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To 'out' Or Not To 'out'


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Give them enough time to respond to emails. Its summer and people maybe on holiday and not checking email. As for naming and shaming - I think we can work it out :rolleyes: . Have to say that I don't understand the TB after a couple minutes of reading - maybe they don't either but thats not really any excuss, they could just put it in another cache and get rid.

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Not sure about naming and shaming, but I have to say that it is very bad form to hang onto a TB for a prolonged period without contacting the owner to explain.


The guide lines state:


Is there any Travel Bug etiquette?


Use the Golden Rule when you find a Travel Bug. Most owners would rather see their travel bugs do a lot of travelling, so try not to hold on to a travel bug for too long. If you plan on holding onto the bug for more than 2 weeks, make sure to send a courtesy email to the owner letting them know.

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What if the TB is strictly not a TB?


(If it doesn't have a tag, is it a TB?)




Bob Aldridge

you can't log a bug without out it's number ,if it hasn't a number then it's not a travel bug,. A cacher has taken a travel bug from one of my caches, but has removed the bug from the tag and is keeping hold of it, he does not answer emails , and will be named and shamed , sometimes that is what is needed.


How many of you , I mean the original cachers from when we first got started. can remember ? the travel bug (HOTDOG MAN) . naming and shaming got it into circulation again very fast, try searching for this bug to see what happened when he went missing. There was organized mass marches through the streets , and the UN were about to be informed :rolleyes: in support of his right to freedom. he may have been mentioned in the house of commons as well :lol: he was always a favourite of everyone us of them days. have search for him and read his exploits


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you can't log a bug without out it's number ,if it hasn't a number then it's not a travel bug,.

In the case that Ali is referring to the tag was never attached to the bug. She released multiple "bugs" with the same number - but no tags.


You see, I know which pig she is interested in, and she has sent out a couple of messages, but only the last one went unanswered because I am right in the middle of organising a big congress for my 3-D photographic organisations, and simply didn't get around to answering the e-mail amoungst the hudreds that I am getting at the moment...


But, I find that I am having a problem with the ethics of this bug!


It cannot be tracked in the normal sense because it's number is on many clones. Which is rather against the basic prionciple of bugs! After all, I could log it in somehow, but Ali could never say with certainty that I had, unless I also identify it in the log. But surely that's the function of the number?


So, I've "outed" myself!


And I'm not ashamed, because I will pass on the bug sometime soon, when I find a suitable cachew (it won't go in a micro) and I have it with me. (I sometimes go off after a new cache without my "caching bag".


If Ali wants to hard done by, then should release conventional bugs!


One of mine (truly conventional) is missing in action (it was made nearly 4000 years ago, so I suppose it had a good innings!) but I'm not complaining that someone put it into a remote Irish cache that then got washed away... :-)


TBs with tags are vulnerable. TBs WITHOUT tags are doubly so!


And now I must get back to organising that Congress! :-)


Bob Aldridge

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Woooo :rolleyes:


Looks like the bug police have nabbed it.


Far be it from me to put my ore in but if the owners intentions are known, then surly a responsible cacher would/should do all they can to help the bug achieve its goal, whether or not it has an official tag attached, unless of course the item is not family friendly, dangerous or outside the GC.com t&c's.

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you can't log a bug without out it's number ,if it hasn't a number then it's not a travel bug,.

In the case that Ali is referring to the tag was never attached to the bug. She released multiple "bugs" with the same number - but no tags.


But, I find that I am having a problem with the ethics of this bug!


It cannot be tracked in the normal sense because it's number is on many clones. Which is rather against the basic prionciple of bugs! After all, I could log it in somehow, but Ali could never say with certainty that I had, unless I also identify it in the log. But surely that's the function of the number?


If Ali wants to hard done by, then should release conventional bugs!


TBs with tags are vulnerable. TBs WITHOUT tags are doubly so!


Bob Aldridge

Having read your defence statement, I think you have a good point. This was not mentioned by the author . it can confuse people, bugs let loose this way. One bug one tag is how it should be.


Edited by The Northumbrian
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To defend Alibags 'cluster TB' deluge of piggies for a moment; Yes they all have the same number on a laminated card which is clearer than a genuine TB tag, but they're still just as easy to log into a cache. All one might have to do is grab the number from another cache or piggie-holder first. The TB's page is clear, the info with the pig itself is clear enough and it all seems very simple to me.


To answer Ali's original question, I'd out the holder if I'd had no news from them for a few weeks. As others have said (although it wasn't the situation 'this time') people do go on holiday and you have to make allowances for travel, illness and death.



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Allibag made no mention of this being( a multi bug )for want of a better word.

why could she not have told us the whole story on this bug, all I did was read how many bugs she has and there didn't seem to be a problem with a bug held captive for a very long time. I never looked up the seperate bugs , I just looked at her profile page. So If a cacher was to swamp the site with a few dozen bugs all with the same number, Would the mileage of the bugs be collective/ I suppose for those that are record hunters it' s a good way of getting the mileage boosted.


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Seeing as you outed yourself Bob, I apologise if I caused you any offense by the forum topic, and I appreciate that (a) you may not like my TB and (:lol: you have been busy. My reply to this is (a) dump it in a cache [log it or not, please yourself] and (:rolleyes: you have visited 22 caches including an event since you picked it up.


