussing the wordings of the rules for joining, so be patient and give us time to talk about it.


Our intention for IndiGo was not to offend anyone or make anyone feel left out. If you have a serious issue, please email me, Indy Diver , or Daggy with the issue first, instead of posting on the forums.


Jim (Prairiepartners)

My post above was written before Jim's post showed up this morning.


The only reason we brought up this issue here, which we consider to be a serious one, was this statement in the OP:


"Feel free to post here on this forums any comments and suggestions.



IndiGO Steering Committee."


If you are at least considering our viewpoint, that's good enough for me.


If I can make that Anderson connection, I'm going to try to make it to an Indy Indigo event. Besides, there's a White Castle in Anderson. MMMMM!! I used to be shift manager of a Krystal (Southern version of WC) and once cooked breakfast for 400 National guardsmen, and they poid me off with a governemt chit!! In those days, probably long before Deermark was even born, we used to cook eggs in a 8" fry pan and flip 'em--With the Guard on the way (They called ahead) I cooked everything on the burger grills...



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Hello to everyone! I normally don't post or monitor the forums. My job with IndiGo is the website. Someone else monitors this forum for the group. But I was emailed and asked to weigh in. So I decided not to comment but to offer only a little history.


Jim, Gary and I began working on the IndiGo concept the day after the Fall Picnic and believe me it has been a lot of work but hopefully worth it. Throughout our conversations the one reoccurring topic was how were going to keep everyone happy and not make anyone feel unwanted. We definitely did not want to alienate anyone. We saw InGeo fail because it took on too much and didn’t have a team that could commit to leadership of the group.


We all have full time jobs, families and commitments outside of geocaching. Now don't anyone laugh, we do to other things besides geocaching. We knew we could not personally commit the time or money it would take to encompass the entire state. Our decision was to work with the area we could physically handle. We decided to ask cachers in the northern half of the state of start a sister organization that would cover the remainder of the state and team with IndiGo occasionally and to work with geocaching.com, DNR, etc.


Before IndiGo was ever announced to anyone. Three northern cachers who had hosted events and/or were committed to geocaching was contacted and asked to discuss forming a sister organization with northern cachers. We shared ideas that were being used to form the IndiGo group and offered to meet with the group to go more in depth and to help in getting a northern sister group started. The response we received was very positive.


Emails went back and forth discussing concepts, sharing ideas, etc. A smaller northern group of cachers met to discuss the possibilities. Here is part of the email received sharing their decision:


“… I just wanted to update you on the meeting we had on Sunday. (We) met and discussed forming a local caching group as well as a larger Regional group. It was decided to focus our efforts on forming a local social geocaching group at this time. We felt that having a strong local group would benefit us more than trying to start a larger group at this time.


I will be going to the Pokagon event on October 22 and plan on talking with a few of the Northern cachers to see if they would be interested in starting smaller local groups as well. Then possibly in the spring or summer a meeting could be held to discus the formation of a larger Northern Indiana group.


Cinco was formed from that meeting.


Hopefully, the above explanation has shown that the group that formed IndiGo did everything possible to include the north in the IndiGo concept. The IndiGo steering committee was content that things were on their way in the north and forged ahead with the IndiGo introduction meetings.


The offer still stands, the IndiGo steering committee will work with a group of northern cachers to form a sister group when they are ready.


Thanks for to everyone who mentioned they liked the website. You don't know how much that means to me since the InKy and IndiGo website are learn as you go. Thanks so much for the compliments and keep your ideas for new programs and the website coming.

Edited by daggy
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