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Earth Cache

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Hello all.


I am just wondering if anyone knows if/when Earth Caches will start being approved again?


If anyone knows if there is a moritorium on Earth Caches or a reason for the delay in the approval process, maybe they could post a note here.


I know there are semi-other threads regarding Earth Caches, but there doesn't seem to be much in the way of information regarding the expected approval of them.


Last I heard from "Geoaware", he had not heard anything either.


:rolleyes: The Blue Quasar

Ontario Geocaching Association

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I gotta correct an editorial mistake. I forgot some quotation marks in a big way. The comments were pulled from other threads, and I don't have those quotey button things mastered.

Below is my edited post. I am not a reviewer, and I certainly don't play one on TV!


Earth caches are a new thing. There is no moratorium that I'm aware of, they just started. But here are some notes I gathered from searching other threads regarding earthcaches:


Here's the link you'll want to bookmark for Earth caches.


"The volunteer cache reviewers have no involvement in the earthcache listing process."


"To clarify, the volunteer cache reviewers have absolutely no involvement in the Earthcache review and listing process. We see them in the queue of pending caches but that is all. Even though I stared at a Pennsylvania earthcache in my queue for many weeks, I had no authority to press the button to list it."


"The correct contacts with questions about a pending Earthcache submission are geoaware (for the GSA) and the contact at geocaching dot com e-mail address."


(Please don't make me search again to see who said what :rolleyes: )

Edited by Planet
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I heard that all Earthcaches go to Jeremy for approval, and that he hasn't approved one for several weeks now. But please take that for the unsubstantiated hearsay that it is.


I'm kind of curious as to why no new ones have been approved as well. Jeremy too busy, re-thinking Earthcaches or some aspect of them, technical glitch, or ??? (Not a complaint, just idle curiosity.)

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Thanks everyone for the feedback.


I was pretty sure that the local approvers cannot approve them, and the rumour that Jeremy only could was alluded to it another thread.


As for the "New Virtual" thing.... I guess I have another thread to research on, as I hadn't heard that either.


Always lots to learn!


:blink: The Blue Quasar

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From the Earth Cache link :


All Earthcaches need to be approved by GSA (to ensure appropriateness of the site and educational standard of the notes) before they can be submitted for approval via the Geocaching website. To submit your site, please complete the GSA EarthCache Submittal Form. You will be contacted shortly thereafter regarding approval status. For more information, please contact earthcache@geosociety.org.


There is a special program for the development of EarthCaches in partnership with the National Park Service, U.S. Forest Service, and other public land agencies.

Edited by Planet
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Yes, I am aware of the Earthcache site and the information posted there.


After they are blessed by the GSA folks, my understanding is that they are sent to Jeremy for final approval as I mentioned previously. Again, that's just what I've heard so it may not be accurate.

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South Surrey Scavengers - Since we both are in Canada and have Earth Caches in the Geocaching.com approval queue, how did you find that out?


I send an email to Geoaware aka Gary and he had no further info about when they will be approved and he has long since posted both yours and mine.


That's all I'm looking for. When does Geocaching do the approval, and who is that person?


As for the links to the GSA and Earthcache info there, I have seen that stuff, read it, and submitted my Earth Cache and the GSA approved the day Geoaware returned in early part of January.


If one looks at the GSA's page for EarthCaches you can see a list of Approved and a list of Pending... the pending list has been been growing but nothing is coming off of it.


That is my point, just trying to find out info.


:unsure: The Blue Quasar

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Your information was likely correct at the time (yesterday). But today is another day and ...


I am part of an advisory group that Geoaware has set up to assist on setting up guidelines for Earthcaches. I just heard today from him that Jeremy e-mailed him with an update on the situation. A website update is coming which will have an automated section (but not clear just what this is). Also, there is supposed to be an additional approver trained to help with Earthcaches.


That's all I know at this time. It sounds like improvements are on the way and they're not too far off. But no specific time has been given.


GSA is also working on improving its website. We're currently discussing some possible improvements.


Keep submitting your Earthcaches at www.earthcache.org

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Looks like the logjam is getting unstuck. My Earthcache that was submited just 2 weeks ago has been approved and went live this evening. Still tied to the one account though, bummer.


It was edited to include my email address for verification purposes. But I can't edit the cache, and it will show on my queries as unfound.

