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Anyone Using A Pda To Cache With?

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I have a Garmin 76cs that I love but the screen is so small. I also just ordered (Has not shipped yet) a Dell Axim X50v. I am thinking about using it caching if there is a good enough software to do this with. I will definately use it for my driving directions. Geocaching is another story.

Is anyone on here using a PDA to cache with? If so what have you found works best? (Software, Hardware, ETC...)


I plan on getting this Belkin Bluetooth GPS





Mapopolis program. ($80-100) It's great for autonavigating the roads to get you to the trailhead. IN GPS mode it will get you to the cache however, I'm using a CF GPS that pliugs into the CF slot not a Bluetooth. Also, CF GPS's can come with a high sensitive receiver that works in foliage a plus for caching. NBOt sure about Bluetooth models check GPSPASSION.COM. The Bluetooth requires it's own charging plus it's a separate unit. You could get a cable to connect the 76 to the Axim though.


Of course with the Axim like my iPaq I use it for paperless caching with GSAK and gpxsonar. NG Topo provide 24K maps that you can load into the Axim too.


Good luck


I have an IPAQ 3670 (ancient beast) with a Transplant CF GPSr plugged into a dual slot sleeve NexiPak. That's the hardware. Software is GPSTuner for hunting down the cache, GPxSonar for the cache pages and Mapopolis when I need the streets laid out.


I use my Ipaq 3955 in conjunction with my GPS 60CS. I have Streets and Trips, GPXView and GPX Sonar loaded. I can export my waypoints using either GPXview or GPX sonar though unless you have the latest operating system you can't use the latest version of GPX sonar which is much easier to use than the version I have.


When I get home from a trip and get ready for the next trip I set up my USB cables and start loading maps and pocket queries to my GPS and my PDA. If I am caching and get stumped I just might actually read the cache page and see what I am supposed to be looking for.



Posted (edited)

While I have a Pocket PC I only use it for PQs, the way I drop things if I used as a GPS (Which I have done to see how it would work) it would have died a long time ago. I cann't count all the times I have been known drop a GPSr I ran out of fingers and toes :D

Edited by JohnnyVegas

Has anybody tried tomtom ? I'm considering buying a bluetooth or CF GPS module to my PDA and I need a mapping program too. I know Tomtom is a road navigator but is it usable for caching too (outside roads)?

Any better/alternative software to use in Europe?

I plan on getting this Belkin Bluetooth GPS




I have a DELL axim X5. Three of my geocaching partners also have this same setup as I do. We use GPXSonar for the geocaching part and Mapopolis for the mapping part. Mapopolis makes a conversion utility which puts the caches on your Mapopolis maps for you when you download GPX files. You also use these same gpx files for GPXSonar. It makes for easy paperless geocaching. We love ours.


I would HIGHLY recommend that you get a CF GPS card instead of a bluetooth GPS for geocaching purposes. The DELL X50 has a CF slot along with a SD slot (which is where you need to store your maps and geocaching queries on). This way your Axim powers the GPS and it's all in one piece after you slide the GPS card in. If you email me, I'll send you a pic of this combination.


Also, as I have stated in several other forums similar to this one, I highly recommend a drypak to protect your investment. This bag has saved my PDA from the elements countless times. You need to remember that a PDA is not as durable as a regular GPS is when out on the trails. Here is a link to it.






I have an Ipaq 3955 and I use Geocaching Swiss Army Knife on my computer to send my GPX files to my handheld as an HTML file and view it in Pocket Internet Explorer. This setup works better than either GPXSonar or GPXview and I've since deleted both of them. I also have Mapopolis installed and use the GpxtoMaplet program to convert my GPX files to pushpins on the maps. The program will then route you right to them.

Posted (edited)

Why does the HTML file work better than GPXSONAR? I've ben using the latter and it seems to offer more search, indexing and data spreadsheet displays. Am I missing something? Tks.

Edited by Alan2
Has anybody tried tomtom ? I'm considering buying a bluetooth or CF GPS module to my PDA and I need a mapping program too. I know Tomtom is a road navigator but is it usable for caching too (outside roads)?

Any better/alternative software to use in Europe?

Check out the forums and articles at this site. gpspassion.com


I use a Palm M515 with a Magellan Companion, with the Magellan Nav Com software installed on the palm. I've had a lot of luck with it, and it appears to be almost as dependable as my Magellan Meridian Platinum.

I also have Delorme Xmap installed on the PDA and it works pretty well for street level accuracy, though it sux for any kind of geocaching.


Thin air


Check out the forums and articles at this site. gpspassion.com

Thanks for the link, a lot of information I needed and also some I didn't know I needed :huh:


All but one of my finds with a Compaq 3765 using an external battery pack with CF slot for the CF gps.

Delorme pocket street atlas (doesn't show the trail but does give a better direction arrow and proximity screen than the Garmin 12XL that I used for my other find)


I also use GSAK to generate a html file and use pocket explorer to read the pages.

The only problem so far is Delorme doesn't have any way to import maps or pictures to make a map from and when you are in Antarctica the program refuses to put a "you are here" dot on the map :lol: It will still tell me that I am 305 feet east of my destination but it is not quite as useful as it is when I am in the USA.


With only 3 caches within walking distance I think it will work OK though...


The external battery is great, I have used the GPS for 7 hours straight with the backlight on and not run the battery down. I can also plug it in and recharge it while I am driving. The only AA batteries I carry are for my headlamp. :(




I use a Garmin Vista and just aquired a palm i705 from my wife who likes her older palm III better. So can I hook my Vista to the palm for a bigger screen like I can with Mapsource tracking on the laptop? Also, I have mapsource topo for the vista. Is there any good city software for the palm?

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