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Empty Pocket Queries?


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Every so often, I goof in trying to create a pocket query, but usually I spot my error and eventally succeed in running the query.

Today, however, I tried running several queries and I got nothing back, even though my query list shows that the queries had run successfully <_< ; I am wondering if others have experienced similar problems and figured out what the causes of such problems were.

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My query said it ran more than an hour ago and I don't have it. The last time I remember this happening was at Labor Day. Something got hung up on the gc.com server (or something) - anyway - there was a root cause. I need my PQ for a trip I'm leaving for less than 8 hours from now - hope it gets fixed.

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I have held off sending this as I assume I am doing something wrong...but, here goes...just in case there isn't a central problem...


I have done PQs before with no problems. Yesterday and today, I have tried six different PQs...rec'd a reponse within 5 mins...but every time it states no results.


Is there a list of common user errors? I have read the guidelines at the bottom of the query page.


Thanks in advance...



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The most common problem that I am aware of it due to the logic of the page. If you check both "found" and "not found", then you will not get anything; to get a PQ with the caches that you found as well as the ones you did not find, then you need to leave both these boxes unchecked.


Ditto for any mutually exclusive items such as "available" and "not available".


If this does not resovle you problem, then open up the PQ screen at the GC website, and grab the URL (the http://... line) and paste it into your message. This allows us to look at what you are doing (we can not edit yours for you; for us it is a copy to look at).

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I have held off sending this as I assume I am doing something wrong...but, here goes...just in case there isn't a central problem...


I have done PQs before with no problems. Yesterday and today, I have tried six different PQs...rec'd a reponse within 5 mins...but every time it states no results.


Is there a list of common user errors? I have read the guidelines at the bottom of the query page.


Thanks in advance...



Make sure you don't have conflicting checks in the query. For example, don't check "Caches i have found" and "Caches I have not found" as that will cancel them out since there is no single cache you have AND haven't found. That's probably the most popular one... just leave those two boxes blank if you want caches you have found as well as caches you haven't.


So check some of your criteria and see if you can spot the error. Or do as someone else suggested, post the URL to the query, or even just list what you've checked off to be sent.

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Robert...thanks so much! <_< I rechecked my choices...submitted...and rec'd what I wanted...


For some reason, I was checking the I Have Found and I Have Not Found boxes...so they were conflicting the query. I guess I thought they were mutually exclusive variables that would capture both types. :lol:


Thanks again...its great having help at your fingertips...


Have a great Christmas



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