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Yes, excellent on several counts!


The EarthCaches are being/have been approved!!


Another person to help get them rolling too!


Future new web page, updating GSA pages, and everything else.


All great!


I'm much happier now :ph34r:


Hoping the caches can get moved to the EarthCache submitters profile would be really helpful too. I'd feel funny not taking care of my own, let alone logging a find on it.


But very impressed with everything that has happened today and the posts in this forum.


Thanks to all involved, starting from Jeremy, the other helpful approvers and to the people that have provided insights into this topic


:D The Blue Quasar

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Yes, excellent on several counts!

The EarthCaches are being/have been approved!!

Future new web page, updating GSA pages, and everything else.

All great!

I'm much happier now <_<


Hoping the caches can get moved to the EarthCache submitters profile would be really helpful too. I'd feel funny not taking care of my own, let alone logging a find on it.


But very impressed with everything that has happened today and the posts in this forum.


Thanks to all involved, starting from Jeremy, the other helpful approvers and to the people that have provided insights into this topic


:lol: The Blue Quasar

I agree with all Blue Quasar says. I am so excited about the Eartthcache I created, I sure hope my Coastal Craze is enabled soon. Mine says disabled, see below logs but nothing is there. I sure hope I get that little icon in my stats, I wont lie, I LOVE the icons. Thank you thank you thank you.

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TTI, I really have enjoyed the Falls when I have visted..... but a waterfall can be a Earthcache? <_<


Heck, we've got some rivers here in Alabama.... I wonder since it's a hydrological feature if I could get one approved?


I just don't understand this whole Earthcache thing....


TTI, I wasn't picking on you or your cache, just the Earthcache idea. Maybe someone can help me better understand it.

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Might I be so bold to ask......


Is there a plan to eventually transfer each EarthCache back to the original geocacher that submitted the entry?


There is definitely a "Pride in Ownership" factor, and I must admit.... I really want that icon in my profile too!


<_< The Blue Quasar - GCMGE7 - St. John's Conservation Area EarthCache

Edited by The Blue Quasar
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Might I be so bold to ask......


Is there a plan to eventually transfer each EarthCache back to the original geocacher that submitted the entry?


There is definitely a "Pride in Ownership" factor, and I must admit.... I really want that icon in my profile too!


<_< The Blue Quasar - GCMGE7St. John's Conservation Area EarthCache

And if they try to e-mail me a pic or the answer to my question, will I get it?

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Hi folks (yes..i have posted a similar text in other threads)


It seems that there is quite a bit of mis-information about earthcaches. So I hope I can clear the air for poeple :


To start with www.earthcache.org is a site administered by the Geological Society of Amercia. The Earthcache Master (me) is the education director for GSA and yes, i happen to live in Australia. I have been caching for a while now and love it.


GSA is a not-for profit society that wants to promote a greater understanding of our earth. Earthcaching is part of the outreach program.


The concept of Earthcaches was to take the virtual cache and increase its educational focus so that visitors to the cache learn something, and not, as they do in some virtuals, just see a pretty view. As the concept developes we are getting better and making sure that this happens.


Earthcaches are developed by any cacher. They submit these through the www.earthcache.org web page so that we can check the appropriatness of the education and the lesson. About 30% get rejected...and most of these are asked to rework so they are more educational. Most developers are very happy to do this. Once we are happy that the cache meets those dealines they are sent to gc.com for approval.


Because of this step, currently Earthcaches are all linked to my account. This is not because i want to own them. GC.com and I have been discussing and working on getting the system adjusted so they can be transfered to the rightful owners. This only makes sense and is the right thing to do. All Earthcache developers who have asked know that we are working on this issue and it is our intent to get them ownership asap.


I have a small group of people from other countries (Canada, Germany, UK, USA and Australia) that I bounce ideas off and who provide valuable feedback (as does this forum)


No Earthcache developer has been paid to develop a cache. However, we do have the capacity to assist a cacher (some gas money) to work with a National Park etc, if the Nataional Park approachers us to have caches set up in their park. As yet this has not happened.


Earthcaches are a great way to take our game/sport and make a more formal education step. I am sure that this will open up geocaching to other groups, like schools and scouts and museums, which will just enrich the game.


I hope that people will be patient cas we develop the concept and be supportive of its aims. If you want to contact me directly...feel free glewis@geosociety.org





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