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Where's All The Cachers?

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I have felt the same way all year. Is it the heat? The Gas Prices? Is everyone losing interest?

It can't be my caches, they are wonderful - I know, I placed them. :ph34r:


I know I am not as gung ho about driving to get just one cache, or hiking in the heat. I plan to get out more this fall and winter. One good thing is several new caches have been placed in the Land Between the Lakes Recreational area and by not running out and grabbing new one I have a full day of caching available over there and I just got a canoe so I can get Three that require boats. Today the temperature is only 73, but raining. I was going after one that was placed in Shawnee National Forest 3 weeks ago with no finds but it is not worth a hour + drive to not knowing which of the four dead end roads is the trail head, then to hike in the rain. So we are off to do a tour of the wineries in Southern IL.


Happy Caching

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It can't be my caches, they are wonderful - I know, I placed them. :blink:

One of Geo.Joe's caches, Honker Hill, was my first, a great cache. But I am also the last person to visit it. And that was a month ago. Glad to hear there are more caches in LBL, gives me more reasons to go there.


My 5 caches aren't seeing a lot of traffic either, I thought it was because they are out in the middle of new caching territory, but maybe it's something else.

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We also need to keep in mind that the more cachers out there, the more caches get hidden.  The more caches available means more to choose from and so there may be an unbalance in terms of the local cachers to caches ratio.

I think that has something to do with it. Last week I was FTF on a cache that was 19 days old. It wasn't particularly difficult or an especially long hike either. Heck, two weeks ago we had the 3 day G.O.N.E. event just 2 miles away and you'd think one of the almost 200 geocachers who attended would have gone for the FTF on it.


There are just so many of them out there in some areas that no one cache gets a lot of traffic(unless its a film canister next to a Walmart dumpster :blink: .)


Also, if the cache not part of a cluster of cache, it will largely be ignored. People are so wrapped up in numbers these days that very few will go after a cache unless they can bag 3-4 others along with it. Its not a gas thing either, because its been that way well before gas prices spiked.

Edited by briansnat
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Gas prices are kinda affecting our caching. We use to go out during the week just to get out of the house to nab 1 or 2 if they were loners, with no other caches around, to get them done. Then one day on the weekend would be our caching day when we'd go after a few. Well we don't go out during the week anymore cause of gas prices, but on the weekends we haven't been able to get out just because we've been busy. Our last time out was Sept 5th, this is by far our longest stretch without caching. Can't wait to get back out there.

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We put a new cache out in my daughters name for her birthday the first one dissapeared, so we archived it and moved it started it up 2 weeks ago and only 2or 3 people have found or even got it, whats up the first one we did got hammered-is it the gas prices- where's all the cachers <_<:rolleyes:

Alot of caches is the problem.


When people place 10 caches in one day. They show up on people lists as unfound.


Naturally they want to find closer to home caches with gas prices. So if in one day 10 caches popped up right in front of your cache spot, then it will take longer.


Patience is key, make cache pages SO enticing that the reader just has to find the cache and see this awesome spot.


Planning a great cache is hard to do, but always carry a notebook. I was sitting reading a backpacking magazine the other day and had a good idea for a halloween themed cache. Half of the story on the cache page, the other half laminated and placed inside the cache.

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We put a new cache out in my daughters name for her birthday the first one dissapeared, so we archived it and moved it started it up 2 weeks ago and only 2or 3 people have found or even got it, whats up the first one we did got hammered-is it the gas prices- where's all the cachers :rolleyes:<_<

I checked you profile to see the cache and it isn't listed. Maybe that's the problem. Or, do you have more than one account?

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