My TB is within the rules. If you don't like it then don't pick it up, or having read the TB page, quickly move it on. I agree that perhaps it is confusing, but 99% of people have managed to grasp it okay. As to the ethics, well fine, you are entitled to you opinion, but I don't believe its up to you to impose your code of ethics on me by confiscating my bug. The number is clearly marked on the accompanying laminated tag. I have picked up TBs which have the tracking number magic markered onto them and not felt this was a problem.


Please drop it off and then we can both move on.

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Of course I'll move it on.


But, as this is only a game, I really don't see it with the smae importance that you do.


And since this is just one of many with that number, you can't say you're not getting your money's worth out of the bug tag! :-)


I will mopve it on "as soon as possible" but, in my case at the moment, that might be a little longer than you would like.


One un-answered e-mail, and you ask obout "outing"!


Do you need to "lighten up" a little? :-)




Bob Aldridge

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Bob, I am so pleased you have not taken great offense at this. As regards TBs, well people do tend to get wound up about them, don't they? Just see all the 'so and so has nicked my TB threads all over the forums. Not worth falling out over though, and I am sure you will do the 'right thing' in the end.


I have got excellent value for money from my one TB tag as you say. I look forwards to seeing where it eventually ends up. If you get bored with looking at it, feel free to just drop it in your local cache.

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Hmmm since i outed asm495 a couple of hours ago my tb has suddenly been placed in a cache in Dorset.....after 5 months of inactivity, It will be intresting to see if its actually there or not in a physical sense.

If anyone lives near this cache.. Durdle Door (Dorset) GC5ED2 i would be very grateful if it can be confirmed in there or not. 'Bella the Beak' tb.

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OK, first of all I'm not going to get into a flame war about this. Just some simple facts...


1. I visited the geocache back in March with some friends. One of my friends took the travel bug as he said he was going to Africa shortly and would put it in a cache there. I logged the travel bug as having been removed against me as my friend did not have an account on geocaching.com


2. My friend's trip was cancelled and I told him to place the TB somewhere else, which despite constant prodding he has failed to do so.


3. I replied to third-degree-witch when he first contacted me and explained this situation.


4. I've forwarded every message since from third-degree-witch to my friend to reply to which he has said he did so and explaining the situation again.


5. When third-degree-witch contacted me this evening I finally grew tired of this situation which I wish I'd never got caught up in in the first place (considering it was not me who removed the TB). I forwarded on the email to my friend again and put the bug back in Durdle Door and gave instructions to my friend on how to create an account and track it as having been removed by him.


So the summary is...


- The TB was never removed by me and I regret ever putting it against my name that it was

- The TB is not in Durdle Door

- My friend still has the TB and I've told him to create the account and log it as having been removed by him


I'm sorry this situation even happened and believe me I've grown tired of asking my friend to at least put the TB back somewhere!


Sorry again for all of this.

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Sticking my oar in - was it not part of the TB's mission to cause 'confusion'?


As has been said: if you don't agree with it, don't take it! if you didn't know, get rid sooner rather than later!


It is not in the spirit of the game to push your own views onto other ppl. Play the game. there's plenty for everyone.

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Bob, I am so pleased you have not taken great offense at this. As regards TBs, well people do tend to get wound up about them, don't they?

Me? Take great offense? Ha! I like to think that I know how to keep things pretty much in perspective, And, right now, your small soft toy is not as important to me as several hundred 3-D photographers descending on Eastbourne next month and expecting to be give a printed program for which I have to give the printers a Quark File by the end of this week...


And then I have to finalise several shows for the gathering etc etc etc (I'm sure you don't need to know all of this, but I mention it just to illustrate why I'm not trotting off to my local cache and depositing your little piggy!


It will be released into the wild at some point. It's just thet it's really not going to be today.


Or tomorrow!


Patience is a card game.


Or something.


Oh no! I think I've lost the plot...



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I logged the travel bug as having been removed against me as my friend did not have an account on geocaching.com
An unfortunate move I'm afraid. As you logged the move, I feel you are still responsible - if you cannot recover the tb, perhaps you should offer suitable compensation. That said, at least you have replied to the postings!

I am anxiously awaiting an overdue tb placement now :rolleyes:


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I've sent my friend all the instructions to sort the situation out. I've also sent him the link to this thread to see all the strife he is causing for me. I'd be quite happy to put the TB back in another cache just down the road to get rid of it if he did give it to me but for some reason he seems quite stubbornly obsessed with taking it to Africa himself.


I've done all I can do about this to resolve the situation... third-degree-witch... if you want my friend's email address for you to speak to him directly please message me again. Maybe you'll have more luck than me! Believe me, I've had quite enough of this situation.

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I think this topic has answered my question quite well. In each 'outing' here at least the TB owners have achieved a response, which is nice, although not necessarily a 'result'. I wonder whether endless private polite reminders may actually prove more effective than public exposure. Unwanted publicity seems to produce antagonism rather than action, which my be counter productive, no matter how cathartic it may be [and highly entertaining to read!].


I am going to close this thread now because it has thus far managed to avoid overstepping the forum bounds of good behaviour, although it doesn't stretch the imagination much to see it going that way.


I may chose to 'out' in the future, if so, I will have more of an idea what to expect next time I do.

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