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Breeder Caches...


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Well ..... it's the main reason there is a rule stating that caches should be at least 0.1mi apart.


Otherwise, the little devils breed like rabbits and spawn .....


Well, where do think all the micros come from?



If you do a cache Like this one you will get a bunch of micros. However, if you do a cache like I did you won't produce a bunch of micros.


When I started mine, there was nobody else around placing caches and my idea was to get some of the new cachers into placing caches. The difference in these two caches is that I had lots of control of where the next one would be placed. The first example, does not. Thus, the potential for producing micro litter.


Frankly, I was uncomfortable seeing the kudos to me on the cache page of the first example. I did not know ahead of time this thing was going to produce a bunch of micros.


BTW, the original spawner cache has retired to a new location and is no longer producing other caches.



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Breeder Cache? I always heard 'em called seed caches.


Here's the mother of all seed caches. About 1,000 caches are promised.


If every container is used and the project is completed in time, over 3,100 caches will be given out at this event that is on the same weekend as the Texas Challenge. :lol::lol: Over 300 people showed up to the Texas Challenge last year. I think I'll find homes for the 70+ seed pods I'm building. :o;);):lol:;)

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A breeder cache is one that requires you to place a new cache in orde to claim the find. Typically they're filled with little film canisters or some other cheap micro container. You grab one and toss it onto a guardrail on your way home.

One of my favorite seed/breeder/nursery caches (Oh No! - Not another Seed Cache!) doesn't REQUIRE you to take a container and hide it to log the find. The user INVITES you to take as many of the containers as you would like to place new caches. That way no one feels obligated to toss one onto a guard rail. ;)

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Breeder Cache? I always heard 'em called seed caches.


Here's the mother of all seed caches. About 1,000 caches are promised.


If every container is used and the project is completed in time, over 3,100 caches will be given out at this event that is on the same weekend as the Texas Challenge. :lol::lol: Over 300 people showed up to the Texas Challenge last year. I think I'll find homes for the 70+ seed pods I'm building. :o;):o;);)

I can just see it now! 70+ underground skunk filled bunkers with nasty couches and rusty filing cabinets.



(Yes, I am watching your cache and getting a big kick out of it, too. Please don't put my name on one of those files! :lol: )

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